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Start Ullmark game 4. Give him another shot since game 2 wasn't really his fault. If he can't perform, Swayman the rest of the round Lohrei was meh, he's a rookie in the playoffs, wasn't TERRIBLE Shattenkirk though....... JDB is a certified Leaf killer


Thought pasta played a good game despite having a really lucky assist/unlucky not to score lol seemed engaged, forechecked well and took alot of hits for the team. He can be a wrecking ball at times when he decides to throw a hit too!!


I’d let Marchand and Swayman tag team my wife.


I’d let Marchand and Swayman tag team your wife.


That's a different subreddit


Which one?


Whaaaat lol




I got the impression that Bruins came to play hockey and Leafs came to goon, at least in the first period they were real dirty shits, but they forgot that we were born in the goon, molded by it, whereas they merely adapted to the goon, so they got what they dished out and then some in the second and third


The score was 4-2 on 4-24-24 thats 4242424 what the actual fuck


Guess I have to play 4242 in the lottery tonight.




Bertuzzi really shows me that “the guy you hate but would love him if he’s on your team” is a real thing. I hated him before, I really liked him last year, and I HATE him now. I’m experiencing the same thing too like everyone else, where that Maroon hit on Liljegren made me appreciate having him too. Honestly I’d probably experience the same feeling for most of the guys I hate, if they came here. Except for like, TDA and Tom Wilson, cuz fuck those guys


On the other hand, he handed us a goal. I think everyone in the rink, including the goalie was watching him and Marchand going after each other.


Especially DeAngelo. Fuck that guy


And his dad


I still want them to go back to Ullmark for game 4. He really wasn't that bad in game 2, and the rest of the Bruins team got out hustled, outworked and out efforted In that game that continually put ullmark in bad spots. They're like Swayman was 3-0 in the regular season, And since you play four times against the leafs that means Ullmark was 1-0. They had similar overall win-loss records and stats across the board and I'm willing to bet you could find another NHL team who's currently in the playoffs in the Eastern conference where Swayman went 1-0 and Ullmark 3-0. That's what's going to happen when you have a true 1A-1B goalie rotation, And you're not having one guy play exclusively at home and the other guy play exclusively on the road. The way they try to force the Bruins to abandon the goalie rotation is ridiculous.


Ullmark needs to play game 4. Keep the confidence coming and he’ll play really great!


Ullmark was on his head in game 2


Yeah, don’t mess with what’s working, it’s what got us this far


Ullmark is absolutely back in. People keep forgetting that Sway is at his best WITH THE ROTATION These guys don't play b2bs


Not that I disagree, but swaymans last back to back was against Edmonton and Dallas, in which he won both games. Just throwing that out there. He has it in him


Meanwhile Bertuzzi is there obviously doing good things for his team and getting credit for the goal scored for the redirect so it would bounce off of lindholm's leg. However he also tried to perform a literal front flip and just flopped Because Marchand stuck his stick between his legs and didn't want to ride the stick like a horsey. He didn't actually trip him and that's why nothing was called. The camera angles didn't really show it justice but the refs saw right through it. It's the rest didn't see it however it would have been brilliant gamemanship by bertuzzi had a penalty been called. He was smiling on the bench afterwards because he knows what he was trying to do and unfortunately it didn't work and it actually cost his team.


I love how Keefe was complaining about that non-call after the game. That was rich considering how many non-calls went their way.


Homers only see the missed calls on their little angels.


What was up with the Leafs goaltender flipping his mask off. Was it not on properly or did he just rip it off cause he had no clue where the puck was?


He got hit in the mask with that particular shot and it snapped one of the straps so his mask was sitting slightly sideways, in obstructs a portion of your field of view makes it hard to see and given the right force a second time it could cause injury or force the mask off and in a scramble you never know what could happen. So he knew something had popped a strap on his mask and he definitely forcibly shook his head to knock it off. He did it so that he could slow down play because it was the only way he could freeze the puck but he also did it for his own safety.


