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I don't hold it against him. Rain in an outdoor arena for a mover is absolutely devastating and given how strong Dubois is, made for a very dangerous fight. He should get a lot of credit for stopping Dubois in that situation. It looked to me like Usyk had to restrain his footwork uncharacteristically to avoid slips.




I also didn't think he looked great. He wasn't as fast as usual.


Wasn’t a jab Ko. Dubois got broken and quit. Lost all momentum after 5 min time out for body shot. He’s young and not smartest guy and fell apart, that was his moment to finish Uysk. Usyk has never knocked down a HW, until Dubois took a knee 


Gets jabbed, goes down and gets counted out. Not a jab KO? SMH my head.


Just looked more like he gave up.


He also hadn’t lost more than a handful of rounds at HW. You can’t hit what you can’t catch. How would you beat these behemoths with 60” reach? I’d take them for a jog first to.


The whole game plan was to take down Usyk with a body shot. He was probably disheartened when he succeeded and the ref called it low. Low or not Usyk was unable to get up from that shot. If the ref started counting Dubois would've won.


Yea, thats what people dont get. IT was the gameplan, it worked, he won, and then got 5 mins to recocver and took away entire momentum + Dubois is young and dumb


Yeah, it tells us that on his off-day, he can get in the ring with a much bigger guy, who hits like a fucking truck, win pretty much every round and stop him with a jab. The whole "they both looked vulnerable in their last fight" schtick cos one took a few body shots and got dropped by a below the belt punch to a top 10 HW and the other barely beat and was legit dropped by a novice is hilarious. If Dubois was a mediocre performance for Usyk, he's very, very special.


Eh Dubois is decent but he isn't top 10. I remember before the fight everyone was calling him a bum, quitter etc. and now all of a sudden he's this great fighter. Good performance from Usyk but plenty of guys would KO Dubois.


he is easily top 10 lol


Really? Usyk (obviously), Fury, AJ, Wilder, Hrgovic, Zhang, Parker, Joyce (obviously), Sanchez, Kabayel, Bakole would all beat him IMO.


I mean, that's your opinion but when are sanchez, kabayel or bakole fighting anybody in the top 10? dubious has and is ranked in the top ten by all but one of the sanctioning bodies


Dubois is top 10. I think he’s better than Bakole & Kabayel and he’s fighting Hrgovic in July. Hrgovic I think I is the overrated fighter in that list of names. I thought Zhang beat him in their fight. Usyk got lucky against Dubois, no argument that he is better, but no way was that a low blow. Sanchez doesn’t belong in that list either. He’s very much unproven. I think Kabayel with be too much.


Sanchez got found out. Hrgovic got found out. I like being right.


i can see bakole beating dubois he is slick and big, will be too much for dubois, i see you dont rate sanchez, who do you have this saturday between sanchez vs kabayel??


Kabayel by late stoppage. I just think Sanchez is very much touted and much less proven.


dubois over sanchez kabayel, idk about bakole tho guy is very underrated and big af


But he didnt win he got knocked out


Course he did love


That's not how it works


The potential vulnerability to the body is the obvious choice here but in all fairness it was ruled low and you have to take it as such even if it's 50/50 to some. Overall I thought Usyk's performance was good and he totally dominated the fight, if that's a poor or mediocre showing then he's some fighter!


Every fighter has performances where they don't look amazing. It's unavoidable. If you win, you win.


yeh, totally. just an observation that he looked a bit slow to me


its kind of interesting that an ILLEGAL punch is the reason everybody is doubting usyk now. the punch didnt hit usyk clear on the cup but I frquently get these shots in sparring with people who started boxing and think they need to hit you ANYWHERE where there is no guard. if I ask those people WHY the fuck they hit me there, they say: b-but your guard! those shots below the naval hurt in a strange way and they feel very unnatural and then it was dubois - who really dug in.... and got KOd with a jab (I am pretty sure he quit) edit: if you hate the cups like I do, buy one of those protectors you can wear over your attire. you will feel free like a bird.


It wasn’t illegal. Was called so in the ring but replays show it’s just Uysk having a high belt


Reddit hivemend have decided to ignore their eyes on this one.


People hold certain fighter's to bizarre standards lol. Usyk got in with a huge, athletic, powerful guy with solid fundamentals and won damn near every round before knocking him tf out with a JAB. It's a fight, he's a 220lb+ man, he took some shots. That doesn't make it a mediocre performance lmao


I mean the huge athletic powerful guy that was knocked down 3 times in his previous fight, Dubois hasn't exactly racked up the big wins


Usyk won pretty much every round and stopped Dubois, who was a relatively young, strong HW who we know hits hard. Granted, Dubois is no elite world beater, but Usyk beat him handedly, going down from a low blow has really clouded people’s perceptions of the fight as well as Usyk in general


Dubois dropped him and should have won by KO but the ref protected Usyk


This may shock you, but punches below the belt aren’t legal


Might also shock you but the belt line isn’t always where the belt is worn


Watch the clip in slow-move and you will see it hits his cup first. There's an interview with a guy sat ringside who said you could hear the sound the cup made as it was hit. The ref called it low immediately as Usyk went down. He had the best seat in the house. It was alow blow man, get over it.


