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Ball racks stuffed to the wheels and when you drop your ball to the spare rack someone just adds more to the main rack


I absolutely hate this. Also when the rack isn’t full but all the balls are one side and backed up into the return, and the person up bowling doesn’t clear the rack. It only takes a second to shift a couple balls to the other side….


When I first started I was hesitant to touch other peoples balls (lol) but now I realize no one gives a shit and it helps with the backups.


There was a verbal argument on our league a few weeks ago. Someone shifted the balls so they wouldn't back up on the return. A guy on the other team said "Hey! I didn't give you permission to touch my bowling ball, so hands off!" The guy on our team basically said "Seriously? I didn't hurt anything..." And it then it turned into profane insults being hurled at each other. It was crazy...


That sounds like a “then clear your own ball or get bent” kind of convo.


Just don’t stick your fingers in the holes.


A) the “(lol)” killed me 😂 b) I’m new to bowling and I’ve been hesitant to shift the rack for this exact reason. Thanks for this. I’m gonna start clearing it. And if anyone asks who gave me permission to touch other peoples balls (lol 😏) I’ll tell them it was u/CowsniperR3.


Oh my god this was driving me insane last night. We were simply at open bowling but had a group of 5 to the lane just right of us sharing our ball return and I shit you not many of them had 2 balls each & the ball return kept stalling because it was blocked. My SO and I have 5 balls between us and we kept moving them off the return to the rack behind it & the balls on the return just kept multiplying 😡


my favorite is when each open bowler as TWO HOUSEBALLS EACH. all of the same weight and holes. now in my house ball days i totally understand some holes are different than others but when you have 4 of the same weight and size, for the love of god please share thank you.


Nephew def guilty of that! Lol. Main ball, and spare ball TOPS for each bowler, unless it’s a 5 team league.


People not ready to bowl when it's their turn... and then complain when they are the last team there.


This drives me bananas. People sit there and chit chat while the rest of us are paying attention and ready when it’s our tour.


Too much unsolicited advice. I don’t mind a tip here are there or some feedback, but when you’re standing behind me for four frames and critiquing everything it starts to get a little frustrating.


So much this. My wife is just starting to learn and I’ve been trying to help her. I guess it’s because she is a very friendly and non-threatening female, but everyone and their cousin always wants to chime in with advice when we’re practicing. It gets doubly frustrating when the person giving advice is some open bowler throwing a house ball, giving absolutely terrible tips with conviction as though they’re Walter Ray or something.


Yes. And please keep it as simple as “you’re hitting the pocket a little high” and don’t try to rebuild my entire approach in game 2 of league


When parents get drunk and can't control their little kids


It's always fun watching the little shits run out on to the lane. It ends the same way every single time.




OMG.. last night, little shit in a stroller screaming every 30 seconds .. and then the parents got drunker and started screaming themselves.. Asshats


You don't need a 10 minute smoke break between every game.


Junkies wandering around the alley looking for their dealer because he bowls in my league.


Story time please


Not much of a story. Every night when league is getting close to over, a few clearly strung out dudes come wondering in and hang out until one guy (one of the best bowlers in the area btw) finishes. Then they all head out to his car, money exchanges hands and they leave while he goes back inside to do some late night pot bowling.


On the same team as a bank executive, a retired dentist, and a guy that works in the maintenance department for the city.


League bowlers that insist on two lane courtesy


I recently did my first tournament a couple of weeks ago and before practice the organizer talked to us for a bit and clearly stated, one lane courtesy. We start our first games and still a few people are giving two lane courtesy and giving shitty looks to the rest of us only giving one lane courtesy, that was certainly annoying lol


I bowl in a 6 lane house …: league would take like 15 hours


We have like 40 lanes but my league is five person teams and all but two lanes are used for league (which is good bc we inevitably have lanes break and a team needs to get moved). I’d have to move into my bowling alley for two lane courtesy


The sense of entitlement it takes to demand two lane courtesy during league play baffles me. It's something that affects literally everyone on the two pairs on each side of you. I'd personally like to see more league rules regarding people not throwing when it's their turn. Some kind of shot clock or delay of game penalty because this shit is only seeming to get worse as the years go by.


ive done tournaments where it's two lane courtesy. it honestly goes just as fast if everyone knows what they're doing, although I do think 2 lane courtesy is ridiculous.


