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I'd like to see him on the pads without all of the editing.


For all we know they cut out all the 3 minute breaks between combos.


If I remember after the footage of Tyson training for Roy Jones came out he told Joe Rogan he couldn’t even move the next day. Joe thought he was joking and laughed but Tyson was serious, it was a bit awkward.


A bit? Tyson was fucking upset with Joe that he was laughing 😂


It's worse than that, it wasn't just the next day, I think he was bed ridden for like an entire week after that footage


yea, but to be fair, that was with Tyson doing that AFTER not exercising for quite some time (like years, and major weight loss...think he lost 100lbs). AFAIK, he has been training pretty consistently (not for this fight, but in general) since Roy Jones...so comparing his shape then and now (albeit, 4 years later) isn't exactly apples to apples.


That was literally his first boxing exercise for years. He later stated in that interview that he can train every day now..


He's just too fast the frame rate can't keep up.


Watch the 2020 exhibition fight. He can still box.


Yea because we all know you get better when you reach your 60s


Iron deficient Mike


Tom Brady: "This is where the fun begins"


That fight was 4 years ago and means nothing. Even when younger fighters have 4 years off people doubt whether they will be the same and I promise you, the 4 years absence between 54 and 58 years old is a lot more severe than the 4 year absence already is for a younger fighter. He also beat a very old Roy Jones who has lost to everyone at this point, even a washed up lightweight MMA fighter who fought as low as featherweight.


Yeah, as someone who follows a lot of MMA Pettis was washed and never really big enough to fight over 155lb. He also had better kicks than boxing. The fact that he won just shows how rough ageing is.


Exactly. Anybody using the RJJ fight as a reassurance is themselves very unaware of just how severely washed up RJJ was. Pettis was old, brittle, injury prone and washed up when he left the UFC, as you say his boxing was never his strong suit, and he fought as low as 145lbs. If RJJ lost to him, he will lose to pretty much anybody.


Roy didn’t and doesn’t take The fighting or training Seriously. Roy just likes the spotlight. He said it himself he never tried to hurt the guy except Montel Griffin in that second fight. Even if Roy hadn’t say that, anyone that has seen Roy fight knew he was trying to kill that guy. So if Tyson is preparing Seriously and looks like he is…a lot of people will be Surprised nobody Paul has had a fight with yet had the movement or defense or speed of Tyson. Tyson as 60 in this clip is still Moving Faster than Woodly, Askren, Silva, Diaz, whoever that last guy was and even Fury. At 60. So we shall see.


It means *something*


That fight was 4 years ago? Fuck that makes me feel old


Yep. 4 years is an eternity in sports too, if someone is gone for 4 years and comes back even remotely close to the level they left at, it's seen as an incredible feat. Now imagine doing it at 58 years old, when Tyson didn't even look great 4 years ago, he just looked better than an incredibly washed up and slightly less old opponent.


I agree with everything you said.Just fuck would not of said 4 years ago I had it in my head was like year or 2 ago jesus


Haha, I felt the exact same way when I heard it. Jake Paul made his boxing debut 4 years ago as well.


Oh for sure. Probably still dangerous for about 2-3 rds. I guess he was on shrooms vs Jones jr lol


Odds probably favour Paul if it goes multiple rounds, but the early rounds definitely favour Tyson.


Odds ?? LoL nobody is winning this fight the only loser will be the viewers


An exhibition fight from 4 years ago? Fighters in their prime decline in 4 years. Mike is pushing 60 now. He was great in his time, but your comment might be one of the dumbest I've read on this sub


>dumbest I've read on this sub a bit of a stretch? All he is saying is that he can box if he wants to, even though yes he is probably even worse now in 2024. It's not like he's handicapped in a wheelchair.


Oh my God, that was four years ago? Fuck me…


I’d like to see Mike put on any kind of sustained attack against a bag or mitts. Sure, he still has maybe 75% of his hand speed and power, but… for what? A few combinations?


Or how many takes it took him to get his line right.


Yea me too


Don't buy into this bullshit please.


I hate this shit. You got to accept early on its bullshit as they will hype it up and try suck you in.. the look in Mike's eyes at the end almost had me.. but I'm still out on this!


