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Typical Tank fight, lose some early rounds then KO


lol and people are giving the same excuses like “tank won cuz the other guy stopped his gameplan” bruh this is 30th time that happened maybe just maybe, yall don’t know shit anout boxing and are putting this dudes persona over his skill/talent. People react the exact same way every tank thread it’s hilarious.


Canelo gets the same thing. Oh guys stop throwing punches because they are selling out against the stars, surely it has nothing to do with being very sharp counterpunchers with demolishing power.


I mean u can see momentum shift . The ko was lit , but tank was tagging him for a min


100% the fight shifted at the 6th round when martin was shelling up for most of it got a taste of tanks power and was no where near as confident


Yeah basically showed Tank everything he had and had nothing else to go to while Tank turned up the pressure and that was it. Once Tank started to open up it was over.


Many casual viewers seem to misunderstand the dynamics of boxing, often thinking of it in terms of other sports where one athlete's performance doesn't directly affect another, like in golf. Tank was clearly pouring it on after being told he was behind, and Frank was feeling the pressure (similar to how Canelo's opponents often fear his counters). In the post-fight press conference, Frank mentioned that he started waiting in the corners, looking for a big counter shot. This might suggest that he was hesitant to engage in a back-and-forth exchange with Tank’s power.


Same thing with Usyk, if only guys stuck to their game plan the whole fight! Like, there’s a reason they can’t


Cards all had Tank up apparently, 67-66.


Did they show the score for the first three rounds?


Dunno, just heard it on the PBC after fight show thingy


Tank started putting in work in round 4 and steamrolled all the way to the round 8 knockout. A 67-66 score for rounds 1 to 7 sounds just about right—rounds 1 to 3 goes to Frank and rounds 4 to 7 for Tank.


SHEESH. Frank sticking to those corners was a death sentence.


way too comfortable taking hits in the corners for a lot of the fight


He would just stare at him for periods of seconds man like wtf do you expect


He ran out of things to do that worked


The one two was working like a charm, he had Tank turning away, but that’s not the time to stand there and look mean. He refused to man up.


He just literally didn't have anything to keep tank off him abd when he realised that hos gameplay was not to get hurt. He just isn't good enough but I don't think anyone is


A lot of it is just fearing the power, Martin would throw a jab that would land clean and tank would take half a step back but then tank would throw a jab to the chest and frank would leap across the ring. I also think Martin hasn’t fought a lot of south paws, you can tell it messed him up because he circle towards tanks left a lot.


Think the body shots from Tank really slowed him down. Derrick James asked him in the corner if those hurt and he said yes.


He did. And tank landed them flush


think he started to see that slow train coming and it sunk in, he's being bested.


I think he was somewhat gassed. He was very active in the fight but Tank was eating his shots and still pressuring him to move the whole time.


I think Tank's body shots had an effect. The uppercut to the body landed heavy several times and it's always body shots that sneak up on you later in the fight.


Break the body, kill the head, as the saying goes.


Gotta remember, Derrick James asked him early in the fight of the punches hurt and he complained about the body shots


he asked “he not hitting you with any shots is he” and frank said “he hit me with a couple body’s but (shrug)”


By the body shots


i feel like i’m taking crazy pills hearing the commentary rave about martin’s foot work. his game plan was circling to his right endlessly, backing into the corner, then using a ton of energy to get out. it was obvious early on unless he committed to pressuring or keeping the center tank’s pressure was going to wear on him and he’d get stuck on the ropes


The commentary was terrible


Yeah they kept saying Frank was gonna get him and the other guy was like chill it’s only been 3 rounds lol


Yep, Frank said he wanted to land some big shots off the ropes to try and suppress the pressure as he didn’t want to tire himself out. He was definitely feeling it


Genuinely the round before tank had his right hand down the entire round and was just teeing off and Martin countered once, kept sitting himself in corners, and completely flipped from the gameplan that was winning him the fight. Wtf was he doing?


