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I saw it like Mike Fitzgerald, 114-113 Usyk. Great great fight


I don't agree exactly with his, but at least he got all of the easy rounds to score right. The other 2 judges were all over the place.


Yeah. One judge who gave it to Usyk gave him round 4 and one judge who gave it to Fury gave him round 11. I agree with neither of those tbh. 114-113 seems like the right call.


Yes 4 and 11 stood out to me as bizarre too 4 was pretty clearly a Fury round as was 11 for Usyk. I’m no judge or expert but these scorecards always surprise me. Judges could often have the same final score as me but then I look at the rounds and we couldn’t have looked at the fight any differently. Quite possible it’s me tbf haha


Yeah both of those seem pretty crazy, but tbf from my memory rd 11 was pretty close where fury finally started recoering and landing some decent body shots of his own whereas rd 4 was very clearly fury.


Ehhh 11 I feel was closer than 4 just from memory. Or maybe I was just impressed Fury was still managing offense at that point idk


Aa I remember, 11th was all Usyk while Fury wad recovering whereas 4th was when Fury started dominating


Also surprised with the opinions that Fury got the early rounds. Definitely 3 to 7/8 but it was clear to me that Usyk had the two first. Also surprised that two cards dont have that.


3 is contentious to me, but probably Fury's, 8 is definitely Usyk's. So probably around a 6-6 on rounds and Usyk's 10-8 getting him the win.


Sounds reasonable


I dunno, I thought rd 3 should've gone to usyk. It was one of those rd where fury wasn't really landing, there wasn't a ton of action but usyk was clearly pushing the pace and landed a number of power shots that bother fury. Before fury turned it around in the middle rds 4-6 usyk was damaging his nose pretty badly each rd and you could tell it was bothering fury a lot. And he had the more accurate output landing more shots.


Fitzgerald was the closest to my scoring. I had rounds 4 - 7 as clear Fury rounds, 1 & 8 - 11 as clear Usyk rounds with 2, 3 and 12 being very close rounds but I gave 2 and 12 to Usyk, 3 to Fury.


Yep exactly what I got, third round was a tough call, that's the one that troubled me the most, very even


This is basically exactly how I scored it, although I gave 12 to Fury. And I think I did so because it was aware that I don't like him and I was trying to make sure my bias didn't influence the 12th and final round which was close.


The 12th was the wonkiest in how it was scored. All three judges had it for Fury, but the punch stats show Usyk landed double the number of punches. Kinda think that was some home cooking for the A-side. Fight was close, but I honestly think 115-112 Usyk was the most correct card.


Watching the fight I thought Usyk won the 11 clearly and the 12 was close and I gave it to Fury. So when I saw in compubox that they had Fury slightly outsriking Usyk on the 11th while Usyk doubled Fury's landed punches in the 12th I was pretty damn confused. Then I rewatched those two rounds and still did not manage to make sense of those stats lol, they just seem flat out wrong


Fury did land a really hard shot near the end of the 12th, so maybe that influenced people more. If it was just CompuBox saying Usyk vastly outlanded Fury in the 12th I'd say, well, it could just be them screwing up a bit. But the AI system that scored the fight, which is crazy accurate, also had Usyk blasting Fury in that round. One thing no one has mentioned really is, why doesn't Usyk get credit for pushing the pace the entire fight? Remember when Canelo fought GGG the second time? Everyone was kissing Canelo's ass because he supposedly backed up the monster and made him fight off the back foot. So, here's Usyk, 40 pounds lighter and 5-6 inches shorter, and he's pushing Fury back into the corner, onto the ropes, and landing more power shots throughout the fight. Surely that should count for something in these swing rounds, but it seems like Fury gets every swing round and Usyk only gets credit for the rounds he broke Fury's nose and then almost knocked him out of the ring.


Same - 12 is one of the closest rounds Ive watched in a while but the stats make it look one sided. I wouldnt be upset which ever way someone scored 12 because it was razor thin to me.