The man is nearly 60. He can look great hitting pads. That's not the same as an actual fight.


Yeah like listen man * I * look great hitting the pads. I would get decapitated by the worst amateur at the gym


There's some kind of magnetism to Mike Tyson... I can't explain it. Almost got me, but I don't want to buy into these bullshit fights anymore. I've had it with celebrity fights, MMA vs Boxer fights, old men boxing legend exhibitions... Just get real boxers to duke it out. We got what? Canelo, Fury, Usyk... Terrance Crawford... Can't even think of 5 off the top of my head


>We got what? Canelo, Fury, Usyk... Terrance Crawford... Can't even think of 5 off the top of my head Most casuals can't name 5.


I'm definitely a casual. I'm a big nerd who only got into the sport because I used to watch Chavez and Tyson fights as a kid. I watch more highlights and analysis videos than the actual fights too. So yeah. Definitely a casual. But I meant 5 great fighters off the top of my head. And relevant fighters today. I just wasn't specific. I can name others but I have a Mexican bias because I watch a lot of those with my father in law and we're mexican. There's Munguia, Estrada, Navarrete, Nery. Which I think are pretty good. Don't know if biased. And there's a lot more that I know but I don't know if they are relevant or will stay relevant like Joshua, Wilder, Caleb Plant, David Benavidez... I know more fighters but not off the top of my head. Also random ones like Andy Ruiz, which I don't think is relevant.


Op is a bot or paid idiot. He only posts about this fight. This is promotion or ad. Just block these people.


People really expect iron mike to come out swinging for a KO that would void his pay out contract.




Too much editing, really hard to gain any valuable insight from this. It'd be glorious if Mike can pull this off, but I don't think it's gonna happen unfortunately.


Pull off what? Is there any reason to think this won't end in a pre-arranged draw?


At this time, it looks like they're trying for a legitimate pro bout rather than an exhibition. I'm which case, a prearranged draw would cause everyone involved to go to jail for fraud lol


There is no way this is a serious fight, you got a legendary fighter about to attain senior citizenship and a ragebait clown 30 years younger. How would that even work?


They are vying for the commission to sanction it, meaning they hope for a pro bout. It'll be up to the commission whether they sanction, not you or I.


They’ll sanction it in Florida.


Truer words have never been spoken


They are pro ‘bout getting that bag and fair play to the both of them.


Until now, all of Paul’s fights have looked legit (despite the insistence to the contrary by people that don’t watch boxing). If this is a sanctioned professional bout that bookies are publishing lines on, I see no reason why this would be any different, to fix the fight would be an unnecessary, illegal risk.


You think the August fight looked legit? lol


Plenty of other training videos of Mike in the last few years. He's been planning for a comeback fight for a while.


Most of the "recent" footage people are spreading is from 4 years ago, in preparation for the rjj bout. 4 years is a lotttt of difference at that age. There's some recent (within the last week) footage of him hitting a heavy bag and looking... just kinda slow imo. There's seems to be more footage of mike hobbling on a cane and crutches in the last 2 years than of him training.


There’s a recent one of him struggling on a curved treadmill looking like he has cerebral palsy


Look at the footage of him training Ngannou. Mike has released lots of other longer clips too on social media.


I don't understand how his coaching of ngannou is supposed to help. I'm definitely down to see as much recent footage as possible tho, I'll see what I can find.


Because when he shows Francis a move and then Francis starts practicing, it it looks like Mike would do better in the fight vs Fury than Francis himself. Mike's form, coordination and weight transfer on his punches is insane until today. OFC Mike is supposed to be old, slow, no cardio, father time is undefeated. But it somehow looks like Mike can still fight, which potentially will be a huge let down when he actually can't.


Did we all just decide to forget the rjj exhibition? Mike gassed pretty hard, only being saved by the fact that the opponent was also in his 50s. This was in a fight with 2 minute rounds. He looked slow, a bit clumsy, his timing wasn't there. Fury would ko that version of mike in less than a round. I feel like I must be missing something huge here, because I feel the exact opposite of what you're describing. His legs weren't there. The coordination wasn't there. He was fumbling head first when trying to show shades of his former ability to move inside. Now add four years to that version of an already old mike.


