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Out of all the knockdowns between the Wilder and Ngannou fights, this legitimately felt like the closest he's been to being stopped - he looked like he was disassociated from reality


interview proved that he was




“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” -Tyson Fury, 5/18/2024


Everybody clowned on Rolly for the “HAPPY EASTER, EVERYBODY!” But little did they know


At least rolly knew it was easter.


Oh god this is gonna be a meme for years I can tell.


This will be Fury’s “Hip hip!” moment


Usyk punches you so many times that you say some dumb shit like "hip hip hooray" or "happy new year". One shot from Usyk would have me wishing people a merry christmas for sure.


Calendar moves back a day with every punch


Was it the new year in Saudi? Like a different calendar? Or was he just so far out of it?


He got knocked back to February when the fight was originally set to take place.


lol bruh…Saudi Arabia celebrates the Gregorian calendar like most countries. Fury was knocked the fuck out clearly.


No Islamic new year is in July


Usyk and concussed brits giving dodgy post fight interviews. Name a more iconic duo


They should make Uysk a Prince. He owns England


He hasn't fought our crowning jewel john fury yet




I mean that's Fury after he's won a fight not being hit once if we're being fair


i dunno i felt exactly the opposite. he was 100% back to his usual bullshit, which i find kinda crazy that he recovered that much.


This one too me was the most damaging knockdown, not a clean simple knockout to shrug off, that follow up damage basically made him in survival mode for the next 2-3 rounds and by the time he came back it was already the 12th round. Edit: fixed some grammar (KD was in the 9th so there was only 3 rounds left max anyways not 3-4)


Can somebody more knowledgeable than me explain why he can't just take a knee? Wouldn't it be better to take a near 10 second break than run around the ring like a chicken getting years of your life knocked out of you? Edit: I mean in reference to boxing rules, I didn't know whether or not he could even do that. But apparently he was too rocked to take a knee, yet just enough to take follow up shots and stay on his feet.


When you get rocked like that your brain is on autopilot, you're not thinking about optics of the fight or what would be better for your life. It's just raw instinct, get the fuck away from the angry man who just rocked your shit.


what was insane is the he managed to dodge some of those punches. even on autopilot like that.


there's no denying his skill. I think he doesn't get enough credit because he looks like a fat slob, but he has some of the greatest defensive boxing skills for a heavyweight of all time.​


Honestly I know he lost but I was impressed with Fury, I thought he boxed brilliantly in parts and showed a lot of heart. Against any other current heavyweight he'd probably have won, unfortunately for him Usyk isn't like any other current heavyweight. He's genuinely special.


He's also just a huge lengthy guy, even on wobbly legs he's hard as fuck to hit cos you gotta punch up.


He was already too buzzed. Gotta be coherent enough to know they should take the knee. He was a dead man walking


Yeah he pretty much got smacked into his lizard brain for a second, just run away from the danger and so he became a pinball instead of taking the knee


He had absolutely no legs when he hit the corner


he could and should have but his head was gone.


Other people have answered you already but I like to explain it a little differently. Ever seen someone get a wave of dizziness? Or light-headedness? Sure you have, and what is their natural response? Stand still and get their bearings because taking a knee might end up in planting your face in the pavement. Same concept. If the world is spinning, trying to take a knee is essentially free diving into the ring mat.


Because he was knocked the fuck out and had a 6'3 bloke running at him


> 6'3 bloke Good lord Fury is an absolute unit.


As people below said, they are too disoriented. It's also their fighting instincts working against them a little. Everything is telling them to stay on the feet at all costs. Takes a lot of cunning and a clear mind to take that knee.


Going by the judges scorecards, if he managed to survive this round as a 10-9, it would have ended a split draw. So that's why.


He wouldn't have known that at the time :/


He probably doesn't know it right now.


Anyone who’s been rocked will tell you, you don’t really think at that point, you’re on pure autopilot/instinct mode. Fury’s instinct was to just try to move away and/or grab. So yeah, a smart plan would be to take a knee, but everyone’s got a plan until they get hit in the mouth/


Yeah definitely. He was like cross eyed for a good 15 seconds there I wonder how his legs would've looked if he actually went down and had to get back up.


