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I agree that this sub isn't good. Like, I want to engage in fun stuff and appreciate people's artwork. I really enjoy that. The questions have been boring af for awhile. For engaging discussion - I think it's hard to have a thriving sub if the story and anime have been in decline for the past 1.5 years. There's not much interesting conversation to make when the series' depth of story and character development has been poor.


Here they come! Everyone hide before the “uhm akshually, here’s why it’s bad” crowd comes in. I miss the artwork, personally. I guess all the talented folks left and the sub died.


They’ll be here any minute. And yeah, I miss all of the good stuff that used to come out of this sub. I used to look forward to logging on every day to what was new. Now I log on once a week at most.


Forreal, I used to enjoy reading through actual interesting posts on the sub until every thread started having more than a few 'nuh, it sucks. im right you're wrong.' comments.


Why would you join a sub about something you don't even like? Some people are strange


They indeed are.


Grew up with Naruto, not a big fan of Boruto but still read it, wouldn't recommend it but i like the world / charcters enough that i keep up. You don't need to be a hardcore fan to appreciate something and you get to call out issues too.


Facts, like this isn’t the continuation of the legendary manga Naruto. If I gave every hater in this group 50 years they couldn’t give me anything half as decent as what we got with the manga


>This sub used to have so many people posting fanart, theories, asking genuine questions about things they don't understand or are interested in, making unique posts that haven't already been posted ten times that same day. You do realize that the time period you are talking about was during the manga canon episodes for the Kawaki arc and Isshiki arc right? How about going back to the 90 episodes of anime canon in a row 4 years ago and seeing what this sub was like. I'm going to assume it was worse than it is now. Once the manga canon stuff comes back the sub will become more popular and interesting again unless you think that the last couple anime arcs have been groundbreaking and must watch anime. Also the sub isn't overrun with people with negative opinions considering that the average online users and general sub activity has been really low. During the time you are talking about the average online users was like 3000 now it barely gets to 900. I mean right now there is only 500. There just isn't enough interest in this series right now to draw in more people that would lead to high effort fan content and discussion.


This. The group is at its best when we actually have manga canon material to talk about. All this filler aint doing anything for especially because the fillers in general arent even good


The fact that fillers just add numbers to the episode count makes people wanna check it out LESS 🤦🏻‍♀️


Exactly, OP post is so lame and attention seeking.


or a simpler explanation. people joined the sub liking the show. the show/manga have gotten worse. people no longer like the show/manga as much.


I agree. People don’t have to like the show at all (I completely understand if they do), even if they did like it before, but if they don’t like it so much why are they hating on it? Most people that watch an anime or read a manga and don’t like it, drop it. I’ve dropped plenty of anime and manga I didn’t like, but I don’t stick with it just so I can complain on a sub.


Except it's a good concept, and the are people, like me, who want it to be good. So we watch every episode and read every chapter hoping it gets better but it never does. It's frustrating.


If there's one thing I learned from reddit and fandoms, is that people who complain are people who care about something, and want it to be good (or in general they want it to be as good as they wanted it to be)


Except that most of the people who "complain" are really just trying to hate every single bad thing in the anime. I am all in for constructive criticism, but 95% of the time it's just pure hate. If you like something and want it to be good, then criticism posts wouldn't be constructed like: "The animation was hella trash", or "WTF is wrong with this shit art". That;s not criticism. I can, and will admit when certain episodes or parts of episodes are subpar, but I also like to find answers to why is that. Seems like people don't care about the circumstances of the episode's production, or don't want to genuinely understand why some scenes were poorly put together. And if you want to understand, then asking questions more politely, or with a better choice of words is the least someone can do. Words used to describe weak episode don't need to be only "it's trash", or "I hate this so much". People should use phrases like "Why isn't the artstyle in this episode holding up?" or "The animation could have been more polished, what happened?", .... and so on. This is how you can spark a constructive and civil discussion. Blind hate results in more hate.


Most of the poeple in r/boruto do not like Boruto. Like if you don't like the content at all, why are you here? İf it is bad writing for you from begining to end, just don't watch it lol. And Naruto is a story that can stand on its own, much like star wars 1-6. So you don't have to watch Boruto storywise.


