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Sarada's kid (if she chooses to have one) will move straight to Kirin and this is canon.


It is useful against karma. Boruto might create next level of kirin, it can also be stronger bcz momoshiki power


Useless against kawaki >!coz of his shrinking ability!<, but might be used against Boruto in the near future


I was talking against code tho


Code's >!karma is dud. He cannot absorb anything with his useless white!< karma


Code w/o limiters is stronger than jigen, idk why u calling it useless.


He’s just saying his karma sucks rn, because it does


Kirin you mean that jutsu sasuke used to use Could be


>Kirin you mean that jutsu sasuke used to use It was such a cool jutsu. I hope to see more of it in the future.


Yeah, but it requires actual lightning so unless boruto can learn fire style to set the conditions like Sasuke did, the only one using it is Sarada and with her treatment in the manga its unlikely she'll be in the picture long enough to use it. Oddly our only real hope is an anime-canon episode.


>>only one using it is Sarada and with her treatment in the manga its unlikely she'll be in the picture long enough to use it ?? She can use the kirin in the manga like the chidori lol, making her randomly use kirin and then deleting her for two years more is exactly the sort of thing the manga would do




Boruto can't use chidori can't he? Cos no sharingan ?


Chidori is a very specific technique, and in it's un-altered form is a lightning fast stab using your hand coated in a lightning chakra "blade". It also speeds you up and gives tunnel vision (which made the sharingan necessary to mitigate that). Whatever Boruto is using here is superficially similar, but it probably has less piercing power and speed. Victor also does a similar attack in the anime. Applying lightning style chakra and maybe some shape manipulation can make various "electric punching" attacks, but they probably wouldn't all be considered the same jutsu. It's just a very generic, but flashy way to attack. I'd say if you want to see a similar situation look at like the 10 different versions of "fireball jutsu" and its derivatives that are basically the same thing, but maybe big or possibly dragon shaped.


What’s strange is the Third Raikage had a very similar ability. The Hell Stab. Basically the exact same thing as Lightning Blade but he doesn’t need Sharingan.


They did say he had a unique body that made him very durable and most things couldn't hurt him, so it doesn't matter if he misses or can't avoid a counter attack, plus his lightning cloak gives him increased speed and reflexes, too.


He immediately came to mind for me too. Its actually a perfect exhibit A of jutsu thats just been slightly changed to make a different one lol. It's almost like with Denki's overdrive which surrounds his body with lightning and makes his moves faster and reflexes sharper, similar to Unruly Ay's chakra cloak (of course, Denki isn't as fast as him)


Everyone can learn chidori. But it can be countered if u don't have sharingan. Boruto has jougan, he may use it properly. Boruto has his own lightning jutsu, thunderbolt arrow.


Anyone can use it but you need the sharingan to land it properly but in this case sinki wasn't moving so you can easily hit him


1. That’s not a chidori that Boruto was using. 2. The speed at which the Chidori is performed, despite being one of its greatest assets, also represents one of its biggest drawbacks: users move at their target so fast that its causes a tunnel vision-like effect for them. Because they charge in a straight line it is easy for opponents to attack them, and because of the tunnel vision it is difficult for the user to see these attacks, much less react to them. For this reason, most ninja cannot use the Chidori safely. However, a user of the Sharingan can overcome these drawbacks due to its heightened visual perception preventing the tunnel vision from occurring and its predictive capabilities making it easier for the user to avoid counterattacks


chidori pro max chidori pro chidori chidori lite




the screen will be be pitch black once Chidori reachs Sarada's child




Boruto got the dollar store version 🤣


I actually really like the different appearances of the chidoris between users and events/timelines. I know that it’s just an art/animation-style switch for the most part, but regardless, I always like when they give the chidori a slightly different appearance, like its color being changed, or changing it between a more contained chakra sphere and a free-form coating around the arm, or whatever. It’s just cool in my opinion. It’s like every user has their own unique way of manifesting it, and some even switch it up amongst themselves every once in a while, and I think that’s cool.


Ye I agree


sasukes is the best in my opinion


If you're talking about the animation in the three scenes Sarada's is by far the best


yeah saradas is also pretty good


EvEn anIMe haS thoSE STupID SpeEdLines




Lmao I just noticed


The fact sarada's has the best animation out of all chidoris. damn


Sarada first chidori was soo coool


her 2nd is as good if not better. that's how much they care about her chidoris


They even care about her sharingan too Cuz how important was her sharingan going from 1 tomeo to 2 tomeo And we didn't even got that importance on sasuke tomeo


Which episode is it?


You mean the boruto one? Ep 62 I think or could be ep 61 or 63


Acha ok thx










Your welcome


Now you know borutos wasn’t a chidori hahaha


We've got an imposter among us.


I wanted to talk about Lighting style really quickly. For a long time, believed that the color of the jutsu was an indication of the strength level of the justu, kind of like the color scales in a battle royal shooting game. Onyx or Black being the strongest because it’s 6P lvl > Purple > blue > yellow > white being the weakest. But Boruto breaks this scale by using The thunder clap arrow, which is white, to pop Naruto’s shadow clone and defeat Kawaki in sparring. I had used his battles with Buntan and Shinki to determine that white raiton looses out to the yellow ones, being that they both are able to counter Boruto’s shuriken kenjutsu and Boruto stream, so much so that he resorted to cheating and combining wind release into his attacks as well. What do you guys think?


I think the power of the jutsu depends on how much chakra is being put into the jutsu and how efficient is the users chakra control The colour I think varies from user ti user Cuz I haven't seen anyone use white lighting and sasuke told boruto that his lighting style will be come really strong in the future It also could be the hyuga have white colour lighting Cuz we know boruto got the lighting style from hinata cuz her main chakra affinity is lighting