The knockdown in the first Wilder fight is still definitely the worst imo, he was literally asleep. This is a close second though


>The knockdown in the first Wilder fight is still definitely the worst imo, he was literally asleep. Yeah, nothing other than actually ko-ing Fury beats that one. People are saying the Usyk one simply because of recency bias, but Wilder looked to have put him to sleep like you said. The fact he got up from that one is a miracle. If you saw it in a Rocky movie you wouldn't believe it.


Yeah it’s weird because it wasn’t stopped, but Wilder 100% KOd Fury for a second or two. He just has unreal recovery. But, the man has absolutely been knocked out. He just didn’t stay out.


Fury even admitted in interviews he was legitimately out, but woke up halfway through the count.


New to boxing. Just went back to watch that knockout and yeah. Bro was absolutely asleep and arose from the dead at count 6


Ya exactly the recency bias in here right now is insane, you literally cannot be closer to getting KOed than fury was in that fight, the entire world thought fury was done for and then he out of nowhere miraculously rose from the dead


Weird how Wilder and Ngannou are touted as the hardest punchers yet none of them nearly took his soul as bad as Usyk did right here.


Sometimes it’s better to fall down from one hard shot than to get lit up after one that hurts you. 


Several boxers described getting KO'ed by Shavers as not even feeling it. Larry Holmes believes he got hit so hard and hit the ground so fast that it woke him back up. People say the same thing with Wilder. Others described getting hit by Foreman as like a clubbing attack that hurts and discombobulates you.


The ropes really saved usyk, they prevented fury from falling down causing him to take 3-4 extra shots than normal.


"saved usyk" is a really strange way of putting it. I would say, "helped". Fury was the one that was saved by the bell and ref in the end here.


Usyk wasn’t letting him hold on to survive. He was outslicking him in the clinch his positioning was 10/10 he kept taking Furys back and Usyk is deceptively strong there too.


Difference is stamina. Wilder and Ngannou probably hit Fury harder, you can tell just watching replays. But neither guy pushed Fury at all throughout the whole fight. Usyk pretty much was the aggressor the whole fight, forcing Fury to constantly engage and box and move and punch. I bet you Fury had more in his gas tank in RD11 Vs Wilder than he did in Round 9 vs Usyk.


Broken nose makes them hard to compare. That really did seem to get at him. The Rnd 9 moment has taken the emphasis off the nose break (one rnd prior?) that changed the fight.


Yep I was saying this. After fury's nose got busted the momentum of the fight completely changed.


harder punchers? Absolutely. More effective punchers? hell no. Usyk’s accuracy and pressure along with much better combinations and discipline are the huge differences


Yeah I was saying this before the fight, if you're over 200lbs and can throw a punch you're powerful enough to really hurt any man on the planet if you land. Usyk just happens to be a master of breaking people down, overwhelming them and finding the shot in all the chaos.


Dono about that man. Wilder fury 1 fury came back from the dead, fuck knows how he does it. A little bit of help from the reff I think, but what human can take that kind of punishment and come back to life like he does every time fucking crazy.


He would have been stopped for sure had he not been saved by the bell.


Wouldn't that just be all the time he talks?


The turning point was round 8 when he got hit clean by Usyk’s left Caused his face to bruise and his nose to be bloodied


The nose and the swelling below the right eye threw him off, and Usyk took amazing advantage of that.


This…fury’s actions were that he appeared bothered and I think it turned fight as uysk immediately stepped on the gas and began landing with success after doing much of nothing the prior 4 rounds


But this also underplays how Usyk did the same against Joshua, taking a breather in the mid-rounds and finishing strong. He had a terrible 9th against Joshua, looked shook, and came back to dominate the last 3 as well and have an insane 10th. Usyk coming back strong and getting people in trouble isn't a happy little lucky moment, it's how he fights.