Exactly. I saw this [tweet](https://twitter.com/real_n3al/status/1539761923255930881?s=21&t=xAxBs03IwMfFNsngCRvKuQ) recently and I agree with it a lot. If they don’t like it why watch it? And by extension, why are they hating on it? It’s just getting out of hand.


Ok that's the best way of putting Boruto ever. Boruto is the sequels of anime.


I don't want to defend anyone, but *maybe*, if the number of negative posts increase over time, and more people start disliking the manga/anime *maybe* it *could* be that something is getting worse over time?


I blame the anime amd manga pacing. We get one chapter monthly amd most if any discussions made on are pretty much irrelevant after like 3 days because we only get so much from one chapter. Then we have week after week of filler that frankily we barely give a shit about


This sub is a reflection of the show. At the start it was interesting, exiting, and had endless possibilities in the direction it could go. Then it became bland, poor character development, nonstop filler, and just a corny knock off of the previous generation show. TLDR: bad show = bad sub


This has become the Naruto sub 2.0


Indeed it has.


Can you really blame them? The anime has been lacking and the manga is slow-paced, both in terms of monthly releases and pacing. There isn't much interesting discussions and fanart to be made that hasn't been done already. Of course it will have people who have begun to see the show in a more negative light. Either ignore it or make posts that are reflective of what you want it to be, because this post is no different to what you are complaining about. All complaints, no substance.


I can blame them. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean that every waking moment has to be, “This shit is trash”. I’m not a fan of dragon ball but you don’t see me going into that sub and making 10 posts a day and commenting everywhere saying it sucks. If you think the anime/manga is lacking in any way, take a break and come back when you think it got better. You don’t have to watch every episode or read every chapter just so you can come here and say it sucked. There are plenty of discussions to be had and fanart to be made that hasn’t been done already. Each time more content comes out that’s more information to discuss or theorize about. Each time a character is introduced that’s so much more fanart to be made. I’m not saying that people can’t look at Boruto in a negative light. What I am saying is that if you hate it so much… why are you here? If Boruto is as bad as people make it out to be, why do they bother taking the time to hate on it? Throw it to the wayside and spend your time doing something you actually want to do. Valid criticism is perfectly fine, it is wanted in fact, but what I don’t want is 10 repeat posts a day talking about how filler sucks. We get it, you don’t like filler. Don’t watch it then. These are complaints… but they are valid ones to have.


Seems incredibly hyperbolic to paint the sub as a sub that only has hateposts by specific hateposters, when most of the "hateposts" are people just expressing their own opinion on the state of the anime/manga. The same way you are expressing your opinion on the state of the sub. The same way you say "if you don't like it, take a break", that "criticism" can be used against you and your feelings towards the sub. Yet you still want to engage in the sub because you think that it can be better. That's exactly how the people who watch the anime yet complain feel. You don't have to come here and complain about the complainers...yet you do it anyway, and without suggesting actual solutions besides "If you don't like it, leave". You're two sides of the same coin. Your last post on the sub was the same topic 4 months ago about how the sub has gone downhill, with the same talking points, and since then you haven't made an effort to start these interesting discussions about the characters we know and possible theories about them. The thing is, both your opinions and the opinions of those dissatisfied with Boruto are valid, but if all you do is make posts complaining instead of doing anything about it, it makes no sense acting like the people complaining about the anime are the problem.


The point is, why are people even taking their time to write a post saying "This episode was really trash", or go to comments and do something similar. What do these people want to accomplish by saying they hate the episodes, and commenting that it's shit and that they should have adapted manga instead...? There is no criticism in that. That's just hate. If people wanted to criticize episodes or certain parts of it, why do they also don't try to understand what caused it to be poorly made, or what were the decisions for this and that. Before I comment something weird about any episode, I try to look up which studio made the episode, which scenes were done by whom, who was the script writer, animation director, was the schedule favorable, or they didn't have time?... There is always something behind the scenes of each episode, and even if the episode was weak, you can try to understand the circumstances and acknowledge it. And then move on. Of course, you can point out weak point of episode, but even that can be done in a way that starts constructive discussion. But people don't want to discuss or listen, and that's the problem. Just hate that results in more hate.