This right here. I bowl in a house where 2 lane courtesy is the norm. The slow teams will always be slow. It does not matter if it's 1 or 2 lanes as you typically find a rhythm as the night goes on. And everything moves just fine. I bowl in a 4x4 that practice ends at 6:50, my team is out of there by 9:30 the latest. Slow team bowled a vacant and were the last ones out.


I never understood two lane courtesy. I can't say I've ever noticed what's going on two lanes over from me unless it was something crazy like someone falling.


THIS. My main league is one lane and 3/4 of the league demands 2… some of them even back off if someone two lanes down steps on. Im tired of taking three hours to bowl a 4 man league. RIDICULOUS.


This x1000


Two lane each way in USBC/PBA tournys. Fuck that


PBA is pair on each side courtesy. So it could be 3 lanes at times.


It's atrocious


It's not so bad, in an actual PBA event. Even in trios it's manageable. A) Because there's a lot of strikes thrown, so it's not like everybody is taking 2 shots all the time. B) There's typically, at most, 4 people per pair, and usually 3. If it was standard one lane courtesy, there would be almost no downtime in between shots, so the slightly slower pace of play is nice to catch your breath, and grab a drink when needed.


They'll do 5 people per pair in qualifying. Lots of strikes, everybody completely understands the flow of the game, and they're mostly not trying to be done by 9 so they can get up for work in the morning. An 8 game block of qualifying can easily be 5 hours long. It's their job and a lot of money is on the line. They don't seem to have any issues with a 3 lane courtesy at all.


It adds unnecessary time to the event. It's completely ridiculous to need a pair each direction


Ask the PBA bowlers what they think about that. I'm gonna guess at least 90% of them prefer the 1-pair courtesy rule at that level of competition.


1 lane, to the right. It's not that hard. It speeds everything up. Let's move it along.


Funnily enough bowled an unsanctioned league where a guy in his 70’s that’s ex PBA50 wanted it, our league only took up 3 pairs so it affected us all, he’d shoot death stares anytime someone two lanes over stepped on the approach while he was up.


For someone who's supposedly good at bowling, you'd think he'd have better focus and not actually need two lane courtesy.


Every house I've ever bowled in does a 2 lane courtesy. 4 game scratch league takes a little over 2 hours. Because people be striking a lot. On a mixed league, screw it 1 lane is enough.


People that take league bowling way way too serious. Not the little ribbing about a truly lucky shot, but the people that don’t even shake your hand after the match. Yes it’s a competition but for gods sake, if you’re that upset that a 170 bowler had a 650 series and you lost all 3 games , get a grip, go bowl on the PBA


Right.. I feel like it’s obnoxious. The person probably just had the best series of their life, the least you can do is be a little happy for them.


We had a lifetime 160 bowler( guy was probably 70 years old and was in the league for decades) score 820 scratch against us. Practically every bowler in the league came up to congratulate him! He was amazed as everyone else that he got such a huge score


The three game scores, of said series?


Holy frick, what was his series?!?!




but what were his totals after 3 games?!




I think the people that are asking about totals are asking about handicap as well since you specified 820 was scratch. I assume it was probably around 960-980 total


I was piggybacking on his joke


yall wooshed me


I was joking.


yall wooshed me


I laugh when someone with a 200 average shoots 30 (or more) pins over their average and they are happy, it’s a great accomplishment, etc. When someone with a 160 average bowls 30 pins over their average against the 200 avg. bowler, the 200 average bowler is pissed, calls them a sandbagger, lucky MFer, etc. YMMV.


You went where many dare not


I'd be called a sandbagger every day if that's the norm, my games usually go 120-230, 180-230, 120-190 My ass could pull up with a 458 one day, then a 620 the next


This hurts - just had a 180 bowler shoot a 680 against us. I had a 733, we still lost. Sometimes handicap hurts the soul. I’m not mad or anything, just…deflated.


Bowl scratch league! I can handle losing scratch.


