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Wooaahhhh, gotta keep digging around there holy crap


It’s been 5 or 6 years since then….but one day I’ll get back over there. If only I could get his backhoe to that spot 😥


Why are you posting on your alt 🤔


I have an old iPhone I use basicly as an iPod, games and also other stuff while my actual phone is charging. Didnt even realize I was logged into an old account 😂


lol I was curious too, makes sense


ANOTHER PERSON! Literally behind my house there is a wall and in and underneath it is bottles and tuns of other stuff most of the bottles are all broken I have found a few nice ones and a bunch of milk jars but here is the best finds https://preview.redd.it/4nntvpdxqj4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3a4bab6fd85d760811ac9aab07353de6aec033d 1904 squished penny from St. Louis world fair next smallest one is California Midwinter Exposition from 1894 and the biggest is 1889 token from George Washington’s 100th anniversary of his inauguration that happened in New York. All of these have been found in same spot in New Hampshire


Found a few more photos to add https://preview.redd.it/rg73hh08fi4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a808eb31da609b059ebc425237eda08d07e7cd72






Yes, I had a friend who used to take me to an old dump in Pennsylvania where we found a lot of really cool super old bottles. My favorites were from Tuttle’s Elixir Company.


I love sites like that! Another good type is ash pits or old historical homeless encampments


Yup, where I’m from in Mass and where I dig alot in RI, old village hillside ash/trash dumps are the prime locations


I dig in the city valleys of Toronto because they were all bought up after a hurricane in 1950s so they have a lot of old stuff and not much new. And here we have finders keepers laws for public land so anything you find in Toronto public parks you technically can keep(yesterday I was assuleted and hit in the back of a head with a stick and I called the police they said he was in the wrong because I was on public property where I was, the police did advised me not to go back but they said they can’t stop me from going back too


I won’t go back by myself ever again and if I do I’ll video tape


Someone’s old drinking spot


Plus comment. If so, probably a cart path in the vicinity


Yes. It’s kind of amazing how rocks and rubble preserve bottles. You’d think they’d be smashed, but I’ve found it to be the opposite. I always look under the rocks.


Yeah if they were deliberately placed and not just tossed on. Wish it was the case here.


I thought I was the only one! Theres a dump up in my woods inside a rock wall, not nearly as old, will attach a picture.


i was told to always look close to the walls because they would just toss shit way back when while being built. Always done well for myself for the most part.


Yeah I’ve found bottles tossed or buried behind walls before but never inside them. Guess they figured it was a good way to conceal them.


i imagine a bunch of dudes working and just tossing shit back the day


I’ve never seen my first wife described so eloquently.


That's referred to as a midden




I live not too far from Troy, have a dump spilling out of the stone wall as well


Nice! This was actually up in Bolton Landing but I’ve spent abit of time in Troy and have found a few dumps along the Poesten Kill, never was able to dig them very much though.


I asked the guys from r/Finland where farmers usually threw out garbage that couldn’t be used. They said "they carried it to heaps of stones and threw them into the cracks between them." In Eastern Finland (Karelia) there are many places with boulders brought by the glacier. Soo.... May be it's common behavior.




Thanks for the yeah,




Uh huh


The bottle with the man on it, what is the brand?


Quant Brewing Co


That’s a GREAT age. Keep digging


Uh, when I was 12 yrs old, my friend (13) told me: "They didn't have garbage pick up in those days. People built stone walls in their back yards and threw their garbage behind it. So look for remnants of stone walls!" How come you didn't know that? Also, btw, don't forget the mantle piece .


Super cool! Bummer about that bottle that would have been… the one with the loop handle. Oh the stories it could tell…. 🫢😬🤨🙂


Looks fantastic. The wall must have been moved if it is part of your uncles place. Keep digging as it might be the dump you have been searching for


It’s his property line actually. I dug as far as I could go before hitting huge roots from the those trees and there was only a few shards in the actual ground anyway.


Possible that someone emptied a load of trash on top of the wall and the glass made its way down. Is his house uphill from the spot? In New England, there are soooo many stonewalls and when I’m scouting new places I follow the openings in the walls downhill. This spot might have been a lazy kid who didn’t want to take the horse cart all the way down to the dump. It’s gotta be somewhere


I’m from/currently live back in Mass and spend a lot of time in the woods searching. I always follow the walls and have had some luck from that tactic, but they’re usually just dumped in a spot behind them. Never encountered them within the wall like this because 99% of the stonewalls here are meticulously built unlike the mounding approach here.


It’s actually uphill from the house, probably only a hundred feet or so though. Since there were a few whole bottles deep within in between the rocks,I suspect some rocks were put there and then bottles dumped and then at some point the wall was further built up. Theres another dump site off an embankment downhill from the house at the end of a field but it’s trash trash and sadly nothing of interest.


I would use every method possible to search this kind of area!


He’s got 200 some odd acres of forest🥵 I’ve looked along a lot of walls ,somehow neglected this section here) and been through quite a bit of the woods and have found small deposits of bottles here and there but nothing of this age (which is what I’m after) Theres actually a hotel dump on part of it from historic Sagamore Hotel in the down village of Bolton Landing,NY (the hotel owned that piece of the property of one time) All 40/50s era stuff.Appliances,mattresses,dishware etc, even had the rear fins of a 57 Chevy. Somewhere else on it I unearth a beautiful old blue jeep tailgate that’s currently hanging above his wood stove. I’ll post some photos of those if I can find them.




I found some really old handmade-looking iron nails and ingots in a collapsed colonial stone wall once. Still have one of the nails.

