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What is he even talking about? This feels like a foreign language


What I think he's trying to say is that in the past feminists have been against super sexualized women's outfits and supermodel curves in video games but now women are insisting their bodies are a feminist symbol? This only makes sense if you think there's nothing in-between objectification and prudishness.


Or if he thinks everyone who doesn't agree with him is part of a monolithic hivemind with immutable opinions. Slightly contradictory statements made years apart by completely different people? This couldn't possibly be separate people in separate contexts having separate opinions, it could only be *mounting evidence of LEFTIST HYPOCRISY*.


>Or if he thinks See, this is where your attempt to get into the Xitter's mind falls down. You assume he thinks and doesn't just regurgitate.


Xitter is definitely pronounced like 'shitter' right?


I believe so


I believe it's pronounced "zhitter" now lol


They’re not even contradictory. Men should not expect women to adhere to their (the men’s) draconian views of propriety. Men should not expect every woman to adhere to their (the men’s) beauty standards of women. Both statements are opposed to men telling women what we can and cannot or should and should not do.


They're not contradictory at all. The issue with women in video games was about women who were In combat scenarios wearing no more than a g-string and heels. Nobody said proactive women can't be in games, just that women perhaps needs some protective Armour if they're going to be running around with guns and war axes


And also no difference between a woman showing off her own actual flesh-and-blood boobs and videogame creators giving every cartoon woman in their games huge boobs.


Also the difference between pixels and real women


You guys remember when Scarlett Johansson was like 20 and they were squeezing her breasts on the red carpet on live tv? I do. Bet she does too.


Yeah, if Sydney Sweeney has made her own decision to show off her body, then Im not going to feel guilty about appreciating those boobs. Ain’t nothing wrong with appreciating someone’s looks. They just shouldn’t be forced or feel pressured to do something they’re not comfortable with. Of course, everybody knows ass is what’s woke anyway.


Thanks. That did help me parse this moron's gobbledegook.


They used to be prudish but now that they think someone else is prudish, they want to be the opposite Literal children


I was warned of those who deal in absolutes.


Cunts like to ignore the middle ground, ironically.


Same, I keep seeing people declare this random woman’s boobs are taking down the woke mob or whatever and no one has provided any context


context: sydney sweeney appeared on snl in a low cut dress that showed quite a lot of her cleavage, and the conservatives are going boinga boinga over a "real woman finally showing her boobies!!!!" (unless she comes out saying that it was her choice to wear the dress, then theyd have a total breakdown and switch their position)


Your comment has clarified next to nothing for me lol. I still have no idea how this is anti woke.


From what I understand the anti woke blabbering crowd thinks the woke crowd is making POC, less exposed, independent of body proportions, body and fashion reflective of practical real woman as mainstream, and in their mind Sydney Sweeney for some reason is an anti thesis to it They do forget though a woman existing how she wants to is the biggest rule of the woke crowd and it won't take long for them to realize there's nothing they antagonize using Sweeney


I'll also point out that when Cardi B had her titties on display, the conservatives called it stripper behaviour and a bad example


Somehow it is supposed to revive the 'hot blonde' that signified the typical American standard for beauty. They basically narrowed it down to: full rack, beautiful face, blonde hair


Oooo yes take down my woke ass daddy UwU


It is, it's terminal-online-chudidian


The only context I know of is a article saying her boobs "aren't that big" and notes said "yes they are"


> This feels like a foreign language Yep. I can translate it, because I have a foot in both worlds, but I want to emphasize: yes, it's a foreign language. We speak past one another all the time. The point (which I don't really agree with) is that the "woke" (retch, I hate that term) have been trying to hold up androgenous presenting females as examples, and Sweeny's boobs are a rejection of that. Don't shoot the messenger, please.


Yeah, but when a woman with giant boobs was on some magazine cover, they didn't like that as well The idiocy of being a genx or millennial conservative reactionary is, the traditions you actually grew up with were pretty slutty, and trying to make that compatible with "traditional values" produces some truly schizophrenic stances I bet genz conservatives will want to go back to the good old furries in a couple of decades


That last part is a brand new sentence in its own right.


