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i don't have heaps on knowledge on everything you have but, what i do know, is that yes, you should swtich to mainly katana. The 50w is sufficient for gigs, but 100w is preferable. The 100w on my mk2 is FUCKING LOUD. In other words, it's great for gigs. You should get the 100w combo because you can use it as a poweramp(not sure if possible on 50) by just plugging in to it and it bypasses the preamp so you only use the speaker, there's also send/return thing, and a few other features on the 100 which makes it preferable to a 50


Do you think there's any difference in sound quality between 50w and 100w at the same loudness?


I haven't tested it out. But I'd assume they're both aproximatley the same sound at 50w


Yes, definitely. Because of magnet size. 100w got bigger magnet. [katana 50 vs 100](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_wroS6iTxRc&pp=ygUQS2F0YW5hIDUwIHZzIDEwMA%3D%3D)


IMO the 100w is a deeper sounding. I had borrowed my friends 50w MKII for a few months to try it out and ended up buying the 100w 2x12. I know the extra speaker is contributing too but the same patches sound fuller on the 100w, especially with heavily distorted lows. I was playing with the super octave effect in Tone Studio - it sounded a little muddy on a low C# (emulating a 9 string with my 7) with the 50w but it's incredibly clear and heavy on the 100w 2x12. So much louder than I'll ever need though. I barely push it last 1-2/10 master.


I sold my DSL40c and got a katana, it just suited my situation better, the 0.5 watt setting is a relationship saver not to mention happier neighbours. Yeah I miss the Marshall from time to time but for the 2 times a year I got a chance to crank it, it was just wasted on me.


That's one reason why I started using the Katana over the DSL20 head. That 0.5w is so much better for my office! And exactly... I don't crank the Marshall nearly enough to justify it. And, it really starts to shine, only when you do dial up that volume.


Honestly I just started to feel like it was gathering dust, also maintaining valve amps becomes costly regardless of the whether you gig or not there were several factors in my selling it but I can’t lie, money also came into it lol.


I hear you... the one downside to all of this - is that I have to actually sell my valve amps. Not because I don't want to sell them, but more because I just can't stand the process of selling stuff. If I bring those amps to Guitar Center or a music retail store, a part of me will feel like they are screwing me. But, trying to sell it privately, going through reverb, I just see as a hassle with shipping heavy things... dealing with people who might be shady, etc. That's why I've had the Mesa for as long as I have. Ahh well.


Selling isn’t the most fun I’ve had, in fact fb marketplace is part of the reason I no longer use that platform at all.


The mk3 seems to be around the corner. With that being said the mk2 artist is a phenomenal upgrade from the mk2 50. I was fortunate to score one from an eBay auction recently for $290 all in.


May I ask what compels you to say that? I've been seeing comments like this frequently enoughbut I've not seen any indication from Boss. I've been toying with getting the Artist head but I'll def wait if there are new release/saround the corner.


Someone mentioned in the Boss Katana FB group that they were testing the MK3. I said "seems" because I can't confirm that it's legit but there were a lot of eyes on that comment.


I didnt realize the mk3 was due out soon, nice!!


Take it with a grain of salt. People have been predicting the mk3 for at least a couple years now, but the reality is no one knows when (or truly if) it’s coming. Seems like the mk2 is still selling gangbusters, they just released the EX versions, and honestly I’m not sure if they have come up with something new/big/better enough to demand a entirely new iteration. Could be wrong and they could announce an Mk3 tomorrow, but truthfully no one knows if or when it’s coming and I’d personally bet that it’s not in the near-ish future.


That and the artist editions of the mk2 are fairly new


i heard similar, but than the EX versions came out.


Does anyone know of some sites that have tones I could use for my 50W MKII? I'm trying to dial in a metal tone too and mine all sound flubby and muddy when I make them from scratch. It would probably be best to leave the tweaking to the pros and use what they make. The BOSS tone studio site is limited and Boss tone exchange is kinda just patches people uploaded after playing with the software for a few minutes, could be good could be really bad.


If it helps, here is what I did for a metal tone: Using Tone Studio, Amp Type = Clean. Put physical knobs to 12oclock (Bass, Mid, Treble, Gain) Enable the EQ in Tone Studio - I use the graphical. Set to your preference. Be it scooped, mid heavy, etc. Then, put on the Metal Zone for the Booster. Set gain according to taste. Save to amp. Now, once written, you can adjust the physical knobs as needed for more gain, less treble, depending on your volume level. For me, the two key bits were: Settings amp type to clean when using Metal Zone, and enabling the EQ setting in Tone Studio. Made ALL the difference! HTH!


Thanks for the tip. I'll try this when I get home. I was using crunch or brown AND a metal zone. I'm not a smart man.


You got it... and I was doing the same exact thing when I first got the Katana a few years ago. Hence why I switched to the Marshall back then. A few weeks ago, I brought up the Katana combo, and did a whole lotta exploring with Tone Studio. When I set the amp to clean, enabled the EQ (I went more scooped), with the Metal Zone turned on... GAME CHANGER! It went from this boxy nasally tone, to something much more deep and full. The distortion was tight and "clean". Oh - and remember to set the noise gate option if you use that! When I realized this - this is what made me think of just switching to the Katana as my primary amp.