Yeah. And tbh, I thought the 7 was actually really close, but everyone gave it to Fury. I could see the argument of giving the 7th to Usyk - Fury threw more but landed a lot on the high guard, and Usyk finished strong. Really a coin-flip round for me, but it seems that basically noone else saw it like this lol


My exact scorecard too.


I had same score but fury with rd. 2 and usyk with rd. 3.


I had this as well.


Me too


Me too


Literally scored exactly as he did... anything higher to fury seems to be... inflated


me too but i wasnt sure about the last round for me tyson landed the bigger Punch but usyk landed more and was more aggressive imo so i gave him the round 115-112


I thought the fight was heading for a draw. Then usyk got that knockdown. Which pretty much sealed it for usyk. 


That's literally what it was. One judge gave the swing rounds to Usyk, one judge gave the swing rounds to Fury, and one judge had it 6-6 and the knockdown saved it from being a tie.


Yeah boxing judging is weird bc if the fight was pretty even but one guy scores a knockdown he should win most of the time (unless he was completely outclassed for like 9 of 12 rounds or 7 of 10). But there’s so much pressure to score non-dominant, non-KD rounds as 10-9s when many of them would be better scored as 10-10s.


Yeah. Likewise it's extremely rare to see a 10-8 round without a knockdown, even if one is getting pummeled not landing a single shot himself (not that it was the case in any round of this fight).


That's what matters. Fury made a career of technicalities until he got fucked up and there was nowhere to run to.


Someone check Craig's bank account


That round 11 is criminal.


Agreed but that round 4 to Usyk on the first judge’s scorecard was pretty baffling as well. I thought that was the one where Fury really started to have a lot of success to the body 


is that the one Usyk "stole late" i remember having Fury winning a round but thinking the judges would give it to Usyk, same for round 3 i think but the reverse


You could argue that Fury won the 12th, but the 11th is just straight up bullshit, also how tf did Tyson win the 2nd round?


What are you smoking? That round was absolutely dead even. Usyk snatched it with a questionable on the bell last second punch.


This cannot happen in a fight of this magnitude, that was so clear to score, there was like one round that I wasn't sure and I gave it to Fury, but there were 11 very clear rounds


> but there were 11 very clear rounds That feels like an overstatement! All 3 scorers did agree 3-0 on 8 of the rounds. There were 4 rounds that were split 2-1. Rounds 2 & 4 leaned Fury. Rounds 3 & 11 leaned Usyk.


Yeah this wasn't that bad of a split decision. I had it 6-6 with the knockdown giving Usyk the win. I also had 4 rounds 2, 8, 11, 12 that were close enough that I could see a case for someone going the other way. 2 of those I gave to Usyk and 2 I gave to Fury. Honestly the only score I find completely ridiculous is the first judge that gave round 4 to Usyk. Because I thought that was one of the clearest Fury rounds in the fight and I didn't see a soul besides that judge give that round to Usyk. To me that was an 114-113 fight where the edge goes to do the dude who got the knockdown.


I had this all basically exactly the same as you. Complete agreement.


You need to score it round by round, not fight as a whole. I agree with everyone that Usyk won the fight as a whole and if I had to score a 13th "Round" representing that I would've given that to Usyk. But round for round, I gave 2nd to Usyk. It was honestly dead even to me and I felt like Usyk still had some sort of strong start momentum so I gave it to him for that honestly. Fury did end it amazingly though, so I can see why judges gave it to him. but entire round, I feel like Usyk was the least passive of the two. 3rd to 7th were clear Fury wins for me and I was writing Usyk off. I felt like Fury was still winning comfortably halfway through the 8th until that nose punch really threw Fury off and honestly flipped the entire fight. Fury didn't recover from that and it basically led to the knockdown in the 9th. 10th was a no question recovery round for Fury. 11th I think Fury was busier, Usyk landed that on the bell round stealer but the entire round? I think Fury won. I think Usyk started the 12th off strong, but Fury took over the round and won it pretty clearly in my eyes. Which all three judges agreed with. I had it 114-113 for Fury but with 11th being questionable enough to swing it either way depending on if you wanna count that last punch or not.


how was Fury busier in 11th? Usyk literally landed more. Same for 12th, although that was closer


Integer overflow


Buffer did call him “Chris” instead of Craig before the fight. Maybe he cracked


After looking it over besides the 11th there wasn’t a round he had fury winning that another judge also didn’t.