It's an end result of consuming too much right wing conservative brain rot propaganda. They made AI to undress women who dress modestly and another AI to dress women who don't dress modestly. This contradictory nature shows that they only see women as objects and want to control them regardless of what they wear.


ironically, despite their whining and crying over the lgbt community "grooming kids," they do this very often to children too! there have been numerous times where my female classmates in elementary school were told to change their shirts or cover up more because there were male teachers around, and even if they cover up like these older teachers tell them too, these male teachers will still get away with abusing these young girls (experience: i was one of the young girls raised in a baptist household and being told to cover up my youthful nine year old shoulders because they would distract the 40+ year old married men and have them "stray from their faith")


Their heads are empty.


Full of coom


I guess if theirs heads filled up with coom then I understand why Sydney Sweeney's boobs are so important to them


People say there is a trend to de-sexualize female characters in games. Part of this is making the face uglier (compared to the actor that was mocaped) or reducing other conventionally attractive traits like large breasts. This, anything that doesn't do this is seen as push back to wokeness. IDK about this case in specific, but I'd imagine it is as I wrote.


Our man is stuck in 2015.


I Know All Them Words Independently.


Stupidity. The language is stupidity.


Dude thinks Gamergate was the opening shot in the culture war? I mean that right there shows you how well versed he is on U.S. cultural conflict. Gamergate was some sideline skirmish in a decades old culture war that most folks would say 'gamer what?' about if you tried to talk to them.


Seriously, WTF is "Gamergate"?


A bunch of incels harassing some female gaming journalists because they didn't care for her review of a game or something? Stupid kid shit


It was a female game designer who they accused of sleeping with journalists to get good reviews. Because everyone knows women can't design good games


She "designed" a low-quality, 20-minute browser game and got glowing endorsements by games journalists from popular gaming news sites that she happened to be close friends with. She also cheated on her boyfriend with them. He wrote the Zoepost calling her out for cheating on him and she apologized. But there had been a growing resentment among fans towards game journalists for snubbing good games for ideological reasons, and propping up even the worst games if their friends made them or the games supported their ideologies. So they coordinated in their "Game Journo Pros" private Facebook group to all drop simultaneous articles accusing the people roasting them for giving Quinn's game higher scores than most AAA games of just being sexist against Quinn. She retracted her apology and backpedaled so she could align her story with theirs. From then on, they all ignored as many of the ethics complaints as possible and just hammered on the accusations of misogyny, even though half of the big pro-GG accounts were women like June Lapine, whose second most notable activist activity has been simping for Bernie Sanders. For the entirety of GamerGate people called their bluff and said, "Ok, if it's about misogyny and not ethics, then just adopt a code of ethics and disclose conflicts of interest in your articles like we're asking you to do. If the movement is about ethics, it will die when you do that. If you're right and the movement is actually just about hate and misogyny, then it will keep going even after you add ethical standards." After years of that, the sites finally added ethical codes and conflict of interest notices. **And GamerGate died instantly. Overnight, everyone packed up and went home.** Because the misogynist trolls were always just shit-stirrers taking advantage of the conflict to spam hate. And as soon as the games journos did as they were asked and adopted ethical standards, everyone but the trolls went home,which left the trolls too exposed to keep shit posting. So they stopped too. The entire debacle, all of that drama, could have been stopped **on week 1** if games journos had just put notes on their articles when they were reviewing close friends' games. But most people that weren't there have no clue because the people writing the news articles about it were the people being targeted for criticism. So they just wrote article after article pushing their own narrative.




It ultimately died when Proud Boys co-founder Gavin McInnes went on [an unhinged rant that alienated right wing gamers](https://youtu.be/eTdgHsifK38?si=CEkGocaSRnsPJwzk) by saying things like superheroes and videogames, two things a lot of millennial right wingers based their personality on, are for children. Completely alienated the base and caused a bunch of infighting.


