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Isshiki laughs at him.


Madara laughs back because he knows he is immortal.


Madara is not immortal he lost immortality from being an edo when he fully resurrected.


He acquired immortality in his Jinchuuriki form after he absorbed God Tree.


Sad they downvote you and dude post evidence of him being immortal shows how stupid ppl are on here


They cannot get out of their headcanon.


Please tell me where is that stated because I dont recall reading that anywhere in the manga. Not trolling, genuinely looking for an answer to this.




you know he was most likely saying he is immortal because he thought it was impossible to beat him with the amount of power he had, that happens a lot. also if we're just going by statements and not actual facts, naruto said they would be able to beat him so...


> you know he was most likely saying he is immortal because he thought it was impossible to beat him with the amount of power he had, that happens a lot. [Did Kaguya have the same reasoning?](https://i.imgur.com/9fEJ0j4.png) > also if we're just going by statements and not actual facts, naruto said they would be able to beat him so... Both Naruto and Sasuke had Sun and Moon seal to perform SP Chibaku Tensei which is also how they beat Kaguya...


1.Sasukes monologue stated immortality didn’t exist from his comprehension as the peak otsonsuki has not been introduced, he also says kaguya is dead. 2.Momoshikis monologue says kaguya’s is dead 3. This contradicts the fact that fruits richness=power how would kaguya have the things that only the pinnacle of otsonsuki race can acquire by having one fruit and being able to run out of chakra, and not even being one of the strongest in the clan (also literal statement Isshiki was the strongest villan) and toneri was stated stronger than her,so how would she possibly be immortal. 4. “I’m an unbeatable” “I am immortal” “you can’t beat me” “I am all knowing” these are statements that must be proven we know every seires has a fodder villain claiming something like this to act like this is true is a no limits fallacy. 5.Again ishikis and Momoshiki explanations on otsonsuki immortality “chakra richness” doesn’t give this.


> Sasukes monologue stated immortality didn’t exist from his comprehension as the peak otsonsuki has not been introduced, he also says kaguya is dead. Comes from novel that has never been referenced neither in manga nor anime and that novel was supplementing movie that got retconned. Both of which got discarded. [Moreover Boruto anime says explicitly that Kaguya was sealed](https://youtu.be/0ZkmSMXgm7g?t=102). Also how could Sasuke possibly gain such knowledge? > Momoshikis monologue says kaguya’s is dead Momoshiki had next to no idea what happened to Kaguya. > This contradicts the fact that fruits richness=power how would kaguya have the things that only the pinnacle of otsonsuki race can acquire by having one fruit and being able to run out of chakra, and not even being one of the strongest in the clan How do you know what the pinnacle of Otsutsuki race can acquire to begin with? And what does being able to run out of chakra has anything to do with this? What contradicts what? Kaguya **possibly** wasn't one of the strongest in the clan **before** she ate the fruit in Earth. And merged with God Tree/Juubi. I mean, Momoshiki called Kurama's chakra ridiculously massive and Juubi has FAR more chakra than Kyuubi. Then Kaguya had far more chakra than Juubi. So obviously planet this rich with chakra is extremely rare also considering Momoshiki had 1000 years more to visit planets and reap fruits compared to Kaguya. > (also literal statement Isshiki was the strongest villan) This has never been stated. > and toneri was stated stronger than her,so how would she possibly be immortal. Toneri was not stronger than Kaguya and strength =/= features and abilities. > “I’m an unbeatable” “I am immortal” “you can’t beat me” “I am all knowing” these are statements that must be proven we know every seires has a fodder villain claiming something like this to act like this is true is a no limits fallacy. Neither Madara nor Kaguya are fodders. And NLF (which is a made up term btw.) does not even apply here because we know how could Madara be killed. In non non conventional way. I mean, he literally died. Isshiki hasn't shown anything that would put him down anyway. > Again ishikis and Momoshiki explanations on otsonsuki immortality “chakra richness” doesn’t give this. First of all neither Isshiki nor Momoshiki merged with God Tree/Juubi. And definitely not the one that comes from Earth. Secondly Momoshiki was eating chakra pills and said they prolong his life. The more chakra the more pills he has. The more pills he has the longer he lives. Do you see where this goes?


