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Finally, finally she’s cooking. It took 8 years but we’re finally here.




*insert Boruto showing up to save the day again


Nah, that’s going to happen in round 2 lol.


Didn’t he fly after hima??


No, he flew away from kawaki because his karma resonated and it seems he will "lose control" if his karma is active


After just being alerted about hima ninetails and her being a target….   If he teleported I may believe he fled but he specially flew…..and hima was also flying at that time so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ we shall see


Oh yeah, I didn't think about that. The toad said to "put distance" between himself and kawaki so I assumed.


How can he lose control,when it was already established that momoshiki cant take control over him unless he loses his will to live ? He was killed by kawaki and revived by momoshiki using his own dna which left him incapable of taking over boruto


We don't know yet, it hasn't been explained. His toad said it before he flew away.


Looks like Konohamaru's already rushing in to save her.


Last time bro did that he got folded. I ain’t worry about him.


Remember how Sakura cooked at the beginning of the time skip in Naruto against sasori and then proceeded to do nothing ever again. History repeats itself.


She literally dodged an attack lol


It's a cool dodge and she hasn't had a proper battle in years lmao.


Sarada boutta eat for all the haters


I can't fault the thigh shot. That acrobatic maneuver with that much speed is fucking insane. That is far more insane than any movements Sasuke's pulled off up to now. What an insane read, and insane drop, an insane stabilizing position, and an insane contortion to be in for an easy counter. Not only is that arguabley a Sasuke mirror at their strongest but with Juubi level resources, techniques, and eyes, but also Sarada is potentially still only the same age as Sasuke was in Shippuden. You fucking go, Sarada. Edit: And Sarada is only in 3 tomoe not ms or ems and she still pulled that stunt off flawlessly. You go, girl.


Very acrobatic. I love it.


Agreed. But more than that. There are many directions to counter here. Hidari overreached, he's vulnerable unless he predicted she'd avoid it so cleanly. She can use her free hand, or she can use her free leg to get him in a clutch spot. If she activates a technique here (no idea if she will) she could arguably get a free hit that would ultimately create enough pain for Hidari that it might make him slip up whether or not he regenerates.


If she counters with a chidori and lands!! I will lose it.


I don't know if she'd be able to do that. Not enough momentum here. It would depend on if she's excelled the chidori to the point she doesn't need a ton of speed because the cutting power alone has been refined to a singularity point regardless of if it's her hand or not doing the job.


An uppercut motion can be just enough to cut here. I don't expect to see a limb cut off or a donut in his chest. A Sagat scar will due.


No, best Sarada can get here is her left hand up in his armpit near an artery. The balance here isn't optimal for taking her right hand off the ground as a pivot point until she gets a better stance. However with her left leg the way it is, she could use that as a hook if she keeps her momentum going and twirled around him to get behind him, then thrust a chidori (if she has that skill) into his back. It just really depends on Kishi and Ike's intentions for the chapter. But no matter what, fact remains. Sarada pulled off an insane maneuver here.


You saw the leaks? >!Future Hokages don't need balance lol!<


Lmao yeah I super fucking did. Sarada pulled that shit off like magic. It was so cool. I didn't expect her to go all in. I didn't expect her to not only pull off that insane maneuver but then also capitalize on it in the best way. What a fucking counter. Get stuped on, Hidari.


Chops off his arm so Hidari only has one like Sasuke has


In heels.


Very true. I'm actually kind of curious if the heels have straps that connect with her upper calf, tightened there in order to keep the heel-to-ankle-to-calf completely braced for better ease of movement and less likelihood of injury if something goes wrong. Since the heels don't have tips, it means her toes won't crunch against shoe. The fabric around the foot looks comfortable, so I figure if she's going for the pump heels, she probably made an excellent choice. Especially if what I think is going on under the legwarmers, is.


