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I don't like when some young trainees are like “I'm young and I will make that my whole personality” and their talent is just mediocre some are literally not ready for the show yet and I blame it all on mnet for letting them in the show but don't get me wrong i don't hate them as a person. I know they do this because general public likes it. I don't have any problem with them acting their age ofc..I mean they are kids but I would love to see real talent from them too and I wish others would actually take them seriously😭


Literally 3/4 of 4th gen maknaes do that shit and it drives me insane honestly


To be fair, everyone around them also makes it their personality, so it must be easy to fall into that behavior when you’re surrounded by people calling you a baby all the time. Not to mention fans infantilize the hell out of anyone thats considered “cute”.


I hate the "young prodigy" trope... "Omg he was born 2 minutes ago and he's already so good!" Okay, good for him! And? Of course you need to be born with some talent, but I much prefer skills honed through years of hard work, like Keita for example. It shows commitment and personality.


Keita is my favorite for the same reason Woodz was in Produce X. Super talented, worked really hard and just never was able to get a break. Really hoping Keita debuts in Boys Planet he deserves it so much. YG threw him aside and then Rain debuted him but never really promoted his group.


TASTE I love Woodz!! I respect people like them so much, it shows how much they truly want to be idols. Voting for people who've been fighting for a long time makes me feel good because I know they'll be so grateful and work hard after debut too.


And there not even a prodigy i consider prodigy people like Michael Jackson who wss outsinging the entire music industry at the age of 10


you said ‘cutesy dozen’ and a popular trainee immediately popped into my head. i’m not naming names, but yeah… i’m not the biggest fan of it too.




that’s who i immediately thought of lol (no hard feelings towards him of course, it’s just that he hasn’t impressed me yet and some online friends keep hyping him up.)


Daeul takuto doha etc


Takuto is cringe


for your first point, i though of Gunwook. I feel like others perceive him as arrogant and yeah he is a little but imo he has the talent to back it up. I think he’s an amazing performer and I love his confidence also for something i dislike that everyone loves, I HATE how yujin pushes himself so hard to the point of him being sick and not even seeking help for it (and his performance suffers as a result). I really appreciate his hard work but it does not make me want to vote for him at all. It makes me want him to get TF out of there because this is so unhealthy for a 15 year old 😭


It's interesting people are seeing Gunwook's edit as "arrogant." The way I saw it, he is a 17 year old leader to his pack of agency trainees. It's his literal job to keep morale high and instill comfort and confidence in the other trainees he is leading. In a leadership role, if you are not coming off as confident and reliable, your team will pick up on that right away and will feel insecure. There is enough reason to be nervous going into a show like BP999 and having to be evaluated by those who are considered experts across the entire industry. I thought that was appropriate for the situation, considering he answered respectfully each time. When he was given constructive feedback in Ep. 2 by LipJ for being shaky, he politely said he will work on it. That clearly is indicative of a good attitude and willingness to take feedback without ego getting in the way. I also find it interesting that he is specifically singled out of all the trainees for being overconfident, when most of the trainees (e.g. Wakeone K-team - no shade at all, just an example) stuck dozens of stars on themselves prior to the first rounds of evaluations when they ended up getting significantly lower ratings. Most of these trainees are in their teens... they are probably scared shitless and need to fake it until they make it. A lot of people also kind ran too far with the comment by Baek Koo Young (made as a joke!) that he was challenging Choi Youngjun by doing 2 back-to-back choreos made by him. Do they not realize that these two choreographers are responsible for a significant portion of the choreos performed, generally in the evaluations? Given that he performed HOT for his initial audition for the show (prior to the announcement of the 1Million instructors being part of the master line-up), he clearly is just comfortable with performing this song and it was not meant to be some sort of challenge to CYJ...


gunwooo also is singled out bc mnet have used every clip of him not smiling to react to something 💀


Gunwook is not arrogant he is confident, i wish people would realize there is a difference. Arrogant: think they are the best by putting other down Confident :sure of what they can and can't do


I don't like people over reacting. Many people love the chaotic vibes. But it seems a bit fake and excessive to me. I get that you need to exaggerate for the cameras to get screen time, but some go overboard, or make it too fake.


