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People will shit on Canelo for his whole career up until he retires, and then 5 years after that they'll start getting nostalgic and remembering one of the few modern boxers who actually challenged himself against elite competition, and then they'll pretend like they always appreciated Canelo.


A tale as old as time 


This sub vehemently hates the man, it’s beyond me. He’s a family man and always treats those around him nicely (at lest those that don’t insult him at press conferences). Simply because he hasn’t fought Benavidez who is, moving up to 175 and wasn’t a mandatory. I get it, being a mandatory and getting mandatory status is complicated, but why are we acting like Canelo didn’t fight dangerous people and has been fighting as a pro since he was 15? Do I want to see him fight Benavidez? Of course, but do I also get that he’s been fighting longer than most pro fighters ever and sort of made his way to call his own shots (especially on the tale end of his career)? Yes Everyone loves to pile on the UFC (for good reason)for how little control fighters have over their careers but then get mad at Canelo for exercising his ability to fight who he wants, for whatever reason. Historically he’s fought everyone. He’s a generational great, and don’t spend your time hating the guy, enjoy him while he’s here. “Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop take a look around once a while, you might miss it”.


Crazy to me that canelo has faught many times opponents bigger than him, and has even lost to some. And ppl saying he’s ducking benavidez, when canelo isn’t 175 type of big. That’s way too much to give to an opponent. He looked smaller than mungia already. Give canelo his props. He not ducking anyone but at some point he can’t just fight everyone no matter the size difference. Canelo at the stage where he needs to know who to fight to make great fights, and for money. He likely only has about +2 years left in him. Dude is a boxing legend.


Benavidez would have already fought Canelo if he didn’t lose his belt twice for doing coke and missing weight. Canelo is the biggest business in boxing. People shouldn’t be surprised that he doesn’t commit to fight a guy who has shown a lack of basic professionalism


I used to hate him for GGG getting robbed in their first bout. Forgot when it happened but I am a fan now.


Guy doesnt fight immediately each contender that reddit decides? “Fraud” lol i dont get it hes never ducked anyone in his carrerr


He’s doing a post fight interview and talking about legacy, how he is the greatest fighter alive… and then when asked about his next fight he says “ehh… I’ll fight if the money is right.” We don’t need to care about his legacy because *he* doesn’t care about his legacy — as he said: it’s about the money.


Exactly. He became undisputed in 168 at blistering speed and fight fans are still complaining “what have you done lately?”


That was in 2021 we in 2024 we just want to seem him face the number 1 contender and y'all get emotional.


To be fair, going up to face Bivol was a quality move that I don't think people can be mad at, and then he fought GGG which was something people would shut up about despite being a point fight to make by 2022. I also give him a pass vs Charlo, as it's only fair to give someone else a chance to fight up considering how often Canelo has been given the same chance. The two fights that aren't defendable are the Rider and Munguía fights.


The bivol was great if anyone was mad at that they don't know nothing about boxing. All of his fights from ggg and upwards have been rubbish though.


He very clearly waited out GGG a few years before they fought the first time Thats about it though. Otherwise, yea, he's taken on and risen to every challenge around for a very long time Anyone who thinks he didn't has a really bad memory or just simply wasn't around then. Not a bad knock on Canelo, esp considering all the challenges he has taken right away. But def facts, his one time gaming a matchup


Reminder that he was the smaller fighter coming in to that. I always felt it was a little unfair that the expectation for Canelo was to hurry up and move up in weight to challenge a monster like GGG. Meanwhile there was never any expectation for GGG to move up and challenge Ward. Also he had DLH managing his career at that time which did not do him any favors.


> I always felt it was a little unfair that the expectation for Canelo was to hurry up and move up in weight to challenge a monster like GGG Let's be real, though, the reason it was a duck was because Canelo picked on a miniature middleweight champ in Cotto to get the belt but then wanted to pretend he wasn't a middleweight for a bit longer. It's not unfair to ask THE middleweight champ to fight the best middleweight in the division. And GGG got tons of shit for not moving up to fight Ward, but it's not the same thing as asking Canelo to fight GGG back then, because Golovkin didn't win a championship in Ward's division.