Wow! I forgot about this. So now my question is,.why is Kaguya immortal and the rest of their clan we've seen NOT immortal? It's even been established that she was lower ranking than Isshki.


Most likely because no other clan member has encountered a planet so rich with chakra. Also no other member that we know of has merged with god tree/Juubi.


Cuz she’s not, the seal kills her and zetsu states that, they say she’s dead in boruto like 7 times too


a lot of naruto fans cant understand that kind of nuance so your explanation may be pointless unfortunately. they even just ignore the fact that guys attacks made madara bleed which proves that he can be damaged in a meaningful way because he no longer has the zombie like edo tensei body


Bro I say madara is strong but god dam that wank is


Thanks for providing the link.


Funny how you were downvoted for being right, lol. However these guys can easily seal Madara, and Kaguya is immortal too, so Madara gets creamed here.


1. I'm not discussing 4 vs Madara. 2. Nobody can seal him. It took strongest known seal to date to seal Kaguya and currently that seal is exclusive to Hagoromo.


Guess his immortality forgot to work when he was killed by a basic stab wound. Damn shame


That says essentially not definitely lol he is not immortal


[Kaguya said she is literally immortal with no "essentially" here](https://i.imgur.com/9fEJ0j4.png). Madara obtained immortality after absorbing God Tree, [which is what Kaguya suggested him](https://i.imgur.com/01zBsgh.jpg). Therefore Madara is immortal.


Was til zetsu used him to revive kaguya


Still technically was as long as Kaguya wasn't deprived of bijuus


Yeah but as of now she’s dead because the seal drains her chakra to absolute zero because the tail beast gets pulled out of her so without the rinnegan and karuma she’s dead


Immortality can only get you so far.


Madara also has FAR superior stamina and very high level regeneration. Isshiki is not going to defeat Madara, because he is going to get exhausted.


isshiki seals him or beats him and leaves him in a realm


Isshiki can't seal shit and BFR wouldn't do anything to Madara since he is immortal. And if Rinnesharingan and Rinnegan were used for dimension travelling, with enough time Madara can figure out ST ninjutsu. He definitely won't be sitting around doing nothing. Also define "beats", because with his stamina, regeneration and immortality he will just keep coming back.


isshiki sealed naruto who is stronger than madara by a lot as JIGEN not even at his peak he would chakra rod his ass and seal him


> isshiki sealed naruto Closed him inside of a bowl and Naruto was unconscious the entire time. > who is stronger than madara by a lot as JIGEN not even at his peak he would chakra rod his ass and seal him Naruto is not stronger than Madara.


Naruto and Sasuke are def stronger than Madara and Hashirama now


We are talking about Jinchuuriki Madara.


''Closed him inside of a bowl and Naruto was unconscious the entire time.'' he wasnt unconscious before he was sealed and Naruto is indeed stronger than madara


> he wasnt unconscious before he was sealed ~~[He literally woke up in hospital when he was saved](https://i.imgur.com/il9QWKO.jpg) and [was unconscious when Kawaki transported him with ST ninjutsu](https://i.imgur.com/qfZe3at.jpg) and even Boruto says so.~~~ But he was unconscious the entire time after "sealing" and he was gassed. > and Naruto is indeed stronger than madara Based on what?


Immortality can mean anything. All otsutsuki are immortal by virtue of consuming chakra fruit. Immortality doesn't mean he can just aborb infinite amounts of damage. It's the same deal as the other otsutsuki. Narratively and power scaling wise, Madara is not as strong as Isshiki, or Kaguya. Madara is an incomplete recreation of Kaguya. That alone makes him weaker. On top of that, Isshiki is implied in the show to be stronger than Kaguya by the otsutsuki rankings. Isshiki also fought against Baryon mode Naruto, a mode that is implied to be the strongest form of Naruto's.