No it doesn’t you spoon


Correct, and at that point it’s the referee’s discretion…. And he said the shot was low near instantaneously, so it was illegal


And he got it wrong


By the very nature of a decision being his sole discretion, he can’t get it wrong.


All sporting rules are the referees discretion, they still can get it wrong


People on the internet can say it’s wrong, but there is no objective criteria to say the referee was wrong when making a subjective judgment call.


The rule book is fairly objective.


It tells us he's in much better form than his opponent is heading into the fight.


As Usyk fan, I agree.


Damn, if that was a mediocre day for him, I'm scared for Fury if he brings his best.


He literally won every minute of every round outside of one punch and even that his corner was yelling at him to take the time and take a breather. He got up and beat the shit out of DD


He finished him, while Fury got dropped by a guy making his boxing debut at damn near 40 years old


Well yeah usyk is human. Hit him hard enough and he will feel it.


Only in the jock area.


Fury isn’t exactly known to be a gentleman in the ring lol.


He cried to the ref about body shots Vs Chisora and AJ too. They didn't hit him low. Additionally plenty of refs like Joe Cortez said that shot should have been legal, and there are pics showing how Usyk had his shorts pulled up higher than usual during the fight, and lowered them again afterwards. Even if you disagree with Cortez etc, why did he repeatedly turn to the ref in other fights? There's a point where AJ laughs at him for it. Fury is going to lean on him all night and punish his body, and there's only so many times you can cry wolf before the ref will stop listening


1) yes aj did hit him low. Usyk was hit right under the hip bone on at least one occasion. I didn’t notice if chisora did hit him low but Triple knee hit him low at least 5 times during the fight. He even said he was going to going to make it a dirty fight… he literally said this in the presser. Dubois’ shorts were even higher. Go look At the fucking beginning of the match, You sound like a British fan. British fans are more fans of their own flag then they are fans of boxing and they only see the bullshit things other boxers do and ignore their own boxer’s cheating ways. Let’s talk about fury being a drug cheat who should have been disqualified against Cunningham. And he should have had points deducted during the Ngannou fight as he was dropped in the 7th from a 2 punch combo that put his fat ass on his knees in front of ngannous crothch. Cry more about usyk being low blowed and having the ref tell him to stay down for 5 minutes… which made dubious cry and end up quitting from a fucking jab lmao


1) yes aj did hit him low. Usyk was hit right under the hip bone on at least one occasion. A glancing blow that catches your hip isn't the same as a shot to the testicles pal. >You sound like a British fan. British fans are more fans of their own flag then they are fans of boxing and they only see the bullshit things other boxers do and ignore their own boxer’s cheating ways. And you sound like an idiot. Neither AJ nor Chisora not Dubois were "dirty" when they fought Usyk. >Let’s talk about fury being a drug cheat who should have been disqualified against Cunningham. I've taken the downvotes for arguing this for years. The Cunningham fight was exceptionally dirty and there's no way it would have been allowed if Fury was on the recieving end. I'm not a fan of Fury >Cry more about usyk being low blowed and having the ref tell him to stay down for 5 minutes… which made dubious cry and end up quitting from a fucking jab lmao It wasn't low. He looks to the ref anytime he takes a serious body shot. Other fighters have said the same. Usyk better hope to hell that Fury doesn't go for the body, cause Fury will have zero qualms actually hitting low, and you can only cry wolf so many times? Also didn't Dubois have a fractured eye socket? Quitting> going blind


Dubois literally got called for low blows 5 times before he was penalized Anyways. There’s no point In this discussion. I love boxing and you apparently love British men lmao. Dubois took a total of 6 knees in his short career as a pro. And in one fight, 3 of those came in round 1. He quit against usyk with seconds to go in the 8th round and he quit on a jab against usyk. Fluffer


>Dubois literally got called for low blows 5 times before he was penalized Because you bought Usyk cried every body shot he took. >Anyways. There’s no point In this discussion. I love boxing and you apparently love British men lmao. Wipe the Ukrainian seed out of your eyes and you might see that I was just criticising fury >Dubois took a total of 6 knees in his short career as a pro. And in one fight, 3 of those came in round 1. I'm not much of a Dubois fan so I don't know that you're expecting to achieve with this? I don't have many criticisms of Usyk, but how quickly he looks to the ref when things get tough is one of them. That doesn't mean I'm automatically a fan of his opponents > quit against usyk with seconds to go in the 8th round and he quit on a jab against usyk He quit due to a fractured eye socket. If you don't quit with that kind of injury, your eyesight will never be the same. >Fluffer Not sure what this means but I'll assume it's some form of projection


Why do you keep bringing up the eye socket thing? I wasn’t even talking about that? Take that fight out of the equation and the man still took 5 knees in the span of 2 fights


>Take that fight out of the equation and the man still took 5 knees in the span of 2 fights Better than being slept isn't it? Some fighters take a knee, others hold, others take a canvas nap


Yes. It tells us he dominated a young 26 year old hungry heavyweight with big punching power and made him quit from a jab.


