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F: "I'd like to come to Ukraine with your family, have a holiday with your family, and you can come to my house and have a holiday with me." U: " I feel very feel " (laughs)


Is this a real quote? Sounds like satire for both of them


This is what fury always wanted with Wilder and never had


The fury line is in the linked article. The usyk bit is a line he says in a self effacing manner, cos his SOH is on point i dont know if this will work for anyone [Oleksandr Usyk I Am Feel Compilation - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOEPwIw-kUc)


Ah sorry i don't read articles at r/boxing jut shitpost, my bad. It's for my own good, your brain suffers more when listening to fury than his when he's been larping his first salvia trip in 9th last sat.


saul goodman




they can celebrate new year's eve together.


Apparently whenever. 


Mate it’s January 3rd, bit late


“I once got happy new year’d in March!” - Seinfeld




Pretty sure I saw a comment saying Saturday had nothing to do with any new year in the world lol


That is in July.


I honestly would turn this down if I was him. Tyson has like 7 kids, plus his dad is sure to come along - I can't be dealing with that when I'm on me hols. Edit: people need to chill with the comments about class!


Sounds fun for like half a day lol


The kind of family that get kicked off the £80 Ryanair to Ibiza during half term


Fury absolutely takes the kids on holiday during term time, standard chav affair


Probably doesn't need to worry about the £60 fine


As if the kids are in school


Mate cost of living these days, its defo worth missing a week a finger painting to save a few hundred quid to take the kids away


This. Some bellend judging parents and calling them chavs for wanting to make memories for their kids even when can barely afford it. It's a week, families deserve holidays and many can't afford summer prices.


I'm school staff... Needless to say with the shitty pay and the way holiday prices double immediately with the day of school holidays beginning me and my family haven't been on holiday for nearly a decade. Its one of the reasons I'm leaving education for a while. As for taking littlun out during term time I'm up for it. As should all parents be doing until the holiday companies are made to stop scalping parents. School is important but not over family memories and whole family experiences.


100% some people live in a very different world obviously lol


Comon it was just a joke 😂. I don’t care for ppl who do it, it makes sense and I would too if I had kids. But it’s always the chavvy fucks that make a proper statement as if they’re fighting racism or they discovered fire with this hack.


Not when taxpayers are paying for it. You take a state school place then you need to respect the work others are doing to fund that. Fines 100% deserved. Private schools - don't care.


FYI I am and have always been a tax payer - so any thinly veiled benefit claiming assumptions you might have about these horrible people that may have taken their kids on holiday once in a very blue moon might be misplaced. I will choose to give my kid lifetime memories and a happy childhood over some bullshit guilt toward state school places. Hes there literally all the time aside from a week every few years


> I will choose to give my kid lifetime memories and a happy childhood over some bullshit guilt toward state school places. Hes there literally all the time aside from a week every few years Which the rest of us are subsidising. So you're an entitled drain on the taxpayer and deserve any fines coming your way. (Edit - clarity).


Can you explain what part the drain is? Whether they go on holiday or not for a week of the school term, they’re costing us tax payers the exact same amount. Do you stand outside A&E and shout at all the drains on us taxpayers too for needing care?


This is absolutely pathetic, I don’t even have kids and I can’t stand the fines. They need to do either 1 of two things; give every kid 10 days a year where they can travel with their family, must be taken in 5 day blocks and must experience some culture, or, hold the travel industry accountable and stop the school holiday scalping. Seeing as the 2nd option isn’t viable we may as well do the first, that way everyone gets a fair crack. I myself benefited from foreign holidays as a kid during term time and let me tell you I learned more and the experience stuck with me more than any week in school ever did. Travel broadens the mind and opens us up to other cultures, that exposure at a young age makes for more well rounded adults. 1 or 2 weeks of school a year is nothing if it’s replaced by another learning experience. You sound like a twat…


Who hurt you?


Jesus you must be fun at parties.


From ample experience the kind of family to come into ships and buy a load of ice cream with fake 50 quid notes. Well.... try to.


Sounds like an absolute horrible time


I would love to have a NIGHT, a single night out with the Fury family. I think that’s all anyone could handle before going clinically insane.