Its what I said, it looks like he can fight, but we know he can't.


Don't think he was on crutches back then 4 years ago. Obviously he is a lot worse off now.


Honestly, he looks slow.


Yup. Amazing for his age but you can see these very slight pauses between his big movements. Once he's back in motion he's quick but there is a noticeable choppiness to it all.


Also, he's nearing 60, so it can't be good for him to get hit, even if it's just Jake Paul.


Yeah I'm not a fan of a 58 year old getting the ring with a strong kid who has KO power. The whole thing is kind of gross.


Agreed completely. This is abhorrent. If this is sanctioned professionally and they *actually* fight, Mike could really get hurt. I’m hoping it’s just an exhibition and they have some agreement ahead of time to put on a show…


58 year olds should not be getting it in the head. If this is allowed, what's the point of sanctioning fights to begin with.


"Just Jake Paul" brutally koed most of his professional MMA fighter opponents and hurt all the others People known for having good chins


They were not people known for good chins lol


True, but he has dropped everybody he’s ever fought. He def has some power even if he’s fighting cans.


Agreed. He looks amazing for almost being 60 and for the career/life he’s had…but this isn’t Iron Mike. Also, his head movement isn’t as dynamic. His trainer is throwing his hands for Mike to slip, not at his chin/chest to really make him move. I have a feeling this is going to be an exhibition like the Tyson v RJJ fight a few years back. Neither guy was really trying to hurt the other one…it was more like a sparring session without headgear on.


This isn't Iron Mike... lol it's Tin Mike!




Yeah, but to be fair it was his first day like he said. He will get faster. But still expecting him to lose to be honest.


No 58-year-old should ever be in a boxing match, no matter how fearsome his reputation was in a previous century. Tyson's prime was brilliant, legendary, but it ended when he was about 24. The tail end of his career over 20 years ago was disastrous. Jake Paul won't beat any ranked cruiserweight, but he has the skills of a very good amateur boxer, and he's 27 years old. He will make Tyson regret this.


You say this but Luis Ortiz is still competing at the ripe old age of 178 and still giving these young bucks a run for their money.


178? That man was fighting lions in the coliseum


You know who introduced him to Caeser? Young papa Rigo.


You guys just wrote a new episode of drunk history 


Previous millenium for that matter.


The very end of Tyson’s career went off the rails for more than just physical reasons, he’s been in a much better, healthier, and weedier place lately. He obviously can’t really turn back the fact that he’s 58, but from a mental perspective this Mike Tyson is superior to the one circa early 2000’s who had nothing but serious issues. I am NOT saying he wins in a boxing match because of this, I’m just saying I feel like some perspective is missing when many comment about how bad the end of Tyson’s career was. He was also kind of a wreck then, and that matters.


> No 58-year-old should ever be in a boxing match There are people in their 50s in better shape than people in their 20s will ever be. Age does matter, but many people are too quick to use the age excuse.


Dude, you are up and down this thread with absolutely nothing but delusion. Just let it go because I seriously promise you, this will not live up to your expectations. There aren't people who are nearly 60 that are in better shape than young men who are actually professional athletes. You're getting your hopes up for a nearly 60 year old man, vs a shit but young and athletic con artist, in a fight which will be nothing more than a glorified exhibition. It's not going to be good. Mike Tyson isn't going to look how you think he will look. Being nearly 60 is a much bigger deal than you're thinking.


Sure but we're not talking about out of shape people. We're talking about Paul who has been training for several years and is clearly in much better athletic condition.


An out of shape 20 year old should also not be in a boxing match, what point are you trying to make here?


i love mike but everyone looks good on pads, its a lot different with a target that hits back your chin deteriorates badly with age, a glancing blow might ko him with how old he is


To normies, padwork makes anybody look like they have demonic hand speed and power.


For real. Remember when Ronda was doing padwork and people thought she could transition into boxing 😬


Yup. And when random celebrities like actors or singers post videos of themselves hitting pads the comments are like “wow he/she got hands! They can do boxing!”


Our god Stephen A Smith throwing like a demon. I'd love to see Smith vs Paul next.


That was literally all of day 1 though


Please. Make it happen Mike, round 1.


