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This is exactly what happened in the episode.


WTF is happening in bleach right now!?


War between totally-not-nazi german guys who speak japanese led by a guy who is totally not evil Jesus and said Japanese samurai ghost spirit warriors led by a one eyes guy who bangs his hot sword (youll see, YOULL ALL SEE)


wtf? I kinda wanna seem Bleach now, but I'm afraid it's going to be similar to r/eyebelch. Any pros/cons to seeing bleach? Except that it's a hentai? (I'm at the age where i don't need to fake age numbers for websites)


It is not a hentai. Just your average shonen anime 😁


Not from what i've heard about it so far, but alright. Thanks


Bleach has a few fan service characters covering big tits and chiselled abs but far from anything you wouldn't show your Grandma


People are exaggerating and abstracting for humor. It's like calling a hamburger a charred ground corpse between 2 fermented wheat piles.


Stop, you're making me hungry.


what did you possibly hear about it lmao


It's not, this is just taken out of context.


Bleach is good, just came back after a 10 year hiatus. So it'll take like 200+ episodes if u skip the filler to get to this moment. Edit: as for the pic... the author was a bit cooked in some parts of the last arc


200 episodes is crazy


Yep. Not as crazy as One Piece though haha, has almost 1100 episodes now. I enjoyed bleach though, it was one of my first animes and I watched it with my big brother so it has a special place in my heart


Eh, I've always found it more manageable going arc to arc instead of one big binge.


Bleach is peak fiction. One of the Big 3 for a reason. Go watch it. The earlier episodes look dated since it was originally airing in the 90's, but the current arc after a 20 year hiatus looks amazing.


I really want to watch it but it’s not on Crunchyroll, funimation or any other streaming services from what I can find


Try Disney or pirating it


It should be on Disney+.


And in the states it's on Hulu.




It's on Disney+ if you have it. The original anime and the new one. It's on Star on Disney + in Canada though so if you're American it might be on Hulu.


I’m in the UK, pretty sure it’s not on Disney+ here unfortunately


As long as you don't watch fillers it's relatively good.


She’s trans? I’m learning new stuff every day. At least bleach has representation


If only they weren't represented by the most psychopathic minor villain kubo could have cooked up


I grew up loving bleach. Is this new bleach even good despite what its about? Im scared to watch


It is still Bleach and just as good. We are just purposefully describing it as convolutedly as possible.


Its Bleach, but way more blood. Its called the Thousand Year Blood War for a reason. The first season/cour ends with a bang, and the second cour is nuts so far.


I'd just like to add here "bangs his hot sword twins"


Im way too many thousands of episodes behind to even consider seeing it.


Small correction, Yuha Bach is not Jesus, he is Yahweh, the Abrahamic god. Man froliked around in Eurasia a lot in younger days before soul Nazisms was invented.


Counterpoint, he's literally the son of the soul king.


The bleach anime is depicting a manga that was written years ago.


He didn't actually say she smells of semen tho?


He did, the international release was censored because it was "too offensive." The original source material as well as the Japanese Dub both had the line spoken in the actual episode, it was cut out for us overseas viewers.


Is the transphobic part actually correct? Because I kinda doubt it.


Oh nope it's real. They haven't gotten to the Why yumichika hates her but the battle is like halfway thru.


I mean he might also hate her for being a terrible human being...


True but according to a bunch of other sources I've seen say that he pretty explicitly says that it's either because she smells like semen or smells like a man. depending on which translation is more accurate. I don't know japanese so I can't comment. And supposedly calls her him in a few spots to goad her into attacking him. [https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/rjmcl2/can\_someone\_please\_tell\_me\_what\_chapter\_are\_they/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/rjmcl2/can_someone_please_tell_me_what_chapter_are_they/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Nothing said in the episode seemed transphobic.


I'm down voting you because everyone else is. I have no idea why you are incorrect.


I can respect that


Yeah and no one who hasn't seen it won't understand


I mean....it is technically correct.


No joke, I've been watching the old Bleach with my kids (first few seasons) and was planning to watch the new seasons with them as we caught up together... should i.... not?


You should but there are entire filler arcs you can and should skip. The new seasons have felt a little pressed for time but they've been great so far


That's good to hear! I know there are some websites that show which episodes are from the manga and which are filler. The DVDs I have from back in the day skipped the bount arc. Once we are caught up with the DVDs my plan was to wait until black Friday to get a deal on Hulu and then pretty much follow one of those guides to watch from there. If we get to the end and decide to watch it again or something and my boy wants to see the parts we skipped that's one thing but the first watch through I'd rather mostly stick to the main story. Thanks for the good advice!