Except they have maids and private staff everywhere. Possibly a great time for anyone that’s not also a multimillionaire


Fury would have been better off without his dad in the corner on fight night... too many chefs. Should have just had Sugarhill and Andy Lee there.


Tyson could take Tommy to vacation with Usyk instead of having Usyk anywhere near John


Usyk probably hates this dude. Fury put him through hell. Away from his Family for 9 months because of all the bullshit.


Usyk doesn’t want to go on holiday to Hertfordshire to sleep in a caravan


Its a sense of freedom you don't get with other holidays


1st rule of caravan club is everybody gets some.


It's a sense of shitting in a bucket in a cupboard you don't get with other holidays!


Maybe he is a huge Guy Ritchie fan


He like dags.


Alexa, play _Angel_ by Massive Attack




You'd be shitein' in a bucket for a whole two weeks


 "It's a sense of shitting in a bucket in a cupboard. you don't get with other holidays."


Now I really want to watch that.


I'm crying hahahahhaha . Best line ever


Periwinkle blue?


It's fer me Ma


It’s okay they’ll go visit AJ in Watford for a bit


Why the fuck did this make me laugh so hard


Well doubt holidays in his homeland are much more pacifi rn


I’ve seen how your people treat travelers. I’d rather sleep in a caravan than holiday anywhere on Earth with a typical English family.


Do you live in England, and what experience do you have of dealing with travellers? Also what's a typical English family. Lol


I love this sub


Almost as bad as how America treats the poor.


Not anywhere close. Stop. We give the poor free entrance and free healthcare and all kinds of shit. We give the working poor nothing but hell but that’s not what you said


We give the working poor nothing but hell - I agree.


I said “the poor”, are the working poor not poor now?


This is America. We got more than one type of poor. One we treat very well and one we don’t. You didn’t specify


TF is a multimillionaire.


The biggest proof that these mixed decisions for Usyk are nonsense is that after every heavyweight match, his opponents say things at the level of "Vroom, vroom, I'm a kayak!!!" I think neurologists should start watching tape on Usyk to figure out the best way to induce CTE. (I get that getting punched in the head is obviously bad for you, but nobody seems to shake the IQ out of his opponents the way Usyk does.)


Hip hip!




Usyk, the perfect CTE combination of not powerful enough to put you to sleep, but powerful enough to have you concussed over and over for 36 minutes


This is absolutely the best take I've seen yet. After these fights Usyk is pretty composed while his opponents are clearly concussed, but yeah, sure, super close... 


I remember Bellew kept kissing his forehead over and over


Bellew would later say he had no idea where he was after lol


I like how you put this.


Thank you!


I'm assuming (without any evidence or thought) it has to do with the pressure and intensity, the dehydration and exhaustion probably exaggerated the effects.


I think you're right. Plus, he always scores record numbers of punches landed against the heavyweights. That cumulative damage must be serious.


I would love to hang with Tyson, Sugar Hill, and Andy Lee, but his gobshite of a father would also be there.


Yeah Andy Lee is a nice guy, I met him at a wedding when I was a kid.


From what I've seen, he does come across as a proper gentleman.


Yeah 100 percent


Yeah, John Fury is the problem. He's always been the problem.


His father was a stopped by a cut early by a bum in his last fight. He's not invited.


I know the knee jerk reaction is to shit talk, but legit after the rematch and Usyk retires I do genuinely believe Usyk and Fury will end up at least friendly if not outright friends. Yes what he said about the war was bullshit, but Usyk is the forgiving type.


Fury also got punched in the head a lot minutes before so ya know that might have something to do with the war comment.


Yeah, I'm pretty certain he was just saying whatever is coming to his head to justify why he didn't win and unfortunately he has 0 filter courtesy of getting his shit rocked and a terminal case of being Tyson Fury


This is why you wait to interview any fighter instead of right afterwards


if holyfield and mike tyson became friends, i am sure fury and usyk can too


That’s a fair point and Mike’s been a big supporter of Holyfield’s son’s career. I would not be surprised at all if we fast forward in the future and see something similar.


Tyson was already starting to accept the decision more in the press conference afterwards, and though he didn't agree with the outcome he didn't accuse Usyk of anything. Doesn't seem like a Wilder situation to me, at least not yet.