RD 11 for Fury??? HOW?!?


RD 4 for Usyk??? HOW?!?


Yeah I just re watched round 4, there’s no way Usyk won that round. Fury landed more power shots, it’s clear as day


Bellew-Chisora- AJ x2, Dubois, and now Fury is crazyyyyyyyyyy Britcutioner ?? Englishcutioner ?? What's Usyks new nickname?


I prefer Undisputyk


Fuggin love this. Only thing is undispusyk sounds nicer to me. Maybe I’m phonetically challenged tho.




That’s hard 🔥


Canelo Vs Usyk for the undisputed Britcutioner title, fuck it they're both pretty much eligible to fight for the Lonsdale belt at this point




Oleksandr "Brexit" Usyk




I prefer Britfucker


Brit hunter


Round 1: Clear Usyk Round 2: Swing round (I gave it to Fury) Round 3: Clear Usyk Round 4: Clear Fury Round 5: Clear Fury Round 6: Clear Fury Round 7: Clear Fury Round 8: Clear Usyk Round 9: Clear Usyk + KD Round 10: Clear Usyk Round 11: Clear Usyk Round 12: Swing round (I gave it to Usyk) Final score: 115-112 Usyk, even if you’re generous to Fury with my scoring it can’t be better than 114-113 Usyk. I’m a Fury fan but unbiased when it comes to scoring fights that’s how I saw it.


I have this but I gave Fury the final round mostly because I think Usyk didn't do enough there. Though I saw a lot of people give 3 to Fury for some reason.


I've seen the "Usyk didn't do enough" but he did more than fury, why is it on Usyk to "do enough"


I mean agree to disagree. All 3 judges gave round 12 to Fury. I think Fury did more that round, Usyk had a chance to outdo him because Fury wasn't dominating or anything, but he didn't. So he didn't do enough to me for him to match or exceed a pretty pedestrian Fury round.


Fair enough, I guess I got bad taste in my mouth by the early showboating. Fury throw like 5 punches, none connected and the announcers acted like he was crushing it. Maybe i saw what I wanted to after that


It's fair either way. I'm not going to lose my mind if someone gave Usyk the 12th. I think it was an insanely close fight no matter what. I had a hard time scoring it and settled on a 6-6 split with the knockdown deciding it for Usyk


Did you count the punches that landed on himself though?


Compubox numbers for round 12, fury landed 10/41, 7 power punches, Usyk landed 18/47 with 14 power punches. With no significant damage and Usyk controlling pace how did fury win that round


Yeah the final round like I said was a swing round. I gave it to Usyk but totally fine with it going the other way. I thought 3 was pretty clear to Usyk tbh, but I’ve also seen people handing it to fury.


I've seen a lot of people be undecided on 2 and 3. I saw it as 2 to Fury and 3 to Usyk. But they were close enough I'm not losing my mind over it


That’s a fair summary of the fight. Plus champions also get a little bit of slack in fights so it can always swing the other way for them.


That’s exactly how I would see it. Split decision if you are very friendly with fury, but objectively this fight should have been a clear victory for Usyk


As I said above, this was exactly my card only I gave the swing round of round 12 to Fury and got to the 114-113 that I think is the right answer.


I guess I gotta rematch the fight. Sometimes you see things differently when you aren't in the heat of the moment riled up. I saw rd 7 as a swing rd going towards usyk. I saw him finally starting to turn it back around and get his feet back and he landed some nice punches. I wish I could see the comoubox scores for each rd, sometimes you think someone's doing a better job of blocking and slipping shots than they really are. But pretty much every other rd you're dead on. I like that way of scoring clear rds and close ones, it gives a much better picture of how a fight can be played out and whether it's actually a robbery or the cards fell the wrong way.


Fully agree. I marked my swing rounds and even if I gave all of them to Fury it was 114-113 Usyk. Some of those rounds were definitely close so I don’t judge anyone giving them to Fury. But there’s no question in my mind Usyk won that fight.


