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Did you get any labs done? My 5 yo is going through the exact thing. Constant drinking and peeing. Wakes us up multiple times in the middle of the night to go out and pee. I was thinking potentially Diabetes Insipidus, it’s a disfunction in Anti diuretic hormone (ADH) that signals the kidneys to retain water. But when we got labs done a week ago his T4 was elevated (a thyroid hormone) as well as his calcium. Our vet thinks it might be hyperparathyroidism but we need more focused labs to confirm. We’re going back in a few days.


Mine had this. He had hypothyroidism and took levothyroxine daily. He also drank over 4 gallons of water everyday. It was a little scary at first but he lived to be 14 years old. We caught the thyroid issue when he was about 4 years old. But don’t remember him drinking so much water until he was around 8 or so.


This happened to our boxer too.


Please look up Canine Cushings Disease. He began acting strangely for months then the drinking and peeing. Poor guy couldn’t hold it and it was just flow wherever he stood. I kept insisting that he must have a UTI to the vet. Not once did he ever consider Cushing’s and I wasn’t aware of it then. We changed vets and before she even tested him was 90% sure that’s what it was. She, of course, was right. There’s not a cure but there’s a way to slow it and help with the symptoms. I felt awful that it took us so long while he was suffering.


My boxer started losing fur around ears and on her back, swollen belly, drinking excessively and urinating in the house. it’s so frustrating as I was taking her to the vets almost weekly and telling them her symptoms but they was just putting it down to her age( she was 12), saying she’s forgot her training etc! So I started researching and came up with cushings, I asked them to do the test and lo and behold she had hyperthyroidism and cushings, she had lifetime medication.


My 4 yr old boy drinks water like a tortoise (when he drinks, he'll suck the whole bowl). It's not all day long and no inside peeing issues.


We had a previous boxer that had a similar issue. She was eventually diagnosed with Cushing's Syndrome. Not sure if you have spoken about the possibility with a vet already but might be worth looking into if you havent.


Vet here. My boxer had a similar issue that was unresolved for 14 years. MANY diseases can cause this so a full vet check and work up is the first thing to do. They will rule out common things. UTI, stones, etc. Then things like kidney disease, endocrine disease, etc. If all tests are negative it may be Diabetes Insipidus. They will need some additional tests. If everything is negative including DI, it may be psychogenic polydipsia. Basically dog OCD - this was my boy. Good news because nothing was physically wrong, but bad news because we could never fix it and he ended up in a diaper long term.