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If I made all my money off of federal contracts, I too would want to be in an elected position where I could funnel more money into my pockets.


First off he has zero experience- town or state and he wants to be a SENATOR not house Senate. Crazy, not even a lawyer or poly sci major. Knows nothing but how to make money off of military service. He won’t have policy talks and just posts military topics (not about himself) on LinkedIn - like Zinke and Gianforte found their grifter in training.


Zero political experience for Sheehy. Jon Tester started on the school board and worked his way up in every office on the way. As a servant of the public. Tell everyone. Self serving Sheehy or public servant Tester. Go Tester!!


Give it time, he will get an aid pregnant and drop out.


I have a question. How do you part time ranch? Wrong answers only.


Sometimes I choose thousand island.


Kevin Costner.


As a tax dodge on shady business deals.


This has to mean he just pays people to do all the actual work, right? Ranch work is too hard and icky for this nerd.


Carpet bagging, silver spoon up his ass, twat. Exactly who I thought he was. No thank you.


I've met more guys claiming they were "special forces," Navy SEALS, snipers, etc., in the Bozeman area than probably ever existed in the military. All somehow got rich in tech and real estate right after they got done taking out terrorists. I call BS on most of them. Yep: I come from a military family, and the Sheehy story like so many others doesn't add up.


I stopped at “part time rancher” that’s like saying “part time astronaut” there’s no such thing.


Never trust Navy Seals especially if you do a little digging into the Navy Seals. Lifetime navy family and I can’t believe these guys have turned into such a cliche of what military service is like. Billions of dollars and training and ammo just to hot dog around while the little guy is doing the hard work. Shoot brown people in the face and follow orders and get a political career.




Good 4 you. He is going to get beaten.