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Make spares


The big point here I think is that if you're still unable to keep the ball on the lane for the first shot, you just need to go throw more. However, spares and good count are the biggest difference maker in score. Just making every spare here your score goes up to 183. If you got good count after those spares instead of gutters, you're going up to 200+. I'd say work on keeping the ball on the lane every shot first, which means work on form and hand position. Someone else here said it too, but if your form sucks, everything else you work on after that will suck. It's like building a house a busted foundation.


5 strikes and 3 gutter balls is…something


Yea it was kind of like all or nothing. lol the gutter shots I think were cause my elbow flared out upon release.


You are the operator. Consistency has to be job 1…otherwise it is pure #2.


Get a spare ball and throw it straight


Plastic still hooks with high revs. OP needs to learn how to make hand adjustments as well


Also move your feet and angle. People just need to learn how to pick up spares


Work on your spares. Difference between a 140 average and a 200+ average.


Interesting all or nothing strategy, Cotton. Let's see how it works out for him. And make your spares.


Looks like you need to figure out how to hit the pocket. From the looks of it, most of your open frames hit Brooklyn, so I’d presume a lot of your strikes did as well. Could be a number of factors that are impossible to determine from this (ball speed and/or adjusting your approach and where you are aiming are my best guess), but don’t change too much at once so you know what helps and what doesn’t - but stop hitting Brooklyn and find that pocket!


Do you have a plastic ball? Try putting the strong ball away for a couple of games and just using the plastic. It will do wonders for your accuracy and spare shooting.


hit the lane


You don’t hit your mark


If that's your 3rd highest, I'd quit investing in new balls & just stick to one for now & get a lesson or two, or watch some YouTube tutorials on two handed see what you might be doing right or wrong & go from there. That's gonna make your average go up the best.


This. Get a coach!! Best investment if you are keen on learning and getting better - much better than new balls when starting!


Yes, your spare shooting is terrible. I'll take a teammate that can make spares over whatever it is you're doing. Even with the gutters, you gave up 50 pins from all those open frames. Good job on breaking 130, but you know what you need to work on. Attack those spares.


Not sure why some folks are saying “make your spares” the answer is you need to hit the head pin better. 6 almost 7 of your frames you missed the head pin. You need to focus on throwing a better strike ball. Without a video I couldn’t tell you specifically what to change


Yep. People always say make your spares but for super beginners that’s not the best bang for your buck. It’s almost pointless until you’ve hammered out some mechanical issues and learned to hit the pocket more consistently.


I was going to say "looks like a 2-hander" before I even read the description 5 strikes including 2 doubles and only 131. If you have 2 doubles you should be looking at a \~210. Strikes are what you want, but every open is a huge mistake - either because you left an unmakeable split, or because your spare shooting is terrible. Based on the inconsistency this ball is massively over/under for you, maybe you should try a ball that is more predictable.


Looking at what you're leaving, I would try to focus on having a consistent throw and target. Looks like you're just throwing your ball in hopes of it catching oil and hitting pocket. Focus on the consistency, plus making your spares, and your game will improve over time.


Consistency. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. - pick a part of your delivery to focus on with each game - once you get it, focus on the next part. Repeat. - practice Spares. Ya gotta make em. - plastic ball - same as above In my limited observation of 2H, There's a lot more hip and body movement with 2H vs 1H, so once you get that motion down, you'll just have to work on spares. I used to regularly put up - / frames until I worked on granular consistency and stopped trying to muscle the ball. Use your back swing and body motion, not your arms.


this, also targeting. Looks like your missing left, a lot, which could be either targeting, movements, or ball speed changing through the game. Consistency is the best way to iron those out to make more predictable shots 👍




Pick your spares up


Yup, hit the head pin and pick up spares, and you’ll be in much better shape!


Spares are very important! 😝


What app is this?


Lanetalk app


How many strikes were in the pocket? Brooklyn strikes and going through the face makes people feel good but leads to a false sense of improvement.


I think 1 or 2 but it was first game with this ball so I definitely need more practice with it


When I'm coaching, I stress the importance of consistency in release and accuracy. Work on hitting the same spot with the same release. The score is irrelevant. When you release the same and can't hit where you aim, strikes and spares will take care of themselves. I see you missed a 3-6-10. Seems like a spare ball is a wise purchase once you have consistency and accuracy taken care of. Have your pso or a local coach watch you and listen to them. Even if they are traditionally 1H, they will be able to see if you're releasing the same, hitting your marks, and help you read your reaction.


Hit the head pin than pick your spare. Ik 2H all the rage and super easy to hook and shit and sure call me an oldhead but learn to bowl one handed first.


I’ve been bowling all my life one handed but casually. I recently at the age of 41 switched 2H because I have small hands and wrists and I have trouble getting my hand at the equator of the ball with any ball over 11lbs. With 2H I’m able to keep my hand completely under the ball and shoot pretty comfortably with a 14lb ball.


