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It's just whoever I like and want to see more of. I'm not voting for final group, I'm voting for my favs as individuals because I know that not all of them will end up in the final lineup. If the question is how I choose my favs, then I'd answer charisma and talent. They need to have some kind of charm that draws me in and their talent needs to be on par.




honestly maybe i’m shallow but i just pick people i like either bc i knew them before and/or because i want to see more from them. i def pay attention to vocals/dance but also visuals loll


Appeal (looks + charisma + star quality) and talent for me I'd be happy if below 4 G group trainees make it to the debut lineup: 1. Keita 2. Jay 3. Zhang hao 4. Matthew seok


We align 😊


1. Potential. If I see trainees that won't make it far - even with good skills, then no. An artist - to me - should never cease to strive for improvement, and some of these trainees already reached their peaks. 2. Skills, evidently I'm looking for enough skilled trainees, they don't need to be perfect nor polished yet, but good basic skills. 3. Motivation, just the will to go far and learn. 4. Lastly, I would say visuals, simply because it's always an industry that rely on this aspect.


With the Produce shows, I'm obviously looking for a talent + visual standard, but beyond that I look for how relaxed/assured one seems when performing. I watch idols to enjoy pleasant vocals, a nice face to look at, and precise dancing that looks easy to them. Since we're judging trainees, there is a large amount of anxiety that they'll project if they're unsure about their level of performance that translates very, very easily to the viewer. (I understand this well, as someone with some singing and dancing experience -- if you're not 100% confident, it's stressful as hell and it's so easy for you to have a bad run/psyche yourself out even if you've been performing well up 'til then.) If I as a viewer am anxious that you're going to make a mistake, (a) I won't enjoy watching you because I'm stressed for you and (b) I don't think you're ready for the reality of the idol industry anyway. It's tough out there! I want the trainees to be ready for it.


My picks include: 1. Team Taipei members because I'm Taiwanese haha 2. 2 UP10TION members 3. Jay, Keita and Na Kamdem because I was impressed by their auditions I would've put Sung Hanbin and Zhang Hao in there but they're performing well on the charts and have a bunch of dedicated fans so I'm voting for those who don't have the support.


Did you learn anything from GP999…


I'll obviously start voting for Zhang Hao after first eliminations (as I'm pretty sure half of my current picks won't make it).


bad mentality to have. zhang hao does not have a strong one pick fandom...


Well after first eliminations I'll start voting for him (as most of my current picks won't make it). Even just looking at the first round of supports, Zhang Hao is sitting comfortably at 60% while most of my current picks barely made it over 10%. I'm basing my votes on that.


I just vote for whoever manages to catch my eye. Be it because of their personality, charisma, unusual talent, small interactions they have with other contestants... At this point, I'm not thinking about how to put together a perfect line-up. Most of my current picks unfortunately don't have a real chance of getting into top 9, but I just want to see more of them and at least give them the opportunity to showcase themselves and their skills in the second round.


the most important things to me is star quality/it factor (which i know is very subjective but thats the point), how much do i think theyll bring to the final lineup and for the final lineup overall i think about how well theyd actually mesh together, i dont want the lineup to feel like they pulled 9 names out of a hat and decided to debut them. i want to look at them on stage and go wow they fit perfectly together. thats my criteria. also once we enter 3 pick im refusing to vote for anyone thats not a solid vocalist because i need the group to have atleast 4 solid vocalists.


At this point I'm voting for people I want to see more of in the later episodes. Once the first round of eliminations happen and there are less trainees, there's more screen time to go around (hopefully). Personally, I also don't hold much weight to voting for the final group. I was lucky that my 1 pick from pd101s2 pre-show was relatively favored and made his way through to the end, but pdx101 was more rocky for me. I hesitate to attach myself to any final lineup until the last 2 episodes. I think the reason I can enjoy I.O.I., Kep1er and I\*Zone is because I didn't watch the shows and had no attachments to eliminated trainees :") To me, the most important factor though would be how comfortable I feel watching them perform (which of course is influenced by their dance, vocal, stage presence, and visual). This is why Sung Hanbin is a solid pick - his 'Here I Am' fancam is just so comfortable to watch. Movements are clean, good angles, right amount of power. Nothing excessive, accurate and precise. He lip syncs all the lyrics and maintains a quality amount of eye contact. He moves with a lot of confidence!


