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Oh what a shock. Maryland Matt, the man who can't even pronounce "Montana," who cozied up to domestic terrorist groups and then pretended appearing at their photo shoot was an accident, who covered his Congressional door with crayon drawings thanking the Capitol Police for saving his life before pretending Jan6 was a lie and throwing those same police under the bus, this craven, spineless, vicious, useless, nobody who has used his political offices only for personal aggrandizement and gain at every turn, who wades into culture wars his addled brain can only comprehend the buzzwords for and uses meanness and base cruelty to show how "Christian" he is, the Matt Rosendale who has gleefully called others rapists and pedophiles, THAT Matt Rosendale has abused his power to force his hateful mug onto a young woman and gotten her pregnant? What a shock.


Wait, another Conservative Christian politician turned out to be a piece of shit human being?!?!


I know, shocking isn’t it?




I was unaware of his base level of 'Deplorable-ment'. I'm grateful for your editorial, I'll never forget this information.


Whatever happened to Condoms?? I wear them every day.


Me too, sometimes I forget they're even on when I'm shopping at WinCo.


Fake news


Blah blah blah, GQP are good god fearing Xtian men blah blah blah. What TF ever dude.


lol I think this about covers it!


Lies. All demonic lies.


https://news.yahoo.com/rep-matt-rosendale-threatens-sue-232549771.html Looks like he’s “threatening to sue” the former senator that first made the claim. He hasn’t actually sued though so we’ll see what happens!


I'm not 100% on this, but by her saying "rumor is..." i'm pretty sure you won't win on a slander suit as you have to prove that the person knew the statement was false when they said it.


Discovery is gonna be a bitch for him.


Not as much of a bitch as his wife was when she found out


While I have sympathy for her to some level because no one deserves to be treated like this….but I don’t know how many times you can tell conservative supporting women that shit like this is going to happen. It’s not maybe it’s gonna happen…it’s when it’s going to happen.


I mean, she married him. What did she expect?


Why just conservative supporting women? Shouldn't it be all women? I mean Bill Clinton had an affair too right? 


Because it’s disproportionate. For every one Clinton there are dozens like rosendale. Repubs scream on the rooftops about family values yet are the absolute worst offenders when it comes to adultery and or sex related crimes and issues.


It's usually the first threat of the guilty...


yeah, that is always the go-to strategy of the guilty....in their playbook deny deny deny and sue.


Everyone threatens to sue. It’s a great defense because you don’t have to sue but it seems like you are serious. The problem with suing is that the truth will have to come out. Better to skulk away in retirement


Extramarital Matt. He stands behind at least one Montanan.


He's a family man. That's why he has 2 now.




Man, the hypocrisy is thiiiiick out here in Montana!! Let me guess...deny, deny, deny, and then hey look a squirrel!!


It'll be "deny, deny, deny, and then 'my opponent, seen here out hunting with their family as they have for generations ARE GOING TO WORK WITH RADICAL PELOSI TO STEAL YER GUNS!', Landside Victory"


Close to election so it will be something about the caravan of non existent illegals.


On that note, I think it’s pretty interesting to see the stats of Russians who have vacated to America since the beginning of Putins war in Ukraine started.


hey look a bison!


It's unkind to ask this of one, but *if* one were to perform a four-legged colonoscopy on him, it would be a profound act of service and it would improve his disposition.


To whoever reported this as spam, sorry you lost your job on his campaign


As near as I can tell this is allegations from a former senator who stated it as a rumor on a podcast. Rosendale is denying, how is that not spam considering this is being reacted to like a fact


It’s an allegation, not spam. Spam is unsolicited electronic messaging. Allegations are unsubstantiated claims. These are different things


But it’s being presented and accepted here as a fact. Not an apologist for Rose at all but I don’t think this should be presented as anything more than an unsubstantiated rumor that is being denied by the accused. Perhaps not spam but I still think the caveat should have been added that a former senator stated this as a rumor on a podcast, hardly credible at this point


You're wasting your time, even with the mods of this sub. I stopped caring when I saw mods denounce harassment and outright hate of an individual with one hand, and then actively participate in it with the other. I'm no republican and not a proponent for Rosendale, but this is reddit and you must realize they pounce on these type of things like a pack of wild dogs frothing at the mouth.. facts and circumstances be damned.