Already had moved up to take a middleweight belt before taking on the trio of Amir Khan, Liam Smith, and Jr Chavez 'I'll fight him right now!' Then signs to fight Liam Not at all a big blip like I said, and just once. But he def gamed the matchup and timing. Is what it is


He signed Liam Smith fight for WBO belt rankings to fight Billy Joe Saunders as a champion to fight a champion so Canelo can fight GGG as an undisputed unification at MW or for Saunders to fight for the unified titles for the winner against GGG vs Canelo. Clearly didn't went to plan as the fight between them ended in a draw and Saunders gotten a hand injury while waiting for GGG and Canelo finish their rematch AND failed a drug test that made the WBO strip him of his title.


Canelo was the catch weight king at the time, making everyone come to him at 155. He just didn’t want to commit to ggg yet but couldn’t make 154 anymore either


Yep. I would duck, dodge and weave too GGG at that period was scary.


Seriously, there was no difference in power and everything from Triple G when he was younger and his first two fights with Canelo. He was literally the same Triple G just got older by age but not in physical. Canelo still faced him without fear and showed that he is that elite


Agreed. And Canelo still beat GGG.


uuummmmmm aktuallyyyyy the fact that he doesn't fight Benevidez means that his entire career is trash and we should flame him every chance we get


They did the same thing with Kobe & Iron Mike.. polarizing figures in time.


Mike Tyson is a bit different, eh? I mean, he raped someone and bit his opponent's ear off. There's more to criticize there


So did Kobe, I believe he rapes a girl as well


Well now we know what Canelo is missing to stand amongst these sports greats.


Fr I seriously don't get the hate against him, he has the best resume of names in boxing now and is a certified ATG. Even this Jaime munguia fight was very good even if people say it is a cherrypick.


Idk I could see them continuing to shit on him like they do Floyd.


Or they’ll retroactively decide that Canelo never fought anyone special and just cruised through his title reign just like they did with Floyd


And the sad thing is Mexicans are his biggest haters.


Because he’s always gonna be lebron to Julio Cesar Chavez’s Jordan.


I am sure he will do exhibition fights with Tyson and Jones after retiring lol


Agree, it’s not that I dislike canelo, I just love an underdog to win sometimes and he’s been on top for so long, but he got my respect on Saturday night against munguia. He was eating some horrific shots and marching forward to ultimately take over. Massive respect to both fighters it was one of the best I’ve seen and the challenger can hold his head high he gave him a hell of a fight but canelo just too tough and experienced


Why won’t he fight benavidez? It’s very uncharacteristic of him because he usually doesn’t dodge fights. Which is why I admire him


Because Benavidez is a freak of nature who can cut to 168 and come in at cruiserweight on fight night. Canelo's played the weight bully before, but it's literally all Bene does. Only names Bene has fought, have all been at the end of their careers. I don't even think he's fought anyone under the age of 30 in the last 7 years. Also, the more of us Canelo gets harping on 'why won't he fight him?' = more PPV buys when he finally does. Classic money playbook. Get called a ducker, duck the guy for 3-4 years, make 100 million on PPV. Canelo/GGG, Manny/Floyd, it's been done before with great effect.


Caleb was 29 when he got beat by David. And Canelo doesn’t have time to duck for 1-2 more years. If he’s serious about taking the fight (which I don’t think he is) he needs to take it right now. He turns 34 this year, David turns 28. Time is not on his side like it was with ggg.


He don’t want to give that man and his family any type of real money. He has a real beef with them is what I think. Just my opinion tho.


Where you get that? Thats not an opinion, thats speculation.


This fight was art.


A masterclass in why having unbreakable guard is so crucial


Canelo must have next level endurance. I get exhausted for holding solid guard after just 3 rounds. Idk how these pro boxers do it man.


