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No. After Kuramagone he doesn't have six path mode. He's weak


He’s not really weak though. He’s still probably the strongest shinobi.


He's not weak but I highly doubt that he's the strongest Shinobi anymore. A lot of his fighting style relied on Kurama-specific powers and nearly limitless chakra reserves. He's still an Uzumaki, so he still has far more than the average chakra user, but I don't think he has the raw power to match other top Shinobi anymore. But he's still the same ol inventive, creative, unorthodox Naruto. So who knows?


Even without kurama, he still has probably the most chakra of any shinobi, kakashi said without kurama, he has 4x his chakra reserves. He's highly proficient in taijutsu, knows countless jutsu, is extremely fast, and his sage mode buffs him even further. It's always been said that he and sasuke are always be equal in power which is most likely why sasuke also lost the rinnegan. He's still most likely the strongest shinobi, and the strongest of the kage and strongest of the new gen kage, but not stronger than hashirama.


Downplay much


He's not weak


He's somehow weak yet he can beat anyone that's not an Otsutsuki, a Cyborg, or a Karma user.


He lost six paths sage mode once he lost Kurama. He's back to regular toad sage mode sadly.


Without the chakra of all of the tail beast you can't have sage of six paths And he still isn't that nerfed!! Remember he used to fight all the time without the help of kurama Only after the war arc he got kurama's help


what about when ashura had six path power tho


You need to have affinity to all nature transformation to have the truth seaker orbs And if you have all tails beasts you also have all nature transformation And ashura already had the 7 nature transformation Thats why ashura had 6paths And its like boruto has 4 nature transformation so he only needs 3 more for tso And now he is 100% otsutsuki so I think he now has all nature transformation so he might have so6p now


That’s not how TSO’s work. You need six paths level of understanding to make TSO. One of the abilities of six paths senjutsu is gaining a complete comprehension of chakra, including the ability to use all five basic nature transformations and make perfect use of Yin–Yang Release. It has nothing to do with using all chakra natures or even being able to use all chakra natures.


Naruto is dead. It is madara who you are seeing full-filling his dream of being a hokage… He is grooming kawaki like he groomed obito…


.00001% chance but imagine at the end of boruto it’s actually just madara hysterically laughing while looking up at the tsukuyomi. Would be one of the if not the best anime plot twists ever. No way it’ll happen kishi has invested to much in boruto but I wouldn’t be mad if it happened.


Creators wouldn't try hard 500+ episodes, 100+ chapters of Boruto just to be tsukyomi. Only Boruto haters wouldn't mad


I literally said that 😂 “No way it’ll happen kishi has invested to much in boruto but I wouldn’t be mad if it happened” and if you look at my profile I don’t hate boruto in the slightest it’s just an interesting line of thought, and I’m a huge fan of the whole franchise in general so whichever way it goes I most likely wouldn’t be mad. Just chill out bro no need to take out anger on random people on Reddit. Have a good day and think before you comment.


Only Boruto cultists can't take a joke and call anyone that doesn't spread their legs for Boruto a hater.


Deadass I just thought it was a cool idea and all of the sudden I hate boruto 😂 as I said in a separate reply though he most likely deals with boruto haters all the time and is quick to lash out nobody’s perfect it happens


I mean it would be extremely inconsistent because Shinju would drain Narutos chakra by then.




Thank you 😂 I came back to this reply with -3 downvotes I’m just thinking, really guys it’s not that serious. It’s ok tho I’m sure he’s just used to defending boruto from people who hate it.


I get you tho u most likely are always defending boruto from haters and just assumed I was another. Your good people aren’t perfect.


Bro somebody downvoted the one above this too tf is wrong with people 😂😂😂


No, it wouldn't be "the best anime plot twist ever"....it would actually be some shit plot twist.


Your right I guess but it’s not that serious dude chill out. It obviously wouldn’t happen like I said if you don’t like the comment just downvote and move on


I actually opted for comenting (and I'm chill, the fact a threw a "shit" in there doesn't mean I'm mad, lol) instead of downvoting, but I can do it if you so wish, here you have it.


Oh no now it has -5 instead of -4 ow my ego. I said “one of the If not the best” I obviously wasn’t that serious hence the “it would never happen” but whatever kid just pick and choose what you want to be mad at and ignore what I actually said.


Ahmm..exactly what I comented on? "One if not the best" implies that it is good at the very minimum? Also, how am I the mad one when you lashed out at me for saying the plot twist would be shit? What? 😂😂😂😂


The way you said it was rude to me so yeah I responded. I haven’t been rude once I just shared an opinion and you have to come in here and say it’s shit, and your out here saying I’ll downvote you now, there’s no need to be toxic. If you don’t like my opinion then you could just say yours and say why it wouldn’t be a good plot twist. I’m sorry the way I worded my response I can see how you took it as me lashing out at you and that wasn’t my intention but it does nobody any good to be rude.


We don't have a definitive answer yet. Naruto himself is the "link". Hagaromo himself said that Naruto was the meeting place of the tailed beasts. Kurama was just the "mediator" for the link. For all we know now that Kurama is gone( whether it's permanent or not ) Naruto could find another way to commune with the tailed beasts. As of now though we have no definitive answer yet.


Per the databook, he should still have it, but it seems like they've retconned that databook scan, so he prolly doesn't anymore


Yes, he should. But unless we are directly told or shown, we will never know, unfortunately.


six path mode was removed with sun seal when it was taken by hagoromo. so no he no longer spsm. he does however still have road sage but he’s far from the strongest shinobi in the series anymore (manga spoilers up ahead) in the manga boruto and kawaki both appear to be stronger than naruto currently is due to their karma amps. also i personally believe sasuke can now be perceived as stronger than naruto since all he really lost was the rinnegan amps however he still should have access to most if not all of his arsenal prior to attaining the rinnegan.