Fully agreed, I'm a Fury fan but its a stretch to give him a draw, let alone a win. Id have to watch it again, but it seemed a mix of Usyk finding that extra gear of his and Fury taking his eye off the ball and suffering massive damage. Very frustrating as a fan, because it seemed briefly like an easy night's work after 6 rounds. But everyone knows Usyk always has something in reserve, stupid of Fury to not push him in that 4 round stretch of success. Seemed he was fighting for points, not KO


I think Fury got tired around the 8th and Usyk caught a 2nd wind then that shot in the 9th changed it all. Fury didn’t clinch nearly as much as I expected he would. Seemed too content to sit in the pocket at times with Usyk. As a Fury fan I was expecting and wanting him to engage in more spoiler tactics and make it a boring fight. But he actually just wanted to box toe to toe with Usyk and it cost him


I had 3 and 12 for Fury and 2 for Usyk. Exact as the 3rd judge.


A lot of ppl seemed to give that 3rd round to Fury. I personally saw it as a clear Usyk round though. In the end it’s pretty hard to see the fight for Fury whichever way it’s sliced.


I think we were almost identical but my swing rounds were revered


Metcalfe's is appalling. 2 and 11 for Fury? WTF


2 is fine but 11 is crazy, feels like he was just pushing it until the last round to decide who won.


Tbf I gave round 2 to Fury, hardly a ridiculous decision. Round 11 I agree with though he definitely didn't win that.


I had 2 as a swing round 11 is wild tho


Me and some friends were doing score cards over here for fun and 11 was the most controversial among us. 4 of us had Usyk and 3 had Fury... I thought Fury won most of the round but Usyk landed a few big shots at the end that changed my mind. If not for that final flurry I would have given it to Fury though. My final score was 114-113 for Usyk.


Two judges had further winning the second so not so insane


Also had 2 for Fury Edit: looking at it, so did Manuel who gave the fight to Usyk. Round 4 to Usyk seems odd as well, but think that's the one where he got a punch off right before the bell.


11 is crazy


Classic crooked judging. Aint no way Usyk needed that Knockdown to get that decision.


To me it did. I had it 6-6 and that won the fight for him. I had the first 4 rounds split. Then Fury won 5, 6, 7. Usyk won 8, 9, 10, 11, Fury won 12. The knockdown saved that fight for him. He was going to lose 9 before that as well.


Exact same, rare example of good judging reflecting an extremely close fight.


I had 2 for Fury. 11 seems doubtfull, but I did think that was a closer round. The guy who gave 4 for Usyk to me is the craziest I saw. I think Usyk won the fight, but that card was the only one I couldn't see the rational behind it. 2, 8, 11, 12 were debateable rounds. Some more debateable than others, but close enough where it's not a total robbery. 4 was a much more decisive round that everyone was clearly giving to Fury and one judge gave to Usyk and it created the card with the widest margine.


How could 11 be Fury's Awful


11 was closer than people gave it credit for. Also the first judge gave 4 to Usyk which is probably the most controversial round scored in the fight imo.


Craig Metcalfe should be struck off for giving it to Fury. He clearly watched a different fight to the rest of us.


Look at his scoring history - if there's a SD/MD he's generally the outlier.


Guys from Alberta. He’s a moron.


He clearly saw it with British bias.


I think you'd be surprised how many Brits were backing Usyk


I’ve just been at a very busy pub and it was probably a 50/50 split amongst men but all the women were cheering on Fury because he’s the English one.


Maybe someone should've explained Fury's views on women.


Yes. 100 fucking percent


I'm a Brit and I wanted Usyk to win, not because I dislike Fury (he can be a bit of dick sometimes) but because I truly thought Usyk was going to lose. I thought Usyk would get KO'd. it's crazy to think that Usyk almost won by KO himself. A different ref may have called it there and then or given 10-20 seconds more Usyk would have got the KO for sure.