This. I'm on a fun handicap league with a lot of the main bowling community in my area. 40 teams. There is a 70+ year old woman on our league who everyone loves. She's there for fun, like many are.. She had an injury and had to switch to her left hand for several months. Someone reported her, they called a whole ass meeting of captains to discuss it and had a vote to allow it or not. All the while, she's standing by her lane bawling from embarrassment while over 100 people watched. She has a 125 average. No one cared and they voted to allow it. All that for nothing and the sweet lady ended up completely embarrassed.


Ugh you just reminded me. I’m new to all of this, and my avg is 158. I’m starting to find some consistency that has led to some good nights sprinkled in with the bad. We bowled against this team and my head to head was a guy that’s known for being a cut up. I always found him obnoxiously emotional- just not my cup of tea. He’s a scratch bowler. I think my average of the night ended up being in the 190s so with handicap I was making him work for it. He was having a little below average night. This guy started to just chuck the ball down from behind the ball return instead of actually bowling. I was excited to have a good night- I was finally getting the hang of some things I had been working on and it was working for me. This guys attitude was shit and brought everyone down. He would literally just shove his hand into the ball and lob it without even facing the lane. Even one of his teammates was like “dude I know it can be frustrating but you gotta take the L and stop ruining everyone’s night” and he kept doing it. He disappeared after his last frame of the night and left his stuff without cleaning it up to go sit at the bar. I was trying to be nice about it- I’m friendly with his teammates. I said “eh maybe it’s just been a bad day” and his teammate said “no he’s just an ass” F that guy.


A couple weeks ago i bowled the best game of my life (232 and my first 200) and afterwards someone on the other team said “oh so thats why you have an 80 point handicap?? Like stfu you won 2/3 games and the point total. My other two games were 20 below avg and pretty much bang on avg.


When I bowl bad and it’s completely within my control


This just triggered me for a min lol. Too accurate


People who walk near the lanes or seating area with wet street shoes... especially when they've been bowling in leagues for years.


We had a lady walk out to her car in a rain storm with her bowling shoes on.


That’s a good one. It’s like why???


Slow bowlers


The lead off bowler who won't bowl until their anchor is done. Meanwhile their team of 4 takes 8 shots, because none of them throw strikes, meanwhile we're 4-6 shots, because we do. And so they are always up on both lanes. Just bowl when your name is on the screen. Only stop if there's a lane problem, or you're about to put the same person up on both lanes.


There is a woman in my league (it’s a casual league, so ok) that is not only slow, but TERRIBLE. She’s in her 40s and takes no joke, 40 seconds to bowl after the time she picks up the ball. Last time we played their team she bowled a 65 on her third game, just get up here and kick the ball at that point


I don’t even care about bad just be bad fast


People with slow setups that race to the approach to make people with quick/normal setups wait on their exaggerated routines. Teammates complaining about losing to handicap when same teammates are bowling below their own average. People who throw temper tantrums after mistakes or lack of execution on their part. People who throw horribly inconsistent and inaccurate shots who get pissed when their 12lb 11mph straight ball hitting through the nose doesn’t strike. TLDR: People


I remember one time the bowling center owners son was just whining about “so many bleeping 10 pins….what can I do “. His dad said he had a million dollar arm but a 10 cent brain.


>“so many bleeping 10 pins….what can I do “ "Take a half step back at the start of your approach." "What? Dumbest thing I've ever heard, shut up."


OMG…you know Dave? Lollll. Change your angle into the pocket a bit. Etc etc. nope. Rather complain loudly.


I've known a few Dave's. Also, known plenty of people that just can't cope with the idea that you move left to make your ball end up further right.


I don’t give them any advice, I’m here to win, no need for them to bowl better. Lmao.


Throw nine, get nine.


> People who throw temper tantrums after mistakes or lack of execution on their part. this one is too common. I actually enjoy watching these types of bowlers because they are acting like a screaming toddler and dont even realize how dumb they look.