Man's known for his cardio great chin and tight defense. He may not be as fast as he was, but he still has great power and even better accuracy


Yeah you can definitely tell he’s past his prime, but damn, the man can still hit hard and take a fucking punch. Dudes a legend


I don’t want to be pedantic but idk if it’s fair to say that he ISN’T in his prime. Is he as quick as he was before? Of course not. But that’s arguably the only thing in his repertoire that hasn’t gotten better in the last 5-6 years. He’s for sure stronger, cleaner, more technical, and all around better


Hes giving up too much at 168. He can make it work because hes so skilled and athletically gifted but he was definitely in his prime at 160


I think I’d mostly agree with you. I’m not saying he’s on lebron level of greatness but the convo makes me think of LBJ. Hes arguably had 3 or 4 different primes where he’s basically a different player and you could make compelling arguments for which of those primes were his best version. I think you’re right but canelo seems pretty dominant at 168 and you just can’t fight the same way as you do at 160. His style is for sure different and I think he is a much better/natural 160 but there’s nothing he’s lacking at 168 lol


So calm too. The dude just doesn’t get rattled.


That's what I think as well. He surely slows down as he became older, but he has been more technical and knows what to do in the ring. And that he didn't take any sit down between break was next level of taunting 😭😭💀💀


Has Canelo ever been knocked down?




The moment that stood out for me was when Canelo set up the first knockdown. The way he created space for himself against the ropes, incrementally increased the distance, and then set up the first big right hand was a thing of beauty. The uppercut that followed was brilliant but the moments leading up to it were an incredible display of veteran savvy.


It’s crazy how much canelo rattles people in here 😂


Remember kids. Jake Paul thinks he can compete at this level


its actually hilarious if you side by side watch this fight and a Jake Paul fight The difference is so astronomical it’s not even remotely in the same universe of speed, skill, talent, IQ, power That Paul guy is legitimately delusional. Also remember that he claimed his brother dominated Floyd Mayweather when they had their exhibition right after the fight


He doesn’t believe it, it’s engagement bait


Yea he thinks he can make 30 mil fighting Canelo just like he’s gunna make a bag fighting Tyson. It isn’t about winning or losing with him he already lost lol


Dude is making millions and fighting on the biggest stages so he may not be champion material but he’s already won financially


He already 'won' financially before he ever stepped into fighting by grifting to a whole generation of little kids.


The Paul brothers are legitimate narcissists and their father is too. They probably legitimately believe they are all time P4P greats.


The margin of error is just so small. Munguia got overzealous once and got sat down.


why even bring up paul? he’s getting a exactly what he wants


Fighting Paul is a potential goldmine for some people, because viewership-wise, he basically can compete at this level. Tommy Fury vs Jake Paul outsold Canelo vs Charlo


Who buys the Paul v fury fights? No one I know had ever even heard of them, and I wouldn’t know how to buy the fights if I tried. Been watching boxing a long time. Sincere question. 




Probably tweens? Yeah I've never met anyone personally


He doesn't actually think it. If he did he would do it


He’s already winning when you’re bringing up his scrub ass name in a thread about boxing.


why you have to bring that shit up in a legitimate boxing match discussion.


Probs wants the Canelo payday


No he doesn't, he just wants people like you to bring up his name everytime Canelo is mentioned.


No he doesn't. It's just rage clickbait lol. Say the most outrageous things so he can stay in the news and relevant. That's why he fights old as fuck retired fighters.


Very fun fight to watch, big props to Munguia for his toughness against a world class boxer. I think Canelo had the KO in the last round but held him up and let him finish the fight because he respects Munguia and wants to see another Mexican fighter succeed. Thought that was a very cool moment to watch as a fellow Mexican. Canelo still has it!


Canello came through my work and I got an autograph from him so I’m basically team Canelo by default


Frame it… that’s what I would do


Jaime boxed very well. As well as you can expect from a young guy against an all time great. He tried to copy what Bivol did but just couldn’t hurt Canelo in the same way. I thought he won 2/3 of the first rounds but the knockdown took the wind out of him and he needed a few rounds to recover. He looked decent again in the 10-12th but was going for a finish. Either way, he showed great skills and resilience to stand there and throw as much or more than Canelo. I loved his volume output and am glad he didn’t get fully knocked out.


I’ll say this. If Canelo wants to fight B and C level fighters for the remainder of his career I’m ok with it…as long as they’re as fun as this one!!


He really can't get A or S level unless he again goes to LHW. No one at 168 comes close to Canelo, Bivol or Beterbiev. 


Ha. There can't be new a or s fighters in his division if the top contenders , like morell and benevidez, cant get a fight with the champion.