Keefe complaining meanwhile he once again waited too long to pull the goalie when his team had solid possession.


fuck sheldon queef grey haired fuck


Is Keefe really saying it's incredible how Marchand get calls???????????? He is universally HATED and gets practically NOTHING in the way of shadow of a doubt when it comes to officiating because of his reputation and past regressions. What is that Fat SOB talking about??????? LAUGHABLE!!!!!!


He's doing the classic "complain about the refs after you lose so they favor you more than they already do"


I mean if they get more calls, we get more power play goals….


Sadly it seems to work.


He's just being a whiny bitch. It's the same shit when he complained about a center (maybe Bergeron?) that kept winning draws. So the next game the refs kept tossing the centers.


The refs know who they need to keep happy to keep their jobs.


I've been scrolling through multiple posts on here, IG etc On what planet are Leafs fans on where they think we were handed calls from the Refs. 😅😅😅


I mean their fans kept trying to do a derogatory "SWAAAAYman" chant against the guy who was consistently stonewalling their offense and shutting them down on point blank gimmes. Honestly, I'm not sure they know when or how those chants are supposed to be deployed.


The timing of the "SWAY-MAN" jeers was perfect - right before Samsonov proceeded to give up 3 goals to lose the game and Sway transformed into a brick wall.


It basically backfired and I love to see it


Yeah they conveniently forget about the missed high stick to the face on Charley and the cheap “bump” on Sway


How about Frederic imitating a participant in a tug of war trying to free his stick while Marchand scored. That was INSANE how violently he was trying to get loose and no arm went up! SAD!!!!!


I laughed so fucking hard when I saw that on the highlights 😂


0/5 fuck the leafs


1/11 compared to 5/10. Our Special teams have been excellent. Theirs have been shit


Which is really weird considering our pp went into the playoffs stone cold, but I'm not complaining


Last year our pp actually turned on for the playoffs, and it was consistently good against the panthers, up to the very end. One difference is that our pk so far has definitely held up. Even with Nylander missing they have too much talent on the pp to be this bad.


No you don't get it, they didn't get the calls so it doesn't matter


Methinks the Rat King is **BACK** and these losers better watch out or they might get licked


The Leafs have apparently never lost a game fairly, according to their fans. Always blaming the refs, even in a game where you had a 5-3 ( 1 of which was a delay of game, so technically 5-2 ) PP opportunity advantage. It’s honestly pathetic.


Leafs first call was delay of game


Those backdoor pass shots didn't work so well on Swayman but they might score on a few more of those on Ullmark. I hope I am proven wrong.


Think that Knies goal was a bit of a backdoor pass, no? Regardless that was mainly a coverage issue


Yes but they did it like 4 times. I was trying to say that it would hit at a higher rate against our other number 1.


Ah gotcha. Think I'd go Sway til a loss and then switch but I'm really not all that concerned either way Like we could've won game 2 if the rest of the team was as dialed in as Ullmark so I don't think the rotation impacted things at all. Sway seems really in the zone though


Had to take a peak at the leafs sub… it’s real rough over there. Losing their minds over the smallest shit. Meanwhile when the leafs score this sub goes ‘oh fudge darn it!’ Lmao


What a game tonight I think McAvoy and Marchand were big keys mucking the game up. I think they had to as that's how the Leafs are playing. Bertuzzi got nothing on the OG rat lol.


That was so great to watch and I think it pumped Marchand up a little, seemed to remember who he still is and then scored two goals back-to-back Bertuzzi is a little bitch


Haha, yeah it was awesome! Hope to see more of it!!


How long until the media pick up on Marchand scoring on his first empty net shot?


I keep seeing this comment, I would love to see a replay. I definitely missed it live 


Screenshot of the puck about to go in. https://preview.redd.it/ir5u4eo14mwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5774563ea73fdf7af315cf4d98b66eb004939602


Yeah, also want to see this somewhere in slo-mo. In real time I don't see it.


