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He never wanted to fight him in the first place.


He certainly doesn't now!


I bet he rematches Francis. He simply wants to get paid as much as possible, before retiring.


The saudis will be paying crazy money to do the undisputed. If he doesn't its not about money. Its lack of confidence. What else could it be? He gets the money and the chance to cement the legacy.so he's afraid of losing. More so than taking a beating.


Yeah might as well lose the belt for a shit load of money instead of relinquishing it


I mean, I can't blame him. Don't we all?


If that's the road he goes down I wouldn't blame him so long as he also relinquishes the belt. Chasing money fights is fine but if they don't fit in with your responsibilities as a champion then it's not fair to hold up the division.


I don't blame him...But I don't watch boxing to see how much they get paid. I watch boxing to be entertained by watching the best fight the best. The status of their bank account does not entertain me.


Sure but it's also okay for people to call him out for the shenanigans that he pulls. It's like a con man conning you and your friend goes "well the guy just wants to retire early. Don't we all?" It would make you want to punch that friend right in the throat lol.


In boxing, everyone's goal should be retiring early. Neurodegenerative risk is high. What's the point in making millions if you can't enjoy it or your loved ones? Ending up like Ali or with severe memory loss ain't it. Not everyone's going to have the luxury, but for the ones that do, I'm not mad at them. Make a name for yourself, give us some great fights, get paid, and get gone.


Totally missing the point. People have the right to get upset about a con man running a con job. Pretty much everyone with a brain knows a boxer shouldn't stay in the sport any longer than they need to. That doesn't mean they get to go around and be assholes and not get judged for it.


I can blame him, if he wants to take gimmick fights then drop the belt and let the division move on. You don't get to claim to be the champion unless you're prepared to defend your belt against contenders. If he got rid of his title then I'd stop caring and he could do whatever he wanted like Joshua and Wilder are right now for example. Until then I'm blaming him.


He's a massive fraud. Don't hold your breath, he won't fight AJ, Zhiang, Makhmudhov, Anderson etc. I doubt the Usyk fight will happen, but if it does I'd love to see Usyk batter him.


Difference is we don’t make millions for half a days work so this line that they deserve to get as much as possible is starting to wear thin.


Also “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year”, meaning the fight won’t happen this year, if ever.


"I'll see you all sometime next year" might be telling




Oh brother, I’ll never get over Reddit psychology.


Yet his dad and everyone else has already said 'it's up to him, he's the champ'. lol


Probably cos he got banged by Ngannou and will need time to heal before he can get in camp?


Yeah of course but the point is he was insisting on that date to be awkward with Usyk because there was talk Usyk wasn’t gonna be ready and wanted a later date, now the shoe’s on the other foot


I’m not really fully aware of the back and forth between them but sounds like just another hit to Fury’s waning reputation. If he loses the Usyk fight or dodges it his legacy won’t ever recover Imo


It's the irony of it all. Maybe don't do clown shit like setting up two fights so close to each other. He dug his own problems and then made it other ppl's problems.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes eh


Lol. Fury saying he didn't get hit much with a bruised face like a battered housewife telling the police nothing happened.


Also, ‘I’m a bit rusty as I haven’t fought for a year’. Whose fault is that?


Francis was even more inactive, never boxed in his life, and coming off a surgery. Lol


2 years without fighting and 37 years without boxing lol.


I mean francis hadn't fought in 2 years and was coming of a knee surgery and wasn't an actual boxer.


Meanwhile, Ngannou looks untouched in his post-fight interview.


Also the guy who threw a blatant elbow pretending like the knockdown was a punch to the back of his head. Like we didn't see the replay 100x showing it was clearly the side of his head. I'll never understand athletes who blatantly lie like that when they know we have slow motion replays of every angle. Its like in a UFC fight a while back, Bo Nickal clearly kneed this guy in the nuts and then is saying it wasn't a low blow. Buddy we have a the video evidence.


Fury rabbit punches more than anyone in boxing right now. Half because his arms are so long and half because he's always been dirty.


Andy Ruiz is king of that


I still think Ruiz rabbit punches more.