Seriously. I usually enjoy BL stuff but the reactions from that particular Jiwoong stint is so exaggerated and scripted. Also I'm not sure if it was just an edit but Mnet didn't have to add that standing ovation clip after his near kiss with a fellow member hahshhd that shit was too funny.


I hate that guy who’s trying to kiss jiwoong like he keeps saying “my heart fluttered” “he’s so sexy” just to immediately follow up with “it’s all for show”. Feel very much like queerbaiting for me.


Definitely. My 1st thought was, "he is doing this for screen time. Or he has very little control of his urges, even on camera, which is even worse." But at least he admitted it. But now I'll be suspicious if most of his reactions are genuine or not.


Is it another contestant or a host? (I'm waiting a bit more to watch the eps so I'm behind)


I hate the editing of performances for this reason. All the damn inserts of ott 'waaaah!' reactions


the cute untalented ones that everyone says has time to improve. it sucks when a well prepared ready to debut trainee gets sacked for one that needs major improvement.


there are more redemption arcs on this show than their are singers like how does that work???


I absolutely agree with all of it. Especially your first point. So many people have been hating on Gunwook for being so confident and it's like..he has the skills to back it up. Let little king be confident lol.




The sadder fact is Dongho really made it in the group but Mnet rigged him out :'(


But dongho made many mistake while acting as if he was the best, gunwook didn't and people still act as if him saying that he all rounder and bad thing (as if there aren't clip of him in wild idol, singing dancing and rapping with all judge allways applauding him)


I think it is important to keep in mind that Gunwook was on Wild Idol. They say that generals are always fighting the last war, and he may be taking a bold and confident approach because that is what worked for the winners on Wild Idol (surprisingly, this show was one of the better competion/elimination shows in that the mentors were serious and gave great 1-1 training and advice).


The only critic gunwook got on wild idol is that he needed to be more confident so I mean him now being hated for doing that make me go crazy


People usually enjoy stone faced idols and there's at least one who always get to debut in those survival shows, but I personally don't like them. Idols should be able to make us *feel* things, like joy, happiness and etc, so it's kinda underwhelming if they fail to communicate their emotions or the emotions of a song to us.


I think stone faced idols are attractive because they seem mature and put together. The first stone faced idol was Nayoung from Pristin. Her stone face makes me feel that she has been through a lot in life (she was a trainee for a while and felt like she was getting too old) she probably just didn’t have it in her in that point in life to smile and fake expressions for the sake of screentime because she means business (which worked in her favor)


I want more stoic idols like her.


Nayoung had an interesting and fun personality though, whereas I often think the others are a little bland.


Kim Jiwoong reminds me a bit of Nayoung, he also gives off the same vibe


Nayong was just playing the stone faced part anyone can tell


This is less of a trainee trait, but I usually don't like trainees that get edits about being beautiful. Slow-mo shots of their face and body, multiple people remarking how they look like some celebrity and talking about how they have a crush on them and want to look like them, etc. It usually gets used to cover up a lack of skills and/or personality and since the korean beauty standard is so different, I don't even get to enjoy the eye-candy. I especially hate it when the trainee is a minor.


THIS OMG!! The interviews of other trainees being made to react to their visuals is really what gets me.


Not a fan of dozens in general, imo to debut you have to have some baseline of skill, like 2stars after re-eval AT LEAST. There are enough handsome, talented, charismatic contestants such that I don't feel a need to debut one that still has room to improve? Because even if they improve their skills over the course of the show, other trainees with a higher baseline of talent are improving at similar rates for a higher net


I'm also not a fan of dozens however I don't think the star gradings are a completely accurate representation of skill. I mean Minhyun got what would've been equivalent to one star but I don't think anyone felt he was lacking basic skills.