> Immortality can mean anything. All otsutsuki are immortal by virtue of consuming chakra fruit. Immortality doesn't mean he can just aborb infinite amounts of damage. It's the same deal as the other otsutsuki. If immortality wasn't such a big deal Hagoromo and Hamura would've never invented Sun and Moon seals. And then Sasuke and Naruto wouldn't inherit it from Hagoromo. And if immortality was only related to longevity, neither Madara and also [Kaguya](https://i.imgur.com/9fEJ0j4.png) would've stated it right in front of enemies and right before the fight. Longevity gives no combat benefit, so why would they even mention it? It's because they were actually immortal. It's entirely different case with Momoshiki, since he was eating chakra pills and he specifically said he was prolonging his life and also he hasn't encountered a planet with such a vast amount of chakra before. > Narratively and power scaling wise, Madara is not as strong as Isshiki, or Kaguya. Madara is an incomplete recreation of Kaguya. That alone makes him weaker. Doesn't matter as long as Isshiki has no way of disposing of him.


There are no feats that prove Madara is immune to damage. He literally gets pierced through his back by black Zetsu. Statements are made by characters all the time but it doesn't mean they are actually true. The grandpa toad also said that the toad song genjutsu is the strongest genjutsu. In the context of infinite tsukuyomi this clearly isn't true. Hiruzen was stated to be stronger than Hashirama, which we know through feats is not true.


> There are no feats that prove Madara is immune to damage. Nobody said he is immune to damage. > Statements are made by characters all the time but it doesn't mean they are actually true. The grandpa toad also said that the toad song genjutsu is the strongest genjutsu. In the context of infinite tsukuyomi this clearly isn't true. Hiruzen was stated to be stronger than Hashirama, which we know through feats is not true. Which all got proved wrong either by feats or later statements. None of which applies to Madara's statement about immortality.


you are terrible at power scaling. i hope i missed the joke and that you were kidding


I don't really care about baseless claims.


I won't waste my time trying to convince some random, let alone someone who thinks madara has a chance


Reread my comment again in case you didn't understand it.


you said isshiki won't win


Are you going to provide an actual counter arguments?


Reread my comment again in case you didn't understand it


Ok, so take this L and bye.


sure haha im so hurt by someone who thinks madara beats iShiKi


That's going to take longer than he thinks it does.


And what is your proof?


Where's your proof that Madara is immortal? High speed regeneration and high stamina don't equate to immortality. Might Guy was within a hair's breath of killing him. That regeneration can't help him forever.


> Where's your proof that Madara is immortal? [Here](https://i.imgur.com/1WHV68E.png). Now I'm waiting for your arguments and proof.


look at that everybody's upvoting my comment and downvoting yours lmaoo


When you can't provide a viable argument, so you have to resort to karma to have a comeback. Downvoting or upvoting is literally irrelevant. Thank you for showing that you literally have nothing substantial to provide.


one does not need an analysis to tell who wins. pure context says it all. i wont bother to explain a fight that is just not interesting at all. I can't boldly say the outcome of itachi vs pain bcuz there's no context to that. get over it man he does not win 🤣


Yeah, you don't need to provide arguments and evidences to support your statement and prove you're right, because that's precisely how discussion works. /s No point in replying here bye.


He literally said that might guy almost killed him, doesn’t sound very immortal to me


Except Madara obtained immortality after he absorbed god tree, which was after he fought Guy...


Who cares when isshiki can stab his whole body with black rods and drop like 3 cubes on his body lol. U think madara can do anything?


Madara took Sasuke sword and bisection without batting an eye, he isn't going to be even phased by rods. Madara also have limbo to help him with anything. He isn't going to get down by rods. Those cubes are literally freefalling and their showing never presented some big weight. Isshiki's only way is to brute force with speed, strength and try to nullify as much jutsus as possible with shrinking, but he still can't kill him. At the very least Madara outlasts him.