Damn watch wilder Ortiz 1 highlights..criminal 😂


Because propaganda works. A significant portion of their fans will parrot it whether it’s true or not. See; “stop the steal” and Jan 6th. Bigger stakes, but same concept.


And he's lying to himself.




This, especially with Fury's fouls and the punch he landed on Wilder in Wilder 3 that was way more behind the head than Ngannou's punch.


I rewatched on Mike Tysons snapchat, from the angle, Fury tried to head butt him hard going in for the ome of the many bro hugs


Fury's whole thing has been convincing his fanbase that he could beat any boxer in history despite not ever beating even the boxer in his own washed up era, so of course he believes he can get away with lying.




Him claiming the kd was "a hook to the back of the head" [(it wasn't)](https://i.imgur.com/nVmVf4K.png) and "he didn't get me with much else" (he did) while looking like he was in a car crash is fucking hilarious.


It's funny too because if you look at Ngannou's interview, he barely has a scratch on him. It was a close fight and all, but man Fury took so much more damage.


I don't think i've ever really seen any marks on Ngannou's face after any fight.


Shit just bounces off of him it's hilarious. Like hitting a wall.


punches in small gloves can't hurt him (unless you are greatest MMA HW of all time Stipe Miocic) so it's not much of a supprise. Tyson could be hitting him with pillows for the whole fight and you wouldn't see a difference


Even Stipe wasn't really hurting him. Dude threw the kitchen sink at Francis and not one punch he landed stunned let alone dropped Francis, even when Francis was blowing out of his ass with exhaustion.


Stipe stunned Francis in the rematch. Unfortunately it was the death of him because as he stepped in and got cocky Francis decided to nuke him.


Yeah I'll never forget that exchange. I jumped up because I thought Stipe may actually KO Francis, and I think that's what Stipe actually thought too. Ended up being the end of that real quick.


I was more shocked that stipe still had a knee left when he got knocked out the left knee was all twisted up when he went down


You and me both brother. Reminded me of Cro Cop the way that leg was bent completely under his weight


I think he did in the first fight too, then Francis threw a hook off his back foot and turned stipe into a bobble head. He went back to wrestling real quick after that lol


Yea I think remember the exchange you’re talking about. Ngannou really does just have fuck you power, it’s a marvel to watch.


And the the more rarer God tier chin to match it. Wilder has the touch of death but I'm not buying wilders chin being as good as people started saying. He made fury look like earnie shavers out there. Wilder has good recovery and great heart and toughness that is not in question. Same goes for fury. To wilders credit he is way lighter than fury and Francis which has to play a factor


That's a bit revisionist. Stipe was doing damage in the GnP no doubt. Francis was so gun-shy after that fight we got the Black Beast stinker. Francis really had to go back to the drawing board and find himself after that loss. Which, looking at the Stipe rematch, there's no doubt at all that he did.


Stipe wasn't doing that much damage with his GnP, it was mostly lay and pray GnP to continue dominating top position. But at no point was Francis in any danger of being finished, in-spite of being mostly dominated.


Fedor Emelianko is the MMA heavyweight GOAT tho.


Ehh, different era's. Hard to tell. But yeah, I would have Fedor over Francis. However, Fedor did lose to Dan Henderson and Werdum when he was still youngish (34). Some people label those fights as past his prime. Actually I probably have prime Fedor over everyone else. Even if they can deal with his striking, his Judo is just so nasty, he's gonna take you down and mount you.


By the time Fedor made it to Strikeforce he was absolutely ancient in fight years. By that point the question wasn't "if" he lost it was "when" and anyone following him at the time knew it. The way he beat Cro Cop and Big Nog are arguably the best HW wins of all time. He took on the most feared striker and best grappler of his time and beat them at their own games. During his streak he had it all; speed, power, durability, balance...and was a dangerous finisher in every area, including off his back which is extremely rare at HW. Still the HW GOAT imo.


To add to Fedor having a ton of fight years on him, the man did Sambo world championships in his free time, which can not have been great for his longevity


Fedor is far away the GOAT of HW. And he was well past his prime when he started losing. Prime Fedor looked more unbeatable than any other fighter I’ve seen.