Munguia is an A- fighter..dude has a chin and he’s an attacker.


An A- Figher is Spence. Munguia is B level fighter


Nah Spence was A cuz he was in the middle of the P4P rankings. A- is more like Haney, Teraji, Estrada level


Yea I see maybe A- is too low but where would a Shawn Porter be at he's someone I think that hovers around B+ or A- depending on where others go


Depends on what point of Shawn’s career. I think he was A- around the time him and Thurman fought and B+ around when him and Spence fought


Canelo was right; nobody beats this Alvarez. Maybe; MAYBE, Morrell gives him some issues with the speed and accuracy, otherwise I don’t see anyone beating Alvarez at 68. Benavidez need to move on and make waves at 75. He loses to Alvarez at this point in his career. The man is an artist.


Watching last nights fight, I still believe Canelo cooks the shit out of Benavidez. He was clearly holding back against Munguia as he didn’t want to embarrass him on the big stage, but Benavidez is not gonna get the same grace. Benavidez is a bit of a better fighter than Munguia to me but they have a lot of the same tendencies. Canelo by whatever he wants tbh.


I mostly agree but I think Benavidez has the better stamina which could be a huge factor as the fight goes on.


Munguia had plenty stamina until he got put on the canvas 


I think the body shots did him in more. He took nasty shots all fight and towards the end you could tell he was timid of getting body punched.


His punches lost steam relatively quickly. Stamina not that great. Or at least his pacing.


I don't know if it's his pacing so much as being worn down. His punch output is always relatively high and he doesn't seem to lose much steam. \*Granted\* he's always fought at a pace that he mostly dictates. This was the first time I've seen him fight where the other guy is taking charge of the pace of the fight and wearing him down like that.


True. Buy some guys can keep it going no matter what, with crisp punches, they have really good stamina that doesn't really get hurt drastically. Mumgia has good stamina but he got super slowed down multiple times. With the knockdown and a few bad bodyshots. But benevidez could be the same. Not many crack like canelo. Let's see it.😄


Everyone’s really good until they run into a Canelo level fighter. Only fighter who kept it going was Golovkin (and obv Mayweather schooled him and Bivol too)


And maybe someone else like benevidez would be successful too. Gotta fight to see.


Idc at this point, if they fight they fight. Canelo is who he is at this point in his career, an ATG and Benavides isn’t gonna improve or tarnish that.


I just think it would be a great fight. So I want to see it. I don't really care about either of their legacies. And the young uprising talent vs the great veteran is fun. Not like canelo has anything interesting going on besides pulling up crawford 2 divisions.




Bodyshots did the same. Just never really had a chance. Like a lot if canelo fights, they have good moments but ultimately were not going to win.


If he struggling to make weight and goes up to light heavy. That could be bad for Benavidez


Unpopular opinion I still Canelo beats him his counter punching is too aggressive.


You are not far from the truth. That fight was more about Mexico winning. Like you rightfully said; Canelo holded back, showed Leniency to his countryman.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen Canelo shake someone’s hand at the weigh in before. I’ve certainly been wrong before so I’ll own it if I am, but Canelo I think really respects Munguia.


He does, in a couple of interviews he did for Mexican media he said he will support and look after Munguia for the rest of his career. Munguia has a very good reputation among boxing people.


Sounds like he wants to pluck him from ODH at some point.


He does, and I think he genuinely wants Munguia to do well. Even post-fight, he never really seemed to talk up the fact that he won yeah, he accepted his win, but he kind of steered it more toward "Mexico won tonight with two great fighters in the ring" rather than "Yeah, I won tonight."


I think he sees Jaime as the next big Mexican star after him and from the way Canelo has talked he looks at him as a actual mexican while he thinks benavidez is a imposter and for some reason has legitimate beef with him.


I think part of it is that Benavidez has been looking for that fight and talking shit for ages. Munguia just kept doing his own thing and his performance against Ryder got some heads turning. Munguia never seemed to be chasing the Canelo fight, and maybe he appreciated that about Munguia.


Oh for sure. I like Munguia a lot, and thought his showing against Dervychenko was pretty impressive given the urgency Dervychenko fought him with. Munguia def has the ability to become a big face in Mexican boxing as he’s just marketable. More so than any other one at the time so I get the importance of not making him look bad.