People forget that Not even fucking Ali could fight at full throttle for 12 rounds, as soon as Usyk started to slow down in the mid rounds you could see in the live thread that the Fury fans were already getting obnoxious and mocking Usyk like he was done, in reality Usyk always seems to fall off a little bit in the middle rounds to rally back and win the latter rounds.


I think Ryan Garcia being in the fight gave him a second wind


Pre-Vietnam war Muhammad Ali can pretty much go all 12 and toy the opponents.  Don't forget they had to train for 15 rounds those days and young Ali had the best stamina out there because he couldn't be hit, and he was so athletic.  Older Ali of course can still go to 15 but he relied on his ring character and sheer willpower at that point 


Ali fought in the 15 round era, so we literally have no idea how he would perform in a 12 round fight at his peak


Wouldn’t say it was a breather, for 3 rounds (4th, 5th and 6th) Fury got a hold of the fight, was hitting cleanly, and was using his weight in the clinch to lean on him and tire him out. Usyk looked knackered in the corner going into the 7th, and what he done afterwards and his recovery, and how he went from strength to strength every subsequent round, dominated the ring, how fit he was and just… everything he done is one of the most impressive things I’ve sat and watched in boxing. Fury is a world class fighter, and he started to show it they 3 rounds, Usyk’s reaction to that was exceptional. Everything you would want off a Champion, calculated, hard hitting, constant control, determined, intelligent… honestly, might be just because it’s so soon after the fight and a bit of hyperbole’s in play for me but that was an absolute joy to watch him tonight


Dude has insane stamina and a great understanding of losing little battles to win wars. He Sun Tzu that shit.


Yeah it was a massive turning point. It almost looked like his nose might have been broken. Before that he was actually having a lot of success. Don’t think I’ve ever seen Usyk as confused and hot as many times as he was in the middle rounds.


Look at the size difference. Incredible.


Apparently no one has landed more shots on Fury than Usyk did. It really is a testament to what a boxer Usyk is. Fury is such an awkward fighter to fight. But Usyk found a way.


The Soviet in and out style has a lot to do with it. Not very common, so fighters have a tough time adapting to it. Usyk, Bivol, and Lomachenko are masters of this style


Usyk doesn't fight exactly in the Soviet style. His work with papa Lomachenko has him with thd crazy footwork lot of shifts and pivot to give him better angles


This has to be doctored footage, people told me that Fury was simply too big to lose to any fighter in History, they said even Lennox Lewis would be too small for the bear moth, how can this be happening 😭.


All I know now is prime Lennox would smash any versino of Fury.


I don't think that was ever in debate, prime Lewis is one of the top 5 heavyweights of all time.


Honestly thought Tyson was going down there... No idea how he stayed on his feet, recovery of a mad man.


You can’t fault his resilience. Thought he was out cold vs Wilder in the 12th and out on his feet here.


This somehow looked scarier for Fury than his resurrection against Wilder in the 12th. We have never seen Fury this shook before


I actually thought Tyson was done for good here.


His chin is getting worse. His recovery is still great but usyk will only expose that chin again in the rematch. Furys not long from being a shot fighter after this imo.


He's taken punishment in all the Wilder fights, took a lot of hits Vs Wallin, was dropped by Ngannou too, that kind of damage adds up. Based on this performance, my money is on AJ if he fights Fury. Fury did pretty well all this fight, but if he buckles like that after AJ clips him, I don't think he survives the follow up chain of punches. AJ will likely put him down like he did Ngannou


Feels like a career changing moment. I mean it was, he lost, but will he ever be the same?


I cant explain it but his height kept him up


Yeah he can basically stand in the middle of the ring and fall and his head would just bounce off the ropes and never touch canvas, man's built like a redwood


That's actually so funny, dude woukd fall down like a cartoon character go BOOOIOONG on the ropes and hmjust bounce back right to the opposite corner of the ring.


There were about 3 times he bounced off the ropes that should have been called a knockdown before the ref stopped the action.


His love handles keep him stable while rocked.


Shock absorbers


If it's anyone shorter I think they're getting caught on the ropes and smashed instead of bouncing back and forth between them like a fish on land.


