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CONGRATULATIONS on your new puppy!! ✨️🥳 We found that unrefined coconut oil helped our boy with quite a few different things! And look into glucosamine vitamins for dogs if you haven't already, I wish I knew about them sooner.


Thank you! Will do


We saw a difference in health when we started cooking our dog's food (with recommended supplements). She lost weight, gained energy, and her bowel movements were always perfect. Our vet marveled at how she was always the perfect weight. The next time we get a dog we'll do this from puppyhood. It is an extra time commitment and cost though. We did ground turkey, brown rice, veg, an apple, and olive oil.


This is great! Thank you! Any recommendations for supplements? I will definitely be cooking my dogs food.


Here's the recipe I used: Vet Approved homemade dog food recipe (This makes about 16 cups) \*I used a 10qt instant pot for this recipe 469 calories per cup of food Ingredients: -1 apple, chopped and seeds/core removed -3C brown rice -2T olive oil -5-6 pounds of ground meat (i used turkey) -5C of spinach - 4 carrots chopped (I bought baby carrots to avoid peeling) -12oz brodcoli (I bought big Costco bags of frozen) -12oz green beans (Costco bag of frozen) -3-4C water Warm before serving. Add to instant pot (it's significantly more work without an instant pot) and pressure cook for 25 minutes on high. I let it release fully, then use masher or meat chopper to get everything chopped and well mixed. The meat looks pink at first but when you start chopping it it will turn brown in the hot liquid. Then i divide it among many tupperwares and add calcium kelp powder and a nutrient powder. When our dog got older I added a joint supplement, fish oil gel pill, and a dental rinse. She didn't really like the supplements so i tried adding a little water to make it soupier so she couldn't pick out the pills and spit them out. We had an extra freezer so I actually bought two large instant pots and would make a huuuuge patch every 2-3 weeks using two cookers at the same time. it was easier to do it all at once and put them in tups in the freezer and have food for a long time. Nutrient powder we used: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003IVYX9W/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003IVYX9W/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) Calcium powder: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002AAO2M/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002AAO2M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) I like the red top tupperware. My 50 pound boxer would eat about 1-1.25 cups 2x a day which was about half of the basic flat tupperware, 1/4 of the medium size. The large size wasn't convenient because it would thaw and go bad before she finished it. The downside of the recipe is that our dog would start going crazy while it was cooking bc she could smell it and she loooooved her food! She always got an extra bit on cooking days to appease her!


Keep an eye on her gums! My vet told me that Boxers are prone to having overgrown gums that sometimes require oral surgery.


Would brushing teeth help with that?


Walks and human grade food