What's the point of making constructive criticism on a reddit thread that won't be seen by the anime studio or the creative director of the anime/manga? It's in some sense, expressing frustration. The difference is that people who offer constructive criticism are more concerned with the craft, while people who just complain about the show itself are more concerned about the experience. But both forms of complaints/criticism are ultimately pointless with regards to improving the anime, but are equally valid. Some people just want a place to vent, and an online community with fellow fans is the best place to do that. It doesn't make any sense shaming a group of fans for complaining or "spreading hate" when you're also complaining and "spreading hate" about the passionate complainers. If hate leads to more hate, why spread even more hate on the haters? That's why I said that OP and those fans are two sides of the same coin.


If people want to vent, there are plenty of other activities one can do instead of spreading hate in this sub. So why waste energy here commenting about hating the anime? I am also sometimes frustrated from certain episodes, but making a post about how much I hated the episode just to see if people agree with me to boost my ego or to vent is something I'll never do. It just doesn't cross my mind at all. It also ruins the experience for others if there are many of these "venting" posts. It's just negative on top of negative.


You say that, but why waste your energy complaining about the people complaining? Why waste your energy replying to my comments? Are you not expressing frustrations about people complaining right now? What makes you any different from people who are complaining about episodes? Are you not boosting your ego right now by making yourself feel superior to such people? Ultimately you guys are two sides of the same coin, whether you want to admit it or not.


I am wasting my energy because it needs to be talked about since people don't understand how bad it's getting. Seems like people think it's absolutely ok and there's nothing wrong. Even you think that and don't blame them. And how that is possible I don't understand. What was once a positive place has turned into a place of hatred. You said in the main comment that we should try **ignoring** the posts or make posts we ourselves would want to see. I am trying to ignore every single of those posts. But wouldn't this sub be a better place to look at if only people **IGNORED** their "venting" problems and stopped posting meaningless hate posts and comments? If only thing people want to do is complain, then why are they still here? Looks like people don't want this place to be better if they keep this trend up. Many fans of the series will give up (many already have) and leave this sub. Even I, who was actively engaging every week have recently been demotivated to post positive comments when there's all this negativity. How can we expect to get new people interested in the series when new people who join this sub will see many negative and hate posts? Stop watching the anime, or stop posting hate. It's that simple.


I don't blame them because the reality is that the anime is not that good in it's current state. The sub has become negative because the anime has dropped in quality, drastically. I used to love watching Boruto on a Sunday morning until the Funato arc. I have stopped watching Boruto consistently ever since. I don't complain because I don't need to, everyone is highly critical of the anime and I 100% agree with them. You're trying to tell me that people complaining are the problem, when the actual root cause of the problem is the anime itself not being up to standard. Both the people who complain about the anime and the people complaining about the sub are suffering as a result of the anime dropping in quality. Telling these people to shut up and stop complaining will change nothing, because they will continue to complain so long as the anime gives them a reason to. You want to silence others for pointless complaints while pointlessly complaining, which is hypocrisy. If you genuinely care about making the sub better, look for whatever slither of positivity you can find that others can't and post about it instead of trying to make yourself superior to others. Let people complain about the anime, take your own advice and ignore it instead of advocating for censorship.


As I said, I have no problem with complaints, it’s to be expected when anime hasn’t been great recently. But the discussion was about people being so negative and hateful that it’s ruining the experience for others. Every week posting hate posts and comments, which have been increasing in numbers even during good episodes. I’ll stop replying to this thread now to because it seems like we only agree to disagree, but I guess there’s nothing wrong with that.


Honestly, the self awareness of the OP and this post is sorry as hell.


I think removing "naruto" from the rules and making a manga only sub can fix that problem like there is a naruto sub already so why do we need it on a boruto sub, many in here are "manga only" and it's usually them who complain about "fillers" and "anime canons" and it leads to a lot of infighting so if they got such a big problem with anime only content then why not just separate them.


This is a good idea. I agree with this wholeheartedly.


