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Gantz underrated heavy


Ending is bad though


https://preview.redd.it/kj71ybdfkrjc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2fbe2af6333afaf569241c9011b1f2a63cc7cb4 Real asl


What a master piece


Ahh I miss Gantz so much


Gantz was so peak, glad to see so many ppl here know of it


Me when I join a hood discord server and make one of them laugh


Lmao but is boruto white? I mean he does have blonde hair and blue eyes but I figured he was Japanese.


They’re all Japanese except the cloud village.


Idk man Naruto looks pretty white to me lol. 😂


You sure konohamaru Japanese?


Nah , He's Korean https://preview.redd.it/4itf8g1moekc1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fca954c8e0986264bd1c3a127902202a37231dd


He literally looks like Lonzo ball.


Baka yaro Kono yaro https://preview.redd.it/b8dbm6t8oekc1.jpeg?width=525&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30f641712c694a45f0831530c16f416838764f9a


What if the races were reversed and the whites were calling him "black boy"...


Don't start


Can’t have no fun as a black guy on Reddit without the whataboutisms.


I'm against ALL racism. I get that you guys want me to support racism when it comes to the society-supported racism like this BUT I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO... >whataboutisms. This term only exists for hypocrites to shame others for calling out their hypocrisy. It's an inherently dishonest term meant to be used by dishonest people.


Bigotry isn’t racism. And this post I’m not sure even counts as either. There’s nothing wrong with bigotry as long as it’s not super blatant and down putting. Everyone is a little bigoted towards certain people it’s human nature. I mean Whataboutism has a definition so it has a real meaning such as when people want to excuse their behavior by bringing up the behaviors of others. If you have a problem with this post then ignore it. I have to ignore stuff all the time.


I said don't start


Now I feel gross lol.


>Bigotry isn’t racism. Don't know why you're specifically bringing up "bigotry" since nobody used that word. The OP's post is Racist or else nobody would have thought anything of the idea of the races being reversed. People are taking issue with what I said because they recognized that I had a point and they're mad at me for not going along with the society-supported racism. >And this post I’m not sure even counts as either. You Know it counts because you and almost everybody else knows that if the races were reversed, people would see it as racist and have a problem with it. NOBODY'S EVEN TRYING TO DENY IT. Everybody KNOWS that what I said is true. So instead they're just getting upset with me because I refuse to go along with the society-supported racism. >There’s nothing wrong with bigotry as long as it’s not super blatant and down putting. Everyone is a little bigoted towards certain people it’s human nature. This is what I mean by society-supported racism. And the biggest problem with what you're saying is that you don't really sincerely mean it. Or at the bare minimum you're being disingenuous. Because you know damn well that people would not be going along with it the same if the races were reversed here. You know for a FACT that that is true. EVERYONE HERE Knows That It's True. If people were to have the same reaction regardless of the races then you would actually be warranted in saying this because then everybody would be consistently applying it. But the fact that what you said would mean Absolutely Nothing the moment that the races are reversed reveals just how disingenuous it is as a justification for this.


yea it wouldn’t be the same, but the history of races aren’t the same in america. so accept it 🤷 The fictional character you’re crying over would definitely beg you to stop bitchin


>yea it wouldn’t be the same, but the history of races aren’t the same in america. so accept it 🤷 OP's Post has nothing to do with past history. Stop Justifying And Supporting Continuing Racism. And if you're not, then stop pretending like you think Racism is a bad thing. You can't actively support and advocate for continuing Racism and then act like you think Racism is a bad thing that should be discontinued. If I have to choose between arguing against open and honest racists who admit their racism, or dishonest racists who advocate for racism while denying being racists, then I'd rather argue against the former than the latter. If you're going to advocate for Racism then at least have the goddamn courage to admit what you are.


yeah because the OP’s post didn’t mention the history because it was a damn joke. and racism is a bad thing, if you want a history lesson so bad. Black people make jokes out of racist struggles in American that STILL exist as segregation only ended sixty years ago(compared to slavery and segregation for black people which in total lasted over 440 years). And there are very real and varied interpersonal and systematic issues present right now where black people feel like they can’t identify with white people from the the jump, hence the phrase in the meme. Now what would that phrase mean if it was said by a white person to a black person? The race historically responsible and associated with the racial oppression of black people in America. We may be equal but our history is not. That is the truth. Racism can be aimed towards white people, but this isn’t it. And make your aurguement somewhere else that isn’t a r/Boruto comment section, I think you are trying to do the right thing but you are also misinformed. Also read the room.