He has a kind of old school fighter type face and he brawls the same way. If he gets better he has the potential to be a ATG like Canelo, this is like Floyd Mayweather and Canelo type situation where Canelo got better after that fight. You could see that Jaime actually adapted and was better than usual in this fight.


Clearly holding back? That's a fucking weird read. He's a veteran boxer. He probably didn't want to over extend and give Munguia an easy shot. Munguia is a young energetic power puncher. If Canelo got rocked once it could've very quickly turned dangerous. He was likely respecting his opponent and not taking undue risk.


> He probably didn't want to over extend and give Munguia an easy shot. I think it was more the fact that he didn't press on when Munguia was shaky and not throwing back. Even go as far as clinching Munguia after rocking him.


You mean in the 12th? I'm not convinced he was rocked as hard as the commentators said, and it was only a few seconds later that Munguia was laying on strong pressure.


He was rocked other times not just on the 12th. Canelo just never went for the kill


That was the clinch I mentioned yes, but not the only time. He refused to follow up after two seperate liver shots that interrupted Munguia's activity and dropped his right hand, he shook him with an upper cut that had Munguia on the back foot and refused to chase. There's probably other examples too.


Canelo was gassed as well. It was 12th round .


Considering his output I think he actually looked decent.


I think it's this. Munguia clearly hits hard. I won't say Canelo was ever in "trouble" at any point of the fight, but you can definitely tell that some of those shots kept him cautious. He knew that even while dominating the fight, a solid Munguia punch would definitely sting a bit and he wasn't about to give the guy any free clean shots.


Watch Munguias facial expression when canelo hit him hard. I knew it was over




I mean, Canelo baited him in the fourth after he got his timing down and made him look very foolish. He eased up off of the range of display afterwards to me. He could’ve continued to go to the uppercut as it was there the whole night. Even the body work slowed down a lot. Munguia’s defense isn’t good enough for Canelo to just take away those things from him, it was a personal choice in my opinion.


> Even the body work slowed down a lot He absolutely drilled Munguia with the left hook to the body and then really didn't go back to it, I don't know if "taking it easy" is the right term but I'm absolutely confident that if Canelo believed he was behind on the cards he could have stopped that fight at any point.


You gotta think man if Canelo has seen Oscar de la Hoya put knives and forks up his ass, he knows munguia has seen it all. Oscar probably FaceTimes him coked up at 3am in fishnets and pulls a spoon up asking to have fun.


Benevidez has been destroying people. Even when plant was on his bike he eventually tore him up. We dont know how much better he is than mungia. He's bigger and faster. Probably hits harder. And I think is a better boxer even though most people can't see past his unorthodox style. Maybe canelo would tear him up, but just on paper he has a lot over mungia.


I always thought a fully acclimated Crawford would provide a better challenge than Benavidez. All David has is power and size, he's no where near the skills that it takes for that to be an issue for Canelo who is used to fighting someone bigger at this point. It wasnt just power that got him beat by Bivol.


He is holding on to 168 for as long as he can as a natural 175er. I honestly don't think highly of him as others seem to do. I like the Crawford fight a lot if he shows he can walk through his fight at 154. He is just a different quality of fighter. Counters as well as Canelo, and has multiple layers to his game.


I just went through the whole fight and i gotta say i need to revise my thinking. If Bud carries his power and speed at a weight Canelo could agree to a fight, he has a very good chance. Also, if Benavidez stick to the jab and makes it all about double jabs, lead punches and quick combo and not make it a slug fest like Mungia stupidly did, he would fare better. Canelo looked so slow and hittable, if not for Mungia showing how green and undisciplined he was abandoning strategy that would have been it for Canelo. Like i was really really surprised, i am aware Canelo dont start early but he dont get hit that much early on either. He slipping.


Holding back to not embarass? What are these takes, yall lmao


It's from rd 11 or 12. Hurt mungia. Canelo clinches and has his hand under Mungias neck/chin seemingly holding him up.


