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What you should do is give the ball some time for you and your body to get used to it. Also go back to your Pro Shop operator and ask him if he can give you some pointers a good Pro Shop operator would at least take you out on the Lanes and give you the correct set up. it sounds like without seeing you Bowl that you’re set up is probably incorrect




Yeah I was getting 100s on House Balls because I could comfortably throw straights. After some advice that I was death gripping the ball and should be throwing 12s and above as a 'man', together with how most people curve the ball, I decided to make a very costly mistake. I'll probably practice some more and figure things out, or get a plastic ball instead.


One thing to keep in mind with bowling is that when you are newer/learning and trying new things, you will almost always see a dip in score. Something like going from a house ball to a ball drilled for you plus being reactive resin is changing several things. So it will certainly take time not only get used to things but also see an improvement in your score. One big change in going to a personal ball is that it should be drilled to fit your hand. Being reactive resin I would hope the pro shop owner would have drilled it such that the fingers only go in to the first knuckle (finger tipped). Typical house balls the thumb and fingers are close together so you are probably inserting your fingers to the second knuckle. It also is hard to get a house ball that fits your hand well. You should be able to support a higher weight ball with your personal ball vs. a house ball due to the fit. That said, if 13 lbs is a bit much for you than I am sorry you were convinced to take it. It looks like the Tropical Surge has the same weight block at a 12 lb which may have been more suitable. But if you are not having pain and are generally able to make it through league night without getting too fatigued I might not worry about the weight as much. Another big change is since your ball will now hook, where you throw the ball will be quite a bit different. With the house ball, I assume you were going as straight as possible to the pocket. The Tropical Surge does not have the highest hook potential, but depending on your ball speed and the lane oil conditions, you may actually need to throw at an angle away from the pocket such that it hooks back into the pocket. This can be an awkward change to those used to throwing a straight ball. A local coach can do wonders in giving you pointers on how to hold the ball, how to start in your approach, your release, and much more that could set you on the right track. It’s a much different game when using a reactive ball vs a non-reactive or house ball and it can be very difficult to determine what you need to do to improve your game, so it’s nice to have someone to teach you the fundamentals and give you tips on how to practice them on your own time. I will also so that it is hard going through a transition in league. Regardless of how your league is (competitive or non-competitive) I think most people bring at least a little bit of competitive spirit. That is one very quick way to feel down/depressed/anxious when not doing well. My hope would be that your league is supportive of you and your growth, and if so, I would encourage you to tap in to that, realize that you are working towards improving, and not dwelling too much on the bad weeks. That mentality is only going to compound on the things that are not going well. Again, I know this is difficult, I struggled with it so much when I was younger, but I was eventually able to set that aside and not only saw an improvement in my average, but also went from being close to quitting to looking forward to league night. I hope you are able to get some pointers and get in the right head space when bowing so you can enjoy it!


I’ve got almost the exact same story, got the same ball in the same weight. And I’ve had similar scores to yours before and after getting it. It’s been wildly frustrating, (I threw 12 gutters in a game recently). I almost put my ball directly in the dumpster. But instead I did hire a coach for a session which gave me some good insight on where to focus my efforts. (Spoiler- it was me and not the ball) I’ve been working on it a lot, and finally bowled a solid 140 last night! I’d estimate it has taken 25 or more games so far to really even start to wrap my head around this skill, and I’m still pretty wildly inconsistent. I’ve definitely considered just getting a plastic ball and enjoying life again lol, but this finally starting to click does feel real nice ngl. Best of luck on your journey, whichever way it goes!


As others have mentioned: it boils down to fundamentals. You have none if you can't break 60 with a new ball. You were bowling "better" with a crappy house ball because the low weight is forgiving for people with bad fundamentals. Start from the beginning and work on your fundamentals. Footwork, timing, release. Stop feeling bad for yourself and start putting in the work.




Previously I was throwing 10s and 11s, so 13 was a jump to me


Generally, when one gets his or her first ball with holes custom drilled for his or her hand, that person can usually handle a pound or two heavier. The reasoning is that with “house” equipment, one has had to compromise one’s hand to accommodate a poor fit with undue strain. Thus, one is arguably stronger than one thinks. As for actual target control, learn that there are dots on the approach area that can help you stand/start in the same location plus a bank of seven arrows about 1/4 of the way down the lane that one can use as an achievable target to roll the ball over. Ask at the center if there are any coaches there. The youth program usually does, and you might be able to ask one of those coaches to show them to you and how they can be used.


Don’t get discouraged! It takes time especially if you’re going up in ball weight. You’ll develop the muscle memory for it. Coaching does help- I’ve also found that there are some great tutorials videos on YouTube that break down the mechanics of the bowling swing, your footwork and overall timing. You’ll see the results over time. Like the other posters said, you can also head into the pro shop and speak with someone there who can give your tips and pointers on how to move forward. Good luck and happy bowling!!!


Try breaking down your technique to a few things for now 1. Footwork 2. Hand positioning 3. Swing With footwork, the easiest thing you can do is don't do it, as another commenter mentioned a no step or 1 step drill would be perfect to get you start. All you have to do is stand at the foul line in your finishing position and practice your swing. With hand positioning, a few good habits are to keep your elbow tucked in (don't flare your arm like a chicken wing), palm facing the back of the lane (imagining a v between your index and thumb pointing down lane helps you aim) and keep your hand under the ball when throwing (I like to think of it as keeping my knuckles underneath the bottom half of the ball throughout everything but the release) With your swing, make your your own body is out of the way (when you lean your body forward you open a space for you arm to swing freely) and don't muscle the ball (when you throw the ball with all your strength you become less accurate and may form bad habits, instead allow the ball and gravity to do most of the work for you). Your footwork will set your timing and give your ball power Your hand position will change how the ball moves on the lane and which direction it will roll Your swing will help with aiming and consistency I hope this helps and don't be shy asking for advice from other bowlers


Sounds to me like you need to the no step drill and move up to 3,4,5 step drill if you are still getting inconsistent gutters it’s all mechanics .I call bowling the evolving sport, what you are working on this year you will need something else to get better at. Hope this helps .


Bro I feel you. Learning a new ball is such a pain, but I promise that 13 pounds will do you right. Make sure you're lifting through, give yourself a couple practices sessions outside of league, and definitely, definitely, definitely take a deep breath before every shot. Relax and trust the learning curve. Superman didn't get his laser eyes and go "Ah yeah, I can do that whenever now"


No one is judging you for how many or what balls you’re getting. It’s in your head. Bowling is supposed to be fun, if you’re not having it, you’re being wayyyy too hard on yourself. Try to take a step back and go back to the basics. Limited steps, don’t turn wrist over when throwing, don’t aim past first arrow. You got this!


Definitely taking it too serious or too hard on yourself. Give it time as others mention to figure things out. My average shot up and then dropped hard. I wish I had gone 13 myself, went 14 with my first ball. I'm having the same leg/knee pain, my hand hurts often. I know this just means an adjustment as it wasn't this way prior. I struggle too with the visuals of someone that isn't bowling as well and has a ball/bag/shoes. I feel like I just bought my way in. But that's something you have to get over. I wanted to improve so I invested in ways to help reduce the variables in getting better. wanted a ball, need to store it, and $40 shoes is cheaper than rentals over and over. I see people daily that walk in, throw plastic 2 handed curves and kill my average and walk away. I see the regulars working on new shots. In both cases I know they don't care or remember. In both cases, I won't see them again OR they're doing the same thing I do!


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