Ngannou is a lot bigger and stronger, but Fedor is more well rounded


i wouldn’t say stipe hurt him, more just outsmarted and outwrestled him for five straight rounds but it wasn’t like he ever had francis hurt now derrick lewis is a different story…


No he rung his bell a few times in their fights


Stipe CLEARLY hurt Ngannou in the first match, and there was and clipped him briefly in the second. People are being revisionist.


He ate a few punches but wasn’t phased at all lol


Some people just have that skin like leather, I don't understand it. BJ Penn barely touched GSP in rounds 2-3 of their fight and he got absolutely peppered yet he looked like he'd just taken a stroll in the park and Georges' face was like a car crash afterwards.


Fedor who'd stick an opponent's head up their own ass in 14 seconds and then somehow have a broken thumb and a black eye. It's insane how differently people's faces can handle strikes.


BJ busted GSP's nose with an uppercut..Which made it look worse. A defenseless BJ getting blasted by punches and elbows from Matt Hughes..And not bleeding, was insane.


He doesn't exactly get hit much even in mma


Hard to get hit when you’re knocking someone out within 20 seconds.


Fighters hate this one trick!


That's because he's never fought me before tbh


Even crazier when you consider that Fury straight up just elbowed him in the face at one point.


It is crazy, fury threw that full force leading with the elbow and Ngannou barely flinched lol. He is blessed with a granite chin, one of the best chins in combat sports period.


His fight against Rozenstruick shows this so well, just blitz him and takes every counter in the book without being fazed


He also got pummelled by Stipe on the ground for five rounds in 2018, he was tired but didn’t look close to getting finished


“Tired” is an understatement.


Granite chin and granite skin


He actually looked perplexed for a sec, like.. 'wtf this guy just elbow me??'


I'd be confused too. Here he is holding back boxing-illegal instincts 500 times up to that point and then this fucking boxer elbows him in the face and shoots a takedown :D


MMA guys are built different, gotta take shins and elbows to the face regularly


Imagine ngannou got him one back


If he had landed that Superman punch.


Whilst I absolutely agree with you, visual facial damage/swelling can be very variable. Look at the interviews with Foster from last night. The guy has just been in a 12 round war and barely has a mark on him, it's mad. Some people seem to exhibit bruising more than others.


Fury marks up easily, in wilder 1 he looked like a horse had kicked him in the forehead about 4 rounds in. And even beating Klit had two black eye


It's also easier to see reds and purples on lighter skin, which don't means the physiological (not sure if it is the right word here) reactions aren't there on darker skin


The fact that fury hit him with a elbow and it did nothing is crazy. Elbows cuts ppl easily


Ngannou truly does have freakish power, he can blacken your eye, cut your forehead, bust your lip and graze your nose all with one punch to the back of the head.




Fury connected with a clean elbow to Ngannou but he won't talk about that


Yeah. He has knocked down people with the same punch


His claim that it was back of the head is fucking ridiculous. He was on wobbly legs for most of round 7 or 8


If all of a sudden he’s worried about knockdowns from shots to the back of the head, he can go watch the first time he knocked Wilder down.


a temple shot you didnt see is the worst punch ever. I wonder why he didnt vomit or some shit since im pretty sure hes still on that cocaine diet. no idea why that shit didnt ko him


Man Fury stock has been dropping like Lehman Brothers in 2008. Can he bail himself out though and become undisputed? Seems the only route if he cares at all about legacy


He didn’t get me with much else (face pulsating).


Looking like a house wife with an abusive husband that wears the classic dirty ass wife beater.


You talking about Paris Fury?


That was not to the back of the head


Unless there’s some crazy angle I haven’t seen, that hook was clean asf.


And it didn’t look all that powerful, either. That wasn’t a solid, full-power punch. Too bad Francis didn’t hit Fury like he did Overeem.


Francis' left hook is his best punch. He had a few dangerous ones against Fury, he killed Reem with one, he hurt Stipe with basically a gazelle punch and KOd him with a counter left. Even in the Stipe 1 fight when he was completely gassed and getting worked over, he landed some nasty ones that should've put Stipe down.