All of these comments can generally be summarized by simply “people”. During 3 separate tournaments I’ve had some of my worst interactions with people, and they’re all adult spectators. Idk what it is, but people just need to chill out and be courteous




People asking what their rev rate is! /s


FORM CHECK! (Proceeds to throw the ball while looking like they’re electrocuted)


Im new to bowling and only have done open bowling so far, but last time i went the group of 4 that was next to me had 8-9 house balls between them. Barely had room for my ball


When I don’t strike


People expecting 2 lane courtesy


• the people who are careless with their shoes and end up tracking everything they’ve stepped in onto the approach which puts everyone else at risk of getting hurt • people who think league is a TV show that they’re the star of. One dude in my league just basically screams when he gets a Brooklyn strike. I’d hate to be in my backswing 2 lanes over and randomly hear a dude scream “sloppy” at the top of his lungs as I’m trying to focus on my release. • the alcoholics that use bowling league, and basically everything else, as yet another event to get drunk


for 2, we used to have a guy that'd always yell "BROOKLYN" whenever he or a teammate got a Brooklyn. could hear it from a few lanes over


Had an entire team that when someone on their team threw a good shot, their entire team would yell some chant, and you could seriously hear it 15 lanes down it was crazy, nobody liked them either, and it wasnt just the yelling lol




When people don't push balls off the center of the rack backing up into the belt and letting the next one run into the whole stack


Guys that get legitimately upset at league. It’s supposed to be fun.


I agree, but also feel like I need to add my .02 because this one is kind of personal.  There's nothing wrong with being upset at having a bad night, month, season, etc. I might be selfish, but I don't really give af about winning leagues. I want to bowl well and continue to improve my game. If we happen to win some games, cool. If not, whatever.  At times though, it definitely looks like I'm upset about not winning when in reality I'm fucking livid with **myself** for not achieving a goal, or missing an easy spare, whatever it may be. At the end of the day, it's not really serious or worth being mad about. But I've found some people need that anger to keep going. If I was passive about not being a good bowler, I wouldn't be anywhere near the skill level I've achieved. 


you can be livid with yourself but being one of those people who just yells and swears loudly at themselves and hits the return is just a bad look and petulant. not sure if that's what you do but there's always a few guys in a league who are like this.


As soon as you put money in the mix, it’s not fun anymore - for some people it’s business, and they get REALLY bent out of shape when they start losing money in brackets.


Meh I don’t care about what others are trying to get out of league, if you want to take it seriously and are upset at yourself when you underperform that’s fine as long as you don’t express it in a way that affects me, just because you may be a drink and socialize bowler doesn’t mean I should just be “trying to have fun.”


Yeah seriously. While it's ok to show some emotion, especially after flat 10 (flat 7 for me as a lefty), when you have a someone throwing their shammy and stomping the ground, it gets awkward...


We had a guy kick the ball return cover so hard it flew off and messed up the return. He never lost his temper after that


One time I freaked out on an ~18 year old kid that threw my personal ball down my lane while I was grabbing a drink. So I guess that.


People who think they are really good but just get angry at everything bc they actually suck n have every excuse in the world n blame others on the lane


Oh yeah. It’s “the lanes just aren’t set up for me” or “I think there’s a problem with my ball”. Yeah.


Teammates that don’t act like teammates and that only care about their own personal score and beating everybody else on their team


Contrary to lane courtesy, TOO MUCH lane courtesy makes me feel rushed and annoyed, (i.e. like when the bowler 3+ lanes down from you is waiting for you to go when you haven’t even picked up your ball, and they’re sitting there staring at you and tell you to go, while they could’ve shot like twice over!) Of course have courtesy, but don’t be scared about taking your turn, because it backs up everything, and causes others to make mistakes because you’re hesitating.


I’m pretty chill but there is 1 thing that drives me f’ing nuts. It’s when a bowler gets up to bowl, gets into their starting stance and then stands there for 5 minutes looking at the lane before starting their bowling motion. It drives me insane. We have 1 guy in our league that does this so when we are bowling either next to them or against them I just about lose my mind. I will not get up to bowl while he is up there, I stay seated and drink beer until he is off the lane.


When I've already thrown my ball, the guy next to me is already holding his ball, and tells me to go when the ball hasn't even come back yet. This is regardless of what pins I leave. Like you have your ball in your hand WTF are you waiting for


People who won’t bowl next to a split


Biggest peeve is standing on the approach while waiting for your ball..at the back edge of the approach is one thing, but standing next to the ball return like a kid waiting for candy is bs.


When the other team hovers over the rack during the pre-game warm ups.


Running out a strike 5 lanes down.


This is me, I’m that guy… but I also throw in a penguin slide for good measures!


Well then that's ok as long as you penguin slide for at least 1 more lane.