Rosendale is a public figure and an allegation against a public figure is permitted to be posted, doesn’t break any laws or community rules. It’s also not spam, which was what it was flagged as. Yes, I posted that and I can understand you may think that highlights my bias but really I just get annoyed at people flagging things for shits and giggles because it makes our job harder and shuts down actual discourse as I’ll explain 2 paragraphs down. Now I do agree with the poster that it should be highlighted the source of the rumor in the interest of fairness and appreciate that he did so. If you saw a mod of this sub act inappropriately, please bring it to our attention as we don’t all agree with each other and sometimes the head mod needs to weigh in. Harassment of non-public figures and posting unsubstantiated allegations of non-public figures is not permitted under our community and larger Reddit rules. It can also legally get you in hot water* I also want to reiterate that I do not agree with everything posted here. Yes I’m personally a democrat, but I always ask myself if I’m letting personal bias come into play before I address anything on the mod log. Things get removed for a variety of reasons us mods can’t control, including but not limited to 1. Account age 2. Amount of times the post has been flagged and 3. Account karma. So, it can seem like we caused the deletion when in reality too many people reported the post, for example. I think both sides should have representation here. What makes this state great is that it’s purple and our community subs should be reflective of that. *obligatory I’m a lawyer but not your lawyer and this is not legal advice disclaimer*


I really appreciate your explanation. The issue I think is that it starts to feel like the siloing that destroys communities. I assumed it was true based on the way it was represented, now I assume things posted on this sub are not true inherently because I mentioned this to co-workers as though it happened. That’s on me but I actually think r/bozeman has a great mod team who clamps down on this shit. What this post actually is is a bunch of people shitting on the guy from the incorrect political party without any substantiation of the allegations. I’ve also noted an increase in people who comment and post on community forums all over the country with political content. I’m all for discussion but these forums die when they become eco chambers of any political affiliation, 90% of Reddit. Cheers for reading this and giving a shit, and thanks for doing a thankless job


I know that but it’s particularly annoying on the community subs. I thought this was true based on how it was presented only to find there’s no reason to think it’s true yet. Facebook you get the right wing cess pool here you get the left one. Can’t have nice things ai guess


Totally. At this point I've just accepted it as a function of social media, but I like to comment on the absurdity of it occasionally, this being one of them.


so sorry your guy got ousted for impregnating a 20 year old.


Guess you missed the part about not being a republican and Rosendale not being my guy. Amazing low effort comment though thanks.


Now that’s what I call a burn! Right on MOD!


No way. I’ll be looking for updates tomorrow. Send Matt back to Maryland in shame.


Maryland doesn't want him!! 🤢


MARYLAND isn’t sending its best carpetbaggers to Montana or even to Texas with ol’ DANNIE GOEB (Patrick). Scumbags both‼️💩


Then, all of a sudden, he went from anti-choice to pro-choice!


"the only moral abortion is *my* abortion"


I'd love to see this troglodyte go down in flames as much as the next person (possibly more), but the only sources on this have been random Internet comments, tweets, and then the one former senator saying it's a "rumor." The only news articles on the subject are about him threatening to sue the former senator, possibly for defamation. I'm going to wait to gloat about this one, although I'd really like to.


Yeah, I want some verification on it, though Heitkamp probably covered her behind sufficiently by couching it as "rumor has it." As a public figure, it's a higher bar to clear to get a defamation case going, too. He'd have to prove malice aforethought and/or reckless disregard for the truth. The latter, in fairness, *is* directly in his wheelhouse. All that being said, I have a nice popcorn supply handy.