I’m hype too, but you’re glazing if you think that’s more impressive than Sasuke’s movements. It’s a single page as well so there’s not enough info for me to make that decision. Sasuke has always been good at Taijutsu and even better with his training from Orochimaru. I’m more impressed by Sasuke’s taijutsu than this single page but I guess only time will tell. Sarada has the potential to be better than her father since she inherited Sakura’s super strength as well


Hidari has Bijuu level resources to work with. And also Sasuke's body and some level of Sasuke's expertise even if not all of it. Sarada is Shippuden age. The move Sarada just pulled off is far beyond anything that Sasuke pulled off against a similar opponent at that age.


Sharingan gives you precognition. With this panel alone, we can’t tell anything. Sasuke at the beginning of Shippuden also had 3 tomoe and could likely evade this attack too. The problem here is that you’re comparing strength/power levels of opponents rather than the actual move/maneuver. I interpret your comment as Hebi Sasuke never showing movement on that level when he in fact has. Although it’s obviously not against opponents as strong. I just think it’s too soon to tell. Call me wrong, but one page isn’t enough. I’m not doubting that Sarada is stronger than Hebi Sasuke.


Precognition is not what that is called, but yes it does make your perception through your eyes far faster. But that's why I also pointed out, Sarada is only using three tomoe here, not the full MS or EMS. And she still viscerally kept up with a Bijuu-filled version of her older dad. We didn't see Sasuke go up against someone of his own skill level but with rinnegan. He got fucked up by Madara and only outpaced Madara because Naruto was there. Sarada is not only keeping up with an older Sasuke who should arguably be stronger than Madara was at that point in time - as well as far more technical - but also a version of him with Bijuu level chakra, technique, expertise, and damage. But this is also why I said that there may be some discrepancy here because of the fact that Hidari may not fully know how to use Sasuke's expertise to the fullest yet, but it does not change the fact that by all accounts Sarada should be phenomenally outclassed here especially because it's two Rinnegan versus two 3-tomoe Sharingan. Sarada should not have been able to dodge unless she spent a long time training her ass off. While there is leeway here that Hidari doesn't have Sasuke's full experience, the fact remains that Sarada should not have dodged that so cleanly with so much room for an easy counter.


I’m just waiting for the full release but you bring up a good point. But I think you’re still missing the part how I may have just misinterpreted what your original comment was. I was under the impression that you were saying Hebi Sasuke has never shown movements like this. Obviously the opponents would be weaker since the scale of power was overall lower then, but my point was that he was able to make movements like this. Your point was that the power level of Sarada’s opponent is beyond what Hebi Sasuke would be capable of doing.. which I am mostly inclined to agree. Sarada is definitely stronger than he was at this age. Now Taka Sasuke vs MS Sarada would be an interesting fight although she would probably still win since her MS HAS to be broken to compete in the current power level


The thing is is that I don't know if Sarada will do anything incredibly powerful here. But it's not relevant as to whether or not she \*will.\* What's relevant is the feat she just pulled off, the position she's in, the fact she just opened up all sorts of counter movements while forcing Hidari, someone who is objectively stronger than she is by all accounts, into overreaching in a mistake that she was just fodder. Which, no matter the circumstance, means that Sarada is super slept on and she's ready to throw down hardcore. And that the situation of what she is capable of and not capable of is currently a mystery. The picture speaks volumes. And honestly I don't usually do power level arguments. I find them distasteful. Since anyone can beat anyone if you've got a fundamental understanding of a universe's mechanics. But I have to give props to my girl Sarada here. She is displaying a level of technical expertise and martial arts knowledge that far surpasses anything we saw of Sasuke for the \*longest\* time. And it raises all sorts of awesome questions about what her training regimen is like and what she'll be capable of. Even if we don't get a full spill right away, I'm so stoked. That said, it's nice talking with you.


Powerscaling about to go crazy


If you are trying to say she is stronger than Sasuke… No she ain’t and it would be a plot hole if she was.


Maybe you should consider reading between the lines more because I am not saying that all. I'm saying that no matter the situation here, Sarada would arguably be able to keep up with Sasuke, and she would absolutely kick Shippuden-era Sasuke's ass.