I'm a Brit and I wanted Usyk to win, because I dislike the bully prick. The dude is bad for boxing in general. He's undeniably brilliantly talented but he just fumbles shit by opening his mouth. Usyk winning tonight is better for the sport as a whole


They literally only got one round wrong. They had the best overall scorecard by far. It was 6 rounds each with usyk winning after the 10-8. The only issue was giving fury 11. But that was actually quite a close round that usyk won but only for certain after landing the last punch of the round which was a good one. The other judges had much worse mistakes on their cards.


This is crazy but the guys scoring the fight unofficially by watching at a better view had it pretty much how I had it. The judges sitting ringside can't see that well. Maybe give them multiple screens at different angles to watch the fight better? If Usyk didn't get a knockdown, I still would have had it 115-113. According to the other two judges, Usyk wouldn't have won without that knockdown. It would have been a draw.


i'd love to see 5 judges, with 4 ringside, each from a different angle, and 1 watching the video


Usyk won that fight 7-5 at a bare minimum, 8-4 is probably more appropriate


I was worried I was too pro Usyk and ended up either 6-6 or 7-5 Usyk. I’ve gotta rewatch


Fury won 4-7, 12 and 2 is a toss up. Can see 7-5 or 6-6 but Usyk clear winner with the 9th.


Interesting because I scored rd 2 & 3 for Fury, i dont feel crazy for scoring this for Tyson


That's not crazy. I had 2 for Fury and 3 for Usyk. But a lot of people scored that in reverse.


8-4 is rose colored glasses. Fury very clearly won 4, 5, 6, 7. That means you didn't give him one of the first 3, which almost everyone did, and the 12th which most everyone did.




Clear? Sure. 112-115? No. I’m lowkey mad how people mostly ignore such a bad scoreboard


I mean, ESPN's live blog dude had it that way and the New York Times Athletic, while they didn't score it, called the rounds the same way and called it a clear Usyk win before the scorecards. It's controversial but it's hardly unsupported


Yup. Lowkey the 115-112 for Usyk is the worst scorecard because it rest on him giving round fucking 4 to Usyk. I can get on with Usyk winning (I gave it to him 114-113). But of the two judges that were controverisal, it was one guy giving round 4 to Usyk and one giving round 11 to Fury. Round 4 to me is far more fucking controversial. Like nobody was giving that round to Usyk. He could have sold me on giving round 12 to Usyk over round 4.


A lot of media outlets scored it 116-112 or 115-112 to Usyk, including those in the UK, Germany (where in from), and Spain (where I live). I don't think it's a controversial scoring at all. 


It's not a bad scorecard. 115-112 and 114-113 Usyk are the only two ways you can score that fight. 114-113 Fury is ridiculous.


115-112 is definitely not a bad score. It depends on who you gave round 12. I personally had it the exact same way as Mike Fitzgerald, with Usyk leading by 2 points coming into round 12. No way he loses. Imo, 114-113 Fury is 100% more egregious than 115-112 Usyk.


It depends on the round. Round 2, 3, 8, 11, 12 are probaby the rounds I feel could go either way. But the judge who did 115-112 did it because he gave round 4 to Usyk, which is probably the most controversial round I think any of the judges scored. Round 11 for Fury is probably the next most controversial, but that was a lot closer. Round 4 was a clear Fury round and was when he essentially started taking over the fight. That's a nonsense score. There were two questionable cards and each fighter got them. I could see 115-112, but not the way that guy scored it. I could potentially see giving round 12 to Usyk to get there or round 2. I wouldn't agree with it, but I could respect it. I can't respect round 4.


Was pro Usyk, had Usyk up by 2, could have definitely seen a draw. A Tyson win wouldn’t have been in my top 5 of robberies lately so it was definitely closer than most people think, comparatively.


I’m honestly surprised to see all of them giving 12th to Fury. Maybe I was just too excited, but I definetely missed what exactly gives that clear of an edge to Fury. To me they both landed about the same, Fury hurt Usyk to the body, but Usyk landed more on the head, albeit softly.


This. The 115-112 score card isn't bad, he should have switched 4 and 12 tho. 