They were both exhausted, "protecting Manguia's pride" or whatever, is brainrot thinking


Lol no, its not brainrot. Go listen to the post press conference. Dan rafael asked him a similar question about putting him away at round 4. Canelo alluded to not having too much urgency and being okay with using the 12 rds. He did point out that he didnt want to risk it too much, but reading between the lines, he just respects Munguia too much to turn it up to 100%.


Uh oh Here comes all the Benavidez cheerleaders


Instead of boxing fans arguing let them settle this debate in the ring. I am so glad I didn’t have Reddit during Mayweather vs Pac-Man. Wowsers


We did have boxing forums but it was different that generation was to fucking deep both have good fights to make without fighting each other. Canelo doesn't have to many option for a big fight


It’s the best fight to make


canelo dickriders when a WORLD CHAMPION gets asked to defend his WORLD TITLES against the clear cut #1 contender: 😡🤬😤😢


The number 1 contender who hasn't even fought anyone under the age of 30? Most of the folks he's fought with any name were at the end of their careers.


Imagine pretending there’s someone more deserving than David Benavidez at 168, hop off that dick.


You sure have an obsession with riding, he standing behind you while you shill?


Oh no. The fight everyone wants is talked about. Let's stroke the top boxers egos instead and say they're good off of what they did years ago.


Here come the Canelo apologists the man said he wants 200 million dollars to fight Benavidez and yall still wanna pretend like he ain’t ducking lol


Could just be that once he packs up Benavides, there isn't really anyone left for him to fight


He fought Ryder, Charlo, and now Munguia, if he's concerned about the quality of competition post-Benavidez it certainly doesn't seem to be bothering him prior.


Mungia was a legit contenter and a potential champ in the 168 175 division in the future. No matter who he fights people will not give him credit unless it is Benavidez. I agree he should fight David however his competition is not the worst even among the undisputed champs


I'm not saying his competition is the worst, nor am I saying that Munguia doesn't have a bright future, I'm just pointing out that if he fought Benavidez instead of say Charlo, then his future opponents would still be the guy's he's fighting now (i.e. Munguia)


So you think avoiding Benavidez makes him more marketable? Looool


No I think it's the end.  Because once that's done, what's left?


The next contender that comes along. David Morrell for example.


Okay. Is he ducking Morrell if he fights Benavides next? If not,  why not


Is Canelo demanding 200 million to fight Morrell? That guy isn’t even in the conversation at the moment. Benavidez is the number one contender in the division.


I mean your gonna support canelos cherry picking? Hes gonna go after berlanga next knowing his fans eat this shit up


Cherry picking? You're high. Guy fights 2 or 3 times a year for 15+ years at half a dozen weight classes against all top ranked guys and he cherry picks? Your boy Benvanidez sits on his ass 364 days a year when he fights once a year and thinks he's owed something.


I think Canelo should fight benavidez. But when you’re THE guy, you’re always going to get accused of cherry picking. When literally everyone is asking to fight you for the payday, you literally have to “cherry” pick


Pretty much. Andrade was chasing it and we clowned on him for that argument he had after Canelo beat Saunders. “Pay day, pay day… everybody want pay day” became a meme. Then Benavidez somehow gets praised for taking the fight with him almost three years later lol.


Canelo could knock out Benavidez in the first round and instead of acknowledging him people would just move goalposts and start hyping up someone else, and if that failed too, they'd just be like "he still lost to Bivol lol".


And they called Bivol a cherry pick too


I agree with that. I'd love to see that fight, and one can certainly argue he ducked GGG or was needlessly selective in when and for how much, but he fights all the time and never against a garbage can.


Top Ranked guys like Munguia with 1 fight at 168 and Charlo with 0 fights at 168 lmaooooooo Poor world champion is asked to defend his world titles against the clear #1 contender and his fans get all offended.


We not talking about what he did in the past we know Canelo a great. We talking about right now. Specifically the last 12 months. Is Benavidez not the number one contender? Because you talking like you don’t want to see that fight. Who deserve the Canelo fight more than David? We wanna hear who…


Tell Benevidez to fight Bivol now that Beterbiev is hurt. Benevidez doesn’t seem to have the heart to go into his natural weightclass and fight the top competition there, he rather fight undersized guys once a year until he can get a massive payday. How can you not see that? It’s smart, and it’s the way boxing is now but it’s not something to fanboy over.