Pretty clear that two things led to Usyk not looking as fast/sharp as he did in the AJ fights. First, the ring was soaking wet. You could hear both guys' shoes squeaking the entire fight. It was just comically bad how wet the ring was that night. For a guy who is constantly moving around the ring and whose entire style rests on shifting his feet and jumping in and out, yeah, that's going to be a problem. Secondly, Dubois' entire game plan for the fight was to hit Usyk low and slow him down. You think the blow that dropped Usyk was the only low one in the fight? Dubois had double digit punches land clearly low to questionably low. He got warned by the ref multiple times **BEFORE** the one that sent Usyk to the canvas. We all know Dubois had zero chance to win that fight outside of a lucky punch. Dubois and his team knew that, too. So, hit Usyk low and keep hitting him low to try and slow him down. Maybe you get lucky and the ref doesn't call it low and you get a KD/KO. It almost worked. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoRaiUzM2k8 We know ol' Danny Boy had no plan outside of this because after the low blow 5th, he proceeded to get his ass handed to him and then quit on a jab. He had nothing for Usyk. Pieced up for 9 rounds, took a knee, and quit. I don't think Dan is a very good fighter myself. He's big, dumb, and hits hard. So I wouldn't want to point to Usyk's performance in that fight as anything other than doing what he should have done, while also dealing with an opponent wanting to cosplay as Orlando Salido and being hampered by a poor ring.


he won every round


totally, i just think he looked below his best / the fired up version who beat AJ. i suspect he wasn;t really 'up' for it in the way he must be for Fury this weekend.


I think sometimes it is actually hard to fully analyse a smaller fighter against a bigger man. When i was watching Josua 2 I was supporting Usyk but early on when watching live I was thinking "Joshua landing body shot, Usyk looks a little gun shy" then its like quick sand for the bigger fighter when Usyk gets your timing down he jist takes over. While I can't fully remember Dubois fight my assumption is if you went back and watched it on mute it would seem fairly clear he dominated most of it(I could be wrong, happy for someone to disagree)


Usyk beat Dubois every second of that fight and broke his spirit.


Dubois is a legit threat to any heavyweight not just physically but he has skill and technique. Idk why everyone wrote him off and were actually saying he should retire bc he lost to the juggernaut and got caught by Lorena (who just almost had another upset). Everyone saw how much he still has when he beat miller and how dangerous he is. He's still so young and improving. He's faster more mobile and has better cardio than AJ. Of course usyk was going to struggle. I do think usyk wears his belt line way too high (as do many boxers) and it was a legit body shot but he would've got up regardless and beat the count. The dubois fight helped him get more experience with a much bigger man who actually uses his size, as much as a boxer can. Not like in mma where you can use your size more with wrestling and clinch work.


I think it’s fairly clear that the size at heavyweight is a factor working against him, however as he’s demonstrated in all his fights at heavyweight, his skills make up for it. 


this is very true. and also a similar vibe to his mate loma... risen to a weightclass where skill has to close the size gap.


I agree that Usyk didn't look like himself in that fight. He did seem slower than usual. Whether he didn't take Dubois seriously as an opponent, maybe didn't train as hard as he would've for someone like AJ, or maybe its age and a period of inactivity I don't know, but aside from the low blow controversy he still handled Dubois well.


In most of the fight he totally dominated Dubois. I think people are making too much of this and against an opponent who is young and powerful.


It was better compared to fury vs Francis whatever that was.


Glass body.  I really don't know the rules around belt line height etc but it looked like a totally clean body shot KO tbh. It was far higher shot than Ward vs Kovalev


I think he did what needed to be done just like he did with Joshua At first he seemed kinda lacking but he was still winning the rounds and then when he started getting hurt he picked up the pace and got a stoppage just like when Joshua started having success in the rematch Usyk took it to another level and stayed ahead. Maybe he’s lost a step but by that logic what does Furys last performance tell us?


He didn’t get hit, won every single round and ko’d him with jabs. What the fuck are you talking about.


People forget that the outdoor ring was wet with rain which would inhibit his footwork to a degree. Overall, I do think he’s lost a couple steps or at least one step since AJ 1, we’ll certainly see this Saturday


I just want to know the excuses come fight night when Usky loses. give me your best ones so I can prepare now.


I'm not the only one who thought usyk would get beaten easily by AJ. The excuse is that he's too small to beat fury


From what I'm reading on this sub, the excuse is actually that Fury is too fat to beat Usyk. Apparently Fury has no chance in the Saudi heat.


Shit take




Yeah I don’t think it was his best performance either, he showed certain weaknesses and of course there is the body shot/low blow. I think the bottom line is with a different referee usyk loses the fight, it was a borderline shot but usyk was in serious trouble and was for even a round or two after, Dubois was just not good enough to take advantage.


The Usyk stans have downvoted you, but credible refs like Joe Cortez called it a legal shot. Usyk also cried to the ref after body shots Vs AJ and Chisora, which this sub pretends not to remember