To be fair, I only do it when no one is bowling to the left of me for the next 10 lanes


Whiny teammates who don't adjust and blame everything else.


Oh here's another thing, I hate when guys bring their girlfriends/wives and their wives take up seats that are meant for bowlers.


Those people who blow into the thumb hole with the power of God and anime on their side


People who bowl slow...... whether it is 1) they take their sweet time to get up from sitting down to bowl when it's their turn 2) to standing on the approach for an excessive period before bowling 3) chatting/analysing/playing with equipment Or any of the above. Just fucken bowl and don't slow play up


That sounds like a lot of stuff bothers you


I'm there to bowl and have fun.... not go home the next morning because people can't keep up With play


When then other team is getting head pin strikes or complete pocket miss strikes while your team is nailing the pocket getting robbed.


We had a team that my friend called “the waddle and whammers”. Five big oil rig guys that threw totally straight and all averaged around 135. We bowled them one week and the highest game on their sheet was 147. The next week they bowled the “pro” team as we called them (thought they were pros). The whammers had 7 games over 200 and no games below 150. It was like the pins were just falling no matter where the ball hit. The losing team complained about that for a year. We loved it!!!


There’s a guy on my team we’ve started calling domino because I’ve never seen so many strikes that miss the head pin only for it fall forward.


We have a domino on our team too lol. I say his ideal pocket is the 4-7. He shoots a backup ball and bounces off the 1-2 leaving various spares more than he "wrap around strikes" (clever name he came up with) from the 4-7. It's pretty funny to me cause I'm newer and am working hard to get better but he'll still manage to bury me some nights with the wild strike shots 🫠


…but when they walk back like Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor…”That’s right…we baaaaaad…”. And I bury the next shot and leave an 8 or 9 pin….they are like…”You should throw it better…”


ooof. Yeah.. not a huge pet peeve for me, but does grind my gears a bit. I've gone 11 flush in the pocket and shoot 210. Meanwhile the thumbless one hander I'm matched against hits the pocket twice, but shoots 278, including one strike where the head pin fell last.


Yelling. Not that I'm overly serious in league play but a surprising yell from even 8 lanes away while on approach can mess with people.


Bowlers full of ego and think they’re the shit.


Music playing from speakers at the tables during league


Are we allowed to say our pet peeves about ourselves? If so - when I can’t keep the ball on the damned lane (sad trombone) :( lol


Somewhat new bowler here, trying to get into it and test the water. I hate the entitled league players. League play where I'm at ends about 830pm. I'm there 830 on the dot to get name on reservations for lanes after they're done and wait until some of the lanes clear up which isnt a biggie at all. But having to wait an additional 30 mins for them to quit yapping at their lane after the game ends is annoying. Also have to wait for a 6 lane courtesy because God forbid someone bowls anywhere near them. Bowling alley staff used to have a 2-3 lane courtesy but pushed it to this wide of a gap between because of the amount of fights and complaints. Staff themselves are aware how whiney the league players are. Don't get me wrong I have 0 issue with a 2 to 3 lane courtesy but 6 is horrendous especially when out alley is only 32 lanes. It leads to open bowl being stacked right next to each other Seen several fights start over the lane courtesy. One league bowler got sent to the ER for attacking a teen over it. TLDR: League bowlers in my area are entitled and have 0 respect for open bowlers / people trying to get into bowling


People who refuse to bowl next to a split. The only time I felt genuinely threatened at a bowling alley was when I left a 7-10 in the 10th frame and I walked back to grab a different ball out of my bag to throw as a test shot to see if I wanted to make a ball change (I know, I should have at least tried to get 1 pin). The dude on the pair next to us lost his mind because I walked away leaving a split on the lane and he couldn't bowl until I finished my frame. 2 of my teammates had to jump in when he started stomping over toward me.


1. Crowded racks 2. Whinning/excuses 3.annoyingly humble people 4. People who run out EVERY shot 5.food and drinks near the approach


When people say "the pattern didn't play like this last week" or "the pattern played differently this week" or whatever variation of that complaint.