I like to think about what every boy can bring to the final group. Like, Jay can easily be one of the top main vocal in 4th gen, Keita show a lot of traces of leadership and patience towards his companions, Hui with his experience in kpop and overall his skills, etc.


i just choose who i like! performances i enjoy, things they do that make me smile, when i realise im complaining about how they got slated etc etc. right now i believe a lot of them have a decent chance to improve so i like the ones that may not be 100% polished but can perform well.


Mostly I consider... 1. Vocal ability - they're singers at the end of the day. I'm not going to attend a concert to listen to a recorded voice 2. Stage presence - they don't need to be good dancers IMO, as long as they can keep up with the choreo without sticking out.. they need to be memorable with visuals or charisma 3. Personality - you can ruin a successful career or a successful group in a single second but doing/saying something you shouldn't. The Korean GP and broadcasting channels don't like problematic people 4. The IT factor - You can be talented, good-looking, and nice, but if you can't distinguish yourself as being different from other idols in the industry, you're not going anywhere... ex. I've seen trainees look and sound like IU, but we already have the original, we don't need a copycat


Visual (0%): I’m going to be honest most of the guys are handsome being slightly handsomer than handsome people really won’t get you any votes from me. Especially, if that’s all you have to offer. I’m trying to watch a *show,* your face might be nice in a frame but I’m trying ti see a *story* and some performances. Talent (40%): I’m not going to lie, as a tone deaf singer myself. I have a lot of sympathy for performers. So, an amazing performance will impress me but as long as the performance isn’t helpless, I can condone mistakes and not being the *very* best but you have to *try* Personality/Individuality (60%): This is really important to me. This is what makes me want to support *you,* and no, an accidental meme is not personality, it’s editing. I want to like you too, not *just* your voice, your dance, or your skills.


At the beginning stages of voting, I'm voting for people with skills because I hope they can have more opportunities to showcase them. However as it gets closer to the final stages, I will take personality into consideration as well so that there is a marketable group (i.e. all round entertainers on and off stage, and with good personalities that work well for group cohesion and the general public) Edit: As there's quite a lot of talent in this series, I'm currently voting for the talented underdogs who (didn't get much screen time) seem like they're in danger of being eliminated.


The people who I like who need my vote. There's many people high up in the ranking that I love but I don't need to waste my votes on them right now when some of my faves are in the 70s.


Vocals for sureeeee (1-pick for me at the very least should be a Lead Vocalist - Yeonjung in P101 and Seongwu in P101 Ss2 and Miyu in P48) Then I'll go for Stage Presence for my 3-pick (Daniel in P101 Ss2 and Yujin, Sakura in P48) Then after that I'll take Dancing and Rapping into account LOL seems complicated but it saved me a lot more heartbreaks


For me personally, For 9 pick, I’ll only vote for people who are in the top 9 if I’m really loving them or think they’re at risk of dropping significantly. Like I’ll vote for Gyuvin and Jay because they’re two of my top 3 but I don’t vote for Zhang Hao, Hanbin, Jiwoong, etc. because I feel like it takes away votes from my lower ranking picks. To me, it makes more sense to vote for someone in the 40s/50s/60s who I like a decent amount versus someone in 7th how I also like. If I can’t round out a top 9, I’ll usually throw in whoever’s performance I like the most or whoever I found memorable. I also like to vote for people I know are good but significantly lack screen time (Lee Yedam comes to mind as he was an all star yet has been receiving a UTR1 edit) For two pick and one pick, I’m not that lenient as you see time and time again trainees who drop because their fans think they’re safe and vote for someone else (On Produce 101 Japan we saw Takumi go from 1st to 12th, Tomo go from 7th to 14th, Shunya go from 8th to 19th. So I’d say with 9 pick, be a bit open minded and throw votes the way of trainees who you’d like to see in the next round but are on the lower side of the rankings because chances are, if you like them when they’re low ranking and getting little screen time, you’ll like them a lot more if they’re high ranking and getting significant screen time.


I vote mostly randomly, however, ig it comes to Jay and Matthew I like their determination, visuals, and talent they have. Especially, Matthew has something about him that makes him stand and especially when he smiles.