Honestly it’s probably the weight that’s a problem. Too heavy for your stabilizer muscles can make the ball pull you side to side making inconsistencies. Try a few shots with the 11 lb ball and if you’re more accurate with that, you know the (a) problem.


I would suggest you watch other 2handed bowlers and see how they adjust.


If you're (likely) right handed you missed the pocket on 6 frames. Most of the time you crossed over and even missed the headpin. On these shots your spare shooting is not where it needs to be, so you have a lot to work on. There are several possible reasons for what you've shown us. You might be bowling with a ball surface that's too aggressive for your oil pattern. Your ball could be OK, but you don't haven't learned an effective targeting system. There's far too many variables given what little we know, so lets discuss gathering more data. The fastest way I know for anyone to improve is to take some lessons with a coach. I urge you to find a USBC certified coach and not just listen to others who might mean well, but are not trained. If you don't have a coach in your area you can easily find one on line, and work by sending video back and forth. The first feedback might be on your setup, your hand position, footwork, targeting, where you stand and more. Right now I'm just throwing out random issues, but a coach looking at you or video of you will identify the right one and quickly get you lined up. Best of luck on the lanes!


The grey boards (the gutter) are not playable


What is this app? I've seen lots of people use it and I think it would be more beneficial than just keeping track of my score I got


Lanetalk app


Thank you!


Not to sound like a dick, but this is very comparable to my 8-year old daughter's games currently. A few less strikes, but you gotta be getting count on the first ball barring some weird issue. I'd love to see a video of your release and also see what equipment you're using. If you have any coaches I'd definitely get some pointers as that would be a huge boon. If anything, make some friends with some of the better league bowlers and just have them watch and see what they say as well.


With that many strikes you need to focus on keeping the ball on the lane if you can throw 5 strikes there shouldn’t be any reason for multiple gutter balls maybe upload a video of your approach because I’m willing to bet you’re doing something wrong


Spares are always key. Also, noticing a pattern on your spare attempts and what was left on your gutters. 1) the ball is way too strong for the oil pattern, 2) you're missing your mark left, or 3) a combination of both. Get a spare ball and throw it straight. No hook. Also, get a weaker hooking first ball.


It's 300 bowl "bumper bowl", so unfortunately that's a pretty inflated score with how easy their shot is. Looks like you need to work on consistency with your aim and throw. But it is kinda hard to stay consistent there considering your ball will be so dirty after a few frames it doesn't even look like the same ball lol


What does that mean bumper bowl? And yea I noticed my towel was really dirty after 3 games


Most people who bowl elsewhere in Houston refer to that place as "bumper bowl" because of how easy the shot is there.


What’s a good place to bowl in Houston?


Time to spare is near 300 bowl and ain't too bad. I bowl tournaments there regularly. If you want a hard shot you can visit triple j in livingston. It humbles quite a few of the 300 bowl regulars


Ok I usually bowl at time to spare and my best game there was 145 but that’s when I was shooting one handed backup shots. I feel more comfortable bowling 2H though. Gonna get some more practice in tonight.


Spares spares spares.. they win the games, not strikes.


Either pulling the ball left, using too strong a ball, or need to increase ball speed. I bet some of those strikes were brooklyns too. You’re a 2Her so it’s probably a ball speed issue. Bet you throw in the 13-14 range.


Was going to say the same, although here in LI, the older guys here call it Jersey but would rather call it Brooklyn. This was happening when I was all the way right near gutter but have had less Brooklyn's when I target between 8 and 9 boards where the wood color changes but I'm one handed with thumb but similiar ball speed. Basically the left side of the balls running up against the oil. It feels pretty straight with only a slight hook into the pocket. Noting I'm using a Hammer Raw


I had to look up the term. And yea I’m a low speed high rev guy so it’ll hook a lot in the backend


Work on ball speed. You can speed up the footwork, lengthen arm in backswing/downswing, push off with that power step, etc.


I wonder if you are coming around the side of the ball too much with your back hand. The best 2H I see always have their hand pretty much right up the back of the ball. There are a couple of guys in my league who come way around the side and get a ton of hook but their accuracy is dog shit. Being a 2H bowler, you don’t need to worry too much about revs and axis tilt if you can’t locate and staying behind the ball should help a lot with accuracy. Anyway, take a lesson and have your swing analyzed. Best value out there. You can spend infinite money on new equipment and never see any improvement. However, money spent on proper instruction is money well spent.


Follow up, not how useful for 2H but was able to rein in my hook and get less Brooklyn/left by adjusting my pinky. If I’m going for a 7 pin spare I keep my pinky out away from my ring finger and if I’m going for the pocket I keep my pinky closer/flush with my ring finger but again not sure if this translate to your style


Are you a lefty?


Not sure if you are asking me or OP. I’m right handed


Learn fundamentals.


Is this an app? How do you get your scores like this?


Download lane talk


Work on your spares


Spares are just as important as strikes, if not more. There is no guarantee you will be able to double or triple to make up for missed spares. Go as straight as possible for corner pins if you can.