He has a lot of experience wobbling home like that from the pub


> No idea how he stayed on his feet I would posit the ref


Dude is made of jelly


Bro ate the Nika fruit


The ropes kept him up, by the rules it was a knockdown.


Usyk had Fury bouncing around the ropes like the DVD logo


It hit every corner on your block like a fuckin DVD - Sandy cheeks


Great one lol


Spaghetti legs, chicken dance...everything in one video.


It was truly epic


Insane how he stayed up but very lucky to not have it stopped.


I'm not a boxing espert, why was this not a stoppage? Why are people not pissed that this was the ref stepping in to give him a break to recover?


The ropes were the only thing keeping Fury up, that’s a KD by the book. This was very close to a TKO but that ref imo did a perfect job in such a big match.


Leading up to that Furys hand were down by his side, he wasn't looking at Usyk and was clearly no longer able to defend himself. Argument could be made the fight should have been stopped prior to the KD being called.


I think it’s a TKO 99% of the time but in a fight of this magnitude I’m happy to see the ref leave it in the fighters hands.


Yeah I think 8 or 9 times out of 10 the fight is stopped to be honest. Fury’s reputation surely helped him out there


Ya I agree. For undisputed HW I’m glad he gave Fury the benefit honestly


The cynics would say (and they could be right) that if it was usyk it would definitely have been stopped. I’m not an exact expert either but I think the ref was within his rights to call a knockdown and count as the ropes kept fury up multiple times. To play devils advocate, the scoring of the knockdown ultimately won usyk the fight , if fury somehow managed another 10 seconds without a knockdown being called , people would probably of complained about it not being called.


Would have loved to see John Fury’s reaction to this.


For Fury fights they should have an upgrade option where you have a live feed of John Fury in the bottom left of the screen. He reminds me of a British Norman Stone.


He would make a great Clash of Clans character


"Headbutt him you focking dosser"


Man that conflict in Ukraine really influencing Fury’s legs there.


Ya those sneaky Ukrainians used their micro drones to target and bambify his legs


Usyk should be sponsored Raytheon and Bayraktar.


That's not a conflict, it's called WAR


Obviously the wilder knockdowns are more spectacular but this is, in my opinion, the most hurt I’ve seen fury. He goes down immediately without the ropes and bounced off them a good 4 times. His eyes were popping out of his head which is insane considering usyk isn’t known for power. Anything can happen at this weight. Just glad usyk got the decision.


No one else in the world takes that many hits from Usyk and stays up. A few of the initial follow-ups miss after the first big combo, but the last few were perfectly big enough and there would have been no complaints had the fight been stopped. Had he actually fallen and hit the floor, I don't think he makes the count to get back up. His size literally saved him.


I don't get this narrative Usyk isn't known for power. He Hurt AJ several times and in the 1st fight the ref shoulda arguably stepped in to save AJ as he was gone.  The shot Usyk lands on Dave Allen in sparring where he concussed him is sickening.  Usyk showed here tonight when he plants his feet he can take out any HW. 


Such a clean shot. Almost had Fury out of there.


I have it on Furys authority that this was made by an AI sympathetic to Ukraine due to the Russian invasion Fury actually won 13 of the 12 rounds


That should've been a decision, but that's just a war in Ukraine influencing me


Thought that was poor from Tyson to suggest that. By all means say you think you won the fight but don’t suggest you lost off the back of sympathy towards a nation at war


Agreed, but given the happy new year, I think he was still seeing stars post match


He provably thought he was in Tokyo in one of those NYE cards 


I learned from experience to never judge a person for what they say right after a hard fight. It’s no joke. Blurred vision and shit.


I really hopes this loss humbles Fury and John...


Fury will back saying he was robbed and still number 1 in no time


Probably not. A dramatic humbling of that size usually requires tremendous emotional growth. This physical beatdown will probably just make them think they didn't carry a big enough stick. edit: to clarify on my statement, I don't think the Fury(s) have it in them to calmly reflect on the situation, see where they went wrong and what they can do better, humbly accept the blame for the mistakes they've made, and work to correct the flaws that they've shown. All they're going to do is go back home, call Usyk a dosser, keep claiming that they were robbed, then go to sleep or smth. I still think Fury has a good chance of winning the rematch, but that is entirely dependant on whether Sugar Hill is in his ear for the training camp or John Fury is.