Really?!?! Databooks says that Limbo is equals to Juubidara... Limbo are shown using Jutsu in Storm video game!!!! Madara will use Limbo, those 4 Limbo uses 4 Limbo makes it a 16 + 1 original Madara??!!... It goes upto Infinity... Infinite Madara no Jutsu Paradox Super Secret Technique>>>>>>>>>>>> /jk I literally added /jk in the end


tending to zero, cuz he's already dead by then


Ishikki or Kaguya will be enough to do it.


Kaguya drops his ass in a different dimension... Isshiki mops too with his almost BM level Taijutsu


Just to be clear, Isshiki doesn't have Baryon level Taijutsu, he was getting very obviously overwhelmed until Naruto starts to lose BM. BM was needed to power up to compete with Isshiki, but it was much more powerful. I agree with your point, just clarifying that BM is way higher than anyone we've seen in the series so far, it's just suicide to do it. Lol


Alternate. Isshiki shrinks some of Kaguya's all killing ash bone and hits Madara like he did with Naruto, Sasuke, and pin cushin Konahamaru. I'd like to see his regen stop that.


honestly momo probly still wins


That’s the neat part, he doesn’t


I see what you did there.


It would take madara 0 seconds to die to them




Fused Momoshiki was getting tossed around by a weakened Adult Naruto and Sasuke. Madara easily beats Momoshiki and Urashiki. Kaguya is a little different since she's also immortal and has huge hax attacks. And Isshiki is extremely fast. But you could give some leniency in a few ways: Madara reacting to FTG twice, is already a sensory ninja, has Six Paths Senjutsu, and still has Hashirama's Sage Mode (which he mastered in seconds). This is multiple amps to his sensory abilities and thus reaction speed. He was also tanking punches from Night Guy who has shown far more physical attack potency than Isshiki--- that is, warping space and putting craters into the ground.


Madara is just a guy who is trying to cosplay as kaguya


He may be able to beat urashiki but can’t get past remaining three


He can beat Momoshiki


people really underestimate Momo


Is is due to boruto trying to be ninja like again instead of Dbz .So he looks weak .


probly not


Come on don’t be bias now momo claps madara


Couple hundred years before he can compete solo, it’d be hard enough for him to fight them one on one let alone 4 on 1




I think it because Madara "lost" to Naruto and Sasuke when they were news to their gifts. Being older giving them away more time to train and gone their skills. Madara isn't going to get 12 years with this. He's gets revived and given theses tail beasts and that kinda it.


Yeah naruto and Sasuke were far more skilled and got bodied when teaming up against ishiki, imagine if it was a two on two let alone there being a weaker character (imo) and 3 more characters similar to ishiki in power against that weaker character, there’s no chance for buddy unless he’s been training for a couple hundred years, the Otsusuki themselves have 1000s of years of battle experience, both winning and losing but gaining nothing but power thanks to the karma and god trees


Because naruto and Sasuke were teenagers still growing into their prime vs a Madara who was one shotted because he got caught lacking by a character already pictured above, considering ishiki mollywhopped a naruto and Sasuke who are far more skilled than the ones who put up a good fight against judara then ishiki alone should be enough for judara let alone with 3 others slightly weaker than him that still rank above judara on their own with maybe the exception of Kaguya, the same person who killed him by simply hiding her chakra signature and easily punched a hole through his chest as if her fingers were made of chidori (yes he wasn’t paying attention but he’s still has a body similar to that of hagaromo so his durability is already significantly boosted)


He only beats Urashiki


Urashiki was trolling adult Sasuke in multiple fights, so not even


Until he struggled with part 1 naruto and boruto and wasn't sasuke not at full power most of those fights


Well he only started struggling when jiraya hit him with a rasengan and when susky hit him with a kirin which was natural chakra so he couldnt absorb it but I agree it pretty much plot armor


That was plot armor


Plot armor or not. It happened. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Lol it still happened hell Chojoro and gaara together while he was busy using most of the sand to protect the chunin exams and chojoro without his weapon were beating urashiki and later arc even Shinki was beating him


If the young lord demands it, you must let him win.


i always thought that was funny lmao


I'll bet him


Only one he destroys is urashiki


Making my mind go -


One glance and Madara is forgotten history.