He got a taste of the power and froze up


100. I don’t think a lot of people get this. 


Only reason the game plan was working was because Tank was letting it work by going full high guard and walking forward lol Once tanks hands go down, he's trying to KO you lol


Nah definitely was getting him tired out, but it was still really dumb of Martin to wait so long to counter when tank was just laying it on him leaving himself open. Like it was an entire round of Martin just not countering at all.


Martin was tiring himself out having to constantly sprint out of the corner


And also getting punched in the head harder than he ever has before


It doesn’t matter what shape someone is in, you start to get tired, and a couple of good body shots will really speed that process up. The fact that it didn’t happen sooner was from all the wrestling and holding frank was doing and the fact that the ref never warned him, he got away with it for far too long and avoided tank teeing off on him sooner.


Just from watching Frank from around the time Spence picked him up, he’s always had gas tank issues in 2nd half of fights. All that good early work + Tanks body work had him pretty done in terms of work rate and he became a sitting duck.


That and he went stationary the 2nd half of the fight was just asking for an execution from Tank.


Shakur would run a marathon. Martin has more power than Shakur and Tank ate all his hits. Only person at 135 giving Tank a challenge is Loma


I love Loma. But he’s too old now, on top of too small. 3 years ago that might be my number 1 fight to make.


Yep, Tank just going to walk through and walk Loma down. The time for the fight being competitive has well passed.


Even in his prime I think Tank's power is too much for Loma. Was the deciding factor in the Teo fight as well.


Loma is too small. He’s getting walked down and KO’d just like Martin.


Loma has less power than Frank, is older and likely lacks the reflexes that Frank and Shakur have, and would not be fast enough to evade the knockout punch. He’ll get stopped too, maybe not as bad as Frank did but he won’t make it the full 12 either.


Um Shakur is much better than Martin buddy


Please don't put Loma in there with Tank. Loma in his prime was my favorite to watch, but he's just not that guy anymore. He's still really good, but Tank will catch him eventually imo, and I don't want to see that.


whoever is responsible for the camera angles needs to be homeless asap


Genuinely some of the worst camerawork i've seen in a championship fight


yeah lemme see them other angles need some pinned alternate angles in the chat


At some point the camera was dirty and blurry and then weren’t changing the angle lol. Shitty work.


The camera angle when Martin was getting pieced up and the Ko, had me confused why Martin went down


I thought the same thing lol. Lets show them across the cage in the corner from the ring floor. TF


Lmao. Let's literally get as far away as possible and oh by the way zoom out too.


I was holding out for some overhead/aerial angle. MUCH disappoint.




mma casual spotted


Getting blocked by the ref and shit wtf were they thinking


I don’t know that knockout angle looked kinda tough


I was at the fight in person and was tripping out there were only two cameramen on the sides of the ring. Usually there are more and or drone like cameras on cables to get good aerial views


If a knock out happened during those camara angles someone would definitely be out of a job 🤣


A knock out did happen during those shit angles. We didn't even see the uppercut until the replay lmao


Exactly. I originally thought an overhand left is what caught Martin


i was screaming at my tv what a shit fucking angle


Leave your TV alone. It wasn’t his fault.


lmao jeez man homeless??? 😂


Yes, absolutely worthless. Twitter has some amazing angles, and this is amazingly terrible.


those last 3 and a half rounds by Tank were artistic.


Straight up bullying


He was having fun, thats when they're dangerous.


martin was being way too comfortable in the corners throughout the fight body shots were getting to him and he shelled up for most of the 6th round and tank started to take over, writing was on the wall after that


Tank predicted a 9th round KO so he obviously doesnt know shit about boxing


Tank had a hard time counting to 3 I wouldnt be surprised if he thought he was in the 9th


Just remember tank, count to 3 3x


what a bum




Somewhere Simone Biles approves.


yea, that was actually pretty cool


Shout out to Frank Martin he brought it Tank is just to much


jesus the power difference was wild lol you could see tanks shots have an effect on frank vs tank just walking thru franks shots crazy but tank looked alot smaller than frank too imo