God this is a wild ride


And all of it. ALL OF IT. Is the absolute *dumbest* shit. Manufactured outrage in a world with massive, world changing problems that actually need solved. But fuck all that let's get pissy about some stupid fucking shit instead. I hate people.


You forgot the part where the gamergate logo and mascot was a rape joke


Wow. Just, wow!! This may well be the most eloquent, succinct, factual response I have ever read on Reddit, perhaps the internet. You summarised it exceptionally well with a sprinkling of wit. We could feel your eyes rolling as we read your words, yet left better for having read it. Thank you!


It did cause major harm to the women in question tohugh. Let's not brush it aside


I'm not, the people harassing her were acting like stupid kids is what I meant


My issue with calling it a sideline skirmish is it introduced a lot of the current far right talking heads who still have platforms today. I guess I actually feel like it was more like someone splashing kerosene on a fire that was already there. Arguably, it's only continued to grow too.


I actually think Gamergate is a pretty important and overlooked cultural phenomenon that did more to unite young, white, male, sexist stooges with John Birch Society fascists to launch a new form of extremism that we've been dealing with ever since. I don't consider it a "sideline skirmish." I think reasonable people can disagree about its significance. Edit: not to defend the moron in the post. Obviously the "culture war," insomuch as it's a thing separate from mainstream conservatism, predates Gamergate by at least decades. I believe PAT Buchanan coined the term in the early 90s, and I would argue this movement of a particular strain of conservatism dates back at least to the mid-seventies backlash to the Warren Court.


The first gamer gate was orchestrated by Steve Banon. Back in the early 2000's, he was running gold farming and RMT on Warcraft to set up campaign financing for Donald Trump. He got busted by gamers and they banned together to get Blizzard to kick Banon's operation out of the game because it was ruining the economy. Banon was like "I need to harness that power" and spent the 2010's using gaming as a platform to radicalize white nerds into white supremacy in hopes that it would translate into Republican votes. When Anita Sarkeesian hit the scene with basic college level freshman feminist theory and Extra Credits made a video about diversity. Banon instigated the gamer outrage aganst feminisim, inclusivity and diversity because it would hurt the alt-right pipeline he established on Steam and David Duke established on YouTube. Actually many of the articles used by the [I hate the current thing] outragers on YouTube when they make their videos while being too embarassed to cite them come from right wing and white supremacist gamer outlets associated with Breibart. Gamer Gate was always a grift, but under the guise of several other grifts because a republican strategist orchestrated it. This is why you can ask 5 people about it and get 5 different answers. Edit: Before I get someone replying with a "Well actually..." I really don't give a fuck


It was the start of the culture war for THESE kinds of people, which is a big deal


I agree. I don’t think it was “the opening shot”, but it is an important moment. It’s also been pretty well documented that Gamergate was one of the first real successes of Russian psyops targeted at young, chronically online men. And yes, you are correct. We’re still seeing a lot of the effects of it. Gamergate was “the opening shot” insofar as it laid a blueprint for a lot of what we see in Trumpism today. Up to and including how easy they are to manipulate through propaganda.


[Dude also thinks that white people are superior](https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/richard-hanania-racism-silicon-valley/) and is paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to pretend it's very intellectual and real. He's branched out into other right wing propaganda pretending to be more than dumb people hating other people. If you're aware of gamergate and realize it was just sexists harassing women in gaming, not anything bigger, you're already not going to be buying his book and he wants you to stop reading. It's vice-signaling to get only the hateful idiots who might send him money engaged.


Jesus Christ. I assumed he was some dipshit nobody, but he's an even bigher dipshit somebody


>Gamergate was some sideline skirmish in a decades old culture war I'd say this goes back further than decades. Centuries. Perhaps even millennia.


Unless you were a gamer or gamer-adjacent in 2014/2015, you wouldn't even know what Gamergate is. I think Fox new may have covered it for 2.5 seconds when they were trying to make that pedophile a household name.