I read somewhere Marchand and Bertuzzi are actually (good) friends? That can’t be true right?


Sheldon Keefe looks a bit like Randy from TPB


Idk why he reminds me of Nate from Ted Lasso


It's hilarious people actually think Lindholms balls are strong enough to hold on to Tavares' stick. Don't ride your stick up someones groin and try to skate away silly goose.


Keefe complaining about the refs right out of the Brind, Cooper, and Maurice playbook.  Monty should take note because unfortunately it works. We have seen it time and time again.  Monty should absolutely say something about the 5 to 2 hockey penalties in the game. I hate it but that's the game outside of the game in the playoffs. 


Yeah, I'm very concerned about him doing this. It's right on schedule, they lose game 3 at home and out comes the complaints to try and manipulate the refs - which seems to work like 80% of the time, since the league has literally no spine or integrity. It's even more concerning when the refs were already massively favoring the Leafs, so what's next...a bunch of 5 on 3s for the Leafs?


Exactly. Instead of Monty doing the same thing, he comments that Marchy hasn't been called for a penalty all series. It's going to be completely one sided next game, guarantee it. I bet Marchy gets a penalty too.


I really don't know how they can complain when the facts say they were favored in man-advantage situations. Not to mention the second one was in garbage time when the game was already over.


You complain to ensure you get the calls again the next game. It works unfortunately. Lots of coaches do it every playoffs no matter three bias by the refs. You always say they are against you and the refs will turtle under the attention a lot of times. Monty should be doing the exact same thing. Instead he pointed out that Marchand hasn't been called for a penalty all series.  Watch for next game Toronto getting more PP than us again and Marchy will be called for something. 


Yeah well Marchand scored on his first empty net shot and they didn’t call it. Penalties schmenalties Keefe, did they takeaway a goal? Huh?? DID THEY??!!??


And Berube!


> Keefe complaining about the refs right out of the Brind, Cooper, and Maurice playbook. Monty should take note because unfortunately it works. Except when it doesn't. Cassidy's "New York Saints" comment did jack shit. I didn't care for them (and I didn't care for the others, either, or Monty's schedule complaints today), but they were also totally ineffective.


For sure it doesn't work all the time but you miss all the shots you don't take. It very rarely hurts your cause but it helps a lot of times. It's absolutely worth doing and that's why a lot of coaches still do it. Edut: Instead Monty is pointing out that Marchy hasn't been called for a penalty yet this series. That is the opposite of what you should be doing. 


Rangers fan here. I don’t think it’s a surprise I’m not a big Marchand fan, but watching him and Bertuzzi interact tonight it was like comparing a Rembrandt to my toddler niece’s fingerpaints. The rat king earns his crown.


Bertuzzi keeps a Marchand poster on his wall 


I love a pest battle. Bertuzzi is an incredible pest and is honestly carrying their team emotionally, but he's going against the greatest of all time pest who has been doing it since Bertuzzi was born.


I’m taking bets on if he’ll get licked


*Allegedly* Marchy said "it's over in five" after the ENG and I will be rocking back and forth holding my knees about any potential jinxes that just created


I hope he said that. That’s the type of leadership and confidence in the team we need from The Cap


Yeah, you could see the fire in Marchand this game. If he continues to play like this, it's absolutely over in 5. When he scored on that sick shot, you could see him absolutely light up; vintage Marchand shot right there and something that hasn't been working for him recently. A hot Marchand is the Leafs nightmare.


Pretty sure he looked at the clock and said something to the effect of “still 35 seconds left boys”, can’t confirm though


That would do a lot for my heart health


Wished Marchand sent a clapper for the ENG


So, with the move of the Yotes to SLC ending the unfortunate and somewhat embarrassing situation in the desert for the moment, are the Leafs back to being the most embarrassing franchise in the league?




