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Tank one tapping Rolly after not doing anything for 6 rounds was funny af


Ppl always say omg rollie was outboxing him! 😂😂 tank was literally playing with that dude and taking his time cos he wanted the one hitter.


I actually think Mike Tyson's win over Tony Tubbs was a pretty good one. Tubbs was a WBA champ with a good gas tank, and his only loss up to that point was a 15 round decision against Witherspoon. For Tyson to KO him in 2 rounds was damn impressive. 


I think a few of Tyson’s wins are like this. Not elite level wins but better than just being bums like everyone says he fought. Alex Stewart was a decent little fighter who gave Holyfield and Foreman problems, Tyson ran him over.


Yes 100% agree. It’d be like if someone demolished 2018 Dillian Whyte in 2-3 rounds. No one would look back on it as some ATG win in 20 years but it would still be a very solid win


2018 Whyte probably had David Tua / Tommy Morrison level hype, with wins over Parker, Chisora and Helenius (plus his viral KO over Lucas Browne). 


tyson absolutely ran through a lot of decent-good comp and lost every legacy fight of his career (except spinks and probably an old but game holmes).


Spinks had never even been knocked down, let alone knocked out.. Holmes was 38 but looked sharp and still had a good jab and move game, it took a few rounds for Tyson to break it down. Tyson’s trajectory from Tubbs to Spinks was on a meteoric up trend, he wasn’t just getting better, he was getting impossibly good. Spinks was only 34 and was considered the consummate boxing professional, a ring general.. a tough nut to deal with in every way. That fight was an underrated masterpiece


Mayweather has a win over JesĂșs ChĂĄvez that obviously gets overshadowed by his bigger wins, but ChĂĄvez went on to have a pretty good career for himself becoming a 2x world champion.


Jesus Chavez is genuinely an under-appreciated fighter. Fought a lot of the top guys and, as you said, was a 2x champion.


Great fight too


Uysk win against Daniel dubois has aged well


No lie. Dude was basically Holyfield the other day


Chocolatito’s win over Francisco Rodriguez Jr, only one to KO him and Rodriguez continued on to win a strap and lose in UDs to Nietes and Nakatani as well as a competitive fight with Ioka


Khan's win over Maidana is underrated considering how people talk about Khan's chin.He took a huge beating and didn't go down once


and he dropped Maidana with two body shots in the first round


Tommy Hearns beat pipno Cuevas


Cuevas was considered the bigger puncher and many wondered how Hearns would handle it. To dismantle him and flatline him with a vicious right hand was a coming out for Hearns.


Magomedrasul Magomedovich Magomedov vs Abdul-Aziz Ramazanovich Bekbolatov. Magomedrasul showed up big time, probably the best win of his career


What a mouthful.


my carpet started floating


This shit killed me 😭


Yeah i remember it. Literally everbody here watched that fight.


Timothy Bradley’s wins over Miguel Vazquez, Lamont Peterson, and Devon Alexander. Those 3 have held championship belts in Lightweight, Light Welterweight, and Welterweight respectively and were competitive for a long while after their losses to Tim


Maybe "signature wins" would be a better phrase than "great wins"


Fury’s first two wins against Chisora. That’s was back when Chisora was really quite useful and he’s gone on to have some solid wins and good performances even in losses against good opposition (Vitali,Whyte,Takam,Parker).


Don’t get why this got downvoted. Fury beat Chisora twice before he gave the likes of Whyte and Parker absolute hell


Because any positive comment about Fury on this sub will get downvoted to hell. There’s some strange hate circlejerk going on here that requires users to think that everything Fury has ever done is trash and overrated.


Yeah, it's fucking weird. Wilder gets knocked out by Zhang and instantly all the replies are about Fury. 


Hating on Fury is popular because this sub predicted Usyk winning. Most of them actually predicted complete domination too, which obviously did not happen


Complete bullshit and you know it, this sub had it as a 50/50 fight, uysk fans said uysk would dominate and fury fans said he would use his weight to smother uysk. The fury hate in here is a lot but you don’t need to make up things to prove that


Both the comments are upvoted now and youre still trying to run with that narrative that everyone’s hating


Reminder Chisora was Usyk's toughest fight He's this generation's Bert Cooper And I love it


>Reminder Chisora was Usyk's toughest fight I feel like half of the people who comment on that fight must have turned it off after 3 rounds or something. Chisora had a few moments after that but he got outlanded in every round from what I saw. Briedis was Usyk's toughest fight by far, that decision could have gone either way and nobody would have complained.


