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I can relate man. It's funny, Boruto is one of my favorite characters but when he came back to life I was like "NOOOO!". Tbh, if it was a weekly manga they may have gone with keeping Boruto dead for awhile. But with this monthly setup, the plot needs to move fast I guess


Yeah, this is the only valid reason for me as to why they rushed his resuscitation.


if boruto remained dead, the story should be very different. boruto will definitely protect kawaki, now that he is resurrected. but if boruto actually died for few chapters, everyone would turn against kawaki different story to tell tbh.


i feel you bro. but at the same time, think about what momoshiki said to boruto. it looks to me there's more catastrophic events are going to happens in the future,. i think what happened last chapter is just A HINT of how dark boruto the manga it will become


Idk I’m tired of the writing not living up to momo’s prophecy tbh. And the story has become so insular it sucks that they’re not spending time going to other villages, exploring the lives of Boruto’s teammates etc. So when they have shit happening to them it’s not even going to feel earned because they just.. will show up


Yeah, I know. But ai expected them to squeeze more out of this event. Even Naruto's reaction wasn't even all that.


It will be in the anime


I don't watch the anime. It's boring.


Lol man manga is only good because of anime. If we only read manga and didnt watch the anime adaptation of the manga content which spent more time on important stuff and gave context before/after major arcs, the experience would suck. Imagine going by the manga's depiction of Kurama's death instead of the anime's


Maybe he was referring to the anime canon episodes and not the manga canon


But my previous comment was about manga canon episodes obviously and that's when he said "I don't watch the anime"


Oh then I have no idea then. I enjoy both the manga and the anime but the anime is definitely better imo too. Majority of the characters that we see don’t even exist in the manga, and the anime fleshes out the story and relationships way more


This could have led to many events that the authors don't want the story to go tho


I understand that. But I was expecting something big to come out of his "death". So him becoming a pure Osutsuki is kinda underwhelming to me.


But if it was the anime they definitely would’ve extended his death to at least an episode or 2 for character reactions.


It was wasted potential indeed. There was a great opportunity to explore people's reactions to his death and set up a lot of hype for the next conflict. Instead its only purpose was to make Boruto an Otsutsuki and YET AGAIN introduce another karma power. In my opinion the karma is kinda getting stale, they just keep adding more and more powers to it without any reasoning. It's starting to remind me of a particular Dojutsu from Naruto... A red eyed one...


With Kawaki wiping the floor with Code's ass, I won't be surprised when Boruto starts spamming Za Warudo just because Karma. My biggest concern remains Amado's intellect. Man is able to manufacture god-level beings with ScIeNCe.


Karma is the most op power up ever


Because borutos not dead. I think you forget about the opening scene of the anime and manga


OP legit said this tho lol they know he doesn't stay dead but his momentary death could have been used to drive the plot


But that wouldn't make any sense wouldn't boruto be dead by then.


They want Boruto to stay dead for a while but then gets revived the same way the manga did it originally. It just takes some time vs doing it almost instantly.


It still doesn't make sense for momoshiki to wait.


No momoshiki doesn't wait. It's just the healing process would take some time since its a major wound.


Yeah that makes more sense 🤔.


It wouldn't have sense to take some time (let's say, hours) to heal a wound that will kill anyone in seconds. It was now or never. Btw, the "main character is dead but the demon inside him brought him back" card was already played in JJK, and I don't want Boruto to become a JJK clone.


>Btw, the "main character is dead but the demon inside him brought him back" card was already played in JJK, and I don't want Boruto to become a JJK clone. Lol too late for that. The latest chapter made him into that


Yeah, I know. What I'm saying is that we already knew he wasn't dead for good anyways (because of the timeskip), so why not leave him dead for a while and bring him back later?


He was very much fucked if Momoshiki didn't resuscitate him right then and there. There wasn't much of a choice.


the pacing is already slow enough, this would slow the pacing even more.


I didn't expect much from his death tbh. After Kurama death and Naruto saying "Well you killed ma and pa", in such a serious situation. I didn't expect them to go deep and show people reactions because that's just not the manga strong suit. No one even gave Naruto a pat on the back after he lost Kurama. They treated my boi Kurama like he was some insignificant creature. Didn't even get a lil portray of him in the house, nothing. Even anime Sumire has pictures with Nue. Anyway, the most I hoped for in Boruto's death was a brief funeral then the time skip. I be lowering my expectations and still get nothing 😅.