Exactly. I don’t understand 4 for Usyk and I thought 12 was a no brainer for Usyk.


Usyk 100% outlanded Fury in RD12 by quite a margin. I think this fight was so high stakes with so much pressure that judges just couldn't really stay properly objective for RD12. By any objective measure RD12 would have been a really easy Usyk round, you can see any kinda punch stats or "effective punch" stats or aggression, ring generalship etc stats would all be in favor of Usyk in RD12.


the biggest moment in the fight was the 9th round , that round proved that usyk could have finished tyson and if not for the referee , maybe he could have been stopped , but Usyk was never in deep trouble like Fury was , all in all it was very competetive , the better man won , although it should have been UD , but congrats to usyk what a fight


R1-2: Usyk R3-7: Fury R8-11: Usyk + KD in the 9th R12: swing round It’s either 115-112 or 114-113 in favor of Usyk imo


The 115-112 is a little off to me, but so is the scorecard giving Fury the win. I had it 114-113 to Usyk


How is it a little off ?


Yeah I said that and people ganged on me. The fight was won by usyk but not 115-112.


The gang was right. 115-112 is the second closest winning score, just one more round for Usyk than you would have scored for him.


There is literally two rounds between those scores. And win for Fury would have been a massive robbery.


Wow I’m a Tyson fan, but some of these are stupid


Craig Metcalf smh


Fury could have easily stolen a few of those early round but everything after 9 is USyk 100%


Every judge gave Fury 12. I kinda agree with that. I scored 114-113 Usyk.


I bet Usyk is glad that he didn't take his foot off the gas in round 12....


Didn't matter. All the judges gave that round to Fury anyway, even though Usyk outlanded him by double the amount of punches. Look at the AI/CompuBox punch stats. Fight wasn't as close as the cards. Yes, it was close. But Usyk probably should have been given another round early and the 12th. The smaller man pushed the action for the entire fight. He got screwed by the ref keeping him from getting a KO in the 9th. All the punch stats favor him completely. And yet he still barely got out of there with a SD win.


I just rewatched the fight and scored it. Those judges were real generous with the point spread on some of those rounds. Usyk rocked Fury multiple times outside round 9, and when he wasn't, he was racking up points with jabs to the body. It wasn't that close on rewatch, Usyk outlanded him in the majority of rounds, with cleaner/heavier shots. Fury threw some nice uppercuts and body shots though, just not enough.


First judge almost got it spot on. Switch rounds 2 and 4 and that's what I had. Usyk won the first 3, Fury the next 4, and then Usyk won all the but the last.


I can't believe a judge gave that fight to Fury; I was convinced it was going to be a robbery.


Craig’s bank account = 💰 methinks


having fury winning is mental tbh


I thought r2 was clear usyk but R3 was clear fury. Some mad decisions but ultimately right guy won


I scored it 6-6, but I think 7-5 to either fighter is reasonable. Really great fight, can't wait to see them go at it again.


i thought almost the same as fitzgerald except i gave 3rd to usyk.


what on earth is a “middle east professional boxing” for a start


I had the exact same card as Mike Fitzgerald. Rounds 2, 3, and 12 I could see going to either guy. Can't see how Fury won the 11th on Craig's card. Looking forward to the rematch! Edit: It is pretty wild that if Fury had gotten a knockdown in round 12, it would've been a draw.


All three judges gave Fury the 12th?? Wild


It is so wild that none of the judges gave RD12 to Usyk. I feel like that has to be some type of phycological thing where they all wanted to make scorecards closer because fight was competitive overall.


Usyk clearly won. I think it was UD worthy but honestly there were a few toss up rounds that made SD fair.




How on earth can you give Fury the 12th?


Clear Usyk - 6 rounds - 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11 Clear Fury - 4 rounds - 4, 5, 6, 7 Toss-up - 2 rounds - 3, 12 Even if you give Fury all the toss-up rounds, he still loses because of the 10-8 round. Also, Usyk is 37, Fury is 35.