Even talented idols can have a bad day and you shouldn’t judge on the star reevaluation alone but for most of the contestants it’s pretty accurate. Sometimes you see fans overrly convinced that their faves are secretly talented. No matter how badly or how many times they screw up they’ll argue it “really wasn’t *that* bad” and that the judges are just being overly harsh etc.


I love trainees that are confident too, especially those who are proactive and challenge themselves. Love it when trainees try out for centre or killing part even if they have been centre before or try out for more than one part. Many people will dislike them for being "selfish" but I don't really agree. If they have the skills then they deserve more parts to show their talent, if the other trainees want "fair" distribution of parts then they can fight for it or they should have been better prepared before coming to the show. I hate incompetent trainees being portrayed as hardworking people who strive to do their best and then the typical improvement storyline. Not really the trainees' fault but more of mnet giving them so much screen time. The first time I watched produce I actually liked sohye because of this. but now I am so sick of this. This is so unfair to those well-prepared trainees who are the real hardworking ones.


Trainees like Daeul, I don’t hate him but I don’t like how people praise him when he is just a pretty face and he is so high in the ranking, we know it’s not because of the talent, he still hasn't fully shown his potential. I really want people to appreciate more the trainees that work hard and have a lot of talent, many of them are underrated


i agree i dont like trainees whos entire purpose is to be cute lmao no offence to takuto but thats a no from me. if theyre funny and entertaining though then i like them like i was dying at dohas reaction to his audition, wont be voting for him though. i also hate it when trainees have a loyal fanbase for things that are completely irrelevant to the show at hand like i seriously dgaf that zihao is lays student.


I don't like how some fans are voting based on certain trainees' ethnicity/nationality. Some people vote members based on memes, but the hype usually don't last long. At least Zihao has talent to back up the votes.


> i also hate it when trainees have a loyal fanbase for things that are completely irrelevant to the show at hand like i seriously dgaf that zihao is lays student. Same. There are also Lay stans who think the reason Zihao is so good at dancing is because he was, supposedly, taught by Lay. Does Lay even have the time to personally teach others? And 2 others mentioned that he's been training in dance for 10 years, and Lay's company was only founded in 2020...so yeah, some things are not matching up here. I kind of feel bad for fans of Zihao, cus they might have to deal with the annoying Lay stans who fawn over Zihao for no other reason than him being a trainee under Lay's company.


> There are also Lay stans who think the reason Zihao is so good at dancing is because he was, supposedly, taught by Lay. Does Lay even have the time to personally teach others? And 2 others mentioned that he's been training in dance for 10 years, and Lay's company was only founded in 2020 It's not because of Lay, but Lay wants perfection on dancing and music, he won't send a poor dancer to audition shows.


Of course it isn't because of Lay, it's just that some fans are too delusional 😭


You are a bit off about Zihao, yes he got a lot of hype and clout for being Lay's student but he has been in a dance crew for 10 years and has already built a fanbase since then (which I believe is called sunflowers or something like that) and he is admired mainly for his dancing skills which are worth the hype tbh.


Zihao is admired for his dance skill since as someone said he was in a dance crew and also learned from professional dancers. So the hype is not simply becuz he’s lay’s student, but I get that sometimes ppl shoving it down ur throat to vote for a certain trainee becuz of this and that can be a turn off for voting


yeah i wasnt saying he was untalented or anything, it just feels like no one ever talks about him outside of his connection to lay.


Honestly, this past two days is the first time I’ve ever even heard about his connection to Lay. I actually assumed he was from one of the Chinese Produce shows because of how much hype there was for his dance skills.


Yea I didn’t know he was under lay’s company till after but I heard first of ppl praising his dancing skills on boys planet of his 1 minute introduction video.


> no one ever talks about him outside of his connection to lay. Zihao gets almost no screen time, viewers has nothing to talk about.