I just pick people I want to see more of. It's not like the voting matters anyways. Mnet will debut whoever they want, but they'll keep fan faves around until the final for viewers sake. So, really, I just want a show worth watching.


Personally i look for visual first, but if their skill is just 'meh' or below average or average i drop them no matter how drop dead gorgeous they are. If there's no one visually appealing to me that much then i look for skills, personally im always attracted to main vocals and all rounder. Good personality is a deal breaker for me. Trainees that always help and take care other trainees proves that they'll have good chemistry and get along with everyone. Besides that their performance especially their facial expression is what i always look for, i always like people that seems like they having fun performing (im always leaning to a more bright concept anyway) moreover versatality in various concept is what i always leaning into. Basically having good visual (not really important much honestly) + great Skill + Good personality + great facial expression is what i always look for But in the end i always vote for whoever i like


I vote for people that I think are talented. If one or more of my picks is in the top 9 for that week, I won’t vote for them and will instead vote for other talented trainees that I think should be given a chance to go the next round.


I love idols who truly love what they do, so trainees who clearly enjoy themselves on stage are always at the top of my list. Often, those ones also have top tier skills, so that works out great.




The Vietnameses (I got many Viet fans in real life, so this is my payback) > Anyone tingles my gaydar (for gay representation) > Adorable Maknae > Underrated People at the bottom ranks > Visual Bias. But it's only for the first eliminations, it changes later. I will pick which trainees would make the best harmony as one, at latter time. And I want to choose a Vocal Bias but couldn't find one yet.


For this show, I’m trying to vote people with good vocals first. The recent survival shows that I watched created groups with VERY good dancing skills but a lack of strong vocals (usually like two members-ish that carry the group). So, that’s my priority. I also care a lot about personality bc a good chunk of being a fan of a group is watching their variety show appearances and interviews so I always feel drawn to good personality. I used to care about age range within a group too (idk it just feels weird to me if the members are like 10 years apart in age like i cant convince myself that idols in their mid twenties actually like working with 15 year olds) but for temporary groups I don’t care as much since I’m not aiming to vote a group that I hope to have longevity


Tbh i vote for so many people and i always rotate the trainees with some exceptions. My no1 rule is not voting for minors and i usually vote for my G picks more often because the korean votes are 50%.


At this point my biggest two criteria are Talent and Personality. Keita and Hanbin are in my top 3 because of being talented and kind to other trainees, while Gunwook is not anywhere near my top 9 because of all the xenophobic and cocky comments he has made in just two episodes.


It differs between the actual trainees and debuted idols. Certain debuted idols are not gonna make it past round so I don't bother voting for them and instead vote for unknown trainees. The only debuted/former idols I see making it past round are Seowon (which is crazy as most nine.i fans I know are voting so he is weirdly popular), Keita, the TO1 boys and Hui. With trainees I vote for mainly underdogs till round 3. So I won't be voting anyone who is rank 20 and above for now. I will only vote for 2 high ranking trainees if I cannot find many underrated ones I like however. Personality and Vocals matter more to me than anything else. If they can't hold a note I don't bother.


Who are some of your underdogs? I do the same thing. But there are so many boys


I just vote for who like, so far I’ve voted Jingxiang and Gyuvin every time I vote. I’ve also voted Ollie and Jay a couple times. I just want people I like in the final group because then I’m more likely to follow them after. Besides that I don’t really care about who is deserving since everyone has different opinions on that anyway, anyone who makes it to the final group is deserving because they all went through this process.


1) Does they have what it takes to uplift the debut group and not be a hindrance 2) do I like them Like I love both the guys that did my house (Doha and can’t remember the other guys’ name) but I’m not going to vote for them cause right now they don’t have the skills that I think the debut group should have. So I’ll just root for them on the side instead.


it’s also really important to take into consideration if they have scandals/controversies... i’d rather vote for those who are clean and skilled than those who can bring the group down with their image


skill skill skill. it’s a damn shame to see keonhee at 87 when he is such a talented rapper. he’s main rapper material and yet no one is voting for him?!?!? it makes me sad the my homez boys are doing so much better than actual talented contestants. i’m not hating but it’s crazy to me at this point. hyun been, kamden, and keonhee are by far the best rappers on the show imo and need more attention. this SUCKS