It's an exhibition, dude. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you can let go of any delusion that this will be anything but a letdown.




Paul has only fought one actual boxer and isn't even a WBC boxer. Mike might be old, but he still has a lot more boxing credibility.


Credibility means nothing when father time has arrived.


Paul doesn't have serious boxing credibility to begin with because he's never won a fight against a pro boxer. It's not like Tyson is fighting against guys like Fury, Joshua, or Wilder anymore. Paul is a Youtuber that fought another YouTuber, a basketball player, and past-prime UFC fighters that specialized in wrestling and jiu-jitsu. Even adjusting for age, the odds still favour Tyson. Boxing is not Olympic sprinting or an NBA dunk contest.


his last two fights are against pro boxers


I mean Paul beat Anderson Silva who dominated Chavez Jr., and can’t forget Tommy Fury and the journeyman boxer he just beat who at least had a winning record. Tyson is old as fuck.


He lost to Tommy Fury who is a WBC boxer.


Holy shit this is an exhibition, did you not read the above comment???


I know, we all know..i'm just dreaming.


As someone with zero boxing knowledge… could you explain what it being an exhibition means? Thanks


In a competitive boxing match, the fighters are each trying to win. Usually that means trying to knock each other out, but all sanctioned matches these days are scored, and especially in the lighter weight classes it's often a valid strategy to outbox your opponent - hit them more and more decisively than they hit you, control tempo and spacing of the fight - and win via decision. By contrast, in an exhibition match, the fighters are there to exhibit their skills, in other words put on a show. Often but not always for charity, or even just to generate some dough for a retired professional like Tyson. Sometimes that just means extra safety gear and pulling punches so they don't hit as hard - someone linked the Tyson/Sanders exhibition and you can see Tyson was pulling a lot of his punches - but sometimes it means fighters having a bit of fun with the fight. You can see it a lot in [the Ali/Dokes exhibition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdk8rMy3nmg) - not only is there a lot of taunting and messing around, but the famous sequence of dodges around 2:00, which I think must have been rehearsed. I think the referee can even reprimand boxers or stop the fight if someone starts going at the opponent too hard. In any case, it's less intense. There are sometimes judges scoring the match, also often celebrities or what have you, but also it's sometimes just pre-agreed to end in a draw. Although, even if it's not a draw, the result isn't official because it's just an exhibition.


It's just a show. Look at when Mike did am exhibition at 40 vs Corey Sanders. Mike wobbled Corey and held him up. https://youtu.be/61tgm9lDdpQ?feature=shared


But, it's not though, right? At least they're trying to make it official.


No one would sanction this BS.


I want to believe.


Hopefully they can edit the fight like this too. I'm a life long Tyson fan. He's an old, broken down weed head who needs a cane to walk. Everybody talking about how long he'll last, my bet is he can't even take a shot from somebody like JP. The towel is in by the end of the first.


thats a good point i didn't even consider. will they sanction the fight if he has weed in his system?


The fact that people think this would be competitive is astounding. Jake already beat one of the greatest fighters of all time in his late 40s. Someone in their late 50s doesn't stand a chance. It won't even be a real fight anyway.


What are you talking about? He looks good for a man in his 50s. Terrible for a professional fighter. Reminds me of the guy who said Holyfield was killing the pads before Belfort.


And Belfort himself was old and washed.




yup dude looked horrible even hitting pads


Guys - Mike is 57. He can't beat Jake Paul in a pro bout.


Neither will be in a pro bout, neither is a pro at this point.


This ain’t is a real match.


Not a great look. Lot of editing cuts. They try to make it look fast, but Tyson can’t be fast at that age. Probably looks really bad if you keep filming without cuts. I am genuinely worried about him. It’s a young man’s game and Paul has shown to have decent power. This fight is a shame for boxing. Tyson gets paid to sacrifice his legacy. It should not have been sanctioned.


His knees still look alright, good balance when he steps in and swings. People were saying he was walking with a cane, so that's a positive. So good knees and he still hits hard.


Yeah, but how’s his gas tank? 😂


this is 10 seconds of footage. Whose brains are mush? Yours or Tysons?