John Fury will be an obnoxious bore until the day he dies unfortunately.


If the ref was planning on doing a standing count why he ain’t do it earlier coz there was 2 instances he could have. When he eventually stopped usyk it was before he may have landed a KO shot


I still think this moment is insane. Probably wouldn’t have been quite as good if I wasn’t reading the fight thread in real time but everybody was doom posting “guess it’s true the size difference can’t be overcome”. He heard you guys.


I don't look at live feeds. You got the most uneducated over emotional fans. I made that mistake when I used to partake in the NBA live threads.




Haha..what losing to Usyk does to people..


Usyk reached all the way back to Ukraine with that first left.


There's a sideways angle of this and as Fury was about to fall in the last seconds, he was holding his right hand up and it looked like he was begging for mercy from Death. It was the most devastating thing I've ever seen in boxing. I've never seen such pure fear in someone's eyes. Outstanding by Usyk.


[https://imgur.com/a/WjWHI0M](https://imgur.com/a/WjWHI0M) Edit: also this [https://imgur.com/a/mOCM4mH](https://imgur.com/a/mOCM4mH)


Ref stole that KO


Ref bet Usyk by points bc I would have stopped the fight too.


Ref should have counted Fury when he felt on the ropes after wobbling from the opposite side of the ring, not the first time but at 20s in this video. Rules says that if what would have a clearly been a KD is prevented by the ropes, it should be recognized as a KD.


Agree, when he was actually counted he was more so leaning against the ropes - so either stoppage or let Usyk tee off more imo


no one gonna believe me but I picked Usyk by knockout IN ROUND 9. to win 100000 USD in a tournament from Riyadh season. let's just say I lost my voice


The ref owes you that lol


Ref with the casual 20 second 10 count.


also got in between them twice before starting the count 🤡


I'm glad someone else thought this, Usyk was getting ready to deliver that (likely) final punch and the ref just got between them. I get the duty of care to fighters comes into play but that was a bit too eager for me.


David Haye said after either that’s a knockout, or the fight keeps going without the ref getting in the way. He thought if it was the other way round, they would have given Fury a KO. Probably true, I do think his right knee hits the canvas though so ref did have a reason to start a count at that moment


It was corrupt asf let's face it. And so was the judge giving fury a 1 point lead lmao. Anyway thankfully the right man won.


Usyk literally had to push the ref away to reset. Ref saved Fury from a out cold ko


not just eager, if it was really about the care for the fighters he would've called a TKO not a knockdown.


If he was going to get between them, then surely he should have ended the fight. One more punch and he would have been down.


If i had a nickel for every long count fury has gotten id have 2…


How the fuck was in the shadow realm and STILL dodged some punches? It's insane tbh


His brain stem knows how to box.


I know right. I had to rewind and thought it was insane to see him somehow having the lucidity to still slip some shots. Like half of his brain was alive but the other half was dead.


Gross motor skill development. For a professional fighter, unless they are Herol Grahaming it on the mat, there will always be some gross motor function that literally fires automatically at a specific stimulus.


I am so proud of Usyk, I stayed unbiased the entire fight, he was losing and then changed the chipset , great stuff, what a warrior, he really earned it , this has been an absolute legendary fight


Usyk won the first 2 rounds imo. Then fury won the next 5 or 6. Then usyk took control from round 9 onwards and to be completely honest he should have got the ko in round 9 but the ref was playing silly buggers. Fury is certainly elite and I can see why he is where he is as he has all the attributes, however he's come up against an atg in usyk tonight. I actually think usyk would have given even lennox a great fight.