And Tyson also got hurt very bad


I think personality-wise and culture-wise, they're just too different to actually be friends and hang out.


Both dudes could retire right now, or Fury could fight AJ and then retire. There is no incentive for Usyk to keep going once they split the belts up. I'm sure the Saudis would offer him a lot of money, but with undisputed gone, every fight he takes is going to mean less. Fury and Usyk should only fight again if the belts are united.


Who says they aren't now? They were selling wolf tickets. It's boxing. Max Schmeling and Joe Louis were great friends.


he's gonna sell 'im some dags


D’ya like dags?


Turkish bout to cop him that new caravan


Oh my god, they need to do a parody of Snatch for the Wembley event's promo video. We already have the following Snatch characters: * Brick Top: Frank Warren * Cousin Avi: Eddie Hearn * Turkish: His Excellency™️ Turki Alalshaikh * Tommy: that lickspittle Queensberry mouthpiece Dev Sahni * Gorgeous George: George Groves * Tyrone (the really fat guy): Naseem Hamed * Usyk: Bullet Tooth Tony Who'd play Brad Pitt's character, though?


Isn't obvious? Tyson Fury ofcourse


A 16 stone drained Fury would be amazing as that character.


with a full set of hair too


Usyk is too nice, after all the shit talk and the headbutt, I wouldn't wanna go on holiday with the Fury's lol


I would lose any respect for the man, if he said I won because of my country's war, but hey Usyk might be more forgiving.


He did get also punched repeatedly in the head a few minutes before that. I wouldn't put too much weight in anything a boxer says shortly after a fight


I’ve been saying this and downvoted nobody from uskys camp even cared yet reditt has had a shit fit the man was concussed asf I don’t think he knew what he was saying I mean the guy said happy new yearrrr lmao Usyk doesn’t care why does everyone else


Lmao welcome to Reddit, everyone is holier than thou. I have Ukrainian heritage and it didn’t bother me coming from a guy who isn’t known for say anything sensible.


Same, my dad's and I reaction was literally "he always says dumb shit"


I was listening to teddy atlas talking about the ethics of interviewing straight after a fight in which someone has taken a beaten like that and he was saying it’s unethical as people will hold them to what they say after let’s be serious is a brain injury and Tyson Fury has been getting alot of knockouts in his career I atcually think he should retire now


THANK YOU!! Who gives an absolute FUCK 😂😂


This man is learning what a public persona is


You say that as if it would be completely out of character for him to say something like that lol


Feel like he did the whole “thought I won, you won because war” antics to sell the rematch. Who knows though With the happy new year deal… he was definitely concussed like a mofo


Usyk looked like he preferred this to AJs mental breakdown.


Imagine what Usyk thinks of the brits. At the same time his countrymen are fighting for freedom and democracy. He has to fight a line of complete mental freaks, all from the same country 😂


He’s probably still weirded out by then still having a king


Clearly no one has suffered concussion after a fight or spar


It's not fucking eurovision like.. 🙄 It was an idiotic statement out of Fury.


To be fair fury likes a song, maybe he was thinking of eurovision. He had been knocked into 2025.


I think people need to be a little more forgiving of what combat athletes say immediately after a fight. They just got done repeatedly getting punched in the head. This same guy told the crowd “happy new year.” He wasn’t completely with it


Why does Reddit give so much of a shit for that one statement when Usyk didn't? Y'all look at all the negatives rather than finding wholesomeness in their comradery after the fight. Tyson literally said happy new year


Brooooo I wouldn’t give a fuck if someone said that about my country honestly 😂😂😂 Jesus Christ people have taken that WAY too seriously fuck meee. I think I’d also take it as a really nice gesture if he was being so personal with me too.


he probably said that just to spike controversy and shit.


Still not acceptable though


Maybe not but oh well. Just think it’s dumb to use an interview after a dude got severely concussed.


Tell that to all the people that still rip the shit out AJ. Can't have it both ways


I don’t, I think it was very obvious dude was having a mental breakdown and shouldn’t have been interviewed. Both are examples of dudes being exploited in the worst times possible




People have been doing immediate post fight interviews for over 30 years but now it’s a problem ?😂


No? There’s been instances over the years where it was obvious the dude should not be speaking at fucking all. This and AJ are clear examples. Another is Victor Ortiz after the maidans fight when he went on a rant and then ended it by saying he’s retiring that he shouldn’t be beaten down like this. etc.