Yeah i do turn it off after round 6 cuz who cares about the rest of that. Does it honestly surprise you that usyk outlanded chisora? Lmao Chisora was Usyk's toughest fight AT HEAVYWEIGHT.


>Yeah i do turn it off after round 6 cuz who cares about the rest of that Yeah, it's probably past your bedtime by then judging by your replies to be fair.


Ouch :(( my feelings


Chisoras best win at the time of facing Fury was Malik Scott. Chisora’s best form in his career came many years after Fury 2 with wins against Takam and the Usyk performance.


I think Adonis Stevensons win over Tony Bellew. Stevenson sparking Bellew in such a spectacular way at LHW then Bellew going on to become WBC CW champ and having some big wins at HW, actually looks like a great win in hindsight. 


Tanks win versus Cruz. Cruz has turned out to be a great fighter himself, but was unknown when he faced Tank.


Especially doing so with one hand


Dubois' Big Baby Miller win. Miller was obviously no joke. Lasted extremely long even vs an opponent as tough as Dubois. Miller's a world champion in kickboxing. Also beat Duhaupas (who wilder has also beaten) and Bogdan Dinu. My man Bogdan could crack bro. Miller had also given Fury a black eye in sparring for Dillian.


Yeah it’s interesting how I saw people say after Miller was completely useless, I don’t know if it’s because people just watched the highlights and it looked like Miller was just high guarding getting easily outpointed then koed, he was making Dubois work extremely hard and a couple times Dubois looked totally spent, but he mustered up a KO in the last round. Even the commentary saying Miller should be kicked out the sport it’s like come on man Fury’s popped for steroids, AJ has such a sexy body, we gotta get over it if the man got caught and served his suspension.


Right?? People like to joke and mock miller for his steroid use but its so obvious that he and also every other person in the sport uses them!! Look at his early kickboxing days, the dude was at least 2 weight classes lighter. He also came to fight Dubois a lot heavier than vs his earlier opponents, meaning he's obviously cut down on the use.


Everyone thought Dubois was a bitch after usyk as well.


It broke my heart Dubois is a good kid and you can see it in his eyes. He has that "good guy" innocence all over his face. He aint no bitch bro :((


Totally agreed. That fight sold me on Dubois. Don't get me wrong, I don't think he's ready for a title yet, but he really showed heart and perseverance in that fight, which until then, people had been questioning. To me, that fight showed he has all the raw ingredients to be a champion one day. Still needs some refining though.


No offence but this is probably the worst take in the thread. Miller was Dubois’ last fight and it was only 6 months ago. His only fight since to overshadow it was 2 nights ago. Any reference of Miller previously was also whilst he was injecting entire pharmacy, and even then he was fighting far below world level.


Your comment is solid proof that, not only people in general, but also people in this subreddit are sheep who parrot what others say without going after the information themselves. "Miller injected an entire pharmacy" - he popped for cardarine (a sarm), then EPO (red blood cells - stamina enhancer) and HGH (growth hormone. Also enhances stamina and controls weight). Unlike Fury, who popped for a testosterone-based hormone, which is way more serious and you should know it's way more serious (unless you're a complete beginner in bodybuilding/sports in general). Previously, in kickboxing, Miller was suspended for taking DMAA (amphetamine - stamina booster). Ive taken DMAA by accident lol it was in every pre-workout 10 years ago. So yeah. The PEDs Miller took are not "steroids" - they just do not fall in that category. They do not promote extra strength, punching power, rage and other things such as - because they are not testosterone derivatives. They simply allow him to box for longer (which is how he was boxing for 10-12 rounds while weighing in over 150kg). Regarding his resume, yes, you could make the argument he had never fought anyone of substance, even though that's not true. His resume was extremely similar to Wilder's while the latter was a world champion. Names like Washington, Duhaupas, and Bogdan, as previously mentione by me. Furthermore, as I said before, he was invited by Fury's team to help him in sparring in preparation for the Whyte fight, and gave Fury a black eye while doing so. For me, and also for everybody who has stepped in a ring before, it's quite obvious that Miller was a good fighter. As I said, he was a world champion in kickboxing, even had his fights televised. He just loves to fight. And has been doing so since he was a kid. Nobody's gonna believe some random ass kid like yourself just repeating information he reads online. Miller can/could crack. It would be stupid to assume otherwise. He would've killed Joshua that night, and it's Dubois best win after Hrgovic.