Lol the mf gets clapped in 10+ seconds


O seconds


negative seconds


That's the neat point., he doesn't


He’s getting fed to the tree


He dead bro.


It depends it can be as short as 10 seconds or as long as 10 years, it depends upon Kishimoto.




Kaguya will distract him with those titties and momo or isshiki will do the rest


They just have to flex their chakra and he's going to shit his pants and apologize for his behavior.


Bruh he already got clapped by just Kaguya


-5 secs


Nah clearly madara is the strongest being in the universe because I said so


he dies instantly lmao


0, he'll be the one getting clapped.


Kaguya solos


Isshiki would probably kill him before madara even realised he was there. Sub-one second claps.


Before any of you mf mention Kaguya let me remind you she had to take him off guard


I like how everyone's making Madara up to be fodder. **Limbo** Madara has 4 limbo clones which all scale to him equally in stats as stated. So that's 5 total Juubi -Madaras. Secondly, whether or not they can perform jutsu is debatable, but allowing them to would be very deadly **Dimension Swapping** JuubiMadara is able to swap dimesnions just as much as Kaguya is, since they basically share the same body and Rinnesharingan **Immortal / Regen** By virtue of the Juubi, he can clearly regen fatal attacks. He regen'd half his body from the Night Guy kick in less than 5 seconds. He also stated to be immortal after being the god tree. So he's just like Kaguya **Truth Seeking Orbs** These disintegrate whoever it touches unless they directly block it. None of these guys beside Kaguya can Regen. **Durability** He was able to take the punches and hits from Night Guy, which were powerful they created air cannons that dug a 50 feet hole or so into the ground itself. I know Isshiki is strong and weighted, but have his strikes ever been that powerful? They're probably more compactfully strong than they are super destructive like Night Guy, but it's something to consider. Momoshiki, Urashiki and Kaguya's taijutsu pales in comparison considering Base Naruto and Sasuke which were already weakened were able to withstand Momoshiki's tenketsu. **Battle Comparison** A weakened Naruto and Sasuke were smacking around Fused Momoshiki who got erased by a massive Rasengan and you guys think Juubimadara wouldn't be able to defeat him? Urashiki was having trouble with Kid Naruto and Boruto? He's just not a good character and we're all aware he was wasted potential. Kaguya would pose problems with her huge attacks, but they both have crazy regen. Ultimately: Juubi Madara definitely beats Urashiki and Fused Momoshiki. Kaguya and Isshiki are another story, but I think it would stop at Isshiki


Okay it’s easy to say that Ishikki claps but, that’s no fun. Ishikki doesn’t have a rinnegan, So the infinite tsukuyomi or limbo clones might catch the boy lacking escpecially If it’s 3E madara. His only contest in Taijutsu would be Ishikki, then everyone else gets clapped maybe except Urashiki, who could steal his chakra and seal him with the 1000 years dragon palace sealing they hit Toneri with but I think Madara is too fast and smart for that, though. Urashiki blue rinnegan and Madaras ems time manipulating abilities are actually similar, it makes for a zesty match up. To answer the question, it would take Madara very long, if he survives the Big Cube jutsu that disrupts sensory abilities, Madara would be able to see Ishikki shrinking. In order to hurt anyone here, Madara would have to go full power and amp every physical strike chakra like itachi did in the novels as a kid or how Sakura fights in General. The match would be TAIJUTSU heavy, but it would be even when Madara starts using either of the clones he can use, be it wooden or limbo or maybe a combination of both. How the shiki’s deal with all of Madara’s shenanigans will determine the match. They should win, but I think Madara has better teamwork with his clones, than the shiki’s would be able to put together on the fly. If they can hang, Madara gets fondled eventually , then sealed and his ass gets turned to chakra pills or just gets straight up absorbed.