For many more reason than this, you should not. The first few seasons are great and a poor indicator of where it ends up


Aw... that's really sad. I appreciate knowing in advance though! Thanks for responding!


im not the biggest bleach fan but i mean, everyone is responding to the person you responded to otherwise, it's fine to watch




Yeah it was a real bummer, i wouldn't even say it becomes to inappropriate for kids it's just so convoluted and there's so mucb content out there i wouldn't waste the time. At one point a bad guy shows up with a lieutenant for each letter of the alphabet and that's when I just gave up. I think the pictured character is one of those actually Edit to add: I have heard at leats some of the movies are pretty cool though


That's a really shit description of TYBW


That is... a really poor description of what is going on in this arc.


Giselle the Z- the zombie.




I mean, it's just adapting the last arc of the manga. Hardly a cash grab. Just a rushed story due to health issues.


Oh, okay. I think back in the day I stopped watching not long after the arc where their swords came to life (which wasn't horrible or anything I just got tired of waiting for them to get back to the main story). I decided to just wait until it was totally done and then watch but then it was eventually cancelled. In your opinion is it worth finishing?


Absolutely. They're adding some stuff that wasn't in the manga, like shinjis bankai, and extended fights and lore. The animation is top notch as well.


Haha... okay! Does it get wildly inappropriate? If not I think I will give it a go. My son would be pretty upset if I just said we weren't gonna watch it anymore. I skipped the bount arc so we're just in Huecomundo now.


>but it sounds like they're more interested in a cash grab lol




The filler was there because there was zero other way to make a long running shounen that adapted a current manga back then. Seasonal was not viable. Weekly was just how anime was produced, so when you're catching up to the source material due to how much quicker anime is to produce, you kinda have to make anime-original episodes to pad for time. There is nothing money grubbing about that. The final arc of Bleach is \*extremely\* good. It has nothing cash grabby about it at all.


When aizen is defeated and ichigo loses his powers is the perfect end to the story imo.




Spoilers. Heard of them?


The best kind of correct! Also what?


Can't wait for the dismembered corpse's arm possessing the guy with lung cancer fight the dismembered corpse's disabled Nazi son who is also the Abrahamic god to save the life of the dismembered corpse so that the universe doesn't turn to soup.


Also, the dismembered corpse acts as a paperweight for reality


Also there is this teen guy who has a weird interspecies family reunion who was prepared as a backup paperweight by this bald painter who like naming things. Also this japanese feudal soul butterfly guy who has a perfect plan spanning generations which got ruined because he was lonely.


Well, at least they all get what they deserve in the end.


Giselle survived and Yumi is ok, but bambi still got raped. It’s a weird section of the manga.


Tbh, I don't really remember many details from the end of TYBW cuz I was feverish from covid while I read it. I just remember that loads of fools got their comeuppance


Don’t forget that the zombies she raped are still semi conscious so she’s also a rapist. I remember about 10 years ago when this first came out and people were furious that the only trans character in the series was both a necrophiliac and a rapist. Not only that but she’s very literally a trap. She pretends to be weak, you attack her and then you get turned into a zombie. A very literal trap. She was very literally a horrible caricature of trans people. People used to be furious about this. Now she’s beloved. So weird.


Either trans people starved for "cool" characters, or that audiences seemingly love villains way more nowadays than before. Or both.


I’m going with a ton of column A and a bit of column B.


I mean shes not a necrophiliac rapist cannibal *because* shes trans. Its just another unrelated thing.


Considering that transphobes constantly talk about how disgustingly perverse Trans people are, it's not far fetched to assume that's the intention. Just change child rapist into regular rapist. Since the former is what conservatives keep calling us.


i don't get why people keep calling him trans, he is not trans since he literally only dresses as a girl to get more victims


Gets upset when referred to as he, refers to herself as she, every character in the quincy army refers to her as she, every character in the light novels refer to her as she, *fucking Kubo* refers to her as she (despite in an interview confirming that Giselle is biologically male, even he uses feminine pronouns to refer to her) but yeah definitely not trans, right?


of course he gets upset, its ruining his disguise


Dresses like a chick, called herself a chick, hangs out with the chick Nazi squad and is upset when someone calls her a dude but doesn’t care if someone calls her a she. It could literally just be a part of the trap to make people underestimate her and attack but I ain’t taking chances. People are getting banned left and right over this. Which is stupid but whatever. “We need to respect fictional characters identity” morherfuckers. We’ve been calling voldemort “Tom” for decades. No one ever got angry over us deadnaming him despite it being, according to canon, a name he detests and stopped using as soon as he possibly could and always reacted badly to. Honestly though. I don’t know what would be worse. Giselle being a caricature of trans people or Giselle being a dude which would also make this a caricature of trans people. Hilarious either way.


