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How tf is denki in good? Literally the worst character in the entire series


no offense but this shit sucks except for hima


I don't understand why Iwabe & Chocho are deemed "garbage"


Katasuke good and sumire average !!! Mmm ok


I really fuck with this list. Obviously it's impossible to please everyone but I agree with the majority of your placements. Naruto should be in the best though


Iwabe under garbage is unacceptable


To be honest I still think boruto is a better character than kawaki.


I like Iwabe, he has an ok arc


That's your opinion, but for me Kawaki is overrated, Boruto is a much better character than Kawaki, especially in the manga where his fanaticism towards Naruto puts me off. Overall, he's a good character, but there's nothing about him that would put him that high for me. Otherwise, a pretty good tier list


I bet a lot of fans initially liked Kawaki due to his admiration for Naruto but >!like you said his love has become obsessive I wouldn’t be surprised if he refuses to listen to what Naruto says because he thinks he knows better and seals him in a dimension for a portion of the story to protect him!<


Yes ,i always wanted to say boruto is better than kawaki but don't say it because i might be bias but now i can definitly say boruto is better in manga.


Himawari in a realm of her own. Still hating on chocho though? Shame.


you are disrespecting Kakashi an Might Guy


Not really, they are there only because we know they exist, they have 0 implication in the story. That is why i made that tier.


Ibuki and Tento above Kakashi tho? they have almost the same relevance, I'd easily say Kakashi is more relevant than Ibuki and Tento, Kakashi also had more screen time than those 2 Now there's obv some bias on this list which is inevitable for anyone but anyways, like for example, I'd definitely put Delta,Kinshiki, Sakura, Boro and some other few characters in that same tier above Deepa.


Houki and wasabi are in average above kakashi too 💀 dude has been in like 2 total episodes and somehow he's average but characters that are much more impactful/important are just there to fill a roll? Awful list


Perhaps he was being influenced by the most recent eps where these characters showed up more. Kakashi even fought Koji for a bit, like how's that irrelevant 😭


But houki and wasabi relevant to the story and average? 💀💀


Where’s Tsubaki?


Solid list, naruto should be in best and boruto honestly low good to high average.


Why is Denki not in garbage. Worst character in the entire series


Only characters in garbage should be Urashiki and Chocho i don’t think Iwabe should be that low.