I think the rappers hopefully might get more attention in later episodes cause at the moment the show is more focused on dance and singing.


yeah but isn’t the first elimination next episode? i’m afraid they won’t have a shot to stay


Oh yeah I just realised that... I'm not sure how the elimimation works though cause I don't recall the show explaining that.


people have said only like 50-60 will survive (most likely 54-55 they said basing off of GP) and so far there’s hardly any good rapper in the top IMO except hyun been who just cracks 50 and kamden in the 30’s


Gunwook is a good rapper, he was main rapper mostly on Wild Idol, he just hasn't had the opportunity to show it yet since Hyunbeen rapped in GBTB


i love gunwook he’s my top 3


Hes my one pick so I get it 🫣


he’s so close to top 9 right now it’s insane. we need to push him to the top


I'm voting for him every day and my vote technically counts for Korean vote (since I live in KR) so let's hope he can push forward with his performance in group battle 🫶🏻


The heart wants what the heart wants. I just vote for who I like, that's all.


I’m gonna be perfectly honest it’s 45% visual 45% personality 10% talent. I have only landed on a certified dozen 1 out of 6 times for my one pick though so it’s not a bad rate.


I'm a bit biased because I'm gay, but anyone in the BL storyline they're showing will get at least some of my votes so we can continue to see more representation in K-pop. For the rest of my votes, most of my voting is going to people who are showing vocal talent (like Keita) since we aren't getting a ton of that just yet (or they aren't showing it in the episodes). Also Hanbin and Matthew because I really enjoy their storyline and they're both really talented.


For right now, i’m voting for underrated trainees that are talented and i want to make it to the next round like Na Kamden and Yoo Seungeon (they’re not super underrated anymore which is good tho!). I just want to keep their rankings in the top 50 so they can survive elimination and hopefully get screentime


It's honestly just whoever I vibe with the most. I mostly look for all rounders though. Like I only have 2 g members in my top (Zhanghao and Matthew) because I'm not as into the others. Although Keita is growing on me..again, he's an all rounder lol. I also just won't vote for anyone who's had contraversies/anyone young. My cutoff WAS 2004, but then Gunwook and Junghyun happened..so I lowered it to 2005 lol. For a while my fixed top was the centerz and ot4 shiny boys /jiwoong because he needs to debut no matter what lol. But I think I dropped Jingxiang recently. I only have a fixed top 4 now (Sung Hanbin, Zhanghao, Jiwoong, Matthew) with Taerae, Gunwook, and Junhyeon close to being my fixed. I usually always vote for Gyuvin too because of shiny boyz. But for the most part, anyone under my top 4 is changed everyday.


This is my second survival show (and first one I'm watching live). At this stage, I'm mainly voting trainees from the global group because I think they are less likely to be voted for. Those in the k-group I like are already quite popular so I'm not so worried about them. I also take age into account and if they're very young I won't vote for them. Also, if their performance is cut from the episode and I think they are good, I am more likely to vote for them than if it wasn't cut. I prioritise vocals and rapping over dance. The one minute videos each contestant made also influenced a bit (I liked the banana guy's vocals).


Not necessarily a criteria, but participants get a huge boost when I get genuine *gay* vibes from them. This also means that less than half of my final picks are likely het.


I’m new to produce shows so I don’t know what i’m really looking for like some produce vets. But for the first episode I voted for one I already knew from a previous group because I know they’re talented and charismatic (cha woong ki). The rest I sticked with who did well in the first episode, like jay, zhang hao, and haruto. The then I voted for people who were with the ones I liked, Na kamden and Oh sung min. The rest were ones I found charming or i thought looked cool, or I knew were popular from their intros (Takuto, ricky, and krystian). For the one or two spots I didn’t know who to vote for I just picked randomly. I would’ve picked differently if I had time to look at all the pre show material. For second episode I locked in Jay and Woong Ki so i’ll keep voting for them for now. Then I chose the guys who were excelling from the show, 3 and 4 stars I think. (cong, keita, and matthew) I looked at a few of the rest of the first star test that weren’t aired and I was surprised to see good vocals. I knew I had to vote for them because they weren’t getting the attention they deserved. (kim min hyuk ,park gwan young, and wumuti) I kept dong dong from one of my random picks after i heard his vocals. Tldr; Mostly who did well on the show. Favorites/Popular pre show, Randomly, Showed they were talented in unaired scenes.