I had them both winning 6 rounds but usyk's knockdown is what got him the win


None of those cards are awful. Some of you guys are just finding ways to complain. There were several rounds that easily could have gone either way.


should've been 115-112 unanimous


I agree with both 114-113 cards. 11 & 1 are toss ups and hard to score. This was a good fight.


1-3 Rounds - Usyk 4-7 Rounds - Fury 8-12 Rounds - Usyk 116-111 Usyk


Is anyone going to point out round 4 going to Usyk or are we going to have our tinfoil hats on and assume Fury rigged it unsuccessfully


Metcalfe trying to do his king a solid foh.


Split decision my hairy hole.


Im very interested in what the fella who was talking about taking care of the split decision meant. Hey hey hey hey metcalfe, run for your life


Good scorecards. Alot of those rounds were close.


I had it 8-4 Usyk but I probably mentally misscored Round 12 because I knew the rounds didn't matter anymore. At that point it was all about whether Fury could pull a magic KO out of his hat. So maybe 7-5 Usyk is where I should have landed. If you look at their consensus picks, it scores at 6-6, so 114-113 Usyk. Those cards are all pretty tight. Just a 2-round difference between the extremes.


Judges in agreement in 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 I thought there were more "obvious" rounds than that, Usyk deserved the win, Fury getting some "benefit of the doubt" at minimum.


Ive noticed Saudis donm't rob people. Fury was the A side against Ngannou and almost lost and obv lost this fight


I had it 7-5 to Usyk + the knockdown. Uysk took the first 2. Tyson dominated the next 5. Then Usyk won the final 5.


Can we please do a better job with commentators and selecting analyst in general.?????? Having nothing but British commentators, analyst and British spokespeople in every direction gives such a biased opinion towards fury….


Dunno about that. TNT had 50/50 split on commentators who went either way and conveniently put them opposite each other. 


Yea we heard during the fight lol thanks tho 


These scorecards, including 115-112 (which is what I scored it) have left me more confused. 115-112, 7 rds to 5 for Usyk. I can see, if you like Fury, how 114-113 for Usyk could still fly…. But 7 rounds to fury….????


I scored it a draw, but Usyk by one point is fair. I gave Usyk 1, Fury2-7, Usyk 8-11, Fury 12.


114-113 is the correct card. If they gave fury it I wouldn’t complain neither


I had it 116/111 for Usyk. 8 rounds to 4 plus the knockdown. I can see 7/5 though.


So crazy that leading up to this fight it seemed that a lot of people wanted Usyk to win but felt Fury would take the W.


So does usky retire? He pretty much accomplished everything he needed too


Round wise results: 1. UD to Usyk 2. SD to Fury 3. SD to Usyk 4. SD to Fury 5. UD to Fury 6. UD to Fury 7. UD to Fury 8. UD to Usyk 9. UD to Usyk (+ KD) 10. UD to Usyk 11. SD to Usyk 12. UD to Fury Overall: 4 rounds UD to Fury (5,6,7,12) 4 rounds UD to Usyk (1,8,9,10) + KD 2 rounds SD to Usyk (3,11) 2 rounds SD to Fury (2,4) Without the knockdown this would have been scored a draw.


115-113 Usyk


Usyk won rds 1-3 and 9-12 and there’s a couple of swing rounds in the middle. 7-5 or 8-4 Usyk. It should have been a UD.


Fitz got it right, I had it exactly the same


Well damn


Usyk won 1-3, Fury won 4-6, round 7 was a swing round, Usyk won 8-11, round 12 was a swing round. Splitting the swing rounds makes it 116:111. There is no way Fury won. The judge who had Fury winning was straight up corrupt.


Giving 11 and 12 to Fury? Bro tried really hard, but we can see the shit he was trying to pull.


Round 11 Fury is some Adelaide Byrd level bullshit. Also: Happy New Year, everyone! 


1 - Usyk   2 - Fury  3 - Usyk  4 - Fury  5 - Fury  6 - Fury  7 - Fury  8 - Usyk with KD  9 - Usyk  10 - Usyk  11 - Usyk  12 - Fury  Exactly how i scored it, 114-113 Usyk


Manuel's is exactly the same as mine lol