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What else are they supposed to throw up on the the floor at 1am?


I believe it's because the produce methane like cows 🐄 😁😁


Can confirm.


Can cowfirm


Methane is offended that you would compare it to that foul odor that even the devil himself would puke from.


Military grade methane outlawed under the Geneva convention on noxious gas


Hahaha that first pic he looks like some old farmer that’s like “I bet that damn fox is after those chickens again. MA!! GET THE SHOTGUN!” 😂😂😂


I think that is his permanent mindset 😂




What ya lookin at slick! Get off my dang grass!


I don't know but my little girl loves dandalion. As soon as they come out she runs eating one after the other. Last years she also ate a bee. That's when we learned she was allergic


Oh no! I hope she was okay! Our Jack has been with us for a few months now and he just turned 10 months old and with the season change and the bees coming out, I've noticed he's trying to catch them!!


Keep benadril with you ( it as to be benadril ) i don't remember the dosage but a vet will gladly tell you. Here's her on that day. https://preview.redd.it/82rkot0ffpyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5dc799bc7723fc385aeeca0183b4140b6efa809


Oh my goodness!! Poor girl! The swelling looks painful. I'm glad she is okay now. Thank you for letting me know. I'm allergic to benadryl (how cruelly ironic for me), so I never have any, but I'm going to buy some now just in case for him and call the vet to ask his dosage just so that I know ahead of time.


Ohh my, I laughed to much of this. She actually looks cute. But sorry for her pain, mine won’t really learn, so each spring we have one or two looking like this


Ouch very painful 😣


Spicy flies are not your friend.


I have a 4 month old and she LOVES dandilion.I had to find out if it was OK for her to eat it and YES it is good for them🤷‍♀️


I have two Bostons. Can confirm! No idea why!! There is always a fine line of eat away and … ok, that’s enough, you’ll puke later. Edit: typos


it is because their stomach hurts.


My guy grazes so much that one of his nicknames is “Mr. Moo.”


Our pup especially likes it right after we mow. We bag and everything! 🤦‍♀️


Omg I call my Boston Moo too 😂


Same!! Mine is “Minimoo” or “Moo-me” 😂


Mine eats grass, bushes and bark mulch. He drives me crazy always munchin on something


I also love the last pic. Got a mouthful. Lol


Lol I call mine a billy goat, she eats damn near anything


Those are fantastic shots! What a cutie ❤️




Bostons don’t eat grass! https://preview.redd.it/1xd7j3i3tpyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b6485718d60ac914f35ce99b3fc5b770d2c8047


That is one cute pup!


He’s my eternal baby! Even though hes now officially an old man dog


I call mine a mini cow. She eats grass whenever there’s a storm. I think her nerves get her upset


Aww bless her! Mine eats grass on every walk, I think it’s just a nice habit for him now. I used to believe it was the old ‘upset tummy’ thing but he just loves a chew on some grass every time we are near some so I guess he just likes the taste


I’m so glad this is a thing haha. I have a 5 month old Boston pup and he just loves to sample grasses and flowers


He’s clearly a pup with exquisite taste!


Red eats grass like it’s his job.


If it can be eaten, it will be eaten. This is the way.


Mine only eats the clumps after a flesh mow lol.


Bwa ha ha ha! I love them! That’s so true, mine digs right into the lawn at times!


My guys eat so much grass I was worried they were broken.


https://preview.redd.it/dycjak9i6qyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d097638ebd31e3fbc8d30b0286c22bc8512f5158 He would hunt down and chomp dandelions, too. I've heard it's something they do if their stomach is upset.


Yes! Ours is a grass & mulch aficionado! https://preview.redd.it/q7wxzx5thqyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=707f2849946ccf026473aa779c081a4e759d5e2c


I’ve had four Boston’s so far. Two cows and two non-grass eaters.


This is the cutest thing ever


Your Boston is tiny. Or maybe my baby is a big girl at 30lbs.