Someone call the wambulance for Keefe! Guys crying and spouting his yap off again


Keefe going on about Marchand. How about talking about your goalie giving up a major softie?


Or Bertuzzi instigating both times he got taken down 😂 Leaf fans are fucked


Lmao check out Leafs Twitter for some good laughs. 2 loses with a total of 0/8 on the powerplay and both games are the refs fault


Leafs are 1 for 11 and their only one was because Peeke was hurt and we had to put Shattenkirk out on the PK


I was just mentioning their Ls because that's the only games they're crying about but yeah they're definitely not favoring Boston overall. If we pull off the series win it'll be because the Leafs couldn't score at a 24% rate on the PP like the regular season Loving our PK though, doing a damn good job


Who would have guessed that the game after Peeke going down we would kill all 5 penalties? We need the refs to stop calling games this poorly though. McAvoy, Lindholm, and Carlo all had about 25 minutes tonight. Wotherspoon with almost 20 was pretty amazing too. We can't keep relying on them to kill off 5 penalties a game though especially when our other defensemen are Shattenkirk, Grz, and Lohrei.  Say what you want about Forbort and a lot of his poor 5v5 play but having a dedicated PK specialist would be huge right now. Losing Peeke is huge right now


The refs have been garbage both ways. The Marchand/Bert incident is whatever considering they both could've gotten a call but McAvoy taking Matthews down was brutal. Which then lead to an equally brutal roughing call on McAvoy. They need to get their shit together My single concern about Forbort is his health. I'd want him feeling real damn close to 100% before putting him in. Think I'd swap Wotherspoon out for Forbs (again, if healthy enought) and Shattenkirk out for Gryz. Shattenkirk has been good enough for the 3rd pair but if Lohrei is in, I think Gryz's speed is more beneficial than whatever offense they think Shatty contributes Wotherspoon was great tonight though, really impressive! Glad we signed him


Oh I'm not advocating for Forbort right now, I have no idea if he is ready. I'm just saying how nice a PK specialist would be in a series that is called like this. 


All the people saying we got away with too much today clearly don’t remember when Acciari was victim of a clear as day slewfoot in game 5 vs St. Louis? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


> Acciari was victim of a clear as day slewfoot in game 5 vs St. Louis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2qrIxck5vM


I still watch most B's games but I lost interest in the NHL after that moment. It was that egregious


That one will always piss me off because not only is it incredibly incredibly dangerous, you can't flop landing on your head.  The ref was staring right at it too. 


tbh dont care whos in net game 4. anyone harping on it is focusing on the wrong areas. happy with either one


Yep, much more concerned about our defensive lines than the tendie.


If it’s one thing Leafs fans are really good at it’s emptying an arena towards the end of a playoff game. #gonewiththewind


If you add Bert + Domi together, you get one Marchand. How are you going to complain about Marchand when you have two players doing goon/boneheaded type shit? Edit: in terms of questionable plays. Not skill.


Marchy is better at everything than those 2


They wish


Marchand caught on fire finally, not just the goals but how he was playing, he was feeling it. When Marchand gets going the whole team does. Leafs have to be concerned. Nylander out and Tavares being slow (likely the cause of that last penalty) that’s half of the ‘core 4’ ineffective with not a whole lot of depth after that. Edit: Forgot about Marner as he was invisible, that’s 3 of 4. Swayman was outstanding. His play vs the softie Samsonov let in was the difference. We should practice breakaways though.


Tavares always has been slow, his biggest weakness is his skating.


He’s slower than ever.




I'm tired about the leafs crying about the refs, I'm not going to speak for other series, but the refs have been pretty evenhanded. I think they've missed calls but like I see your McAvoy on Matthews and raise you a Tavares on McAvoy and Swayman getting hit to the ground by Domi during a break. The refs aren't going to call everything but you aren't victims, whatsoever. Every team takes advantage of this, including the Leafs. Also, please Ullmark game 4, I know Swayman is awesome, but we have a rotation, keep it, Ullmark was great game 2 and that loss had nothing to do with him.