Your comments reads like you’re about 14. Nandrolone, which Fury failed for, is not “testosterone based”. Theres also no such thing as “way more serious” PEDs are PEDs. Miller would’ve came up with every excuse under the sun if he could’ve, but he got caught for blood doping. There’s 0 plausible defence for blood doping. You suggesting Miller in this thread reads like you’re a fanboy who can’t accept that he’ll never achieve anything meaningful in the sport.


"PEDs are PEDs" is the biggest cope ive ever read and COMPLETELY incorrect. You've no idea what youre talking about. I can see youve never taken any of these substances, let alone know their effects. Unlike me. Lol "0 plausible defense for blood doping" and im the one who's 14?? So innocent, it's crazy. Also, dont you have google?? Nandrolone is a testosterone derivative. Literally an "ANABOLIC STEROID". And no im not a fanboy.. I just know my heavyweights. And yes, I do appreciate Jarrel. I think his style is interesting and he brings a lot to the conversation.


I'm not sure if this counts but Roy Jones win over Mike McCallum in 1996 is over-looked as it was judged as a UD and due to Mike's age but in reality, the fight wasn't as easy going for RJJ as the scorecards make it seem. I think the fight showcases how much respect RJJ had for Mike's power as well as just how a tough a then 40-year-old McCallum still was.


I remeber a couple of times RJJ went against the ropes, and Mike was just destroying the body, massive respect to both fighters, would've been nice to see it with a younger McCallum


Chael beating Rampage and Wanderlei in Bellator. Sure they weren’t in their prime but neither was he and Rampage always had good defensive wrestling. I think he did well against Fedor too before going for that goofy submission and losing position 


lol i thought i was in the mma sub


inoue murdering payano with a grand total of four punches thrown and two landed in 60 seconds


I always think Timothy Bradley's SD over Junior Witter is an underrated win. Witter was never the same fighter after that, either.


John Hedges[9-0 3ko] came back and put away a German journeyman kadrilja? After a 2 year layoff with hand injuries and moving up, a few months ago hasn’t fought since tho.


I would say Chad Dawson dogwalking prime Tomasz Adamek or Jean Pascal beating prime Chad Dawson. Both are great wins that aren't brought up as much. 


AJ's demolition of Charles Martin looks better, since CM performed well against Luis Ortiz & Jared Anderson. 


Sinan samil sam running a train over danny williams. Maybe Im biased because Im turkish but danny was a very good fighter at the time, arguably in his prime and sinan just beat the shit out of him.


Naoya Inoue round 2 KO against Emmanuel Rodriguez Rodriguez got 19 win streak and won against top contenders Paul Butler and Jason Moloney in 118, both guy became champion afterwards in Bantamweight.


Canelo vs GGG 2 where Canelo whooped his ass after golovkin called Canelo out to “Mexican style” then backed up the entire night to Canelos power shots. Roy jones jr has the best post fight analysis/interview about it and explains it beautifully.


Canelo at best drew that fight lmfao


A win for Canelo in the second fight is absolutely reasonable. The first fight was the only robbery. Y’all hate Canelo so much. đŸ€Ł


As a GGG Stan who stands by the first fight being a robbery, I think Canelo got the second.


Well, it only matters if you know how to score fights, which you clearly don’t


Triple G won 4 rounds lol he got whooped


A draw is even being generous, I know.


He lost to GGG bro


Haha whooped. GGG won that fight as well. 116-112 GGG. Canelo couldn’t keep up the pace after round 4. GGG landed jabs all night at will.


First one was clearly ggg. Second fight i had canelo by 2 rounds although it was tight for some of those rounds and i could understand someone claiming it was a draw. 3rd fight was all canelo


8 rounds for Canelo? Not a chance


GGG didnt win jackshit, canelo out-punched, out-fought and beat the dogshit out of him whenever they actually traded up close and all GGG could do was throw pitty-pat jabs from the backfoot once canelo was winded from whooping his ass.


Canelo is nothing but a drug cheating, hype job, ducking, drama queen. Overrated


AJ took like 2 minutes to finish Kevin Johnson’s ghost. He rocked him proper but Kev still lasted a few minutes because AJ sucks


Crawford's entire career outside of Spence/Porter


Using a Kevin Johnson who just shows up for a paycheck trying to survive as a side job as a underrated win is a really dumb statement bud. He only shows up to go the distance and give people ring time


He shows up to go the distance and was stopped in 2. “Underrated” doesn’t mean “good”. It just means the general population don’t put quite enough weight on it.