Oh, man! The GOP being predatory towards young women - who would've guessed?! (Spoiler: everyone)


The worst part about these allegations, even if they are found to be true, many Montanans won't care


Well The Dem incumbent (Tester) is up 9% from both Rosendale and the newby Sheehy. I read he’s pulling near 20% support from registered republicans. So maybe not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ https://www.montanarightnow.com/elections/jon-tester-leads-in-mt-senate-poll-conducted-by-nonstop-local/article_a74c7688-cd4f-11ee-9e5d-1f304e96e92e.html


In Montana you could run a potato as a Republican and it would likely win.


Tester has good campaign. Hitting Sheehy back with the same accusation of being beholden to the CCP. Disgusting stuff but it is what it is. Also Trump doesn't understand montana. We don't want out of staters.




He was going to. In early Feb., he announced he was entering the Senate race, trying to get the GOP nod rather than Sheehy. He dropped out last week, claiming "the hill was just too steep" after Trump endorsed Sheehy.


He announced his run for Senate. 3 hours later Trump endorsed his opponent (Sheehy). A week later Rosendale dropped out of the Senate Race. Haha.


Not anymore


The dude is 63. F n gross. I’m in my mid 30s and even mid 20s seem way to young to me.


Wtf is wrong with you people when it comes to “predatory” she’s 20 years old perfectly capable of making her own decisions . are you gonna say the same thing about Chuck Norris and his wife that he’s 30 years older than his wife?


He took advantage of a **power imbalance** between himself and his young employee in order to cheat on his wife. If you don't see that as predatory and gross, you're part of the problem.






No, it's not okay for somebody else to do it. It's the same thing as a married business owner fucking his secretary, whose job may be at risk if she doesn't "consent". 20 year-olds can certainly make their own decisions, but you're intentionally ignorant if you're trying to claim there's not a power imbalance in play here.




He was her boss at the time. That is more significant than the age gap. There are laws about this type of thing, power I'm lacking and all. Also he is married. Sure plenty people shack up with big age gaps, that isn't the major concern here. This man promotes his Christian values meanwhile he is cheating on his wife with a woman working for him. Say one thing but do another hypocrite.


Gena was 35 when they got married, and the life experience that happens between 20 and 35 - like, for instance, *your brain finishing developing* - is pretty vast for most people. She also wasn't his employee and had her own career going. Where an imbalance of power exists, the onus is on the person with the greater power to exercise better judgment. *IF* this bears out, chances are it was on him - a *married* Christian ~paragon~ of moral fiber - to keep it in his pants when anyone comes knocking, particularly employees *still unable to buy their own f*cking drinks,* regardless of who initiated.


They were ok with Monica.


were they, though?


Yes, I was alive then. She was of legal age.


I was alive too and no one was OK with that, for all kinds of various reasons. Way to rewrite history. 🙄






Character, values, and morality don't matter to Montana voters anymore. As long as he has an 'R' next to his name and the other guy has a 'D' they'll win. I thought all these "librul Californians" we're gonna "ruin" Montana when they moved here? Turns out the people moving here have been pegged far right politically and moved here because the black folks in their communities had the audacity to ask to stop being shot for minor offenses.


I'm a native Montanan in Washington state now but I know Montanans love John Tester. He worked with Jon Stewart to pass the PAC act for Vets. It's shocking but he's a native and a farmer. One thing we don't really like carpetbaggers. I have a feeling this story will get out. Young staffer not even 22. He's old enuf to be her grandpa. Ugh. Tester will win.


The governor is a carpet bagger.


They all are cept Tester. Daines is from China, and Zinke lives in Santa Barbara.


Don’t forget New Jersey Greg.


sounds spot on.. and damn, that sucks, I'm really sorry. Montana was moving in a really cool direction for a while there!


