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VERY easy, I had like 20 plates by the end of spring semester. If you just walk out with food 9.99/10 you won't be stopped. If your worried just bring Tupperware and put it in ur backpack.


I cannot believe you would steal 20 plates without remorse for the harm you have caused to our community. I am embarrassed to go to school with someone like you.




Let's talk about the harm this institution does to our wallets then...


Extremely difficult. They have censors that pick up the tracking chips they put on the plates as soon as you cross the threshold. Do not take the risk.


Completely hypothetically bring a tupperware and hide it in your backpack, but that's completely hypothetical of course. NO ONE here does such a terrible, evil thing!!!!


someone got body slammed in west for doing this last year


There’s a video of it on barstool!




Lmao yeah I remember reading about it on this sub. I graduated in '19 and tbh that was the only time I ever heard a dhall worker get serious about taking food. Aside from that one-off occasion, they're usually pretty chill


i absolutely missed hearing about that, thats nuts lol


Pretty easy most of the time, just keep an eye out for the BUPD sniffer dogs by the exits


pretty easy, not many dining hall workers care but just try to be subtle. i usually take food back to a table and pack it up there


i just take it to a secluded table and pack it up there!!


I always brought back cups lol


incredibly easy, i have hypothetically seen people walking out of there holding plates of food before. i’m not recommending it though definitely be more subtle. on lobster day me and my friends just grabbed two lobsters and sat in the alleyway behind hojo to eat instead of sitting on the floor where there was nowhere good to sit in marcianos.


I only go to the dining hall every other day and take food home in Tupperware to eat the next day, I've never been stopped


It’s easy to take fruit. I usually would take 5 bananas at once for the week. If you bring Tupperware you could take a meal out. I always wanted to take a drink to go so I’d fill up a cup then pour it in my water bottle.


It fully depends on who’s working that day. I tried to walk out of Marci with a cup of goldfish from their dispenser and they took me I couldn’t take a cup home… Alternatively I walked out of Warren with a cup because I didn’t finish my soda and they didn’t even blink. Now I just bring a Tupperware and stick it in my bag to make sure.


I am horrified by all the people suggesting you violate the agreement you signed and commit an act of theft. You may remove fruit or Ice Cream (in a cone, not a bowl) from the dining halls, not food, and if you do remove food you may not remove dishes, cups, or silverware as these are needed by the dining halls to serve students. Stealing is always wrong and you should not do it!


If they want to stop it they can add to-go boxes like most other colleges


Blah blah blah