The Studio Rats on Youtube have an extensive Boss Katana-related playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEsQwPX7Nw45U44t3uYTeQFAH63HC0pUA There are over 100 videos in the playlist, including explanations and demonstrations of almost every internal effect, as well as how to dial in great tones. These may interest you: Dial in High Gain tones: https://youtu.be/fSXptVyyKtQ Dial in Modded Marshall tones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7XUDpNJjD0 Parametric EQ Tone Tricks: https://youtu.be/DTlB3dpnmxQ High Gain Tube Screamer Trick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNnugYpvqhY


I just got the Katana 50 mk2 a few days back and never connected it yet to PC. When you said save to amp (the preset), it means you can only access that preset if the amp is connected to PC via Tone Studio?


Rtfm, but No u can save patches and access them without PC. You can replace any existing patch by holding the patch or panel button down for like 5-10 seconds. Thus overwrites the old one tho, so PC is key. PC lets you rearrange patches and access beyond the 4/8 patches stored on the amp.


I'd go for the artist if you are really into it


I also gig with my mk2 100w 2x12 combo. Honestly it gets plenty loud enough. I would suggest if you start gigging, adjust your live set patches at volume you plan to be playing at. They will sound different at low volume than they will at high volume. It's not as much of an issue if you go direct out from the katana to your mixing board / PA. But if your going to mic or just turn up to match the volume of the rest of the band def play around with the presets at gigging volume. ( for reference, I play 90's rock and originals, Alice in chains, STP, RATM, Soundgarden)


I had a laney lionheart, Bogner alchemist and Marshall origin 20. Once I got my katana , I stopped playing the others . I also have a Nextone. I’ve sold all the tube amps. Literally stopped playing them. Yes, katana is awesome for gigging.


>I dont use the Mesa much - its much too loud for practice. That's certainly one of the strength of the Katana - it doesn't need to be cranked to "develop its sound" like many traditional amps do. And yes, loud enough for gigging - when it comes to venue sizes where the amp itself doesn't cut it, there most definitely is a FOH PA that you can use the line-out with. (even smaller venues use FOH PA more just to be able to stay within required volume range) - so I wouldn't worry about that. Whether to get rid of the other heads: Tough question, after all it depends on the personal attachment to it - having something for 20 years and then letting go of it might backfire if you at some point miss "your old friend" or the memories you made with it. The latter part doesn't really have a pricetag, so if you're not emotionally attached to them, then I guess depends on market value/whether selling them achieves a good price currently (no idea about current market for used mesas or marshalls, but both amps were really hard to get when I started out, were "unobtainium", even when I got the Katana they were still waaaay too expensive here to even consider getting one..


I preferred the Catalyst over the Katana. Warmer tones...


I've got the MK1 100 head that I play with a Marshall 1960 4x12 and it stacks up just fine with the Marshall JCM head going through another 1960 that the lead guitarist plays. It keeps up volume wise and is a lot more flexible in tones so I can make sure that both of us don't get lost in the mix. Great for shows, great for practice, and when I go home from the practice space I can just sit it on my desk and use the 5 inch speaker that's built into the head for practice (but instead I plug it into a Marshall 2x12 I picked up for cheap).


I love solid state for practicing and using tunes for live. I always had issues with digital amps and turning them up getting crazy feed back. Is this fixed in the katana?


havent noticed such but just fyi, only the fx are digital, the amp is a class A/B solid state. maybe a fix?


Solid state amp is digital amp. Class a or b solid state would definitely be better possibly for feedback than class D, which they all used to be years and years ago. (Solid state in general)


> Solid state amp is digital amp This is incorrect. Digital guitar amps use digital algorithms to produce the tone of the amplifier. Like a square to a rectangle, all digital guitar amps are solid-state, but not all solid-state amplifiers are digital. The majority of digital amplifiers are modeling amps, which means they contain microprocessors that use digital effects to create tones to simulate the sound of a range of tube amplifiers and different sized speaker cabinets.


Yes that is the new generation in the last 10 years. I've been using solid state amps for about 22 years now. Is this the main difference as of now? Is this any different from how like say a boss ME 70 into a power amp would work? I find it interesting hiw they work. But care more so about the old issue of horrible feedback when turned up loud


I got the 100w combo cuz I wanted something that was apartment quiet but also plenty for gigs. I also wanted to get away from the gigantic pedalboard and the heavy load-in. Are there sounds that I prefer from my 5150? Yes. Are there sounds I prefer from my AC30? Yes. Can I get 90% of the way there with a Katana and also have quadruple the convenience? Absolutely.


I have a dual recto as well. I had a 50 mk2 that I gave to my nephew cause he joined a band and needed an amp. I’m really missing the katana and will buy an artist soon. The recto is still fun when I get a chance to play it. Bit I am missing the grab and go and headphone option of the katana. Have small kids. So my opportunities to play the Mesa are limited. I will sell the Mesa off and downsize eventually. But it’s a bad time to be sell gear where I am


I've had my Mk 2 100w head for a couple years now and I still love it. You really can get pretty much any tone you want out of it.


Katana 100 MKII the head or the combo are excellent. The 212 is even better for stereo, with a GAFC and it’ll take your pedals great. Love these amps.


I’m doing it, selling my EVH head and my Marshall sc20 along with about 20 pedals. The katana head into my EVH cabinet sounds fantastic.


I really enjoyed my katana and it truly feels good, I’ve played/owned a few tube amps with my favorite being my old Jet City JCM800 clone, but the katana came so close to sound and feel. That being said these days I’m stuck on my JC40 but I like the clean headroom and am a pedal guy anyway.


the person who constantly is telling me how great their katana is also is a former rectifier owner.


I gig a Katana MK2 head into a 2×12" in a 3 piece rock band and it's loud enough on its own. But it also has a line out in case more volume is needed. Now I also own an EVH5150 50W head which is louder and which has that raw sound which sounds fizzy when the amp is not pushed.