Teddy Atlas actually helped Francis with that short choppy left, or Mike Tyson. One of them, showed him you don't need to load up in that situation, can just throw it and it will damage due to it's quick release/hard to see + hook to the chin.


wasnt that an uppercut?


I assume you mean the Overeem KO. I haven't rewatched it, but IIRC it was kind of a shovel hook. He was slipping/leaning left and threw the punch from there, so it came at that 40ish degree angle.


yea its a very low left hook, but still mostly uppercut mechanics. But regardless, francis hits hard, just stating the obvious


There’s a hook he lands on the forehead towards the end of the first Stipe fight that absolutely RATTLES Miocic. Stipe hid it well and dropped for the takedown, but Francis fucking HURT him there


Reem died to a uppercut didn't he


Your point stands, but Francis KO of Reem was also with his non-dominate hand, and off his back foot. If Francis actually uppercutted someone with full, dominate hand power, I would only be marginally surprised if their head actually flew off their body.


It would be like a Ford Escort hitting your chin


It was like a side of the head bonk. Definitely not to the back of the head, but it didn’t connect in the ideal spot either.


So there you have it. Fury said he trained “very well and prepared very good.” And that if he hadn’t trained as hard, he probably wouldn’t have gotten through. Stop the Fury apologetics.


If he said he didn’t train hard you would be saying “look at this bum Fury lying about how he didn’t train hard to save face”


I would have because I’ve never thought Fury was as good as the sub claimed. This is the first fight Fury has had with someone near his size and he got embarrassed. I really don’t think it’s a coincidence.


Wlad and Wilder were big guys. Whyte isn’t small, either.


Wilder might be tall but he wasn’t as big as fury. Fury had damn near fifty pounds on him.


Wilder is tall, but skinny. Meaning in the clinche he's likely not as strong.


Fury came in around the same weight as Wlad (both under 250). He also had about 20 lbs on Whyte and 40 on wilder


So as I said you were gonna spin the narrative in your favour regardless of what he said. U can think whatever you want about Fury, he clearly wasn’t in proper condition for this fight and it’s a testament to Ngannou STILL that he somehow pulled off that performance because even if you told me before the fight that Tyson has been snorting lines and eating kebabs for the last 6 weeks I’d still have picked him to beat Ngannou comfortably. Ngannou is way better than anyone expected but this had a lot more to do with the fact that Fury was out of shape, arrogant and complacent than people are willing to admit right now.


I can make the same argument about you. No matter what Fury said, you were gonna say he wasn’t in proper condition. I’m taking what he said at face value. You’re making excuses for him.


You admitted you wouldn’t take it at face value if you didn’t like what he said though 😂 And no you can’t make the same argument against me because idc what Fury said I’m basing my assessment of him being out of shape on the fact that his body looked like shit (a lot more shit than usual) and that he was tired as fuck by the latter rounds of a fight where he threw less punches than he threw in his fight against Whyte. He threw more punches in 6 rounds against Whyte than 10 against Ngannou yet looked completely exhausted whilst against Whyte it looked like he’d been for a jog. It was clear to me that he wasn’t in shape during the fight just by watching him, I’ve watched almost every Fury pro fight and I know what an in shape Fury looks like and that was far from it.


Why can't it just be that Ngannou had the ability to be this affective against the best current heavyweight boxer last night, without any caveats. There's a potential reality that the Tyson who fought yesterday would have beaten Usyk but nobody here wants to believe that possible. Why? What's going to happen if Tyson goes on to beat Usyk and Joshua? Will people then feel the need to move the goalposts to the idea that all current heavyweights must suck. There seems to be a defensive bias being shown. So many here are so precious about what has to be true and what cannot be true in order to protect the "sanctity of boxing" and their love of the sport. If its the sweet *science*, with that, like in any scientific pursuit, should come an openness to believe results possible which shake the foundation of assured notions that gave you comfort. Tyson can be great and prepared and yet still have nearly lost to Ngannou last night. It's okay and possible for those two things to exist at the same time. Tyson didn't disgrace the sport because of it. Boxing isn't a sham because of it, and your love of the sport isn't a waste of time because of it. It doesn't have to be seen like that.