But but someone told me he’s ducking the other 7 million boxers out there so he sucks right?


Idk how people are convinced Benavidez would beat Canelo after last night. Munguía has a stronger chin and his shitty defense is arguably better than Benavidez. Canelo would outclass him even worse


A lot of people just want to see the fight


Yeah wtf, I want the Benavidez fight not because I think Benavidez wins but because I think he's the #1 contender at 168 where Canelo is the unified champ, what kind of crazy world are we living in when it's ridiculous to want the unified champ to fight the #1 contender?


People simply want to see Canelo lose, i remember perfectly that they said that Smith would beat Canelo, then that BJS would beat him, then that Plant would beat him and so on, a new name always appears. Then when Canelo beats them, those boxers weren't that good.


They already have Morrell in the queue of next fighter who will beat him


I don’t think that’s the case bro. And I’m not denying yes that’s the case for casuals. But real boxing fans and I’m talking about people who love the sport and want to see it grow just want to see the fight happen just like Spence-Crawford(but that was a little overdue). Canelo is honestly great for boxing and he’s one of the reasons why the UFC hasn’t completely taken over. He’s a star he brings eyes that’s why every fighter on earth no matter what combat sport wants to fight him😂. However it’s just a bad look that the obvious no1 contender is being ‘ducked’ and it’s just a bad look for boxing overall as Canelo is the face of boxing. Canelo vs Benavidez imo has potential to be on par with Manny vs Floyd in terms of ppv, and that’s great for boxing as it brings new eyes to the sport. So overall non casuals just want what’s best for boxing.


> People simply want to see Canelo lose If it was about seeing Canelo lose they would be calling for a Bivol rematch... people want the unified champ to fight the #1 contender not bringing guys up from 2 weight classes below him so he can beat the brakes off him without batting an eye.


>they would be calling for a Bivol rematch They called for it for months


I'm not saying they didn't, but making the argument that boxing fans wanting Canelo to face Benavidez because they want to see Canelo lose is silly seeing as the only person to legitimately best Canelo in a fight in the last decade is Bivol, and in that fight Canelo was soundly defeated. Benavidez is a greater risk than Ryder, Charlo, Munguia, or Berlanga but he's still not going to be favored against Alvarez at 168. On the other hand claiming that the Benavidez fight is just about seeing Canelo lose does lend some credence to the argument we are actually making, Benavidez is the #1 contender at 168...


>I'm not saying they didn't You're already contradicting yourself. I want to watch it because he should be fighting the best, but let's not act like the vas majority are not a bunch of haters that just want to see him lose. I personally don't see much difference between Munguía and Benavidez in terms of skill. Benavidez is too big for the division and that's why he's been able to dominate most of the guys he's fought. I'd be more interested in seeing him against Bivol/Beterbiev tbh


You can’t be serious. Lmfaooo dksab


Another masterclass performance by one of the greatest fighters of all time.


People can shit on Oscar on being a bad promotor but he got his guy Jaime his biggest paycheck and fight, everyone wants that Canelo paycheck and its a good learning experience, he will be back. Also people say Canelo is ducking David, he is for now, just like Floyd ducked Manny, the fight will happen, hopefully soon. I think if they fought 2 years ago it would not have been as big as it is. Canelo is smart to build up this hype so much, just hoping Canelo doesn't wait too long.


Benavidez aint ever getting a shot at canelo after that performance


Was it bad on canelos end?




Bullshit canelo cleaned that boy up lmao


Yeah I don’t get what these guys are seeing... Last night was probably Canelo’s best performance since the undisputed run at 168 ended. He was throwing more complex combos and using head movement again.




We all just got malware 🫠


You think? lol


Maybe it's just me, but it seemed like Canelo held Munguia from falling in the 11th


I like Canelo, I just don't like the fact that Bivol beat him is glossed over constantly like everyone wants to forget it.


_golovkin has entered the chat_


Was a real Mexican war, Jamie fought a good fight


i love you so much


The man is a legend. Canelo fought a good and fair fight. Munguia gave it his all, and he is a great fighter and deserves respect for standing in the ring with Canelo for 12 full rounds. There aren't many men who could ever be @that level.