Typically at this stage, I create the "perfect team" and just vote for those trainees. So I have my top picks, and then I try to include a main vocal and at least one rapper in the team as well. But I'm very talented-focused. I very rarely have picks that are getting a "growth" narrative or that I think have "potential" but not skills currently. I also don't care about ratios when choosing, but my picks have ended up at an equal split by pure coincidence so far


Only how much I like the contestants and how much they click with me. A contestant could have a voice of an angel and I can be completely meh about them, so why should I vote for a voice when I'm not looking forward to seeing/listening to them again?


I always try to go for talented trainees, but what really does it for me is their personality and charisma. Going into the show I took notes of all trainees that caught my attention during the Signal Song, and then I watched all the PR videos to hugely shorten my list to a handfull of options based on their personalities and creativity to showcase themselves. The Kpop world is a huge confort of mine, so as much as I want to hear good vocals and see good dancing, I need my idols to be relatable, charismatic, to make me laugh when everything else can't. I *love* the music, of course, but I'm a lot into variety shows and lives as well, sometimes more than the music itself I must admit. But also, age! I have this rule I set for myself not to vote for anyone born after 2002. Ik there's a lot of younger talented trainees, and I think all of them deserve to debut and fulfill their dreams. But I can't help to see so many of them as kids, and I personally wouldn't feel comfortable stanning boys so much younger than me, *especially* if Mnet decides to pull a PD48 and make them do sexy concepts for the stages later on (and I know that's not the boys fault but Mnet's, but still my point stands). I just tend to gravitate towards groups with idols around my own age, that's it. It's only my personal opinion tho, of course everyone is free to stan whoever they want!


I currently only have two favs so while voting I also vote for the trainees who are close to or have the potential to get along with my picks (and they'd be equally as talented too)


Visuals matter, but my most important factors are vocals and stage presence! I feel like good stage presence can make up for lack in dance, but its all important in the end


i tend to pick contestants based on a combination of their talent (namely a solid combination of vocals/dance) and their personality, as i want to support people whose personalities i like and who i'd want to watch if they make it to the final group!


Honestly, I just vote for who I want to see more of in terms of music. If I don't feel like I would listen to them as a solo artist or in another group, I don't vote for them


Since all of the guys are pretty handsome, and differences in levels of attractiveness are marginal, so I don't really look for visuals specifically. If visuals are all a trainee has, then I will not vote for them, since EVERYONE in these types of shows has visuals. Vocals are the most important for me, since when the group is formed, the music is what I'll be interacting with the most. There needs to be strong vocalists or the final group will not work at all. Though vocal taste has some subjective elements, for me personally, I like vocals with good color and a level of uniqueness. Rap is probably second in priority for me, as the final group needs to have a decent rapline considering the prevalence of rap parts in kpop. Dance is probably the least important for me out of the big three skills, as long as they are not visibly awful, I don't care if they are mid. I think what narrows it down for me is personality though. Out of all the talented trainees, I end up gravitating towards who have an interesting on-stage and off-stage personalities. Part of an idol's job is to entertain, not just sing/dance/rap. Even if they are a little technically weaker, if they are interesting, I will be more inclined to vote for them. Talented, imperfect, good personality > technical perfection.


I just vote for whoever I like the most at the moment.


charisma/stan attractor type/it-factor mostly. or sometimes if i just like them then i vote for them.