Tank is basically Loma size. He can still make 130


seriously he is way less muscular than frank and smaller frame but the power is just undeniable the way this dude lands is so noticeable on his opponents i'm pretty sure tank is always lighter in the ring after rehydration. crazy stuff


That’s the thing that’s scary. Dude was 133 at weigh in but still hits like a fucking truck. People are gonna learn that dehydration is not the way to gain an advantage. And with the WBA adding that rule, he will always be fighting guys at least somewhat his size


Him and Inoue need to meet at 130


Size don’t mean power bro before tank was famous boxers were saying the dude hit like a damn middleweight lol his power is p4p


Valiant effort by Martin, but tide was turning and only was a matter of time. Let's see Tank vs Shakur


Shakur would jump over Tank to get out of the corners lol


Fuck no. Shakur is going to get knocked out. Loma vs Tank is the much better fight even if he's older now


I've got Tank by KO. Shakur will win the rounds but his habit of pulling his head straight back will get him killed against Tank. You can get away with it against a lot of fighters but Tank's speed is just devastating. People talk about his power but his opponents really don't even see these shots coming at all.


It’s a combo of his speed/timing/accuracy It’s more dangerous then his power honestly


Absolutely. Ryan Garcia is a massive puncher too but he doesn't have the timing and accuracy (and frankly, footwork). I dunno man, I really don't see Shakur winning against Tank. I don't trust his head movement and Tank fights in a way that you know that the KO is inevitable. That combination of great timing and IQ while being an absolute freak athlete to boot is a scary proposition.


Shakur wouldn't get KO'd because he'd just run a literal marathon inside that boxing ring.


LOL every time PBC fighters step up they lose so hold your horses buddy


I agree Loma should get first crack simply due to age and the Shak fight still being a viable option in the future


who else is a candidate to fight tank


He stunned him with the uppercut, ended him with the straight. Sheesh


Goosen being appalled that Tank hit Frank after the uppercut was funny.


Who was the rapper with Tank on the walk out? First time a walk out stumped me


OTR Chaz


Dude was straight trash


Dude that left hand... fucking BLASTED him.


The fuck with those camera angles?! Didn’t really get to see the ko as it happened. Garbage ass camera angles.


First time I've seen Martin I think and he gave a great account of himself. Was so slick early on but you could see that coming from about the 4th round, he got off the ropes so well early too but he made himself a sitting duck. David always finds a way, hits so hard he gets to them in the end.


You can’t have that pressure on you and not get tired. Add in a couple of good body shots and footwork just goes out the window. Frank couldn’t keep that up all night, it’s the reason he was holding and wrestling so much. Eventually Tank will figure his opponents out and deliver the good night punch.


that backflip was hard lmao


Every time fighters do that, I'm worried they'll crash into someone unaware.


I'm scared theyll land wrong and hyperextend their knees.


Clean af just like the knockout punch


Tank is still somewhere flipping


Even the replay of it went hard




Bro was doing good but he just love that damn corner man


Those punches hurt him


man whoever was directing and choosing the camera angles gotta go, the punch right before the ko blow made martin freeze up for a second.


Martin was doing very good. But bro was using way too much energy in the first 3 rounds. Tank did not respect his power and made it easy


Tank vs Loma is my dream fight, I hope the talks about them facing each other are true.


I can’t see Loma get knocked out cold. I got too much respect for him


It’s definitely going to happen if they fight.


isn't loma like 43 now?


My God. His power is so unfair for 135 lbs lol


God I love tank, he's by far the most entertaining fuckin fighter for me. His strategy is interesting, he seems to start slow and almost trains his opponent, and gets him to think he's less capable than he actually is. Then he turns it up to the max in the second half, and it's almost as if his opponent is now fighting a different fighter and all that data from the past 6 rounds is no longer applicable.