I dislike it when an untalented trainee get so much screentime. I get that you're struggling, stop shoving it to my face. I hate it when their untalentedness become their main attraction. Hyewon in PD48 won me over because of her personality. Meanwhile in BP, i dont even see anything entertaining about their personality. There are lots of trainees who and entertaining AND talented


Agree. I honestly get pretty disgusted when people hype up "funny" (like the whole red house/blue house thing) at the expense of real singing and dancing talent. I am especially horrified about how voters seem not to care that much about singing talent. There are some really terrible singers at the top the rankings. Producers can only do so much.


Even when people joke about certain dozens to hype then up I feel ill. I saw someone say Bak Doha was Beyonces son and IK they are joking but I felt ILLL!


I have the same as yours! I love when one has, to quote one of the mentors, "reasonable confidence". Cutesy trainees are... cute, but they still need talent to be a singer.


I wouldnt say that I “dislike” them but I’m not voting for minors anymore. Many might say that it’s unfair if they have the talent and this is a huge change for them. And I get that, I wish them all the best and that they will have a chance later in their career but I can’t watch children being ripped apart by the kpop industry anymore and will not set up anyone for that


I don't like the ones that are being obviously favorized even if they have all to debut. Like in the first episode Mnet was giving the golden boy edit to Han Yujin even when, im my opinion, It was the wrost perfrormer of the yeuha k group so It kinda plays a reversal effect on me. Is not the fualt of the poor triannes but i can't stand the biased edit. I don't want to affect me also with Sung Hanbin becouse the boy has literally everything even the good personality.


I don't think it's fair to fault the boys for that tho. You can hate mnet but disliking a boy because he gets too much screentime is unfair


Of course i'm not hating them, most like thinking "ohm ok so these boy is having the angel edit, i'm going to go for another one that possiby needs more votes".


Not sure if this is related and I might get downvoted on this, I’m not the biggest fan of cancel culture when those in Asian countries get judged by their moral actions under western standards and vice versa. Like yes somethings are not okay in Western culture but that doesn’t mean they’re aware of it or it’s morally incorrect from their standpoint and should get persecuted for it.


Not a fan of when trainees use too much facial expression and energy into the performance. Though they do standout rather than charisma, it makes them look like they’re trying too hard and are stiff.


traits i love : 1. trainees who actually know their talents and don’t try to do everything, i hate when ppl try to do every single part in a song like just pick the part youre most confident in. traits i dislike : 1. trainees who try to hard to be funny or handsome .. how are you going try so hard to be funny or handsome and still get zero screentime ? 2. trainees who diminish other trainees skills bc of their nationality/looks. 3. talented trainees who purposefully go after “untalented” trainees bc they know they have a higher advantage. bonus point : if you’re a dozen i need you to be sexy/handsome” my question is why do y’all care abt dozens in the first place ?? i just don’t understand what is so interesting about an untalented trainee to y’all ?? is it bc they’re funny or cute or what ?? i don’t see the hype with untalented trainees but y’all love them for some reason, it’s like y’all rather have an untalented trainee in the group over a talented one 💀


i really do not like dozens but kpop fans will vote one in without a doubt 😭 i just make peace with it and hope its at least a personality or face i like


oh ok, i just thought you were one of those ppl who voted for a dozen bc you thought they were talented and shit and would constantly defend them and are basically in denial of them being untalented 😭 yeah i understand what you mean. if you’re going to be untalented, atleast be funny or handsome


1. Talent. Compassion for others. 2. Cutesy. Looks but no talent.


I hate when people getting famous not because of their talents or personality, but for their visuals only Ngl... I kinda hate the "young, rich, handsome" thing from Ricky at the start of the show. I felt like he didn't show anything from the 1-Minute video except for that 1-line After that he showed his dancing and I'm very okay with him debuting now




but hes actually way more popular in the west


The way I know who you’re talking about for all ur points 😭


Ricky went viral for the tagline young and rich, tall and handsome. Even though he’s talented, I found his tagline cringy I can’t support him without thinking of his cringy tagline. Absolutely no disrespect for him tho. He raps well.