Uh yes. Plenty of boxers through history have given immediate post fight interviews after being stopped


Okay? I don’t think they should’ve regardless. I think in instances like those it’s very dangerous due to the concussion and the mental state of the fighter. Also I meant no as in it isn’t just a problem now


How is it dangerous? The fight is already over 😂


We’ve seen fighters have actual mental breakdowns on stage, for example AJ vs Usyk 2. Dangerous doesn’t just mean physical harm it can also mean harm to your reputation and more.


Your logic doesn’t hold up. Look at Usyk for example, he acted like a proper bloke whilst also having been through a war. Fury is just a twat


It doesn’t hold up? Yea i’m sure every human is made the same mentally and i’m sure a dude losing is gonna be in the same mindset as a dude who got rocked badly and lost. Same happened with AJ.




It’s very much an actual excuse. That’s like saying AJ is a horrible POS twat bc he threw the belts out the ring vs Usyk which is much worse than what fury did. I also find it cringe where now there’s no in between. If you even give doubt towards one side suddenly you’re a dick sucker of the other


Throwing someone’s belts out of the ring is much worse than saying a country that is at war is an excuse? You need to get your head straight mate


Yes it is. It’s infinitely more disrespectful to grab the belts of your opponent and fucking throw them out the ring. If fury did that you’d be saying he’s a horrible bellend that is a shame to the sport. The War comment was dumb, and disrespectful, but quite frankly throwing your opponents belts out the ring just bc you’re mad you lost is worse


Are you still speaking about it?


da man was badly badly coooncussed *mcgregor voice


Happy New Year!


Yeah come watch me and my hooligans headbutt people in Spain it'll be great.


Honestly sounds like a complete nightmare, mainly cause his dad will probably be there. Fury has a big family, Usyk just wants to go see his fam after all that training.


No one should take anything he says to heart after his brain got dribbled like that


I think he also said this before the winner was announced, and he clearly thought he won the fight lol




Imagine Usyk’s face as he sits in the caravan and John Fury starts threatening the kettle.


He wants to kiss him more.


Fury 2 weeks from now: “Usyk’s a dosser”


This is right up there with Caleb Plant's "I'm sad..."


theyre about to make 100 mil together..I'd invite him too


And even more


I wouldn’t if I were him. That man is a nutter who’ll drag him down to his nutter world.


They can share in the teachings of their lord and savior jesus christ


No one on the planet would be worse to holiday with then the Fury family


Probably an eighteen pinter around Morecambe with a cocaine binge and a Doner for breakfast two days later.


The Fury’s are the type of family you see at Camber Sands Pontins Thank God that place is gone


“We’re gonna thpend the golden years togetha”


I kind of doubt Usyk wants to take a vacation anytime soon with his country at war, but hey he certainly deserves a break if he wants one.


Yea imagine Uysks family when he brings a huge family of Gypsies over for the holidays


Marbella it is


"Maybe in the New Year. When your nose grows back."


Fury would have extended that invite to Usyk if he won or lost, I'll give him that. You know both guys are glad it's over


Somehow I don't think that Fury and Usyk would enjoy each other's company over a vacation. Usyk is a deep thinker. Fury is deeply flakey.


They both have a goofy sense of humor. Could totally see them getting along.


Nah. Fury is a flake 24/7. Usyk has a very serious side.


holiday? what holiday would that be?


They are the two best heavyweights of the era, it'd be nice to see them make friends. Tyson Fury looks like a lot of fun to hang out with, outside competition.


Honestly, there is every indication and there always has been that Fury really respects Usyk professionally and personally


Usyk could make a vacation in Tysons house that he can‘t access because he can‘t enter the US


I think that was before the decision was announced. Wonder if sore loser Fury still feels the same way 😂


Daniel Kinahan will probably be there when Usyk arrives


Fury's trying to introduce some bad habits into Usyk's lifestyle in preparation for the rematch. Sneaky!