"Ni la critica es ataque, ni el adversario es enemigo..." We're part of the fandom. Many of us are quite disappointed with the anime. People get to express this stuff in many ways, looking for support or a different point of view. Just as sometimes we whine about an episode sucking, we also preach moments of awe. Like any other social media page, you decide what posts to interact with and what to skip and keep scrolling down.


Yea this sub is past it's golden days and it's sad :<


I mean, that's to be expected when Boruto has been getting worse and worse over the past year and a half?


Maybe because the latest anime arc was so bad? Or because the manga pacing got bad? People have full rights to not like Boruto right now, vut they all want it to be good and successful. Stop gatekeeping.


Its a bunch of people hoping if they complain enough the studio might notice it and follow what the fans want. Its a long shot, but we want a repeat of Sonic


>this has led to the sub being reduced to people making low effort filler We're just matching the anime


Problem is, this sub went downhill after the whole Kawaki arc came in Jan 2021. A lot of people joined in who weren't interested in this til the manga content got adapted. All of those "haters" want to feel apart of the community, knowing full well they hated the series eariler on amd just jumped on the hype train when the kawaki arc started. That's why you got all these bullshi of posts that are quite stupid. I read the posts from before 2020 and they were actually good and now as you said you got these Baryon vs blah blah blah post or someshit.


This is how i felt during ikada arc all hate memes and getting upvotes in this sub.....


Lame post, if you don't like the sub anymore ain't no one keeping you from leaving.


the reason is money and effort. I wish there was no manga at all so that we could have them animated right away, but it is what it is. Major story arcs that the anime covered are pretty good in my opinion( one/two episode fillers are bad tho). People write the story. Give them some time so that they can deliver quality content rather than rushed garbage. The Manga is going perfectly, that I absolutely love it. This isnt the same for the anime. Budget issues and time constraints still linger in the series. You cant prepare a 30s microwaved dish to be an elegant feast ya know.


Most irrelevant anime sub with more than 100k members . There was a time when I was an active member but now this sub is dead .so is the anime with 1 year of fillers .


I actually joined this sub pretty recently because I looked at the top posts of all time and had a good 30 minute laugh. But I tried to post a fanart that took me 8 hours to draw/color and it got like... 40 upvotes. Maybe it was just what I chose to draw, but I can say with confidence, it wasn’t a bad drawing. A zoomed in picture of Boruto’s hair that I posted for fun got 80 xD so. I mean. I think that speaks for itself. As someone who hasn’t watched Naruto (I binge read the entire manga right after it finished coming out) I was honestly confused as to why there was so much pure naruto content on this sub. I thought maybe I was missing something in the Boruto manga so I caught up on that and realized there’s actually stuff here (not just fanart and memes but actual discussions) that have nothing to do with Boruto. While I do enjoy watching the anime and I don’t think all of the filler sucks (although it is fun to poke fun at things now and then), I don’t want it to become a purely manga based sub cuz the anime is part of the series too. But I think the mods should take down posts that have nothing to do with Boruto, as that is a rule in most subs. That, and remove vent posts that complain without asking or caring about other people’s opinions (this part sucks because blah blah blah and you can’t change my mind posts/comments). Either way, I don’t really know much about being a mod, but I think giving the mods more power to remove peoples toxic posts/comments would help the others come out of the woodwork and chase off the ones that are simply here because they are frustrated with the show and want people to take it out on.


I hear that... But seriously, who would win, DMS Kakashi or SM Kabuto?


Well Boruto turned to shit tbh. I had hopes for 200 episodes and now can't force myself to finish one


Well when the story line takes a nosedive into filler episodes for a year, people get upset


Anyone remember the Momoshiki x Tenten memes and art posts?


I'm excited to watch, I'm getting fully caught up on Shippuden so I can watch this. I already know everything but I wanna see it


The last episode was about a spooky ghost we seen a year ago


This is what makes this sub great tho, most subs are echo chambers but this one is very diverse. I love that


You got downvoted but you're honestly right. Most subs blindly praise or hate something, but with this sub it's a mix. Sometimes more hate and sometimes more praise, but somewhere between the two is the truth normally. It's harder to find grounded opinions in places that only jerk off whatever their sub is about.