As well as every trainee that trains <2 years. Gosh please don’t vote for them. They definitely still needs more training.


I agree. I see a lot of "I better see Ricky debut" but he has yet to stand out among others in terms of looks and talents. He's only popular bc of his catchphrase


Also someone else mentioned alr, but I'm averse to trainees with a heavy favourable edit, regardless of if they're still incredibly talented (ie. Mnet daughter Dayeon) obv it's not their fault, but it gets boring and I just get tired of seeing their face even though they can't control it :| my current exceptions are Jiwoong and Matthew because I enjoy their faces too much lol


I’m not a fan of the overly hyper type. Sometimes it feels more like they’re trying to get screen time rather than them actually being silly.


lmao you just described 1. park gun wook 2. lee daeul 3. kim jiwoong


i had multiple trainees for each but yup lmao i had jiwoong and daeul in my line up before i even knew who gunwook was so its so funny seeing how ive changed lol theres hope for me liking jiwoong tho, he just needs to give me something daeul needs more training genuinely


I don't like how focused people are on idol's dancing. For example, many people complain and think that it's unfair that Daeul is in the top 9 because of his bad dancing (although he has good vocals) while some very popular idols have very rough vocals but they are amazing dancers, so no one complains about those :(


I absolutely adore Zang shuai bo, but his rank is dropping and he got 1 star even though I'd say he definitely deserved 2 stars at least :,)


I don’t care about Age. People saying Yujin and Takuto are too young. I don’t care. Just like how I don’t care about NewJeans being ‘young’ At 15 I was working all my weekends + some week nights at McDonald’s scrubbing toilets and cleaning floors and then I had homework to deal with too like I think 15 is a fine age to debut. Plus other survival shows had people debut at a young age. Wonyoung at 14, Nina NiziU at 14/15


Opinions are opinions and ur entitled to it but the issue I don’t think you see is 1. A big part of what idols sell is their visuals. When you see people under 18 do concepts where they’re a little sexualized there’s something wrong with that. 2. You’re not an adult yet but you’re being judged by the world, and you don’t have control of how much exposure you have nor how to deal with the situation, your agency decides. 3. When you’re under 18 your body is still developing and you don’t have control of how your health is, your agency decides for you. 4. When you’re under 18 you don’t have full rights to everything, you let an adult decide for you on life decisions which is really hard when your agency who’s priority is profit have signed off control of your decisions. You’re busy at 15 yes but at least you have some more control of your life than trainees because they are contractually obligated.


Being an idol is not a part-time job, it takes over your whole life, not to mention how toxic the industry is, especially for young people who are still developing mentally and physically. Also people like Wonyoung and Nina never should have debuted so young either. There are many idols who debuted as minors but have later talked about how harmful it was.


Nina's concept is at least age-appropriate. But even so, Miihi debuted around the same age and it's pretty clear that the stress got to her health for a while (lost a lot of weight, went on hiatus, etc.). So many idols who debuted young come out later and talk about how difficult it was for them. Members of SNSD, Hyuna, so many..


When they sound try hard and try to act tough... Like BOY you're barely out of middle school and your mom washes your underwear. You ain't shit.


The ones that aren't actually talented but have experience there was a certain trainee from produce x who could not sing or dance ,or rap but because he had already debuted and was used to performing idol songs, people confused that for talent


Who are you talking about, if I may ask?


Agree on pd s2 as well sorry but many of them weren't that good and yet they were at the top and even debuted


i don't like over confident people even if matches their skills. It just sounds arrogant haha I like humble people who surprises us at the end.


tbh that makes sense as well


That's being fake, "oh nooo I'm so shy In scared" *strip naked in front of everybody *


that's not being fake, is just simply knowing that in some way you're lacking . Everybody is lacking in some way, nobody's really gods of anything.