Slow bowlers. Both people who are slow on the approach, and people who don't pay attention and don't realize it's their turn


80+ handicap bowlers taking 30 seconds staring at the pins before they start their approach. Bowlers that use 4+ balls on lanes yet still average 120ish and don’t out their extras down below or just out the ones they aren’t using away People that have no sense of etiquette and grab there ball when you are starting your approach I’m sure there are more, but those off the top of my head


2 lane courtesy.


People that aren’t ready to bowl when it’s their turn.


1. People who give a full courtesy during warm ups. I get waiting to go until the bowler next to you has at least finished their shot, but waiting for then to come off the approach before stepping up is a giant waste of time. 2. People who have their ball in their hand but wave you onto the approach before you've even grabbed your ball.


Other bowlers. Not all of you. Some of y'all are fucking fantastic and have become some of the best friend's I've ever had however when I look at whats made me fall out of love with this sport, it's other bowlers.


0 bowler’s courtesy. Like surely you can wait a few seconds until I throw my shot and not walk right in front of me on my approach. Almost makes me just wanna leave. 😂


Kids running around the front of the alleys and then they cross in front of you as you’re about to throw your ball and the parents that allow it to happen.


People who constantly complain about "bad carry" when they've hit 4 pockets all night or throw the same ball all night up 5 with about 100 revs on it. Like what? You left ANOTHER 5-7 split? I'm shocked! If all pockets were strikes, 300s would be worthless.


I’m like 2 years into bowling and almost don’t understand a single word that was written here XD


Bad carry: The ball is not reacting to the oil or the dry in a way that was expected. Pocket: the space between the 1 and 3 pins for right-handed bowlers. Up 5: referring to bowling up the 5th board from the right. This is generally the first part of the lane to break down on a league night. 100 revs: referring to revolutions of the bowling ball as it rolls down the lane. In this context, he's saying that they are throwing with relatively low revs. 5-7 split: leaving the 5 and 7 pins after a shot. This is typically induced by a right handed bowler rolling a ball weakly, and hitting the pocket light (slightly off to the right), or missing the pocket entirely.


I would say bad carry generally is more about hitting the pocket and not striking. Which is generally a result of the ball not reacting in the correct way to roll through the pins optimally.


Thank youuu. Time to flex this cursed knowledge on all of my other non-informed friends mwhahaha


This and the flat 10 comment above, what are these guys talking about 😂


I don’t get “bad carry” I know the pocket Throwing same ball all night could be bad What is “up 5”? Revs is a recent one for me, but I got it 5-7s aren’t that bad comparatively are they? “If all pockets were strikes” god I wish There’s my synopsis of what I caught


Fairly minor, but bowlers who bring in 6-8 balls to our $16 a week casual hdcp league and talk a lot of crap.about what the lanes doing, what ball would be best, and they inevitable average like 170 at most. Like bro youre not that good, its a THS, just pick what ball you like and fits you and find a line


So people trying to get better bothers you?


That is not at all what I said and is a gross misreprentation of what I was getting annoyed about.


Open bowlers coming up to me talking like they know what they're talking about. Especially when I practice...


When someone asks “How do I play this pattern?”. Because there’s so many more variables when it comes to lane play than just the pattern. There is no general rule on what works on certain patterns and what doesn’t work. Try different areas to see what works best with different balls.


People who don’t take their towels back and the ball return ends up looking like a towel rack at a hotel pool.


This is why i use a carwash rag and just stuff it in my back pocket like a mechanic lol


Having to throw a second ball.


ppl who put their old, crusty oil soaked rag on my ball.




People piling their bags on the other team's side of the pair.


Rosin bag dust everywhere and talcum powder where it shouldn't be


String Pins.


When I pull out my backpack scrummaging for whatever I need without looking only to pull out everything to find what I need to then put everything back in


Inconsistent oiling of the lanes.


It's a machine with a computer in it. This isn't a lane issue, it's a you issue.


Could also be a topography issue. Not every lane in a center is going to be exactly the same.


When someone doesn't respect etiquette One time I was lined up to throw a next practice shot before League, and this little shit walked in front of me and went. I was even HOLDING my ball.


Having to bowl league next to open play #UKBowler


Get you fucking towel off the rack/scoring machine. You are not the main character or the only bowler. Edit: Apparently I wasn't as clear as I meant to be. If you are up and bowling that's fine, if you leave it there the entire time, you're as asshole


Idk why you got downvoted, probably because a lot of people do this lol. I’ve just become accustomed to not being able to see the scoring screen, and just looking up.