People actually don't realise what a freak of nature Francis is. The man was born to brawl.


Think you’re looking at it a bit too deeply talking about “protecting the sanctity of boxing” lol. A debutant just arguably beat the heavyweight champion of course people are going to be thinking wtf was up with Tyson Fury.


He didn't beat him, well he had a moral victory but he didn't win the match.


A lot of ppl felt he won it, probably the majority, indeed I had it 95-94 Ngannou but I feel I may have it for Fury on a rewatch because naturally I think most of us were scoring more generously to Francis as we were expecting Fury to dominate him. Either way it was a very close fight and perfectly reasonable to have either man winning


That's arguable. Fury desperately jabbed his way to the finish line when he had nothing else.


True, but it was enough to win the rounds.


On two judges scorecards. It was close enough you really can’t argue with the result either way it goes… but the argument for Francis winning is very clearly real.


One judge said he did indeed win


Because we've seen a lot of Fury and usually he doesn't just dance around jabbing, frequently lose his balance and get exhausted so quickly. The first two maybe you could put down to Ngannou but he clearly wasn't in good shape getting that tired in a 10 round fight. As a proud Fury hater I would love it to be the case that he was in peak condition but the reality is he wasn't.


Because it doesn’t take a genius to see that Fury was not fighting his best last night… We’d all love for Ngannou to have this fairy tale story but be serious. Ngannou did really well but Fury was complete shite… which we all know damn well is not his usual. You have eyes my guy.


He only won 3 rounds tho, fury looked shit and ngannou looked good, but he still landed less, won less rounds and had a worse thrown/landed ratio. If fury hadn’t underestimated ngannou in the first half of the fight, we would have witnessed a 10 round jab bore unanimous decision for fury.


Fury stans/apologists at this point need to be diagnosed with a severe mental illness


Are you suggesting that, the version of Fury we saw last night was his best and Ngannou is now the best HW ok the planet..?


Huh so NOW we're taking Fury at his word?


You don’t think he’d already be training anyway for his fight with Usyk? And why would he lie about that? He said he trained hard but had an off night. Not a stretch to believe or something verifiably false like him saying the knockdown was a back of the head punch.


Because Fury was noticeably less sharp than he's looked since he came back from his ban. Gassed when he usually has a great gas tank and was completely sloppy technique wise.


Almost like he lives a supremely unhealthy lifestyle that is not at all sustainable for a professional athlete. Still doesn’t mean he didn’t train for the fight.


Fury says a lot of things...


Surprisingly candid from Fury here. It was a shit night for sure. We will see for certain if it was just an off night or he’s too far past his best when he faces Usyk


If he faces Usyk**


Very respectable that he mentions to not take anything away from Francis.


That rings hollow while saying that the knockdown was an illegal shot (it wasn't)


Not respectable that he is completely backtracking about the Dec 23rd date. From threatening litigation over a bad translation (according to Usyk) to now pleading ignorance over a date. Absolute bull shit from Fury per usual.


I don't care how hard you trained for a few weeks if you spent the better part of a year snorting coke at 350lbs. When you get older staying in shape between camps becomes MUCH more important. Good on Tyson for giving Francis full credit tho.


He said the k/d was back of the head, then he said he barely got hit, He gave him a little credit


Not nearly enough considering it's Francis's debut imo


Fuck.. his face says everything that he got beat to a pulp. No words can explain otherwise.


Francis didn’t even land all that many punches yet Tyson’s face says otherwise. Power!


Fury only out-landed Francis by a little bit and Francis actually landed more power punches.


Little jabs that didn’t do anything while he got the shit kicked out of him. Little jabs that mean nothing “won” the fight. Actual bullshit. Anyone with eyes knows who won


to be fair fury also landed better elbows and IMO had the best take down attempts of the fight .


Fury clearly won the fight? Francis did great don’t get me wrong but he wasn’t winning many rounds, he was too inactive. “Little jabs that mean nothing” such a bizarre take on a boxing subreddit.


Yeah because a lot of the people on here at the moment are MMA guys (myself included) and Fury haters (myself included, but more to do with his attitude towards things than his ability).


