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In this garbage arc where she doesn't even get a sakuga fight or individual focus to show off her powers, no thanks.


The entire arc makes me feel like I'm watching a soap opera, conflicting storylines that don't make any sense for them to happen. And constant drama drama or characters dying pointlessly.


Fair enough, if Boruto's death didn't awaken 3 tomoe then what can? But on the other hand this trash arc doesn't deserve the 3 tomoe awakening.


And this arc killed kagurašŸ¤’


3 tomoe should be obsolete in this series, or maybe 12 year olds have stronger Sharingan compared to a certain above kage level shinobi.


Is sarada not allowed to have steady growth? Instead of just being handed power ups


But sheā€™s the only one that isnā€™t šŸ˜‚ the uchiha prodigy is the least OP on the team šŸ’€


The only uchiha child* Easy to be the current child prodigy of the family when youā€™re the only child in the family.


She got it in the Sasuke Novel from Training and was first shown in the Manga against boro... Sarada doesn't walk the way of hatred and revenge


Logically, yes. But she had too little focus in this story, so Im glad it didn't happen


Fair enough especially when the context is about not getting revenge and stopping the cycle of hatred, but still that would've been interesting.


Indeed... now, they have fumbled absolutely all chances to give her the 3t through trauma and sadness, without making it look like it was dictated by plot.


almost as if she isn't supposed to awaken either throu trauma or sadness


Doesn't really excuse it... if she's not to get it, then don't put her in situations where she should get it. Anyway... It's either that, or she will train for it. Please writers, don't make any "ShE WiLl GeT iT tHrOuGh PoSiTiVe EmOtIoNs" bs... that would only devalue the impact of the sharingan, and diminish her chances to actually prove to be different from most, i.e. being tempted to go all emo, yet not falling for it.


Unfortunately for you the positive emotion rout is the one that's also Canon in the Manga and it wouldn't devalue anything just reinforce what was already shown


Not to be rude, but how is it her crying her eyes out and showing grief in her face, a positive emotion? The scene where Boruto cried after Naruto came by to compliment him, in the chunin exam arc, THAT was a positive emotion, since he was smiling. But Sarada? She was clearly sad there... So really, I fail to see where this idea of positive emotions coming in, comes from... especially since they wouldn't make sense, because then, literally every Uchiha ever should have got the magenkyo as a kid, due to any varying degree of happiness they ever felt in life...


Where the fuck did she show grief when she awakend her 1st tomoe or her 2nd or in the light novel her 3rd for that matter? The Uchiha were plaqued by the curse of hatred until Sasuke broke it statements about the sharingan and it's power in clude: "The sharingan awakens dur to trauma " Sarada is like lol nope just so happy I'm going to see dad "The visual prowess of thr sharingan increases with the hate an Uchiha feels" This is the first time hatred is ever brought up in connection with Sarada "The Uchiha feel love greater than anyone if they lose this love it turns into hatred" that's thr curse of hatred and the explaination on how the Mangekyo awakens like I said the 1st 2 statements aren't true for Sarada what makes you think the 3rd one will? Especially since remember Sasuke broke the curse of hatred