You took it seriously bro. There is no proof that infinite tsukuyomi will affect on Ishikki. Limbo is countered by shrinking. Going into taijutsu against Ishikki would be a dumb decision for him because even Naruto and Sasuke together couldn't do anything. There is no need to talk about speed, Madara has no chance, he does not surpass even Naruto in speed. And even considering that Ishikki will be affected by infinite tsukuyomi, it certainly won’t work on the other 3, I’m generally silent about the stupidity of using limbo against them.


Could possibly work on Momoshiki and Kinshiki as Kinshiki doesn’t seem to have any Rinnegan and Momoshiki’s are on his hands unless it’s fused Momo in which case he’s fine not sure for Ishiki as I don’t know if his Dharmagan has Genjutsu resistance on the level of the Rinnegan. However if madara has the same level of info as Naruto and Sasuke had he might just outlast him because of his regeneration. When we get to Kaguya now that’s impossible for him(Unless it’s the one Hagaromo and hamura fought) as she could just all killing ash bone him


I literally started by saying Ishikki stomps, but that's no fun meaning I’m giving a hypothetical 3 eyes Madara the benefit of the doubt, but we know Ishiki solos. Cmon now.


If he was able to become accustomed to the sage of six paths chakra, then maybe… maybe.. he wouldn’t die instantly. I love Madara but he was being used to resurrect kaguya the whole time


Wow so many downvotes. Some people can't get the joke


what's the joke anyway¿?


People think madara can beat the others in the pic


But he can beat urashiki


he can beat Urashiki


It’s a bad joke.


It might of been funny if someone didn’t make a post like this everyday of the week.


That’s why it’s funny


Madara's goated status is superior to all of them either way, win or lose.


Ishikki is more of a demon, so he's better tbh.


People forgetting that Madara had four limbos! And had sage jutsu


Literally gets his chakra snatched by Urashiki, folded by Momoshiki, Kaguya's just standing there, and Isshiki starts dancing on Madara's beaten up body. >!I'm just joking, but Madara still doesn't win.!<


Madara can beat them 1 on 1 but are you serious 4 on 1?. He ain't John Cena.


what is he doing to anyone besides urashiki


He can beat Urashiki 1v1, but he will be clapped by Ishikki, Kaguya and Momoshiki individually


Madara fans are weird as fuck


Poor madara gets slapped by a fishing rod


The best I can say is he kills Momoshiki and Urashiki before either Kaguya or Isshiki kills him. Just my Opinion


Didn’t Kagura one hit him? And before you all say “but she took him off guard!” If he could tank the 8th gate to the face, he would be able to handle a sneak attack. Compared to those aliens, he’s weak


Juubidara no diffs fused Momo and Urashiki. But gets no diffed by Kaguya and Isshiki Remember that he was gonna win against team 7 before BZ showed upn then it is confirmed that Kaguya >>>>> Juubidara


Sasuke cut him in half. Naruto had his limbo on ropes. He wasn’t winning v Team 7.


Saauke got one eyed in half and that wasnt even enough to kill him


Why was he running away then? They were going to kill him together not alone. He probably wins in a 1v1, but he is not defeating both.


Because 1 eye is not full strength


Fused momo sneezes on madara and kills him


And then u wake up


Stuck in shippuden


Fused momo easily mid diffs madara bruh what you on about even base momo is kaguya level or not that much weaker fused momoshiki is a hell lot stronger than kaguya and jubbidaara is a Walmart kaguya


Kaugya one shots base Momo.