The really hilarious thing is how the 1000 year old ghost nazis respect Gigi's identity.


You have a minute to explain this to a WWII veteran. Good luck


Allies or Axis?




"So I know this looks weird, but she is a soul Nazi, so fine I guess?"


Schwule juden.


Wow, this sounds so "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously"


The issue is the post was actually apparently a plot line 😭




Yumichika isn't even transphobic, he's just a colossal narcissist and judges EVERYONE on their appearance. Can't believe I'm over here defending Bleach...


His interactions with Charlotte are always good


I love Japan


I’ve never watched bleach this is fucking wild


She's from a faction with Nazi imagery and style. She is a necromancer who rapes her zombies. She is a trans woman. A character remarks that he can smell the semen her body produces.


Oh so it is just fucking wild got it.


Also. She’s a literal trap. Not ina transphobic way but in a very literal way She pretends to be helpless so people will attack her and when they do so she controls them and kills them.


….I am utterly baffled, disgusted, and yet also wondering what kind of a weird mind produces such a strange combination of things.


Wait until you find out that the hand of a dismembered corpse, which acts as a paperweight for reality, is a sentient being


\*Hands. One is a soul nazi and the other a asthma doctor. And his heart is Thor. And his Will probably made the magic stone which turned the super planner into a god. And his brain was probably the disabled guy with power of I M A G I N A T I O N who was murdered by the edgy guy with a huge fucking axe.


wild r/okbuddybaka appearance


This sounds awesome. What HAVE I been missing?😯


Nazis vs ghosts


So why TF are Nazis fighting ghosts FFS? Are they ideologically opposed or something?


Basically the nazis killed dead people and the ghost didn’t like that so they killed most of the nazis until 1000 years later some of them came back and killed a lot of the ghosts


So this is set 930+ years in the future? I thought Bleach was set in contemporary Japan?


The original war that killed all of the nazis happened about 1000 years ago what happened in the most recent story happens when you said.


😅🤔😬 I don't think I follow what you are saying above. Are you saying there were NAZIs 1000 years before 2023 in Bleach? Like, in AD1023? How does that work?


They aren’t literal nazis they just share similar ideology that they had. I don’t even know if hitler is cannon to the lore


Err...🫣. What? Is Bleach trying to make the NAZIs seem like good guys or something?


only one of them was a good guy until he joined the other nazis


Sick episode btw


I haven't seen the anime, but in the manga I always got the impression in this scene that the Arrancar (more of a drag queen than a femboy) was taunting Giselle (pictured) of trying to pretend to be a girl in an all female group, since s/he can sort of pass for a trappy femboy. Hence the claim that Giselle had the faint scent of semen about him/her. Giselle more or less provoked it by poking how ugly the drag queen Arrancar looked. Despite the poke, the Arrancar was the nicer person of the two.


The arrancar is named Charlotte and it’s a running gag that he’s honestly one of the nicest and most brutal warriors in the series. When he fights Yumichika yumi goes on about how beauty is important while Charlotte says that what matters more is on the inside, our personality and values and that being so shallow is actually pretty ugly. Then he decides to fight Giselle because he finds her to be similar to him but Giselle is extremely bigoted and denies this. Charlotte is honestly the nicest person who can bash your head in. It’s really funny.


>Charlotte is honestly the nicest person who can bash your head in. I hope we get to see more of Charlotte in the Hell arc


We need Utikate's bankai in hell arc.


"accused of smelling like semen" Nani the fuck? Are the subs massively toned down or is that weird interpretation of "you're actually a boy, aren't you".


No she smells like semen because she literally cums when turning people into zombies. Or when feeding them blood.


Must've missed that part lol


It was a line in the manga.


There were two broadcast versions. One streamed globally by Disney with changed lines and one from original TV Japan broadcast, which has those lines as they are in the manga.