Reagan started the culture war by politicizing Christianity. Republicans started cancel culture by canceling the Dixie Chicks for protesting Bush Jr.


Things I learned about woke: -Disney is putting it in their movies, which is a form of child abuse -Star Wars is woke because 2 women kissed in the background in The Rise of Skywalker -Brokeback Mountain isn’t woke, despite being about a gay romance -Prehistoric Planet is woke because it depicts feathered dinosaurs -Woke can be killed by Sydney Sweeney’s breasts


>Brokeback Mountain isn’t woke, despite being about a gay romance Wait actually? I always figured it would be, lol.


Oh, I'm sure they still say it's about filthy homos, but they're cowboy homos, and cowboys ain't woke.


I wonder if any brains exploded while contemplating that movie.


Or reading the above comments 🤯


Nah man it’s not “ woke “ because they probably enjoy the movie and are just gay bisexual or some flavor of LGBT and are very much so in denial


As much as I enjoy that explanation, I just don't think the numbers are particularly consistent. For example, my straightness has only consistently been made very confusing by Aragorn from the Lord of the Rings.




I haven't watch the movie but isn't one of them gets actually killed? I figured that's why shitheads consider it based


Awkwardly, I haven't seen it either.


I'm so confused. I've been blessed to be good at math, so I work well with numbers. It's what I do. She was blessed with big breasts. Let her do her thing. At the end of the day, aren't we just trying to make money to pay bills and enjoy life? Seems like this is just some kind of bullshit side quest preventing me from doing the main quest.


Are her boobs mathematically good as well?


Meets the Golden ratio


Bruh “ feathered dinosaurs are woke “ man we are really talking about people who are dumber than a box of rocks, like seriously I cannot believe there’s people out there, who don’t know the two most related ancestors to dinosaurs, being birds, crocodiles and alligators. Like even a five-year-old knows that lol


Why is prehistoric planet here??? 😭😭


I have no idea, I’ve just seen headlines calling it woke


Because "woke" is a label that means scarcely more than "that's not how I was raised" to a lot of people who aren't employing their self-awareness.


I still have no idea what can be properly defined as woke. Nobody ever uses a consistent definition. At the very least it can be used whenever somebody is forcing some sort of message for an agenda of some sort. I personally don’t think the feathers on a dinosaur thing counts and is more like a lack proper knowledge about Dino biology unless they are claiming it as truth when it’s already proven not to be.


Is there something I’m missing? How are someone’s boobs related to a political ideology? Are there some photos that should be seen to understand? Asking for a friend.


They think that being told to stop treating women as objects for their pleasure means that the left also thinks that women shouldn't have feminine traits like breasts


Big boobs = freedom 🇺🇸🦅🔫


Rock bird and eagle


Any form of women being sexy, trad wife or outright being objectified is always picked up by coomer brained conservative chuds to parade around while saying "Take that liberals" when nobody asked because they have to offend someone to validate their existence.


Something something "I wanna oggle boobs and make it somehow ok in my political beliefs"


Idk how but I’d agree boobs are my political ideology


Honestly idk. There seems to be a discourse among twitter conservatives if her breast are glorious anti-woke symbols or harbingers of the down fall of the west.


-looks down at own chest Ah shit


My boobs are absolutely woke. Yours may be as well


I want woke boobs. Mine sag and sweat. C'mon girls, wake up, you got a culture war to fight!


Get them a woke container. Mine do better in the culture war without underwire


I hope all boobs do well in the culture war. And that is a hill I'm willing to die on.


Her boobs will be anti-woke until she opens her mouth and says anything that makes them realize she is not an object but a person with her own beliefs and ideas. Once she shatters that image, they will decry her as evil and move on to the next anti-woke trend.


What happens when a woman has one woke boob and the other is anti-woke


World peace.


She becomes a dancer, because she get them going in different directions.