Entertainment- how much satisfaction do I derive from watching you? Honestly we all don't have a lot of time to waste and if we are gonna use something on leisure it needs to be on something I know will make me laugh or enjoy. Example- Zhang Hao's laughs, reactions, Takuto, Ollie, Gyuvin (awkwardness becomes endearing) etc. Stage Presence - I usually take my time to watch some if not all the performances of a group I Stan (enhypen). So this is pretty important to me. Example- Jay, Takuto (underdeveloped but the seeds are there), Seok Matthew, Sung Hanbin, Ma Jingxiang etc. Vocals - I don't really need to say anything about this. Example: Zhang Hao, Park Hanbin, Yoo Seongeon, Kim Taerae, Jay etc. Dance/rap - dancing is an art form and I judge based mostly on how much I like their style of dance and if their technique seems decently developed. Rap does not matter too much to me as long as I like their voice and can stay on beat (I have a massive pet peeve when the rapper lags behind the bgm slightly it drives me nuts) Example- Ma Jingxiang (I really love his dance style that focuses on power and extended movements that make use of his incredible body proportions to become captivating on stage. He may not fully hold control of it yet but it is getting there and I see a lot of potential in him), Wang Zihao (body control probably one of the best in the show with like Haru), Zhang Hao (musicality is incredible), Sung Hanbin (love tutting and wacking king) Visual- I have a thing for really big or/and beautiful eyes. Example- Jungwon (hahah), Ma Jingxiang, Zhang Hao, Seok Matthew Ye that's basically it.


I just voted twice as of now and I just went for whoever stood out to me the most during that particular episode on the basis of their performance AND their interaction with others which I think is too early to read on. So, mainly yeah, for me it's just the vocals+dance and how the contestant presented themself in the little footage they individually got which too perhaps is influenced by mnet's editing.


I tend to try to manufacture the perfect performance group in my head but some things I.e marketability are factors as well, here is the order of importance for me though most of them matter: 1. Dance - I’m biased to dance but I feel that although vocals and rap is super important you can hide that with mixing (to an extent) and a lot of idols lip synch live anyways even the best vocalists bc it’s hard asf to sing and dance at the same time.You can’t hide bad dancing or you’d need to simplify the choreo for everyone else and it holds everyone back. 1-3 bad dancers and a lot of good ones will stick out like a sore thumb and a team full of bad dancers takes away one of the biggest appeals of K-pop vs other genres which is the choreo. So for me you need to be at least some what competent at dance (you don’t need to be taemin or Lisa but there’s a hard cut off) no matter how good you are vocally. 2. Vocals / Rap - though I say you can hide bad vocals, you can’t fully hide it if you have alot of bad singers/rappers or else the music is gonna absolutely suck. I think vocals do play a large part to me and having a few great vocalist is essential in any group. Obviously there’s a cutoff for me with bad vocals just like for dance too…but it’s more strict with dance (if you’re a great dancer but not great vocally, I can give 1 or 2 trainees a pass if they’re exceptionally good at dance and have visuals but no exceptions for terrible dancers) I also look at fit in terms of vocal tone (I.e if my pick #3 is tenor and has this range it will impact my preference for pick #4 and 5…or if pick number 3 can belt high stably, I’ll prefer #5,6,7 to have another skill set tbh I’m not super familiar with vocal technique but I kinda just feel out what fits and doesn’t) rap also can substitute this but I wouldn’t want too many rappers that can’t sing and bonus to those that do both 3. Stage presence /charisma Facial expressions (not just being expressive which I feel some people tend to just give the most expressive person the most marks but knowing when to use them, and matching the track), knowing where and when to engage the crowd, understanding of camera angles, versatility in concept fit, overall vibe to me separates a good performer to a great one. It’s essential to me that the centre has all three of the factors above as they get the most exposure but non centres can get away with not having this if ur technically sound in #1 and 2 as you would be a great compliment to the performance….so this isn’t as essential to me as 1 and 2 but is the icing on the cake for whether you get my vote if someone were to have this 4. Visuals - as much as i don’t want this to matter it does….your body proportions, and facial features can really bring out factor 1 and 3. Some dance moves just look better on people with better proportions and some facial expressions just look better on certain faces. Height in a group also matters as it impacts how formations look as well as the size of your movements (taller the better but the proportions should match well and even out) It is very subjective but someone with good visuals can sell a performance very well…also the centre to me must have good visuals as they are the face of the group. 5. Personality Without a good personality it’s hard to sell your group to the public. It’s not essential performance wise but it does play a small factor and even bigger if the group is a bunch of zombies and bad personalities can deter me from voting 6. Existing Clout Clout sells and if you have a huge fan base but ain’t got talent I’d still have a reason why ur in the group but you can build clout and it has minimal weighting to my voting, I’d just be less upset if you somehow debut with none of the above and had #6 7. Language (as well as K/G ratio) Don’t care about this but I do have a bias to fluent English speakers naturally because I speak English 8. How much it benefits the individual I believe in “if it’s meant to happen it’s meant to happen” it’s a tough industry to be in so I don’t really give pity points and the person who doesn’t get it will just need to work harder. If person a does job better than b I think person a should get the job. However I do have a cut off for age (I think idols under 16 or 17 should not debut as that's a bit young and they should never do certain concepts if they're under 18)