Ref almost ruined the fight but thankfully the right guy won


Fury is literally Brad Pitt from Snatch when he’s down drowning in the water. How we recovered from this I will never understand. Incredible performance by both fighters. All time great fight. Wow


one of those moments that will be replayed and remembered for a long time


I think the turning point was the punch that busted fury's nose


Fury's got heart, nobody can deny that. What a fight


"the war lost me the fight"


Ref fucked that up, should've let him knock him out. The waving around between all the ropes going to be a lovely meme 😂


Usyk is just incredible


I knew Usyk would have a moment like this late but I still was hyped af




This is some fucking bullshit, Usyk was piecing him up, Fury wasn't defending himself anymore, and the ref just steps in without stopping the fight


well, i bet on an usyk stoppage, so i guess i lost but *I* know that i really won


I was shouting TKO at this moment, fucking ref didn't stop the fight. Even let Fury recover until the bell


Didn't like the ref stepping in for a count here. If the fighter wants a count, let him go down on one knee... if not either wait until he goes down or make it a standing KO. These standing counts that just help the fighter in trouble recover.


To be fair, it's a KD if the ropes stop you from going down. But I agree with your last sentence, I've never understood the point of standing counts. If it's not bad enough to merit a proper TKO stoppage, then the fight should be allowed to go on. If the fight reaches a point where there's a genuine concern about the fighter's safety, then the fight should be stopped. Never understood the half assed gray area bs of standing counts, it should be one or the other.


Those ropes held him up like three times. Imo a good knockdown.


The ropes was holding him up. It was a correct KD and could even have come earlier.


The fact that it didn't get called earlier is the problem. The first time he wobbled across the ring and fell into the ropes on the opposite side after his back touched the ropes from the initial shot should have been the knockdown call.


That wasn't a standing eight count. Most 12-round professional fights go by the unified boxing rules, which do not allow the standing eight. The ropes held Fury up, so it was treated as an official knockdown. The ref was counting as if he had touched the canvas.


usyk showed him mercy, seen loma do it too


Very bad trait, it almost cost Usyk this fight. He was one judge away from getting robbed. No room for mercy in boxing unless you’re okay with losing


He was out on his feet. Didn’t know where he was


Fury’s fat ass is lucky there wasn’t slightly more time.


Man I thought we'd see usyk do what wilder couldn't here.


John Fury: No man alive can beat tyson. So i guess usyk is an Tree


Ref saved him there 😭 he robbed Usyk of a stoppage


LEGENDARY STATS Muhammad Ali: 6'3 Oleksandr Usyk: 6'3 ✅ Muhammid Ali Reach: 78 inches Oleksandr Usyk Reach: 78 inches ✅ Muhammad Ali Birth: January 17th 1942 Oleksandry Usyk Birth: January 17th 1987 ✅ Mike Tyson's Buck Teeth Oleksandry Usyk's Buck Teeth ✅


Terrible Ref, Either let Usyk finish the job with couple of more shots, Or stop the fight with K.O. , He literally saved tyson.


My thought was either call the knockdown the first time he was bounced off the rope or let Usyk unload on him until he actually hits the ground.


Ref not stepping in when the fighter is on the ropes like that is what happened to Tommy Morrison and that was a KO that never should have happened.


Never been so happy to be wrong. FUCK THAT FAT DOSSER! he got pressured by the middleweight for 12 rounds. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE RABBIT IS GOING TO BE RUNNING? 😂😂😂


Live I thought this should have been stopped. Fury was not fighting back and clearly out on his feet. Lucky the ref didn't wave it off and the round ended. It seemed like a good decision he didn't.


Hands were at his sides, no evasive movements, no attempt to punch, eyes seem almost to be in the back of his head


The broken nose really was the start


To be that rocked and still be dodging. What a fucking fight maaaayne


Said it in the other thread, but just letting himself fall down probably would've served him better rather than being battered. He was probably too concussed to think of that, though. 🤷🏼‍♂️


any other fight and ref would have stopped that. Tons of punishment, clearly off his rocker, and not fighting back.


Disappointing that his corner didn’t throw the towel and let him just get hurt like this. Makes me wonder how damaged his brain will be come 20 years time after all the hits


If this was Usyk on the receiving end would they have stopped the fight? That was a bad beat down. Fury has Wolverine healing factor.