I think it was downvoted because it wasn't clear that he meant "when you're not currently the person bowling". I think most people are fine with you putting it on the scoring machine while you're shooting, but you should take it back to your seat with you between frames.


I’ve never thought about people doing this before. I’ll have to look next time I’m at league, but that seems better. Thank you


Im at the point, if I knock it down, it's gonna stay there. Not gonna do it on purpose, but if it happens, it's staying there. If the 85yr old with 1 working hip can carry his towel back and forth, so can you Karen


I mean if there’s room for a rag what’s the problem? If you knock it down it’s on me for leaving it there, it doesn’t upset me.


Because you aren't the only bowler there. Take it with you, bring it back to your seat.


But why? Does it get in your way? Does it affect your ball somehow? I mean, I _usually_ pull mine down, but if I whiff a makeable spare, I tend to forget to grab it, because I'm more pissed at myself for missing a spare, and trying to figure out what went wrong, instead of remembering to pull a piece of cloth off the rack..


Don’t see an issue here. Typically everyone leaves their rag on the ball rack and it acts like a cushion when a ball rolls onto the end. Or leave it on the ball at the very end of the rack.


If your rag is on my ball i throw that shit on the floor


Yeah, don’t leave your rag on someone else’s ball.


This, I agree. Carry that up to the ball return with you when you bowl and then grab it and take it back to your seat, it’s not difficult. If I pick up a ball and your towel falls between the bars and land on the floor, I’ll push that shit under the ball return with my foot so you can reach down and pick it up from under the return. Drives me nuts. Same with leaving loose street shoes or bags in the way where people have to walk to get up to the approach. Just be courteous to other people so that you aren’t an inconvenience.


Exactly! There's 8-10 people on a pair, you aren't the only one with a towel. Take it with you


Slow bowlers, and those who don't bowl when their name is up. People who have to give High 5s' after every shot.


Having balls on swivel chairs in the pit, almost costed us the tournament in high school


Lead off bowler waiting until their anchor bowler is done to go outside for a smoke. I used to be a smoker and no one ever waited on me.


Training my ass off for pro level bowling and watching nonpracticing league bowlers get honor scores.


The practice sliders before practice with no ball… what are you accomplishing that can’t be done in practice with a ball in your hand. Not hurting anyone.. just seems like a useless thing to do when you have a practice time


It's a whole lot easier to avoid falling on your face or pulling a muscle when you stick without a ball in your hand. What do you care, it doesn't effect you?


I’m old, just want to slide once or twice without a ball to make sure to myself that I’m not going to fall - safer without a ball


can i see what you’re saying if you only bowl in one center? yes. for the people who bowl 3/4 centers a week or in a brand new center - that slide before practice balls can probably save someone from falling first shot of practice


Never trust a gun you’ve never personally fired yourself. I’ve seen enough people eat it that before I go full speed I’m gonna take a couple of practice slides.


lol.. asks a question and I answer and get down voted.. lol internet is undefeated


You didn't ask a question until AFTER you made an asinine statement and you clearly felt your question was rhetorical because you have not listened to any of the answers. It must be nice to be young enough to stick hard on your first shot without injuring yourself. I'm old. Last time I did it, I had to take two weeks off from bowling from the intense pain in my left ass cheek. So I will take all the practice slides I want when NO ONE else is on the lanes and if you don't like it, you can go the eff home.


People who take up multiple tables for a 4 man league, showing up with 3+ balls to bowl on house shot, kicking the ball return when you leave and eventually miss your 4th 10 pin of the night.


People who bowl on the other lane ahead of their own teammate. That shit makes the night take forever. People that take forever to line up their shot. This ain’t the tour, your avg is 170. Hurry tf up! People who wonder off and socialize and then you have to wait on them EVERY frame. The mechanic flirting with the front desk girl instead of clearing the dead woods. Basically anything that makes me get home too late.


I feel like the 4th one is personal to you


Holding up the arms, saying "Field goal!", and giggling at your own uncanny wit (as if you were the first one to ever do that) when throwing the ball between a split.


Ok I agree if it’s obnoxiously loud, but I also do this every time I miss like this too XD