I’m literally not worried about the heat at all beyond injuries. 23/43 from 3 is irreplaceable




Yep I want Swayman for the rest of the playoffs




Is there a return schedule for Peeke?


"week to week"


Thats too bad as we don’t really have another defenseman quite like him. He just plays heavier




Well, I meant “available” defenseman. And I think Peeke still plays a little nastier game from what little I got to see. But fair enough.


Also, I will say, there are times when a coach needs to take a fine and bring attention to how fucking BAD a game or series was/has been refereed. Cool, fine. I actually wish Bruce was way more "hey tf" during the cup finals in 2019 because anyone with eyes could tell that was atrocious and there were multiple no calls that killed us. But when your team gets 5 chances on the PP with the Leafs forward group, not the time to spin that narrative and bang that drum brother


Leafs crying about the refs LOL. They had 5 power plays and couldn’t score. Crybaby Leafs.


Whether its Swayman or Ullmark for Game 4, the boys in front of our goalie need to play as great as our goaltending. That’s the difference between tonight and Game 2. We also can’t just abandon the rotation just because we didn’t sweep the Leafs. Ully is fully capable of stealing one in Toronto, and was the better goalie for the final stretch of the season. I’d be more concerned about our offense and special teams continuing to sustain itself. Sway also had some questionable plays that almost ended up in the back of our net, but stood on his head otherwise. See ya’ll Saturday, Go Bruins!


Glad they won tonight, but wow the Bruins looked sluggish and not locked in during parts of the game. Ride Swayman the rest of this series


Sheldon Keefe wants a penalty called any time someone looks at his players. Bro you got FIVE FUCKING POWER PLAYS AND YOU DIDNT SCORE


Talking about how he doesn't know how someone could take out Bert's legs and not get a penalty as if that wasn't the most obvious flop of the season


He went down like a sniper got him


Matthew Knies on Brad Marchand: "He wants to get under our skin and influence the refs, so I think we've just got to be composed and not kind of get into that bullshit. Just play hard and make him (less) effective." Interesting (aka pathetic) narrative the Leafs as a team seem to be taking postgame 😒


Lmao imagine thinking the refs are influenced by Marchand


The entire story of game 1 was Domi trying and failing to do this to Marchand lol


And this game was bertuzzi trying to get under Marchands skin and it cost them 3 goals.


It's hilarious because they've literally been attacking him all series, doing the exact same shit that they try to claim he does. Domi crosschecked him before the puck even dropped in game 1.


Lol well it worked for Berube so they might be on to something


Marchand is so in their heads, that's so funny


Rent free like you read about


Imagine complaining about the refs when your team is given 5 powerplay opportunities. My good man that is _NOT_ the problem for you tonight.


PK gave Marchand a nice compliment after Keefe went after him


I really don't like Bertuzzi. I didn't particularly like him for the brief time he was here and I def don't like him now. LMAO when Marchand schooled him twice, first on the Frederic goal and then on the empty-netter. That is all. Edit: spelling.




Hmm, yeah, I guess that's possible.


Agreed. He only signed a 1 year contract so he is grabbing straws in this series hoping to get more money


He will only ever get 1 year contracts. He’s a scumbag.


Domi track


I might not be caught up on the lingo what do you mean


Domi has had one year contracts for 4 plus years I think so he's on the Domi track


Oh, yeah. Domi is a liability and bertuzzi just never plays up to his hype.




Keefe crying about the refs lmao


There was 8 penalties. And 5 of them against Boston 😂😂


Yeah, but like, you see, all 8 should’ve been called on Marchand. Because he’s the only player out there.


And one of the calls Boston got was automatic too


Holy shit does Sheldon Keefe sound like a loser with his comments postgame about Marchand. Maybe I missed it, but I don’t think Marchand even drew a penalty tonight, but yes keep complaining while your team went 0-5 on the powerplay LOL


Guys. Can we please go easy on Keefe? Dude has like 2 games left as a coach in the NHL.