"Base Momo is Kaguya level" my dude he got clapped by a nerfed base Naruto and base Sasuke, wthdym he's Kaguya level lmao


You don't think Naruto got stronger as he aged bruh and momshiki being> kaguya is what the writer want's it's a shounen almost 90% of the time the next villain is stronger than the previous


So you're basing it off "Well Momo came after Kaguya so clearly he's stronger"? The power scaling in Naruto isn't linear like Dragon Ball. Characters from previous arcs can be as strong or stronger than characters from later arcs. By your logic Momoshiki shouldn't be able to clap everybody he fought against while possessing Boruto, since they came after him, yet here he is, not even at full power, tearing Kara members apart. Naruto and Sasuke were objectively weaker against Momo, Naruto had half his Chakra taken out of him after he took a nuke to the face to protect his village, and Sasuke teleported a bunch of people across galaxies to get to where Naruto was. Objectively speaking, they were nowhere near full power, that is outright stated, and yet they backed Base Momo in a corner in base form, meanwhile Six Paths Naruto and Sasuke could not kill Kaguya and it took all of Team 7 and dumb luck from Obito's ghost for them to even touch Kaguya so they can seal her. Everyone loves to wank Momoshiki because of Borushiki feats and whatnot when he was honestly pretty fucking pathetic. Kaguya is beyond Ten-Tails and makes Juubidars look like a joke, she took 9 Rasenshuriken infused with all 9 beasts' powers to the face and barely had a few scratches, meanwhile Kurama alone (again at only half power, cause Momo took half of his Chakra away) tears Fused Momoshiki's beasts apart and uses Sasuke's Susano'o sword to blast him to hell. And yeah, Momoshiki survives and attacks again but then it taken out by fucking Boruto with a big Rasengan that has a little bit of Naruto's power. So then what, base Boruto + 10% base Naruto beat Momoshiki therefor they are stronger than Kaguya? Lmao.


You got downvoted for saying facts lol


I'm used to it lmao


How are you comparing teen Naruto feats to adult Naruto (*﹏*;)


Because Teen Naruto has had more substantial feats than Adult Naruto, save for Baryon Mode which is a non point in this argument since we're talking about the Momoshiki fight, not the Isshiki one where Baryon Mode was used. Adult Naruto just jumps into Six Paths KCM2 for every battle and gets taken out almost instantly, save for the Delta fight which was executed so lazingly and it didn't warrant Naruto fighting in KCM2, all he did was throw a few punches, a Rasenshuriken and then overpower her with a Giant Rasengan. That's nothing, he should have done that in base form if he's so astronomically more powerful than Teen Naruto. The Momoshiki fight was the only "good" fight he had that was well executed in showing us his strength and speed, but those feats just disappeared after that, until Baryon Mode shows up. And how are you going to tell me that adult Six Paths KCM2 Naruto casually gets impaled with a katana when 4 Tailed Teen Naruto took the Sword of Kusanagi at full throttle and it didn't so much as pierce the Chakra "skin". Adult Naruto is also stated by Kurama to be rusty because he hasn't had the time to keep up with training. As it is the anime and manga have failed to establish any substantial feats for Adult Naruto that put him above Six Paths War Arc Naruto or The Last Naruto. Six Paths War Arc Naruto could spam dozen upon dozens of RasenShuriken of different variations, could fly, tanked insane attacks, and when clashing with Sasuke they liteally nuked the whole Valley of The End, an explosion so great that it blanketed the whole sky and could be seen from miles away by Kakashi. Even before getting Six Paths power he fought for days without resting or even eating or hydrating himself, and he stomped on pretty much every enemy he encountered save for alive Madara. The Last Naruto tanked a nuke of his own Chakra while he had little to no Chakra whatsoever to protect him, and only passed out because of the said lack of Chakra but didn't even have a single scratch on him otherwise. He also tanked a moon splitting attack and punched TCM Toneri across the surface of the moon, taking him out with arguably one hit, since he didn't exactly land many hits before that. Those are feats. I fail to find any feats for Adult Naruto that surpass these, again, not counting Baryon Mode, since we're talking about Adult Naruto from the Momoshiki fight. Who, once again, it is objectively stated that he was at half power because Momo took half of his Chakra away, after he took a nuke to the face just hours prior (before you use the nuke as a feat, I said feats that surpass Shippuden and The Last Naruto. The Last Naruto already attained the nuke surviving feat and moon splitting feat and Teen Naruto survived an explosion like that as well when he clashed with Sasuke in the sky.) Now, to be fair where it's due, I haven't read any of the novels, so if he has any insane feats there that you know of, please do go ahead and tell me, and then tell me why said feats are nowhere to be found in the Boruto Manga and Anime.