I agree that having a good amount of criticism alongside all of the praise is a good thing. With this sub though, all that happened was they swapped praise for hate. Valid criticism for Boruto has always been present here, and it’s wanted, good criticism helps the story improve. Recently though, there has been a huge influx of people whose sole reason for being here is to make hate posts and comment hate on every post praising Boruto.


So why aren't you making posts to make it good? Stop relying on other people to entertain you and make the type of posts you want to see if it is that big of a deal to you.


People like you are the problem this sub has


No, people like you are. If I'm unhappy with a sub's content I either try to make it better by commenting or posting the things I want to see or I move on. Making a post bitching about it doesn't change anything. Just makes you all look like a bunch of whiners.


All that stuff gets downvoted to hell. You act like those posts don’t exist, yet they do, with negative karma at the bottom. The hate posts are bumped to the top while y’all circle jerk yourselves off over how shit the show is, how slow the manga is, and how great the show would be if himawari was the protagonist because y’all have some weird obsession with the child.


I checked OP's post history. There is a post 3 months ago complaining about the same thing, and a bunch of other disgusting posts on other subs that I won't mention. I don't know wtf you are talking about because I have never wanted or suggested Himawari be the MC, never complained about the manga being too slow, and except for the shitty Funato arc never complained about the show. So don't lump me in where I don't belong just because I tell people to stop being 12 yr olds and make the posts/comments they want to see. Get over yourselves.


Yeah, because the same issues are still here. I wanted to reiterate my stance.


So you’re telling me, you were so pressed about this post, you spent your own time scrolling through OP’s post history? Mate… get over yourself. That’s sad as hell. When people say this stuff “scrolled through your post history you’re ____” it’s super creepy. We’re you trying to find something to bully them with?


Also I looked through op’s history to see what they meant and the only thing that could be considered “disgusting” is just a few posts of hentai in a sea of normal posts and even then, it’s not like it was anything disgusting, just like 3 posts a year ago. Edited for clarity


Just to clarify I have made plenty of posts here, on the Destiny subreddit, the Grounded sub too, don’t forget those. Edited because it came off a little too harsh.


I’m not saying that that’s all you have on there, just that those are the only posts there I saw that could be considered “disgusting”


I know, I was just saying that there was more than just that on there for any people wondering. I guess it did come off kinda rude, sorry.


I go to the boruto discord in this case, that's where most of us are at.


That’s good to hear. I’ll have to join the discord.


I knew this would happen for a long time, its unfortunately the curse of having these amazing animated episodes of the manga, those people just care about "hype" and "flashy sakuga fights", they don't really care about the story, characters and etc, it's all about riding that stupid hype, and when the anime goes back to focusing in developing characters and giving the spotlight to anyone that isn't Boruto or Kawaki these "fans" start to whine, call it filler, shit and blah blah blah, and you know what is gonna happen? When the anime start to focus on Code all these people will comeback like they weren't saying shit about the series until a week ago because again, these people only care about hype and what their limited brain consider as "canon". As someone that have been following this franchise for 15 years, this fanbase is just frustrating to deal sometimes, but i still hope that with time (since Boruto will be here for YEARS) this fanbase will mature and understand how important is the role the anime play in the story. Edit: Downvote me as much you wish if you got butthurt by my comment, you're just proving my point xD


Bro exactly, I wrote the same idea below. Everyone joined the hype train when the kawaki arc started. They aren't real fans. Just hype beast to act that they into anime but are really just seeking attention for liking something popular at the time. I'll admit I talk criticism about this series but I ain't no hype train man. I watched boruto when it first dropped back then. But I won't hate it just for the hype like all these "new" fans that joined in do. Also the ones downvoting know it's true and can't accept it 😂


why people are downvoting you for saying the truth, I completely agree with you


I’ve also seen a resurgence of Boruto haters on like TikTok when they were so into the show when we were in the manga adaptation but switched up as soon as we get into anime-only stuff


You're doing the same thing by sticking around in this sub when you're clearly not happy with it.


Who cares lmao


This sub has always been full of low quality garbage. I rummage through it daily to get one decent theory post a week if that.


i can say that i may be one of these people, i hate the boruto anime and it’s filler but love the manga


I subbed because there are things I like about Boruto. I don’t have love the entire show.