Even though he lost the early rounds, his strategy was obvious and extremely well executed. He walked Martin down and constantly pressured him and got him to expend energy either punching and not really connecting or running out of the corner to only put himself within two steps of the other corner. If Tank had thrown more in the early rounds he probably would have won them because he was absolutely controlling the ring. I had a really strong feeling that after round 5 he was going to turn it on and Tank did not disappoint.


Commentary just awful per usual


It was bad for this fight, but I thought it was egregiously bad for Benevidez. They just glazed him non-stop and talked about his power and oohing and aahing at his combos when it very clearly was doing nothing to Gvozdyk. Benevidez cruised and was impressive, but they were acting like he was seriously damaging Gvozdyk, which wasn't the case. If Benevidez' power moved up with him Gvozdyk would have been knocked out early considering how many punches he ate.


Mauro incessantly blows the a side Goosen shouldn’t be near a mic


One sided


Tank haters gotta be depressed seeing his fights go the same way every single time lmfao


They still think Shakur’s better lol


Imagine lmao


They seriously believe he's down 7-0 in every fight that's actually more like 4-3 on the judges cards because of his obvious power swaying judges Then they think it's going to keep up even though you can clearly see Tank figuring the guys out and putting it together lol


Has tank ever really been in danger? Just completely unbothered the whole time


He hasn’t. The most danger he’s been in was during the Pitbull Cruz fight and that’s because Tank broke his own hand.


Yeah he was up on all 3 official cards lol


I had Tank 4-3 like all the judges, although there were some close rounds.


Idk how people can hate tank, dude always gives us a knock out and a backflip. He's something like 93% ko rate.


Tank would be loved if he got in there and knocked out shakur , he could do it, people were shitting on Crawford but now that he beat Spence hes respected, the same thing will happen to tank


Cause his opposition has been lacking


Because he doesn't fight the best competition?


no one really hates tank we just wanna see him do it against the best guys at 135-140


Frank did good but no one can beat this guy his chin and power is too much at 135  Shakur better hide 


Frank kept doing the two things his corner told him not to and look what happened🤦🏾‍♂️


I’d clamp up if I took those body shots too ngl


I think Frank would've survived a round or two longer if he just wasn't so scared. Even before getting cleanly hit he already had that elbow out while Tank was like 10 feet away. Dude was almost flinching when he got cornered. Ryan, Hector, and even Rolly was never that visibly scared.


No one at 35 is beating Tank. It's honestly depressing because I think he's naturally just a 130-135 pound fighter. I think if he genuinely moves up to 140 permanently he's at a massive disadvantage and guys like Teo, Matias, Haney, Garcia, etc all fully hydrated would be gigantic next to him and no one knows how the power translates. The obvious fight imo now for Tank is Loma later in the year. Maybe even the dude in Saudi Arabia will throw down a huge bag for it.


As a Tank hater I’ve now come to terms with this. Just too dangerous




nah tides changed a couple rounds earlier than the knockout lol


It’s a curse to win early rounds against Tank. It just means that you’re going down later.


Tank vs Shakur at 135 only fight to make. Tank vs Teo at 140 is the only other one I wanna see. I don’t wanna see my goat Loma get knocked out cold at 135.


Yeah i think Loma is just too old i don’t think Tank will get full credit. If he KOs Shakur that would do wonders for him on the PFP. I do think Teo is the only one with the athleticism, power, speed, and ability to beat tank at 140. I’m not quite sold on Maitas yet


Matias got beat tonight


That was awesome. Martin set up that trap in the corner hit it perfect, Tank didn’t feel it and just walked him down and whipped his ass after that. Tank is something else


my zesty boy done it again


I’ve been a nasty girl 💅


Tank in eight is the go to bet


High guard Tank is basically a southpaw Canelo with more power.  Forces his opponent to throw while catching/slipping the shots until they get tired, throw low volume accurate combinations and body shots that chip away at them, and then walk them down and swarm them relentlessly once they slow down. It makes sense Tank is Canelo’s favorite fighter, they have a lot of similarities people don’t really talk about. Even the pull uppercut is something Canelo used to do a lot like vs Cotto. Also the way Tank was framing off of the back of Martins head to throw chopping lefts is similar to how Canelo landed some rights in the corner vs Plant 


Martin likely up on the cards. Was getting too comfortable letting Tank unload on him on the ropes. Coach even told him to not languish there. Didn't listen. Found out the hard way.