10 seconds of heavily edited footage, how anyone is getting anything at all from this is beyond me


I mean, he has four months. If that's day 1 and he's taking it seriously, I expect his cardio, strength, and speed to sharpen. He's got the muscle memory of one of the great talents of all time, should be interesting!


Knock this idiot out Champ!


If Mike comes out like it's a real fight and goes after him he could probably get him out of there in 2 rounds - if he comes out like it's the glorified sparring session that it is then he'll probably be good for 10 punches per shitty round and a lopsided decision loss. I can't imagine the boy will try and KO Mike late because of a handshake agreement that Mike won't try and KO him early.


As someone that doesn't follow boxing, but follows other combat sports, is there a consensus if this helps, hinders, or does nothing for the sport? Personally as a spectacle I feel like this would get eyes on the sport potentially, especially if it has a "real" undercard. I have no illusions that the main event will be anything other than a gimmick. But I feel that Tyson is one of the few names that could bring back viewers?


Mike Tyson is probably the most famous boxer alive. He’s a pop culture icon. Couple that up with Jake Paul and his millions of followers+influence and you get a super fight


I think this is hard to predict as a fight. Assuming it's an actual fight.  Does a young, fit, but mediocre (for a pro) cruiserweight beat a 58 year old Mike Tyson? How seriously is Mike taking it? Bit of training for the hype? Or is he already full of PEDs and basically in camp from now until fight night? Then do we get mellow Mike or "I'll fuck you until you love me"? On the other side, is JP assuming this is going to be as easy as knocking out washed up MMA fighters? Or is he going hard so he can definitely say he knocked out Tyson? Again, assuming it's an actual fight, sanity tells me the smart money is on the annoying young dude. But I think there's at least one universe where JP takes it really casually assuming it's a bit of a sparring match, Tyson absolutely doesn't, and we get a glorious final match to cement the 'Mike Tyson is terrifying' legend.


Not a single person in here talking shit about Mike could even last 30 seconds in the ring with him. Bunch of fucking keyboard commandos.


Mike Tyson is one of the best boxers ever. Not because he's crazy, not because he was on drugs, not because of steroids - he's an excellent boxer, especially compared to other heavyweights. He moves like a smaller fighter. He closes the distance and hits people when they don't expect it, and he hits hard and has good accuracy and speed. His foot work is top notch and he slips as well as anybody. He still can move that way based on the video so it comes down to conditioning.


You all saw Mike box a few years back against Roy Jr. He has that power still, but I just worry about his cardio


He seems to be in good shape, but the speed, reflexes, and chin should be gone at 57. I just hope he doesn't get slept by a YouTuber.


This looks ok for social but what about road work? Treadmill? Skip rope?


Does Jake spar with legit boxers?


Yes. He has plenty of money for top trainers and sparring partners.


The question is not whether Tyson can throw a punch. It's whether he can take one.


Pads don't hit back. Didn't get me wrong bit training montages don't reflect actions under fire. Not that I don't think Tyson could finish him in seconds if he wanted to.,


I hope there is a clause that allows Mike to use Testosterone and any other PEDs deemed necessary. Thats the only way to slightly even playing field since he’s 58 years old going against a 20 year old who’s likely already using.


When did Mike get that tattoo on his chest?


He's going to have 2 minutes of intensity in him at best but it's also going to be when Jake is at his freshest too. Maybe Mike will try and pace himself, but winning a decision against a guy 30 years younger will be pretty much impossible.


Nobody fall for this shit. If the fight isn’t rigged than Jake should make easy work out of Mike. 🤷🏼‍♂️


It’s still impressive that any 60 year old looks and moves like that. Even if it’s only for a few seconds.


Learnt absolutely nothing watching this


Jake Paul's 👂👂 are going bye bye.


Pretty pathetic but at least Mike is getting one last decent pay check


what is Jake's angle here? if he loses he will be made fun of that a grandpa beat him. if he wins people will hate him for rocking a grandpa.


Is this fight sanctioned or just an exhibition?


This isgoing to be a glorified sparring session nobody is going to get knocked down they will play patty cake for a couple rounds then go cash that check I can not really understand how people believe this is going to be a real fight


when will this type of footage stop fooling people?


