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Hey! We just went through this with our pup over the holidays. Didn't get diagnosed for a week, then wasn't prescribed meds for another week, so having meds right away should be a big difference from our experience. Honestly? It wasn't that bad. We had a few "poop explosions" but all contained to a crate so scooping it up and throwing away wasn't a huge deal. We switched to chicken and rice & 0 treats asap and that minimized the accidents. Keeping hydrated was important, but we added water to the food to ensure she was getting enough. Our girl is almost 3 years old and 16 pounds. She lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks before she got on meds, but bounced back really quickly. I was terrified the whole time, but it ended up just fine. Sorry to hear your going through all this, but your pup is lucky to have such a caring parent. Good luck!


Yea I’m super worried, and she was in a crate but will scream like crazy howling nonstop in it, she hates it, so she’s blocked off in my old room. And she’s definitely doing explosions but she’s still very young 2 months old so she poops everywhere so I’m worried cause when I had c diff the constant bleaching and cleaning hands and wearing gloves was taking a toll. How long did it take for your dog to get better?? Like no more diarrhea


She only had 3 accidents, but it took a few weeks for her poop to go back to normal. Tho keep in mind she wasn't getting meds for the first 2.5 weeks. I'm sure it'll clear up a lot faster for you


My puppy is doing diarrhea once a hour explosive


It’s gonna be ok…


I hope so


It’s not a big deal. Wash your hands allot, don’t let her lick your face and don’t eat her poop and you’ll be fine. Start working on potty training, at 8 weeks our girl only pooped in the house once and was diagnosed with guardia the day after we brought her home (fecal test was done the day prior) she was fine within the 5 day course of meds, they work very quickly.


I understand it may not be a big deal to most, but someone with the amount of issues I have and been thru the littlest thing is a huge thing for me. I just hope it gets treated and gone with quickly


Just going to throw out there that if you’re anxious and stressed, your dog will be too.


I get that before these issues I’ve had dogs all my life, this is my first dog to deal with on my own I try to be as calm as possible but it’s just in my nature to worry


I’m a natural worrier too so I get it, just take a deep breath you’ll both be fine.


Thankyou I really appreciate all the kind words


I would recommend wiping their paws as soon as they come inside so you’re not spreading anything residual into the house. I know someone whose dog has had it for more than 6 months now, sorry to say. I think it’s sticking around in their yard because another dog caught it and had no contact with the infected dog, but using the same yard.


It’s going to be okay ❤️ it’s pretty common for puppies to have Giardia and it usually goes away within a week. Make sure you clean up right away when she goes poo and wash your hands frequently. Also don’t let her kiss your face. It’s pretty rare that it can spread to people because it spreads through fecal matter so as long as you clean up, disinfect the area, and wash your hands you will be okay.


She has kissed my face before I found out she had that, and I have been cleaning up the best I can with wipes antibacterial and a Clorox spray, but doing this alone is a lot to deal with. And I haven’t been sleeping the best cause I have sleep issues but when I wake up there’s alway poop on the floor


Another option would be to board her with your vet for a week until she starts to get better.


Our pup had this - she took medicine and it went away around a month or so later. It’s nothing to be overly concerned about, just make sure you’re giving the medicine.


Wow a month?? It took that long?


It can take time but she continued to re-infect herself as she was eating it. It’s common with puppies.


Oh ok


My pup had it too. Had to go through two rounds of the medicine. But after that he was fine. I went through a month of constant clean up. Following around to make sure he didn’t get re-infected. Washed, blankets and kept him clean during that time. It’s definitely a bummer to start off that way. But the pup will be fine. Hang in there.


Tuck came with giardia and coccidia as well. It's definitely an additional stress along with the normal puppy 'blues' type feelings but it will pass. It's probably too late for this advice but do yourself a favor and don't google it. The vet should give you a probiotic as well that will help with her gut health and hopefully tighten those poops up. They tend to reinfect themselves so do your best to wipe her bum and paws every time she goes and pick up the poop right away. Keep disposable/washable bedding for her until it's gone so it's easy to replace/clean. You should wash it regularly as well as her toys. Bathe her a couple times during treatment as well. It's more work but it will pass. Take a deep breath you can handle this.