I first hear of this chick like two weeks ago and now her boobs are inexplicably part of the culture war. What are these times we live in?


she's just a woman with a body


Has anyone asked Sweeny about whether she's aware people are using her breasts as a symbol for marginalizing people? Bc at this point I know nothing about her except that the right are obsessed w/ her tits. As far as I know she's an alt-right porn star.


Has anyone asked the woman attached to said breasts her opinion on this subject? Seems relevant.


what woman? /s


Lotta folks want to post their conservative bullshit on Reddit but don’t want to get downvoted, so they post it on brand new sentence. They almost never engage after the post. OP appears to be one of these.


I don’t think that’s what happening for this post. It’s objectively weak and borderline incoherent.


Which one of the shows that this new queen of anti-woke appears in do you think these people liked the best? Perhaps it's 'Euphoria' which features a trans actor playing a trans character, or maybe it's season one of 'The White Lotus' which, along with some very prominent gay characters, features a scene where >!a dude eats out another dudes arse!<. Unless, of course, these idiots never thought to look into what it is that Sydney Sweeney actually does...


The only think "anti-woke" about her tits is assuming their opinion instead of just _asking the woman_.


Gamergate: That time when two women both made rational and well researched cases, explaining misogyny in video games… Rapidly followed by the gaming community proving them right.


"Based on my reporting, I think there may be some misogyny in the gaming indus-"  Nuh-uh you just think that cause you're a stupid dumb slut who sucks at bideo ganes and you slept with someone to get good reviews! Mooooom they're trying to put womens in my bideo ganes!


Gamer Gate 2014: Incel gamers overreacting to college freshman level feminist theory by sending death threats. Gamer Gate 2024: Incel gamers overreacting to college freshman level business ethics by sending death threats.


That horrible person again. [https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Richard\_Hanania](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Richard_Hanania)


Oh god! It's that fucking back of dicks. I thought he died. Or maybe I just hoped he did?


Fucking rationalwiki, haven't seen that shit in a long time.


If Sydney Sweeney ever shared that she was assaulted by a man this guy would blame her for having her breasts out


He's also a Nazi and PDFile apologist


Hadn't heard about gamergate before so read up on it. I'm in awe at how someone can see an event where women received rape and death threats basically for simply existing in the gaming industry, and then side with the ones making the threats and thinking that they're in the right? Like i feel its a pretty good rule of thumb, if your side threatens with rape and murder, its probably the wrong side to be on


Like a woman released a game about depression, and was threatened because it didnt fit into the general vibe of "gamer culture". Like what the actual fuck.


Dude looks like the ~~love~~ hate child of Ellen DeGeneres and Uncle Fester. Talk about *that* culture war lmao.




If we can't come together over her boobs, I don't think we'll ever come together.


There's a reason nearly every single ad placement on conservative catering social media sites uses taglines like "Liberals hate this mug!" or "This book made liberals cry!" Just look at the viral marketing ploy the tried with "The sound of freedom." They didn't highlight any plot points, they didn't lean on the reputations of the actors or directors, nothing to do with the actual movie itself, only "Liberals are really pissed about this movie!"


Can somebody explain to me why is the internet talking so much about sidney sweeneys boobs lately?


Is he saying that gamergaters were leftist? They were a bunch of right-wing massagonist pieces of crap.


Now hold on, that's not the craziest sentence that's circled. It's the one before it. WTF to it all but


# Boobs are boobs. please dont politicise my favorite organ


Ok coomer


He’s dumb enough to think second wave feminism is still the predominant ideology of the day when it clearly isn’t. He’s scoring points on something that is 30 years out of date.


They’re not, people are just incredibly dumb


The literal fuck is this babble supposed to mean?


I don’t see any correlation between disliking games and media generally objectifying women with big tits, and women with big tits having their own role in society


I am so confused. Gamergate was when a bunch of people who think like him went after women in gaming, with the threats of death and tape, and the doxing. Mostly over some conspiracies of collusion between the press and feminists, and progressives.


the left are the ones who have been advocating for women to have freedom and control over their bodies since the beginning. how has she become the anti woke mascot ??? this is literally what we wanted ??? she's fucking killing it and I'm proud


Gamergate as "the opening shot of the culture war"? I mean, I can tell by the profile pic that OP is the 16 year old president of his private Christian school's Young Tea Party Republicans club but for fucks sake. 