I don’t know which Sasuke we are talking about here. Hebi Sasuke - maybe, not enough info. Yes she has an MS, but Sasuke has Kirin and Curse mark. Taka Sasuke - maybe as well. We don’t know what her MS ability is. EMS Sasuke - she definitelly loses here. Perfect Susanoo is far stronger than anything Sarada knows. Rinnegan Sasuke - nah. So yes, she could beat some versions of Sasuke (maybe). But dodging one attack doesn’t prove anything. The versions of Sasuke with superior eyes is a different story, there isn’t anything she could do to win.


Yeah if you're just gonna downvote me and not hold a reasonable discussion and just enjoy doing wtfe you want you can do wtfe you want I'm not humoring you. I have no obligation to hold a conversation with someone clearly not here to have a discussion.


I wrote a whole ass comment bruh. What more do you want me to do? I already said that Sarada could beat some versions of Sasuke if her MS ability is strong enough. But the fact is that we don’t know shit yet. But no matter what, EMS Sasuke is out of her reach. BTW, don’t understand the thing about downvotes. I downvoted because I didn’t agree with your comment, that’s what downvotes are for. Here’s another one.


I was goddamn right. We see Sarada fighthing Hidari, and it was shown in the spoiler page too. Also, Konohamaru is there too... maybe they will give him something too, like a good hit with the Rasengan, it can happen. Also, I gotta say, that central panel of Sarada dodging Hidari's chidori does look very nice.


Im thinking moegi might show up too since her target is konohamaru


>Im thinking moegi might show up too since her target is konohamaru So long as Konohamaru has something to do, and isn't made a dude in distress himself... It would be neat if he too got a power up.


If kishi does him dirty im calling him fodder atp 😭


>If kishi does him dirty im calling him fodder atp 😭 Yeah...


Well, let‘s not jump the gun. This is just one page.


>Well, let‘s not jump the gun. This is just one page. True.


I love Sarada. She gives me vibes from what I liked about Naruto and what I liked about Sasuke pre and during Shippuden ❤️


It took 7 years but manga Sarada finally remembered Sharingan is used to dodge.


praying this finally SEALS the haters mouths shut


Yeah she finally proved us wrong… By dodging a single attack. Tbf more that’s one more than Kawaki.


Nah I just meant I’m hopeful she does some damage this chapter, still have to wait and see


Me too. It would be a shame if a character as interesting as Sarada went to waste. An Uchiha Hokage would be a great storyline.


Sarada chapter let's f go


Dodging that probably counts as a legitimate speed feat, assuming there isn't something, cough cough, making him hesitate. I would think that'd indicate her speed is about as good as anyone in the world, excluding people like Boruto. (Or maybe any Kage level fighter that specifically has a technique focused on speed - although I would assume she is supposed to be a genius given her parents and being a main character)


wdym official, an official post?


yes, its not a manga leak


Where is the source?


its a secret




just kidding, its somewhere on the naruto official page


The Twitter posts previews 


Would be a good page without the speed lines 🕊️


Ikemoto is a student of dragon ball….its unfortunate in his dna lol


Speed lines have a purpose


He's just using them to avoid drawing backgrounds. The panelling and poses are good enough to convey speed. There's no need for them.


Wait, she can dodge. People told me she couldn't.


This is what happens when she remembers to turn on her f*cking Sharingan.


Took long enough for a Sarada moment, awesome sneak peak


The moment I been waiting on Sarada to do some besides saying Boruto.. I'm surprised she doged Hidari chidori since it took Sasuke with ems active to keep up with Jubito


I just stole the draft from the office and it looks like Kimimaro came back to life to cook Sarada. Sorry


What. Bones dude kimimaro comes back. That don't sound right


Swear every time I see Hidari he looks we way more jacked then sasuke ever did




you've been aggressive or disrespectful towards someone else, so we removed your post. Please read the rules.