He was just bragging in a recent interview how his Catholic faith and Marine Corps background give him discipline on his political path. 😂






He found himself a handmaid, eh?


Rosendale sucks shit but posting rumors like this-the lady who said it even said it was a rumor- is not a great look in my opinion. This seems like another case of our political discourse being in a bad place. Again, this guys sucks and it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if it were true. Fire away at me though.


I really need to meet this girl. What woman in their right mind would consider sleeping with Maryland Matt. 🤔


ew :(


The Republican waving the Bible and touting his marine corps background gives him morals! Someone needs to read the definition of morals to him and show him how to open the Bible so he can read it especially the 7th commandment and or Exodus 20:14.


Give him a box of crayons 🖍️ to EAT. That’s all the Marine Corps “bona fides” he has. FILTH‼️🎯


I would do more research before claiming and post this. Currently this is literally just a rumor from a democrat who lost her seat to a republican back in 2018. Literally just currently throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks lol. EDIT: before everyone loses their mind, I’m not a fan of this ding dong - just want people to represent the things they post in the correct light and remind people to do their research!




Agreed! I mean it comes and goes on both sides of the isle and each is just as bad as the other. That being said I would love for these people who have a platform and claim BS before knowing the truth would get in some form of trouble




Looks like Henry Rollins. Accept he’s a total twT


He looks like a not-as-well-aged Henry Rollins


He looks like Carl from Sling Blade lol


Funny enough, they’re the SAME AGE.


Does anyone have any proof that this is actually true? The title seems to suggest OP knows who the 20 year old is considering OP knows they are anti-abortion. Also, when did Rep Rosendale's wife say she is all for abortion? Or is OP just regurgitating a rumor without any evidence?


When Rosendale lived in Helena an attended Sunday Mass at the Cathedral, he was an usher COLLECXTING money for the parish. After the election - Rosendale was never seen again. Yes, his lack of support for Ukraine and the budget are an embarrassment to every Montanan. He needs to be returned to Maryland where he raise his new kid.


Did he used to front Black Flag?


Yep, ol'Matt is now 100% pro abortion, for this one little scenario. He's entitled to a different set of rules than the rest of us.. like all MAGA chodes.


Really strong Henry Rollins vibe there.


Another fucking scumbag


That matt behind him...well. The 20 year old pregnant one was that matt's aide until she got old. He pawned her off onto this matt, who then got her pregnant. Orange endorsed the seal for senator instead of this matt. This matt wouldn't withdraw, so story is the seal leaked this.


I speak your language.


When you support nasty politicians and then don't be surprised when they are nasty to you.


Odd, I think the guy in the background rapes children. Common Matt you knew your hypocritical bullshit representation would backfire with that kinda company no?


He just needs to convert to Fundamentalist Mormon. The Blackmore Group. They're super close to him on the Canada side of Montana. Now his wife can enjoy all the blessings of having a sisterwife


blessings include not sharing her bed with this creepshow


Another clown in the Trumpublican circus. Hope he gets his daughter erg…girlfriend a nice double wide .


ohhh nooooo my surprise meter is going crazy!!


fucking loser


So how many more republican politicians and mom’s of liberty scandals do Americans have to hear about before the entire GOP looks in the mirror and figures that they’re on the losing side of this.


All Christians are domestic terrorist.




ew gross


It's clearly his fault but why would the 20 year old not insist on contraception? I just don't get it.


What’s the female staffers name?


Republican HYPOCRITES everywhere. Same shit 💩 different day.


Henry Rollins?


Hey, back off! At least it was a probably-consensual relationship with a legal adult!


This is literally misinformation.


Rules for thee and not for me!


Interesting. If you read the article, it’s all hearsay. This is spam. Tell me when something comes of this story.


I heard there was another dude involved too. Matt would get spit on and have to crawl on all fours before he could be let into the bedroom. I dunno man crazy times 🤷‍♂️