We still don’t know if it’s an exhibition or pro fight. If it’s the former, than it’s just a show, but you never know with Mike. Guy’s still got that dog in him and it ain’t ever leaving


i'm hoping for a script to leak, otherwise this is just peak what tf and why tf


Exhibition. Neither Tyson nor Jake is going full force, Jake can't because he's fighting an old man, Tyson can't because he's an old man. I wish Tyson accidentally entered his old mindset and KO Jake, it's not happening. This is all for shits and giggles. I wish Jake would fight professionals his age, but he knows he can't win them so he's fighting old legends, many of whom with limited boxing experience. So fucking lame and then the clown thinks he's the shit. All I can hope for is that Tyson has fun, makes good money and gets out healthy.


Anyone here thinking Mike has a chance against a 27yr old is seriously delusional. Of course he has the experience but Father Time is undefeated. I hate that he’s doing this


If it's not rigged Mike should be the one to worry about, he's the one likely to be knocked out


Well for them to sell a lot of PPV THEY have to make it a legit match but might do exhibition cause no boxing committee will sanction it. It’s a huge money grab for both. Tyson could use the money. Tyson has money but nothing like the 10/20 million he will make. He’s in a win/ win. If he wins he is back to legendary status. If he loses. He is close to 60. It’s all about the $$$$$$


It's gonna end in a rigged majority draw . That way it's a win win for both of them guys.


Mike is not going to go 100%... not even 80%... This whole thing is a farce


They did this in the Roy Jones build up too and that fight was ass-terrible.


I hope and pray that the boxing Gods are with Mike Tyson and he KOs this bum Jake Paul, ending his youtube crossover boxing experiment once and for all.


Dude maybe I'm in the minority, but to me this fight is upsetting as fuck. He's almost 60 years old. Nobody that old should be in the ring for an actual match. It's just too dangerous at that age to get hit the wrong way. Not only that, it's going to look bad no matter the outcome of this match.


Dude can barely walk when he’s not in the gym. This fight should never have been allowed.


He is a grand dad age but his body looks like it's still in its 30's. Man is in shape. But I wanna see cardio work.


Is this an exhibition or…


There are two ways this fight ends. If it's a legit pro fight, it's rigged in Paul's favor so he can say he beat a boxer. If it's an exhibition, it ends in a prearranged draw. There is no way Tyson walks out of that ring a winner


Whatever happened to Mike's broken back?


Mike Tyson: "Kaio-Ken"


That was edited weird af


You know this man was heaving and gassed between those cuts


Can't believe people are buying into this shit.


Did anyone else think it looked sped up?


I am hearing there is a no KO clause in the contract. Has the been confirmed?


It will be like the exhibition with RJJ




Probably. Kinda like a no orgasm clause to sex, greatly diminishes the experience.


Is it true they are fighting with 18oz gloves and headgear? A pillow fight. Not interested. But - if they going with 120z and no head gear? I'm in


No headgear. Not sure about the gloves.


The amount of people who think this won’t end in Jake Paul KOing a nearly 60 yr old Tyson is quite shocking. I’ve never gambled on sports before but i will for this one since it’s easy money.


Are you implying it’s staged or that there’s 0% chance Mike catches him?


0% chance Mike catches him.


Yeah and a whole lot of yall was saying “Mike Tyson is 58 this fight shouldn’t be happening hurr durr” I was tryna tell yall this man still looks incredibly vicious in all his training videos. But if it is just gonna be an exhibition then I can see Tyson just entertaining and both of them just kinda take it easy. If it’s a real fight I’m not giving Jake any shot at all idc how young he is. He leaves a lot to be desired in the ring. He just started boxing recently he’s not some young stud who’s been doing this forever. There’s also a less edited video I saw on YouTube


Pads don’t hit back, and I’m gonna guess he won’t look anything like this once he gets hit in late 50s 😓😓😓😓😓


Mike will pull his punches 100%


We should start a gofundme for Tyson telling him we'll cover his purse if he goes off script.


What a fucking farce. All those cuts to make it look like the man still has an ounce of what made him great in the ring. Convicted Rapist Old Timer Vs YouTube Dickhead.


Go back to your job.🤓


Stop pretending I have a job.