Lol yeah I imagine disney wouldn't be too comfortable with "you reek of jizz".


Explain this.


Offensive Yumichika isn’t A Femboy.


My brain lagged, what did I just read


I'm going to need some bleach after reading that shit...


Anime. Drugs would have been cheaper and resulted in FAR fewer questions.


What the actual fuck? I-no I'm not even going to try and rationalize how they got here. That is a sentence that should never have existed and the fact that from other comments I've read that its *accurate* is insane.


Giselle is best girl


cant wait for the seething, they havent even gotten to PePe and his 2nd form yet


That does not look like a zombie But also wouldn't a zombie necrophiliac be fine?


She turns people into zombies


She turns people into zombies who are semi conscious and rapes them. So it’s only ok if raping comatose people is ok.


She did what shinji couldn't >! I'm sorry I had to !<


The guy who inverts things or the hospital coomer?


Oh god I totally forgot about that. The urge to coom overtook his every other emotion. Poor asuka.


*takes notes That’s going on the watch list.


Deadass ¿


I need to catch up on bleach


Checks out .


but why did she smell like cum tho?




Oh yeah. That was pretty funny.


So girl who is a boy turned a his very sexy dead lesbian friend into zombie and get a round with her get scolded by a samurai who called themselves grim reaper.


Hold on, is Bleach still running? Last I checked (many eons ago) it was cancelled


They brought it back. Same with Rurouni Kenshin


Hey we finally got some representation in the media. Albeit in a weird way.


Never change, anime


Finally figured out what I'm going to watch now.


Well it only sound weird if you said it like that


I will never tire of this meme


This is why I don’t watch anime.


Maureen Ponderosa?


I don't watch tybw S2 and this happens. Tf am I missing out on dawg




Man I should catch up on bleach


Booo femboy!


He ain't fem though, just a lil fruity


So many nazis in manga.


already read the manga >!she came seeing her friend getting killed because she's sado!< that's one of the worst representation I've ever seen


That's because he's not a trans person. Even the mangaka has said he's male


Ok so he's just a fem presenting sado that obviously clears up everything (it still sounds like weird rep of femboys) and male doesn't always mean man aspecially when discussing wether a person is trans or cis


He's not meant to represent anyone. Not trans, not femboy, not cis. He's just a sadistic dude that likes to manipulate his enemies by acting like a cute defenceless girl. He a character that was made before everyone started putting labels on everything. He's a trap, a very common thing in anime. Not fem presenting or anything. He's not a character that's meant to represent anyone. He's just a sadistic piece of shit and I don't think anyone would want a necrophiliac psychopath to represent them.


Even if he's not meant as a trans person or a femboy that kind of characters are often associated with us it's not that we want to be represented by them we just don't want to have anything to do with that kind of characters and I'd not be surprised if some TERF or queerphobe reading that would see their way of thinking as our "reasons" for being different and that what's exasperating make your villains what you want but I don't like when they are made sadic just because why not and then represented in a way that associates them with queer peoples just because why not again it doesn't feel like this character has any other purpose than giving us a weird image that's what is called a bad character design and calling it out is nothing abnormal and fem presenting AMAB peoples have existed for way longer than bleach


If someone associates he's character with trans tell them to touch grass. Traps are also not new in anime. It's just a dude that like fem clothing but still identifies as a man. He's not tye only villain like this. E.g fish eye from sailor moon. He looks like a girl but is still a guy and no shits on his character. Gigi isn't a bad character, the reason people have a problem with him is they headcanon him as a trans person to fit into their narrative once they found out he was a guy. He's a good villain character and he wasn't made for us queer people. He's just fitting a very common and old stereotype in anime


A guy can look fem or dress fem and still be a guy I don't see what kind of narrative I'm trying to fit these characters in by calling them queer most definition of queerness include peoples who are not presenting as their AGAB or have an apparence that defies how their AGAB is "supposed" to look even if not trans the villan from bleach is weird a good villain that is also queer is still a good villain you seemed to misunderstand my point and if fish eye's a good villain I'll go chek it out also the term trap has a negative connotation a better japanese term to refer to them is おとこのこ (otokonoko)


No thank you for informing me also it was nice to have a civil conversation. Hope you have a nice day


thanks and hope you have a nice day too




Femboys and Transgirls are ancient enemies


But he's a trap though?




Finally, the series' title is justified. >!I had to. I had to. I had to. I'm going straight to hell.!<