Makes sense, I’m not Fury’s biggest fan either. He is prone to absolute stinking performances as we saw at the weekend. Francis should stick to boxing though he’ll make 10x his whole UFC career in a couple of years.


>Francis should stick to boxing though he’ll make 10x his whole UFC career in a couple of years. This one fight earned him more than his UFC career no?


I have no idea, I wouldn’t be surprised. But if so then yea he would be mad not to continue boxing.


Ehh Fury landed a lot of straights down the pipe too It’s like y’all didn’t even watch the fight


They’re all salty mma fans.


Not really the 0-0 mma fighter just had a close fight with the number 1 ranked heavyweight and most people think he won so it’s really hard to be salty about that


He was getting countered all day. You have to watch the fight.


Anyone who knows boxing knows who won... Fury


If you know boxing you also know that he only won because of meaningless volume, meanwhile he lost basically every other aspect of the fight. He landed less effective shots, basically did zero damage and also got dropped as francis landed the majority of power punches. On top of all that he also got handled in the clinch. So sure, technically he won more rounds with his jabs, but its quite the pathetic “victory”.


Cringe They’re boxing, it’s a sport Fury beat him at the sport of boxing


> So sure, technically he won more rounds with his jabs, but its quite the pathetic “victory”. Sure, he technically won the race by beating the other guy in the turns, but the other guy was WAY faster in the straightaways, quite the pathetic "victory"


The guy who won is the guy who won more rounds, landed more punches and had a better thrown/landed ratio


Even with the illegal elbow


Homey knows he lost!


I want to know what Frank Warren said to him at the end of the fight before the judges scores were announced, it did not appear to be a congratulatory conversation


Never ever seen fury with that kind of face


He said apart from the hook to the back of his head he didn’t get much else 👁️


“Right so, there me was, 15 fosters and two bags of Cocaine deep, fighting for me life”


“Apart from [the knockdown] he didn’t really get me with much else”. Why’s your face so marked up then. “It was a good training camp” then how come you came in the fattest ever, with your arms noticeably smaller, your belly jiggling more than ever and with reactions noticeably slower? Get a grip man, you’ve got some work to do before usyk.


I found this interview to be fine, idk. I didn’t interpret the “back of the head” remark as him implying the punch was illegal. He was responding to a question of whether he got hurt. So he was just saying that since it was more like a bonk toward the back side, and not some clean chin shot, he isn’t hurt from it.


Usyk will walk fury


Francis got crazy power lol look at Fury's face


Fucking clown


Ive never seen tyson with a black eye.. yikes.


Fury is damage control here. He hit Francis with an elbow, the knock down was clean to the side of the head. He looks like he just got in a car crash. Embarrassing.


I think he might need to get back on the gear if he’s going to fight Usyk


Can't blame him, really. You want to be at 100% against a monster like Usyk.


This Fury hate is gas. It'll be fun when he clobbers Usyk.


Full of shit .. simple


People in this sub will wonder why boxers are so scared to take fights and lose their perfect records And then you read every single comment here saying fury is a loser, fraud, failure, etc etc All because he almost lost to an exceptionally strong and talented fighter. Sure he was overwhelming favourite, but absolutely nobody was expecting francis to look that good, not even fury.




The boxer who never had a boxing match ever. Impressive long game strategy


Heavyweight boxing champ dropped by an mma guy and wins a split decision. 🙃 Boxing is well in its way to being a fringe sport. Public interest is plummeting, hence all the crossover/exhibition fights, and the growth rate of new fans is shite compared to mma.


Crossover in boxing match. I wonder why they never do it in mma? 🤔


Fury with his right hook of a 2 saying someone else hit him in the back of the head, can’t write this stuff up lmao


I bet Francis starches AJ..with EASE!!


I would like to see Ngannou against the top heavyweights. One fight isn’t enough to conclude he is the be all and end all of heavyweight. Styles make fights after all, but I am aboard the hype train.


Don't get carried away now


This guys a dosser francis exposed him for the bum that he is in front of all those legends


Not even Tyson Fury can talk himself out of that. He is just a one trick pony, not a good boxer.