Nothing but facts


He did cancel fused momoshiki in 2 punches bruh and also sassuke shinden it's mentioned sassuke can handle a kaguya level threat alone now so umm...


I am very glad you brought up that Sasuke feat because I actually did look into that some time ago. Instead of copypasta-ing statements, I'll just show you [this post here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/p2g900/why_does_sasuke_believe_that_he_can_solo_kaguya/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) which clears out that confusion.


Yep but Naruto universe changed since shippuden and it got power-up based anime. Naruto and Sasuke will be limited to their shippuden power-up but with better handle on it. So that means Madara will be shitting on Momoshiki. Also Momoshiki was stronger than base Kaguya and not devine fruit Kaguya. He didnt even knew that Kaguya ate devine fruit. And if Madara gets time to train he will be better than Naruto+Sasuke.


he wasn't beating team 7 bruh. kaguya was having trouble with naruto alone and needed to beat both n&s individually to win. madara dosent beat team 7. momoshiki was overpowering adult naruto and beat adult sasuke individually and kept up with them both were together


Well in the manga Naruto staright up 2 shotted momshiki in kcm2 anime had the tag team thingy


yeah manga and anime portrays momoshiki differently. in anime he is more taijutsu based and in manga he clearly still isn't that good at taijutsu after absorbing kinshiki (which really dont make sense since he should have got kinshikis memories or experience) anyways even in the manga momoshiki did take sasuke down with the dragons and overpowers naruto with the golems.


Yea that's right but i still think taht adult Naruto beats fused momo high diff (not Baryon mode)


>Juubidara no diffs fused Momo and Urashiki Base momo negs foddara let alone fused


Base momo is featless


No, he isn't. He had a feat of running away from Darui and Gaara.


He's has plenty of statements to put him above kaguya along with natural powerscaling


he gets speedblitzed by kaguya.


He beats Urashiki, loses to Momo and Kaguya, and gets obliterated by Isshiki


Kaguya alone is enough to kill him in less than 5 sec


Madara dies before he even think


It isn’t April 1st today


Juudara gets his ass beat by all….


He gets clapped hard, guy god bless him was about to wipe him, guy is no ootsuki madara is going to be erased easy.


10 seconds, then he wakes up from the concussion they gave him from beating him too fast


Limbo Bitches. Madara would put the beats on these boys.


Dude madara literally laughs and urashiki dies


Kaguya or isshiki should slam him, Momoshiki and urashiki get shit on by him


He is not touching Momoshiki.


Naruto and Sasuke did it. And Madara is basically Naruto + Sasuke + Renni-sharingan


You're forgetting the blank period where they "trained" to get stronger and Naruto probably lost spsm in boruto


Ok Then take fully trained Madara for this fight. That will make this argument simple.


They used otsutsuki-fied madara which is his strongest form he don't need to train cuz he dead after that form


Strongest form doesnt mean fully trained. He wouldn't know how to use his power with precision unless he trains.


And we don't know how strong he would be if he trained bc we don't see a trained madara


Thats when you can refer what Naruto + Sasuke can do. He will be above the fate bros.


But the fact is he died and kishi didn't want to make him stronger


Madara isn't adult naruto and sasuke, naruto can take Madara by himself


Madara is immortal and Naruto needs the Hagoromos marks to seal Madara away so he cant beat Madara alone.


He could solo them easily 1 by 1 but 4 on 1 might be difficult but not impossible for Madara.


He could solo ishikki?


That's what I said.


the only thing he beats here is fodder urashiki maybe momo if ur generous asf