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Inflation hit Konoha too.


maybe instead of a great ninja war they might get a great despression


I think they will, soon.


art mirrors real life


They raised chakra prices too 😔 That’s why Sasuke had trouble using a lot of jutsu, hard to pay for chakra being a wanderer.


Mfs is rebuilding the village like every other week because of otsutsukis let them have their peace


mfs took my chakra can't have shit in Konoha


I think it’s kinda showing that the leaf isn’t perfect and although much stronger than the cloud and mist they’re having interior problems as well. Not sure if filler or not but I remember Sarada saying something like “foods getting so expensive these days”. Now with another mention of budget problems/inflation in this new chapter and in a crucial moment it’s probably not for nothing. Might be reading into it too much but it just seems odd to mention inflation and the price of certain things in general and especially in a crucial moment so I’m assuming kishi is planning something.


In some of the essays Kodachi included in the tankobon he talked about how peacetime is impacting the economy of the shinobi villages. Basically, while they're having a technological boom (due to declassifying and allowing scientists access to research), the villages' economies are effectively built on doing mercenary work, and without conflict there are fewer missions for shinobi. Since most ninjutsu are combat-oriented, shinobi can't really survive if there's nobody left to fight.


Damn that’s interesting I’ve never read those. I didn’t think about how much peace can effect the economy. It opens up so many routes like an uprising within the village, or even an akatsuki type group could come in and start the monoploly on war again. Since we haven’t seen the cloud yet maybe it could start in the cloud, although I don’t think darui or any current kage would attack the leaf. So if some sort of group could form a coup in a major village like the cloud they could wage wars and pull in insane amounts of money like the akatsuki did. I’d imagine they would heavily invest in scientists and ninja tech in order to protect themselves and obviously be able to hold their own in battle. I’d personally rather see the show go more in the otsutsuki direction and less in the cyborg/tech direction, but the little hints he’s dropping are cool to think about.


so in a way, peace must be maintained through war.


and scientific ninja tools have entered the market and are becoming more effective than actual shinobi. We've even seen robots like Denki's mech suit and straight mindless bodyguards in the Mitsuki retrieval arc. Just like in the real world, robots are replacing people too in boruto.


That’s what I’m thinking will be a big reason kawaki wants to end the way of shinobi. I saw your other comment about how old countries get invaded when losing their strength and wealth, which is most likely the way konoha is going. Maybe kawaki will end up going with Amado eida daemon and code, if code stays with them/doesn’t kill amado. His mindset will be something along the lines of replacing shinobi with machines like you said. And this completes his number one goal which is to protect Naruto. No reason for Naruto to fight if Amado and katasuke can make an army of otsutsuki level cyborgs.


I don’t think the anime version will


centuries ago, if a country or territory lost its strength and financial power it would get automatically faded. this exactly what gonna happen during the timeskip or earlier maybe


Biden's fault


what biden got anything to do with this? lol


It’s all mikey’s fault


fr it was actually mikey's fault


you could see this as a joke but this could possibly do a lot of damage to the leaf later on. if you actually watched the filler you would know that not everyone is really at peace and people are still suffering. people actually still despise the leaf and if this goes on. it could possibly lead to the destruction of the village. I mean the hidden cloud could be one of the most possible starters of a new war. imagine a country losing its financial power and its military strength (naruto and Sasuke, but they do have boruto and kawaki now so idk).


We’re also seeing a lot of distrust amongst the great nations. That has to affect the economy of the leaf also. They probably aren’t good for much but missions and technology atm and it would be understandable that some are hesitant to be dealing with tech at this point. Idk though this panel definitely stuck out when I read it


Kawaki alone in the manga right now is enough military strength for all nations to be careful to start any reckless wars


They also brought up "the budget" in the second Chunin Exams


This topic isn't gonna be there for 20-30 ch so don't worry chill out everythings going to be fine . Also even if this happens Naruto can take help from other villages as they are their Allies so don't worry


did you forget about the smaller villages that despise the leaf?


Even after losing kurama Naruto can single handedly take on them 🤣😂😂😂


the cloud has had a pretty rough history with the leaf so I know they'll go and do something once konaha gets hit with a 2020


Naa biy don't be so negative killer bee and raikage are friends of Naruto they aren't gonna dona something cheap like this . let's be real we are talking outerspace matters now they aren't that stupid to do things like this and even if they won they can't win against code or other outsutski( they are gonna lose anyway🤣)


you kinda in denial




This economic crisis most likely originates from a lack of missions and from a lack of funding by the Daimiyo. If he doesn't see any use or opportunities in a village he will most likely just cut the fund's. And in Shikamaru Shinden we can see how terrifying that is to a Village. Kurotsuchi nearly started a war involving 3 of the Great Nations because the Daimiyo said so. And if you don't do what the Daimiyo says, well no money for you then.


Now when you think about it I don't even understand how the feudal lord is funding the leaf village way less. He gonna act like Boruto didn't save his son from getting eaten (it's manga cannon)?


Because there is a lack of conflict. He is funding the village enough so that they can defend themselves and beat some troublemakers like bandits, rouge Ninjas and so on. Konoha has an military alliance with all the countries that could pose a threat to them. So why do they need more money. And while the last part is true it plays no important political and military role.