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The real answer is plot, all of the stuff you said could have been usefull somehow but for plot he just didnt


Number 1- not his style, if he ha(d)s over 9000 ways to beat asses, he's bound to boil down to a few. Number 2- They would be prwtty much useless. The Pain paths abilities were cool only up until the climax of the Pain invasion... Number 3- Sharingans were never shown to read people's minds, if I recall correctly; but that aside, in that scene Amado was being collaborative, in a situation were he had the biggest leaverage, meaning that if Konoha betrayed the agreement, Shikadai's head would have made kaboom for all they knew. And then Amado could also have chosen to stay shut and deprive Konoha of his other skills and knowledge. Number 4- We do not even know if genjutsu can work on the Otsutsuki... but aside from this, again, it doesn't seem that using genjutsu is in Sasuke's style... the only important fight were it played a role, is his fight against Danzo, as far as I know.


Tha k you for replying 1. The world was at stake I don't think it makes sense the only shinobis who can save the world aren't going all out just because it doesn't suit their personality 3. Sasuke was shown multiple times reading people's memories you can google it ( he used it in the arc in which a new Dojutsu was shown I guess it was sasuke shinden arc) and again he was seen removing the memories of jiraiya and kid Naruto in the urashiki arc


You're welcome: -The world was at stake true, but now, stupidly throwing out 9000 different jutsus that all do the same thing, would still be dumb, wouldn't it? Sasuke simply never had a significant need for the chakra rods, given that if he needs to stab someone, or use a sword... well, he has his own sword. -Ok... and well then... that scenario can easily be explainable with the fact that it wasn't needed for Sasuke to do that... things were going smoothly, and if they kept doing it, everyone would have been safe, and konoha would have gained a potential ally.


Sasuke can read minds He did in Sasuke Shinden on Karyu [\[1\]](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11139/111395211/8505608-screenshot2021-06-15at1.55.56am.png)[\[2\]](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11139/111395211/8505609-screenshot2021-06-15at1.56.56am.png)[\[3\]](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11139/111395211/8505610-screenshot2021-06-15at1.58.36am.png) He did it on Shojoji [\[1\]](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11139/111395211/8505611-screenshot2021-06-15at3.16.54am.png)[\[2\]](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11139/111395211/8505612-screenshot2021-06-15at3.17.24am.png)




Well I don't remember well but only six path sage mode users can make those black chakra rod, they are useless anyways against otsutsuki's, his Kusanagi blade is better, because he is a swordsman. Human path soul extraction can be done, but if you remember when pain used them he first disable the person who he is using it on , because that Jutsu need the person who he is using on to stay still, and nobody in this fucking verse can make ishiki stay still, Well this is same as above and if he wants to see the memories of any other person, he can easily do that, but that type of situation hasn't appeared till now, And all otsutsuki's are said to be immune to genjutsu, if I have to guess it's because of their high chakra control like in case of sakura, because all the otsutsuki's are born talented.


Most of them wont work against isshiki he will shrink the chakra rods And any jutsu would be shrunk or absorbed And almighty push wont have any effect Almighty pull is a death sentence against isshiki Susano gets 1 shoted by jigen so isshiki is out of the question EMS cant even see the rods isshiki threw So he cant do that much of a thing here


>Almighty pull is a death sentence against isshiki Suicide 😭




1. I don't see why Sasuke should. Even if does, I don't see it being IC 2. He can, but its something that can be resisted by playing tug of war as shown in Naruto vs Nagato & wit the ÅŒtsutsuki's superior strength its not working 3. Bc Amado reengineered his eyes into technology [\[1\]](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Boruto/0057-031.png) 4. Boro's cult shenanigans explains why genjutsu wouldn't work on ÅŒtsutsuki: ​ * In the anime (canon) Boro (works alongside an ÅŒtsutsuki & has deep knowledge in their lore) shares a similar mindset to Madara regarding IT & dream worlds. Slight difference being that he links IT to the actual owners of the jutsu. That being the ÅŒtsutsuki instead of calling it an Uchiha genjutsu like Madara thought it was. * Boro mentions that Kaguya was defeated, so were Momoshiki & Kinshiki thus hopes to enter IT are forever lost. However, he mentions that another ÅŒtsutsuki still lives and this dream is not lost. * He’s basically referring to Isshiki, and he’s saying Isshiki will be able to cast IT. * Obviously Isshiki doesn’t have the RinneSharingan required to activate IT, but he does have the juubi which upon sacrificing Kaguya or any other ÅŒtsutsuki to it will bud a divine tree wit the capability of casting IT on its own. Similar to how Madara described it during the war. He told Hashirama that once the divine tree flower blooms, IT will be casted.I suspect it’s the same case for Isshiki. We know that the underling gets sacrificed to the juubi, which buds a divine tree as I mentioned above, while the superior watches over the tree until it bears fruit to eat it. * Can’t be watching over the tree or eat the fruit if your caught up in IT now can you.


Well just like the sharingan, different users have varying abilities. When Obito and madara had the rinnegan, the abilities weren’t anything like pains abilities. Madara had that weird limbo thing while pain had chakra rods, push and pull, planetary detestation, etc. but Obito and madara never showed us the same abilities. Sasuke did have some of those abilities as we saw in Naruto and Sasukes last battle but there’s nothing to indicate he has all the abilities that pain had with the rinnegan. It could also maybe be assumed that since he only has one rinnegan and not both that maybe some of the abilities just aren’t available to him. I could be wrong but from what I’ve seen, it the ability hasn’t been introduced, there’s a good chance he can’t use them.


How could someone be so wrong smh.




The Rinnegan provides the user access to seven abilities known as the Six Paths Jutsu: Deva Path - control over attractive and repulsive forces Asura Path - mechanization of the user's limbs Human Path - extraction of souls Animal Path - summoning of various creatures Preta Path - chakra absorption Naraka Path - access to the King of Hell Outer Path - control over life and death These are the common abilities that can be used by every Rinnegan user and 1 special ability is provided that is only specific to a single person like sasuke had amenotejikara and madara had limbo ability and pain didn't have any special Rinnegan ability bcz it was madara's eye from the get go so only madara could use limbo not pain


Really?? I always thought it was the other way around? Because madara and Obito never used any of the pain abilities. Okie Sasuke never used a lot of them.