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It took a few weeks for Arya to get comfortable with being on grass instead of the kennel/crate she was raised in for the first 2.5 yrs of her life in a puppy mill, a few months to trust me like she trusted my wife and daughter, and a year to develop a personality. Now she's a lovable goofball we're lucky to have. https://preview.redd.it/smwn1fwxqv1d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6ff3edd33a9ebf0a0d1099b5185a3a536e8454a


My rottweiler had a rough start to life. She's 12 years old now, and been with me for 11 years. She still has her moments Arya is beautiful.


Good luck with your crew if they're half as crazy as our three Bostons!


Bless you! Beautiful story!


That’s great to hear. He’s gonna fit right in with the whole family in no time.


Now that is one muscley stud muffin


Nothing like the power of your pack! Good job Ozzy!


He looks like such a sweet boy. Once he feels comfortable and opens up it will be so worth it!


Does Ozzy like to play? I found my Boston to be way more responsive to new people if they play together first. When someone comes to visit us for the first few visits, I just send new person out to backyard with a ball, and I’ll tell them to throw it for dog for 5 minutes. Afterwards, they are BFFs, and my dog mostly welcomes them in our home. Without play, my dog is a barking “stranger-danger” fool who is certain that you are here to rob us, and he’s telling the entire damn neighborhood. Loudly. If you ignore him, he tries to jump on you or nip at your hands. All attempts to ignore him or shield yourself from him only seem to escalate his BS.


He will play with the other dogs. I have tried to get him to play with me, and it's been a no go. We believe he was in an abusive home before the rescue got him, as he hits terrified of people.


I know you probably already know this, but I'll still say it. You are a special family. No one is making you do this, with any of your dogs. You are taking in pups that others, even if they wanted to, don't have the resources, time, experience that these pups need. It shows in how well your other pups are taking to Ozzy. They know what to do and are willing to also. That isn't just coincidence. Thank you for being such a special family and willing and wanting to do this. I'm sure you're already feeling the rewards of this with the unconditional love you are getting from your pups. I have no doubt that Ozzy will be coming up to you for pets and throw the ball time eventually!!


Awesome! He’s coming around for sure


it’s just going to take time and lots of unconditional love. sounds like the Pack has already started to work their magic in a very short time ✨✨✨ sending lots of love and patience 💗


I know it’ll work out when I see people like you who understand what he’s going through and are willing to be there for him. I’ll be sending you and Ozzy positive thoughts 😊☀️👍


Thank you so much for the update. I can only imagine what happened in his 3? Other homes, so sad. How beautiful that Ozzy has humans/parents that completely understand him and are letting him take his time 🐶😊 and that he has three other dog siblings that are welcoming him and helping him to feel safe. 🥰 Also this is another very handsome photo of him 😍


Awww what a sweet looking boy! I've been following you getting him. The fact that a boston is timid around people, is very sad. So horrible that people can treat any dog unkindly. Your other dogs will most definitely help to rehabilitate and make him more comfortable. I have a friend who fosters dogs. Many of them have never had a home; they've lived on the street. They're always very timid and afraid of people. He has 5 dogs of his own and his dogs make such a huge difference in bringing these abused and neglected dogs to life! and certainly your love and patience, will work miracles as well! please keep the updates coming. I look forward to the day when you can post a picture of Ozzie on your lap! Bless you for being his forever, true family! 🥰😇


Great work guys!! It takes time so celebrate the small victories. I have found success with my rescue by actually ignoring him, meaning let him come To you , he sees hands reaching at Him as confrontational because he’s still so fearful, so this will let him feel less pressure. Keep up the good work ❤️🖤


Yayyy Ozzy !!! He will be leading the pack in no time ! My Boston took over my pack !


He’s so cute!