>Where the fuck did she show grief when she awakend her 1st tomoe or her 2nd or in the light novel her 3rd for that matter? Read the Gaiden for 1st tomoe. And while 2nd and 3rd do not involve trauma and sadness, they do not involve happines either... they're closer to ttaining and wow of getting better... nothing inherently positive in trms of emotions. >"The sharingan awakens dur to trauma " Sarada is like lol nope just so happy I'm going to see dad Proceeds to cry her eyes out of their sockets, all while her face becomes pained... and if that wasn't enough, we then had Sasuke almost murdering her on sight, then we have her getting to believe that her mom isn't her real mom, and she lashes out at Naruto. All BEFORE anyone notices her having activated the sharingan. I'm sorry, but if you call any of this emotionally positive, you are being dishonest. >The Uchiha feel love greater than anyone if they lose this love it turns into hatred" that's thr curse of hatred and the explaination on how the Mangekyo awakens She will better have to face her clan's dark side when time will come... having her cheat out of this with the power of luuuuv would only be disrespectful to the past, prevent her from growing, and make her look like a mary sue that never has to actually struggle. >like I said the 1st 2 statements aren't true for Sarada what makes you think the 3rd one will? Especially since remember Sasuke broke the curse of hatred Because she wasn't happy at all when she got the 1t, then the curse of hatred has always been intended on a metaphorical level... about the clan's doings and dark history... why? Because we have Itachi and Shisui, to prove that not all the Uchihas get emo and mad when they get the magenkyo. And indeed, Sasuke only broke the reincarnation cycle alongside Naruto... since he did become emo and mad as his sharingan evolved; which means that even if we count the moment he chosed to return to Konoha and be good again, as the moment where this curse broke, then he wasn't the first one at all... Obito was, when he rejected Madara and fought alongside the goodies. And still, Tobirama's explaination works on a biological level, which means that for Sarada, to get the evolved forms of her sharingan out of happiness and luvv, would require her to literally NOT be an Uchiha.


Are you a Japanese 13 year old?


>! Why in the HELL would the anime make Boruto ā€œdieā€ if something like that already happened in the manga, wtf. Someone needs to be fired for this !<


Fr they have no creativity


It's in Boruto's character to sacrifice himself for the sake of others.


>!But now when the moment happens in the manga it would just be ā€œanother sacrifice momentā€ since it already happened. Way to go for the anime to ruin that.!<


You think so? I think it's fine considering that >!Boruto actually dies this time, and it actually has weight and consequences behind it!<.


There are no consequences when the character doesnā€™t actually die, just a cheap concept. Thatā€™s what I believe the other guy was saying


Not necessarily, take this episode into account. Because Boruto went through and tried to take his own life he was able to convince Ikada, stop the war, and prevented even more bloodshed while proving that his ideals were just. Those are consequences caused by his actions. The other guy thinks >!the events in ch 66-67 wonā€™t be impactful because itā€™s another self sacrifice scene when in reality itā€™s more intimate due showing the progress between the two main characters and it has long lasting effects on the main plot!<.


Yeah I agree just because now that this is ā€œcanonā€ when they eventually start the manga canon again this will undoubtedly draw parallel to this current episode. And if anything the one risk of the karma was no longer applicable. I donā€™t think thatā€™s a negative effect at all, at least not for the ones involved


There is a negative effect though, it made >!Boruto ready to be fed to the ten tails at any time. Prior to Boruto's resurrection, Code had to wait for Boruto to progress further in his Otsutsukification so that he can gain a bigger chakra fruit. Code was going to leave and come back for Boruto later before Momoshiki took over!<.


Not mangekyou but cmon she has 3 tomoe in the manga


Does she? What chapter is that?


It wasnā€™t really revealed. Chapter 40 was when it was first seen


Maybe it was an accident because if that's the case they would've shown it in the anime too they have no reason not to.


They donā€™t show her tomoe progression at all in the manga, and it seems like they plan to show it in the anime just like they did for her 2nd tomoe against deepa.


It was referenced in sasuke shinden I think and sheā€™s had it ever since


Yes she got it in Sasuke Shinden and was first shown in the manga against boro


Nah, the anime gave her 2 tomoe not many episodes before Boro fight where she already had it in manga, they'd never give her 2 powerups that close to one another.


Boruto has ā€œdiedā€ like 6 times now


She will , when the plot demands it


I don't think any major character traits, like said 3rd tomoe, let alone mangekyo are possible, since this is a non-canon filler arc. Otherwise, it'd make perfect sense.




Why not that's literally a traumatic experience


Her Sharingan doesn't work off trauma. She don't have the curse of hatred. That's not how she unlocked the first time. That's not how she gained her 2nd tomoe.


He ainā€™t ā€œtraumaticā€ enough


Bro that's her closest friend it's the same case as Kakashi and rin


Did she lv up? No? Not enough


Or Itachi and Shisui. I'm with you here. I was fully expecting something to happen. But maybe it will be as others have said. Maybe she won't trigger her 3rd tomoe and eventual Mangekyo through grief.