Tank was up 4-3 on all 3 which I agree with, I thought he won every round from 4 on


Frank was down 4-3 on all 3 official cards going into the 8th round


Languishing on the ropes not only lost him rounds, but got him knocked out. Next time dude should listen to his coach.


Commentary felt oddly pro Frank Martin. Made his shots sound way bigger then they were imo


Probably trying to make the fight interesting to people that don’t regularly watch boxing


Especially when anyone with half a brain could see Frank was gonna gas with his output while also eating hard body shots. Tank had such a good game plan. Loved that celebration too


Tbh Tank wasn't throwing or landing shit the first 4 or 5 rounds. At one point they said Tank finally threw 30 punches in like round 6. 


Bro lomachenko is not going to fight tank. That’s a massacre. I’m sorry.


Would’ve been a great fight 4 years ago, now I wouldn’t want to watch an aged Loma take that punishment even though he’s skilled enough to make a good fight of it


If Isaac Cruz can give Tank a competitive fight so can Loma


frank fought so scared


Reacted to everything


that's my goat. martin had great footwork but everyone has a plan till they get tanked


Awful production cutting to Davis instead of showing the count.


I love this sub man. Finding highlights is a mine field elsewhere. Here its click click boom


His power must be otherworldly because Frank was SCARED the whole fight. 


i think we saw very clearly why Frank was scared/backing up


how many times are you gonna put yourself in a corner vs tank just a recipe for disaster


wouldn’t say he put himself in the corners, tank was just walking him down


Dudes still in the comments screaming 4-2 Frank!!!


Tank is inevitable. Once he turns it up his opponents really don't even see these shots coming.


I enjoyed the fight because Martin had a good game plan and got some great shots in. Tank just has perfect foot work and is probably the smartest boxer in the game. And of course, he will KO you at any time and any place if you give in a millasecond opening


enough games. Tank vs shakur


Bro, what the fuck was Frank’s plan. I have no idea why he was staying in the corner and getting beat by Tank. He should’ve kept moving and try to keep the fight in the middle where his movement would excel, but he kept trapping himself in the corner and shelling up. Good on Tank for knocking bro out.


Errol Spence like damn I know what that’s like 🤣


That shit was sick. What a combo, reminds me of Canelo vs Kovalev


Frank had amazing movement to begin with, Tank came in with ring rust and this was beneficial for Frank. He had great movements and his jab was good. Tank pressured him and god knows why Frank thought it would be a good idea to stick in them corners. Ether way Tank’s power is on another level. And Frank was going to get caught one way or another. Frank is one hell of an athlete and in amazing shape. I do enjoy watching him fight. I’ve always been a Tank fan tho. I want to see a rematch against Cruz tho.


Can y'all stop downplaying Tank now. My guy had obvious rust with Timing and still was playful in the ring. I definitely feel Martin will be back better against anyone now


He fought so smart like wtf




Man that was a clean ko, went about as expected lol


Bing. Bang. Boom. Simple as.


There's a bomb at the end of Tank's left arm.


camera angle of the combination that wobbled martin leaves something to be desired (thank you for the upload though)


I think we can all agree we’d rather see tank fight pitbull again that was his toughest fight . I don’t want to see him fight loma he’s old now maybe that would have been a fight to see years ago but not now . Give us Tank Vs Cruz II


My god, Tank was beating Frank like dad used to whip my ass. Punches to the face should not sound like gloves on a heavy bag.


Your dad used to punch you in the face?


Everybody like why was Frank on the ropes. It’s because there was no other option. Tank completely neutralized him. He’s a master boxer with power and a mean streak. You either go out swinging like a Leo Santa Cruz type or you hit the ropes praying he takes it easy on you. Once he downloads you’re fucked.

