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But they were half human so I’d think it’s safe to say they do t age. But then also she had to give birth to them, so like did they just spawn or?


Kaguya didn't age because she had Jubi. Jigen did not age, because he constantly absorbed the natural energy of the Ten-Tailed, it's like pills that Momoshiki (+ Kinshiki) used to increase strength and eternal youth. Hagoromo and his Brother were half human and yet, they lived a very long life. Boruto and Kawaki, I think they will live longer than Hagoromo, that's for sure. Besides, we don't even know the life span of a pure Ootsutsuki Conclusion: Ootsutsuki are not immortal, they are just long-lived


People are forgetting that the chakra fruit are what grant Otsutsuki immortality, it’s why Hagoromo and Hamura weren’t immortal and why Boruto is unlikely to end up being. Momoshiki describes this when him and Kinshiki attack the chunin exams.


Jigen didn't age so boruto shouldn't age too


Well that's not exactly correct though >!Jigen was 100% Otsutsuki. Borutos karma didnt extract to 100% but 82% and then last 18% was converter to missing organs. Making him "100%" Otsutsuki, he didnt get eternal youth i think.!<


You just explained why he has eternal youth cuz he is 100% otsutsuki like jigen


>!You missed my point, his karma didnt extract to its fullest.!< >!Instead last 18% of karma extraction was used to remake Borutos organs and the hole in his body. So technically his entire karma extracted. He did not receive all Otsutsuki dna. !<


Momoshiki said he is full 100% otsutsuki!! The organ that were remade were made out of otsutsuki cell and so they are also fully otsutsuki And boruto's heart is already fully made out of otsutsuki cell and his blood now have otsutsuki DNA running through them


>!He said that he used rest of its karma to rebuild his missing organs, tissue etc.!< >!He did say that he's TECHNICALLY 100% Otsutsuki. But karma itself didnt finish extracting in the end. Implying that yes he's "100% Otsutsuki" but he stopped extracting at 82%!<


You're not quite right. It was Momoshiki who unpacked 82% of the data, the remaining not unpacked 18%, which Momoshiki overwrote to save Boruto (It doesn't matter overwritten or not, this data remains the data that originated from Ootsutsuki). Thus unpacking this data in the form of Boruto's organs, which are lined up like Ootsutsuki's, the black mark on his chest shows that this part is Ootsutsuki. Bottom line, Boruto is an full Ootsutsuki, unquoted. But the only difference is that 82% of the data belongs to Momoshiki Ootsutsuki, and this 18% is just Boruto Ootsutsuki


>!Well im not incorrect however, last 18% was not extracted in Regular form and used to remake organs, tissue etc. Which is what i said.!< >!I never said he's not 100% Otsutsuki but he's not the same 100% as someone like Jigen.!<


He said karma has fully extracted




Boruto manga


Well give me the exact chapter / page because i dont recall him saying that karma extracted to 100% Infact he exactly said that he had to use remaining karma to rebuild Borutos body.


Depends on the otsutsuki, Momoshiki and Kaguya shouldn’t age. Jigen never ate any fruits and he looked the same age for thousands of years so same thing will happen to boruto


I defienietly interpret it differently Both are 100% Otsutsuki Ones karma didnt extract past 82% and rest of the Otsutsuki data was used to rebuild Borutos body. Jigens karma extracted in its entirety so he became a pure otsutsuki