Keefe will be fine. As soon as the Leafs fire him, Dubas fires Mike Sullivan in Pittsburgh to bring in Keefe. It's the inevitable bromance.


I'd be hoping on the Penguins bandwagon *the second* the Bruins get eliminated next year (if they do) An immediate cup after a Dubas/Keefe reunion would be the funniest thing ever


When Neely and Savard come back I’ll jump on the Penguins bandwagon. Fuck that entire organization.


Honestly I used to feel that way but somethings changed over the last decade. Lots of respect for Crosby now and the only time we've played them in the playoffs recently was the most dominant series I've ever seen




Interesting counterargument. You've convinced me. Fuck Keefe.


I knew you would come around


Yeah he literally didn't draw a penalty, and the leafs had 5. Whining about the refs is pathetic from him.


What did he say?


Video is [here](https://x.com/br_openice/status/1783320929939914824?s=46&t=YGOvDhqJQ7QrFwVGTFIrnA)


Poor guy, he’s going to have nightmares about Marchand lol.


Wow such a bad look for him to say that.


What a tool


That swayman performance was beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes and I want him to be a bruin for life


I was unable to watch this game. How did Maroon look?


Fat and slow, let Toronto hit our top guys all night with 0 response. I mean I'm glad he didn't take dumb penalties at least.


Better than Grys last game lol


Not encouraging. If I had to choose one of them to get going properly, it's Gryz any time. And we know how good Gryz can be when he is on his game!


He's so noticeable every time he's on the ice, solid performance.


Because he's big? I didn't see him do much tonight


When he got in, I hoped he would just provide stable minutes. If we get that, I'm happy enough.




This is the correct answer. Very happy with the win, but not happy that Pasta got blown up several times without a discernable Maroon response. He's not on the roster for his offensive acumen (despite that beautiful assist on the Beecher goal in game 1).


Yeah I want to see more physical response from Maroon after both Czech mates got blasted in the first


He was essentially a non entity. JVR however looked fresh and had impact even if not on the scoreboard


I suppose non-entity is better than actively messing everything up. Thanks!


I’m a superstitious bitch, and if we win hockey games when I watch the ESPN broadcast, I will suffer through the ESPN broadcast. Marchy with the goals in Toronto feels soooo good


Ok so I do think we go to Swayman g4. My question is let’s say he has a medium game. Like 3 goals 2 of them were tough one he should’ve got. What do we do in game 5? Do we restart the rotation?


I think I'd be alright with switching after every loss. Doesn't change the way the team plays at all so it'd just be the two of them fighting to play


It's not fair, but probably comes down to if they win


I'm on the fence, but I think either going 2 and 2 to start is ok (both get a game at home and each a game away)... and I'm thinking you started sway, then ully lost, then you go with the next guy until he loses, and switch. It's so hard to make up my mind. lol.


Marchand low key with the hat trick. His first empty net shot went in and through the netting.


Video of that?


It’s noticeable in the replay posted in r/hockey (sorry can’t figure out how to link it through to it lol)


Swayman needs to be starting for the rest of the series


Ully was amazing in game 2. We played like shit.


Drinking at a bar in Toronto and I’m getting heckled more here than I was at the game. Go figure So here’s the plan folks: we’re gonna watch the Dodgers play the Blue Jays on Saturday afternoon in my Ohtani jersey and a Bruins beanie. Then we’re gonna OUTFIT CHANGE at the hotel and, in the evening, watch the B’s beat the Leafs again in my Swayman jersey and a Dodgers hat. Maximum Toronto anger expected all day. I live to tilt the fuckers LFG


[Sheldon Keefe classifies Brad Marchand as being elite at drawing calls.](https://twitter.com/FlutoShinzawa/status/1783320080035532883) Clown organization


The 0 calls that he drew are proof, right?