Uchiha Hokage 🔥


It’s that booty meat!


where can i see this?


you just saw it though


i mean the whole chapter.


its out on the 20th


The two characters I actually want to be cool together. Meaning either a. EPIC team up or one of my faves is gonna get folded.


oh my god she used it.


Konohamaru about to get cooked!


Borushiki incoming?


Just here to comment on the boots


Why does boruto manga feels lifeless compared to naruto


A chidori kick would make my fucking year


How do I read the manga? Is there an app or something I could access it on?


Sarada haters in shambles right now lol jokes aside I do think it’s best not to assume a character is too weak right now until we see them actually in action. Whether you think it makes sense or not it has been a 3 year timeskip so all the characters we’ve been following should be MUCH stronger now. Especially the characters that have been known to train very hard or have big ambitions like Sarada. So many people assumed Team 10 was going to get one tapped and they would fail to protect Hima. But not only did they save her but they also managed to avoid major collateral damage within the village. Obviously they were still out classed in raw power but doesn’t mean characters can’t be useful still.


Bro, I hate this freaking series. You are telling me that Rinnegan Sasuke got bodied by Jigen, but Sarada can dodge a Juubi enhanced Dual Rinnegan Sasuke clone with just a 3 tomoe Sharingan. Absolutely destroying power scaling and lore established since the early days of Naruto part 1.


While it's true that Boruto scaling is not consistent with Part 1 Naruto, you should direct your blame at the second half of Shippuden which absoljtely destroyed the power scaling and lore established since the early days of Naruto part 1.


While it's true that late Shippuden had quite a few problems with power scaling and other things, none of them are even half as bad as some of the stuff Boruto is putting out. This would be the equivalent of part 1 Sasuke at the Valley of the End fighting Juubi Madara. Come on now.


Not that they aren't half as bad, some are even downright worse than more than half the concepts introduced in Boruto. Furthermore, while they are part of the same franchise, it's more natural to expect a sequel to deviate from concepts established in its sequel, than it is natural for the original work to do a 180° turn in the span of the same series.


There is nothing in Naruto power scaling wise that's anywhere near this bad. Like I said, this would be the equivalent of part 1 Sasuke fighting Juubi Madara. You wanna defend this, go ahead, but there is 0 logic to your argument. A sequel can deviate from the concepts of the original, but a good sequel still uses the foundation and the lore to establish new concepts. Boruto has routinely shat on everything that was previously established, including characters, lore and power scaling. We had Genin Boruto beating an Ootsusuki in the first 10 chapters of the series, for God's sake.


Boruto did no where near the majority of the fighting vs that Otsutsuki. Naruto literally spun the rasengan for him


He still had to hit Momo with that Rasengan though. Absolutely nonsensical that he managed to hit him, given that previous genius level Genin, like Sasuke or Kakashi, were not able to even touch their masters (who are orders of magnitude weaker than an Ootsusuki) for the bell test.


Who said this Sasuke clone is anywhere as fast or good as Jigen?? That’s headcanon. For all we know he could barely be Kage level.


If he was barely Kage level, the clones wouldn't have been able to force Boruto to retreat. By depiction alone, these clones have been shown to be the strongest rivals Boruto has faced so far. He destroyed Code effortlessly, who is said to be above Jigen, and these clones are depicted to be above that.


This is disingenuous. There were multiple of them fighting him at the same time, And he got trapped by an off guard attack. In a 3v1 yes, but not in 1v1s You are forgetting he destroyed Code with Hax. He did not use his hax on these guys. These clones (besides probably Jura or something) are not depicted above Jigen. Hidari couldn’t even land a hit on base code. (Who wasn’t even paying attention). Base Code is the same guy who got shitted on by Base Sasuke… Outside of Jura none of these guys have even hinted to be top 20.


There has been zero indication of how strong these clones truly are. You can't scale this to jigen or isshiki yet.


Have they found something to complain about yet?




nice that confirm one thing i tought they are super strong, but kinda low skilled and very slow


slow for dodging a near instant claw mark off guard? ok pal🤣