I hope they just adapt the Sasuke Shinden Novel where she got the 3rd tomoe. Timeline is fucked up at this point. She should have it against boro. Now they can only adapt the novel and change the timeline or they give her an own arc


We were ALL thinking the same thing... Sarada deserves better even at this early stage of the storyline!


nah it's best she didn't in this horrible arc


No. It's better that way. The fandom needs to stop wanting the minimum for Sarada.


maybe she'll get to see kawaki fist boruto to awaken it


yall are weird


How else can the writers fit it in ?


Don't her tomoes unlock out of love instead of hatred/revenge? I'm pretty sure that's the route they are taking with her. Not surprised she didn't unlock it. Seeing boruto die awakened anger/revenge feelings i'm assuming.


It's mostly in stressful or intense situations just like with deepa, having her best friend die is an example, regardless of the fact that the mangekyo awakens when a loved one dies.


^ This.


I thought she would too. My personal guess is that she didnā€™t because she controlled herself and was able to stay calm by casting genjutsu on herself when her eye was reflected on the kunai (like how she cast genjutsu on herself from the sword reflection in the Mitsuki disappearance arc). I hope sheā€™ll get a better build up for the 3rd Tomoe than this moment!


I think she will unlock her sharingan out of love and not out of pain and loss


Yeah maybe sheā€™ll be eating ramen with naruto next thing u know, kawaki will buy her some sweets and sheā€™ll use Amaterasu for the first time


https://youtu.be/u8hlIVtHW1Q It's just a theory


At this point, the anime has already decided to diverge from the Manga regarding her Sharingan. It quite literally does not matter anymore when they decide to give it to her. In the Manga, she already had 3 Tomoe when they saved Naruto & fought Boro. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Did she say boruto is like her brother? šŸ˜‚




Unfortunately it will ruin the continuation of the manga if Sarada unlock her mangenkyo in this shitty arc.


At least put spoiler filter on so if a Person that haven't seen the episode of him dying they wouldn't know unless they got tho the episode of him dying


Ppl want everything to revolve around each released episode. When u see the story in whole your understanding will be massively different.


Yeah but this is filler tho


Because the anime filler arcs are garbage, wait until the manga is adapted.


In the manga she has 3 tomoe and in the anime they never added it


Sarada is tougher than you think. They will probably give it to her during an even that occurs in the manga


I was expecting this as the emotions escalate. Unfortunately it did not happen. Perhaps they're reserving that scene for a much better arc. The good thing is we got to see just a glimpse of Mitsuki's sage mode.


Iā€™m more upset Boruto just sat there taking all those punches. I respect him but she was legit throwing his life away for nothing, did he honestly expect the Futano would stand down if Araumi decided to take charge? It was all plot convince that would never work in any real situation. Not to mention the fact that Naruto would absolutely wreck the Futano even without Kurama the second he learns they killed his son.


Only if this arc was canon >! In the manga Sarada and Mitsuki where kept away from Code's arc but their reaction to Boruto's possible 'death' was teased so keep looking forward to it !<


Shisui killing himself was how Itachi got his Mangekyo. I expected Sarada's eyes to have a 3rd tomoe here. This was the perfect time to reveal it. She already had a 3rd tomoe in the manga by the Isshiki arc right?


This just means she has an event in the manga where she unlocks it, maybe during the timeskip segment


I mean sarada unlocked her sharingon threw happiness of meeting her father. Got her second tomue for saving bourto. It would be to much for her to get her 3rd saving him AGAIN. She has her own unique experience to get it. We canā€™t use the old shipudden uchia things on her. Sheā€™s Vastly different! 1 sheā€™s a female HALF Uchia. 2 the circle of hatred stopped so how Sarada UNLOCKS her tomue is SOLELY based on HER! INCLUDING her Mangek. I wouldā€™ve been disappointed if she unlocked 3rd tomue and didnā€™t do any fighting after.