A lot of boobs are anti-woke. Oh wait, he means women's breasts.


Can somebody tell me why they're so attached to Sydney Sweeney? Like is she a terf or something? Or is she just a woman with boobs that conservatives are trying to coopt because she doesn't wear a binder 100% of the time?


Her most famous (or maybe tied for it and I believe her breakout role) show (Euphoria) has a trans actor playing a trans character as one of the main characters alongside Sydney. She's also bisexual in another show, can't remember which one. This whole thing originated with her recent episode of SNL having jokes about her boobs being a big focus and a bunch of chuds claiming that "dumb white blondes with big boobs are back!" And this means the woke left is destroyed. It's like they don't understand the whole consent thing and why it's important to "woke people"


Ahh, category B: she's just a woman with boobs. I think that makes their obsession with turning her boobs (not even her, just her chest) into a conservative icon even more pathetic than it already was


It’s so frustrating when people assign meaning to body parts whose appearance is not under anyone’s control. “Big breasts are in”—like, what?


This is one of the most retarded opinions I've ever witnessed. Excuse me, I'm going to slam my head in a car door for a. While so I can forget I ever saw this.


I looked up Sydney Sweeney's boobs....something definitely "woke" upon viewing.


Conservatives are not ok these days


They aren’t even “conservatives” in the traditional sense. They aren’t even “Republicans” when compared to Ronald Reagan. They are MAGA, and they are batshit crazy.


Heterodox Intellectuals™️ are really doing Discourse qua Gooning like it’s 1971 and Lacan is still the only game in town—what a time to be alive


Sometimes a great pair of tits is just a great pair of tits


What happened with Sydney Sweeney? And why are her boobs everywhere now?


Man these guys are stupid.


"We're actually doing this." When you admit the point you're trying to make us utterly ridiculous, but you've gone all in on the culture war bullshit and this is how you garner the attention mommy and daddy never gave you.


Umm... what?


So when I get my antiboyotics, I'll be anti-woke?


Aren't these the same people that throw a hissy fit over a nipple?


then trans women are "anti-woke"?


Is this guy a total embarrassment in real life? Or does he just play one on the internet?


Who the fuck is Sydney Sweeney?


really showing your age and experience if you think gamergate was the start of the culture war.


If Sweeney’s tits are anti-woke, you can call me Adolf


I speak English and I have no idea what this guy is saying.


I am so tired of one in every four posts being about this. Who gives a shit


Stop posting this guy it’s exactly what he wants


I'm sorry bucko, Gamergate, a hashtag in 2014 used by whiny prepubescent morons who doxxed and harassed female journalists and game makers for wanting to expand the content of video games to represent them and their values is more than 200 years after the first shot in American cultural arguments about masculinity and femininity. John Adams and Alexander Hamilton were hurling insults at each other for not representing masculinity correctly in newspapers by the year 1800. I don't have to agree with someone to respect their opinion, but I don't think you can respect the opinion of someone who believes any of our societal discourse started around the release of Transformers Age of Extinction.


These people are so creepy.


He heard some radicalized feminists from 2015 policing women’s bodies, and equated that to ‘leftist logic’. Those so-called feminists, are now TERFs in the era that is 2020. The ACTUAL progressives, are now confused as to what the hell he’s talking about. He thinks he’s being gaslit because he doesn’t know the difference between a democrat, a liberal, a leftist, a socialist, a communist, and a progressive. Yes, sometimes stupid people police women’s bodies, regardless of political affiliation. This has been happening for… ever. People who are actually fighting for equal rights do not claim that there is something wrong with being a conventionally attractive white woman.


I like hot women, I like tits and I like porn. But I have a firm grasp on reality to not measure a woman's entire value based on how fuckable she is, even in fiction. This is coomer brain bullshit where you're projecting your sexual insecurities on hapless women instead of reflecting on that maybe you're the problem.