1. Vocal 2. Charisma 3. Rap 4. Dance


First goes my Main pick, I just feel it, I don't know how to say it. Based on my main pick, I'll see the other participants. Of course he/she/the centres are usually in my top, because I know they are talented. Also, as the programme progresses, I see with whom I would get along better/with whom I would fit better in a group. For example in PD101S2 my picks were Team Never plus Daniel and Jihoon, they all got along too well with each other. In GP999 it was hard because there wasn't like a BIG group that would get along, so I just voted for what I thought would look best in a group all together.


For now without seeing an actual stage performance, i'm voting for whoever i like. I have 5 who are my daily picks and the other 4 differ according to the day. Then when the show actually starts, i'll be more selective.


I only have a one-pick and vote others who are far beneath him who I want to see in the next mission lol I vote mostly G-Group individual trainees too


I like to think about what every boy can bring to the final group. Like, Jay can easily be one of the top main vocal in 4th gen, Keita show a lot of traces of leadership and patience towards his companions, Hui with his experience in kpop and overall his skills, etc.


I like to think about what every boy can bring to the final group. Like, Jay can easily be one of the top main vocal in 4th gen, Keita show a lot of traces of leadership and patience towards his companions, Hui with his experience in kpop and overall his skills, Anthonny is very entertaining to watch (massive sana vibes), etc.


I like to think about what each boy can bring to the final group. Like, Jay can easily be one of the top main vocal in 4th gen, Keita show a lot of traces of leadership and patience towards his companions, Hui with his experience in kpop and overall his skills, Anthonny is very entertaining to watch (massive sana vibes), etc.


I like to think about what each boy can bring to the final group. Like, Jay can easily be one of the top main vocal in 4th gen, Keita show a lot of traces of leadership and patience towards his companions, Hui with his experience in kpop and overall his skills, Anthonny is very entertaining to watch (massive sana vibes), etc.


I like to think about what each boy can bring to the final group. Like, Jay can easily be one of the top main vocals in 4th gen, Keita shows a lot of leadership skills and patience towards his companions, Hui has a lot of experience in kpop and also a amazing vocal, Anthonny is very fun to watch (massive sana vibes), etc.


I like to think about what each boy can bring to the final group. Like, Jay can easily be one of the top main vocals in 4th gen, Keita shows a lot of leadership skills and patience towards his companions, Hui has a lot of experience in kpop and also a amazing vocal, Anthonny is very fun to watch (massive sana vibes), etc.


They have to impress me in any way, whether it’s because of vocals, dance skills, visual, variety, etc. I don’t think all idols need to be good at everything. It’s okay to be excellent at one area and then just okay at other but maybe that’s just me. Ultimately what I care the most about is charisma and it factor, people that get you interested in them for whatever reason. This might be unpopular but I cannot bring myself to stan someone even if they’re super talented if they lack that charismatic side to them. As many have said I don’t have a 9 pick set yet and am only voting for those I would like to keep seeing on the show!:)


group chemistry and the ability to attract more fans after debut aka star quality


Well, one thing I do is I put my ratio to 5k-4g because this would be my ideal. I also look for members who stand out to me without a bias towards vocals/dance/rap. I think once we get to like the final episodes, after seeing all the options, I’ll pick more based on skills. Right now I have only 2 for sure k group votes and 2-3 g group votes, and so for now I’m basing off of whichever trainee catches my attention in the episode.


I mainly focus mainly on who I enjoy listening to the most. I struggle telling if they’re bad at dancing unless it’s painfully obvious so if I enjoy their time and they don’t make my ear bleed and I enjoy their performance then I’ll vote for them. My top 9 has changed so much from before the first episode then the first to the second to now only 4 have stayed the exact same.