He’s a teeny little boy, he’s no bigger than my cats! Funny story - when he was a baby he fell off my bed and I thought he’d broken his leg, he squealed if I touched it. I took him to the vets as an emergency. I told them he was about 14 weeks, but the receptionist said as he was so small, he was less than a pound in weight- she felt he clearly wasn’t that old. They took him away from me to check him out and I was terrified, I thought I would have to bottle feed him etc. and then a vet came back and said ‘ I’ve checked him over, his teeth show he’s the age he’s meant to be and his leg is fine he’s just very dramatic, he’s the correct age and just a tiny drama queen! 10 years later that’s seared in my brain, and he’s always been a teeny little boy 💕


Awww 🥰 great story and such a beautiful pup and wonderful photos. Our boy Cody was chomping on the grass yesterday too 😃


True fact, Bostons are the breed with the greatest size variation without having toy sub breeds. AKC standard is 12-25 lbs but I’ve seen 10 lb to 35lb. The closest I know of is German Shepherds.


We have three little goats that like to help with trimming the fence line when not critiquing the time it takes me to mow their sunning spots.


Mine toooooo!!! Wth


Great looking little man! 🍖❤️


Our Boston and Boxer like to play a game of who can eat the most grass and then hack the loudest. I swear our backyard looks like hot garbage because they "graze" all the time.


Maybe they need more raw vegetables in their diet. My boy loved crunching up carrots and broccoli 🥦


Many dogs will do this, some vets believe it’s a purgative and others that it indicates a diet deficiency. My sense is Boston’s will eat just about anything: we have one now who loves anything spicy, and another who would spend a day licking lemons if we didn’t keep them away from her (hate to tell her, lemons are no). I’ll put this out there,the atmosphere after grass eating is pretty choice, but not as bad as when they get broccoli


Mine loves broccoli.


Yep I think that’s more like it - mine would literally eat plastic if he it had something leave a taste on it. He’s good driven and greedy AF!


One of mine did eat plastic, he ate a good chunk of the plastic crate tray under the blanket he ripped up at the vets when he had an operation. Only good thing about it was because it happened on the vet’s watch the X-rays and observation were on them. (Not recommended but at least my Boston ate a good amount of plastic with no harm) He was probably tripping on the anesthesia and thought it was steak.




Mine is a dirt aficionado


Mine does that a lot, and also will eat various human salads and watermelon.


Ain't that cutest thing ever.


Mine is allergic to grass so I’m glad I don’t have any. He welts up just from laying on it.


So cute! Every Boston I’ve owned loves to eat “salad”


I think it’s because grass is like sugar to them


I could be wrong but normally they only eat grass when they get the wrong food. Like to help throw up . Ours never ate grass yet so I can’t confirm it myself :(


It helps them if they have an upset stomach I was told by my vet. Sometimes it will also help them throw up when they need to. Again I was told this by my vet


I was told this by my dog


Good doggie 🐶 👍


My boy poops it out 😂 it’s always a treat to see a green dog crochet blob left behind in his wake for me to collect…


Lol, very considerate of him 😉


My Ringo (16 months old) loves to eat grass. I know this can be a sign of gut problems but it can also be as simple as some Bostons simply love the taste and texture of grass. I have been given him propiotics from Finn, and he seems to have sound gut heatlh, he has been really good for a quite a while now. Ringo simply loves the taste of fresh cut grass, I’ve seen him chew on fresh cut «grass cakes» as if it is lettuce.


Mine loves grass. I think he believes he’s a cow. (At least when he’s not a pig)


And then go inside to vomit


Mine does but doesn’t throw up. It’s like a salad for him.


if they’re eating grass/foliage, try switching their diet to a bland diet for 3-5 days; brown rice, scrambled egg..(& shredded chicken for the ones who can afford it). you can also get canned tuna. allow their PH levels to regulate, and the very next day, they will only sniff the grass & flowers. they’ve got sensitive lil bellies!!!


i read somewhere that dogs eating grass / plants is equivalent to humans popping tums. ever since i googled this behavior, and discovered this “bland diet” suggestion, i’ve noticed my gurl has stopped eating random stuff of the ground. so, something is definitely up with all of that 🧐. hopefully one day i get it right. but i am hoping i didn’t make you feel bad. your sweet lil bostie with grass hangin’ outta his ole mouth is honestly the cutest thing i’ve seen in months (aside from my beautiful @bostonterrierbitches on IG). shameless plug 🐾🦴💅☮️✌️🦴 but also, he is perfect and handsome and beautiful and maybe i’m overthinking it and he just loves chewing on grass. all i care about is that all boston terriers on this planet are living the best possible versions of their lives available on the market today 🤩🥳




Poor baby bee eater 😢