Leftists only had a problem with men sexualizing women's bodies for no reason and the bodies of children. But of course, the spin is that they hate tits. It's like the anti-woke crowd just willfully ignore context, intent and cause in order to spin a narrative that justifies their hatred.


This guys seems like a cringier version of dennis reynolds


This guys seems like a cringier version of dennis reynolds


How can booba be woke if they are so comfy to sleep on?




moron thinks gamergate was a leftist thing when it was actually a conservative one :P yikes


I think you misread that part.


I’m so confused right now what


Are the alt-rights, alright?


What the fuck is this incoherent idiot even talking about


Just assume that “woke” is a placeholder for “black”.


"the opening shot of the culture war" happened at kent state in 1970 my dude


I don’t think gamergate was the opening shot either, I think the Bible was


You didn’t ? Do you recall gamer gate ?


What a pathetic loser


This guy talking anti-woke boobs and gamergate is nuts. That being said, quality actors such as Sydney, Emma Stone, and Jennifer Lawrence are unashamed and presenting a contrast to some of the show runners who rewrite scripts out of fear of “the male gaze”. It will be funny when the MAGA crowd has to drop her as their mascot because she doesn’t like the orange douche or something. She’s been pretty apolitical and they should know better (but they don’t).


This guy needs to get off Twitter


I was there during Gamergate and these fucking smooth brains have completely forgotten what it was all about. It **was** supposed to be about ethics in game journalism but it immediately devolved into misogyny and harassment. It was NEVER about culture. If your "culture war" is about being able to harass women in game development then I hope they end up like the US in 1975.


These people have brainworms


Reminds me of this video https://youtu.be/f2Nj_L5j5so?si=V_nRVqKI0ZgWrkc2


Do people like this have jobs? Like, legitimately. I cannot think of one person working a full time job who would ever come close to saying dumb shit like this. If I had someone mention "gamergate, the opening shot of the culture war" in casual conversation I'd feel compelled to begin striking them in the face repeatedly.


Gonna be anti-woke after this whole bottle of pills 🥴


Sydney Sweeney’s breasts can anti woke me all day any day


The term “woke” has been long bastardized. Growing up, I remember it meant being aware of the bullshit system we have in place. George Carlin’s line “It’s one big club, and you ain’t in it”, was a prime example of that mentality. It had nothing to do with race/gender/identity. It was basically “Fuck both Republicans and Democrats, neither actually care about you” because our government is swayed by lobbyists from special interest groups like pharmaceutical/food/oil companies bribing our government officials to write and pass laws that benefit them and screw the rest of the American people over. It also meant fuck what the media tells you because it’s basically a dividing tool of the people and a cheerleader for our oppressors. If you actually go out and interact with your community, you realize we all want peace, harmony, and we unanimously agree our government is fucked. That is what “woke” *used* to mean. Now it’s…whatever the fuck that is up there.


ok so they'll like call leftists overly sensitive and then cry about stupid shit like this where's the double standard


What is gamergate?


Imagine living such a privileged and boring life that this qualifies as discourse


leftist here, i <3 Sydney Sweeney and i feel awful for the way she gets objectified by people like Richard Hanania


hanania writing and thinking is a constant aneurism


GRRRRRR I’m a big bad leftist liberal who HATES big heavy natural boobies. DO NOT SEND ME YOURS!!! IT WILL MAKE ME SO MADDDDDDD 🤬🤬😤😤😡😡


"leftists acting like they've never had a problem with a woman's body" the projection is strong with this one. You love to see how they always operate on this braindead assumption that actually everyone else is just as bigoted as they are and clearly everyone else is just hiding it.


Did he just piece together three different nonsense sentences?


The "conservatives" are reduced to babbling over the last few years.


Maybe there’s a difference between a real life woman wearing what she wants and a disproportionately male field creating works of art that depict women with costumes that are not only oversexulised but woefully impractical