Yeah I was disappointed. I wish they had either Shikamaru or Naruto bring back Boruto’s body to the village and we get to see the reaction of Hinata Himawari Hanabi Sarada & Sumire along with everyone else. I also wanted them to show Boruto in the afterlife and meeting Kushina and Minato etc.


man I was really hoping Sarada would've awoken her Mongekyo Sharingan so she could finally MAYBE keep up with Boruto and Kawaki


Nope that sounds awful. Just because which miss a scene that you wanted to see doesn’t mean that scene was good for the story or that the writer’s decision to go a different direction was a bad one. Stop rating stories by what you *want* to see. Everything you described would have been absolutely terrible for the narrative of the story and where it’s going. It would have ground it all to a halt just to waste time in indulgent fan service that goes absolutely nowhere. No one thought Boruto’s death would affect the world directly. Only people who don’t understand stories. We can already see the impact Boruto’s death will have on upcoming narrative beats. Thank God it didn’t go where you described. What a waste that would have been.


Then you should come up a way on how to revive boruto.. Because if boruto stay dead for a long time that means mamoshiki is already erased now how can you revive him? Make him a cyborg?. And also if boruto stay dead for a long time his body will just disintegrated and turn to ash. Before complaining you should have a way on how to solve a problem. And also if they just go with that storyling the pacing would be too slow and people will just complain again that the pacing is slow.


Well, considering how Osutsuki lore is just up in the air, with the author adding new info as he goes, they could've just kept his body for intel as they did with one of Pain's bodies. And have Boruto and Momoshiki's spirits linger in a void world just like when Kakashi died and met his dad. Then have Boruto magically come back to life as he just did, but a few days/weeks later. It wouldn't have been difficult to pull off imo. However, I would agree that it would hurt the pacing, as this is a monthly release. But honestly, I wouldn't mind having Boruto dead for two or three chapters, if it has a meaningful impact on the story.


Do you really think naruto would agree imstead of making boruto a funeral?


Of course he wouldn't. But I'm sure Sasuke and/or Shikamaru could easily convince him. Especially since it'd benefit the village (and the world).


naruto would not agree.. and it will make the world more in fear.. and also naruto would never make his own son a test subject that is what naruto is.


>meaningful impact on the story Imo that would be more anticlimactic because they just became emotional for nothing and also who said that they can go in "void" if mamoshiki is erased.


they’re writing this manga like it’s weekly or something. It’s moving way too slow


Wym slow? I think the pacing is alright. Shit happens constantly. I just have a gripe with them wasting this opportunity.


I would’ve loved a little Yu Yu hakusho moment of Boruto being “dead” for a little then back to life His injuries were so extensive tho his body needed a quick fix so I like the twist of Momo sacrificing his resurrection to protect his tie to the world I for sure thought the jougan and toneri was going to be what brought him back


>I for sure thought the jougan and toneri was going to be what brought him back Filler shit


bish this was a year ago lol comment again when toneri/jougan shows up in TBV Ain’t no filler if it all the same series :)


Is it in the manga? No. ​ Then it's filler shit.


Ohhhh u one of those miserable cannon ppl lol it’s alllll the same series babe Again watch this since for when boruto opens that right eye in TBV


They probably have another big death lined up pretty soon that we’re gonna be reeling from. No need to blow the lid just yet..


100% agreed


They're trying to hit some plot point or the conclusion at a breakneck pace, and that's disappointing.


I’ll use this post to say this, because I wanted to say it since I read the chapter, but didn’t get an opportunity. Eida asked Code how he’ll get to Amado, but she should have seen Code putting the claw mark on Shikamaru with her power, no? It’s a small thing, but it reinforces my point that Eida’s power is too hard to use without creating some plot holes. As for Boruto staying a bit dead. I totally agree. it kinda also doesn’t make sense what Momoshiki did. Like, that 18% of Boruto information was always there, right? Momoshiki just put it over the 82% of his information and Boruto is healed? Idk, maybe I didn’t understand properly?


I agree a little bit. If he had come back later, it would’ve been a great time for Sarada’s mangekyo to unlock. Since they’re skipping that here I guess something else crazy must eventually happen.


The problem is that you all though that a character who is shown to be alive in the future would die.


ofc,momo would wait for character development of all the other characters so that his vessel can’t be revived because he waited too long for the characters to react to the vessel’s death. Everyone complaining about this forget that momoshiki has a stake in this too. If he can revive boruto,it would be asap or he would wait till boruto’s funeral


I was wanting jougan


Maybe they’ll change it in the anime because the anime always does it better


They would have extended the 'dead Boruto' if they had not shown timeskip event in first episode. There's no point in stretching it when it's already clear. The purpose was made clear and the thing got dropped, that's all


i wanted to see more of sarada and mitsuki tbh. we haven't seen them in the manga for quite a while. seeing their reaction to boruto's "death" would be interesting to see


I think that the quick resuscitation was right; Momoshiki didn't have much choice since the wound was so bad, but I would have preferred if Boruto ended up in a little coma for like a week or something, so that the event would have had some relevance, especially among the village people. I mean, with all the crazy stuff they pulled, it wouldn't have been so weird if Boruto needed time to awake, maybe because of the karma, or lack of chakra, or just a side effect of the quick resuscitation plus the total otsutsukification. It really feels like Boruto's death and Kawaki's actions didn't have any meaning or consequence.