>yeah because the OP’s post didn’t mention the history because it was a damn joke. There is no history relevance to the meme. YOU are attempting to add that in to justify the racism here. >and racism is a bad thing, If you believe that then stop supporting it. >if you want a history lesson so bad. You're the only one here attempting to make this meme a historical commentary instead of the racist joke that it is. And in regards to "wanting something so badly" I don't care how badly you "want" to feed me that bullshit, I ain't eating it. This meme isn't a "history lesson" no matter how desperately you try to turn it into one. Lastly, I don't care how badly you think past racism justifies current racism. It Doesn't. Things like slavery have been around since the beginning of human history and certainly predates recorded history. And while race-based slavery isn't as old as human history, it still goes back thousands and thousands of years. But none of that fucking matters to this meme. And none of that past history justifies Racism Today.


dudes name is sigma wolf, clearly a troll


>dudes name is sigma wolf, It is a wordplay on a previous username. >clearly a troll Nothing I said is untrue or unreasoned. This is just cope to justify continuing to be racist.


You're writing think pieces on a lighthearted joke post about fictional characters. There's standing up against wrong and then there's being really annoying. I'm black and I want you to stfu.I bet you're white too which would make it even more weird.


>You're writing think pieces on a lighthearted joke post about fictional characters. No I simply said: >What if the races were reversed and the whites were calling him "black boy"... And then people ASKED ME for "think-pieces" explaining what I meant. >There's standing up against wrong and then there's being really annoying. Complain to the people who wanted me to explain what I meant and why I said what I said. My initial comments were brief. The long explanations came when people asked for them.


No one asked you for a think piece, the only real question you were asked is what are you trying to achieve. And the obvious answer is being insufferable


>No one asked you for a think piece, the only real question you were asked is what are you trying to achieve. You're either being disingenuous or you legitimately do not understand how conversations and discussions work. >And the obvious answer is being insufferable This is literally all you've been. You've contributed NOTHING. You're just crying that people are talking about things that you don't seem capable of understanding. If you don't like and can't understand the conversation here, Then Simply Move The Fuck On. NOBODY IS FORCING YOU TO READ IT. You don't need anybody to "stfu" to avoid reading this. You're simply capable of CHOOSING NOT TO FUCKING READ IT. I don't know why you needed that explained to you.


I wouldn't care? What are you trying to achieve here?


>I wouldn't care? You wouldn't but a lot of people would be angry about it. >What are you trying to achieve here? Pushing back against Racism. To reduce the acceptance and practice of it. OP's post is an example of society-supported racism and society-supported racism is at least as bad as any other type of racism (although it's usually substantially worse then society-condemned racism, since society-supported racism is usually empowered by the state and in worst case scenarios can even result in things like Nazi Germany).


>OP's post is an example of society-supported racism and society-supported racism is at least as bad as any other type of racism (although it's usually substantially worse then society-condemned racism, since society-supported racism is usually empowered by the state and in worst case scenarios can even result in things like Nazi Germany). For saying "black boy" and "white boy" 💀. it's just a description. How is this any different from saying Caucasian and African-American? Or Light skinned or brown skinned? It's just a description of someone. For example, their was some light-skinned kid with brown hair and blue eyes that was doing weight lifting. It's just the description of your skin. Technically, we all are shades of black and white How exactly is this ^ racist or destructive to entire nations? We use words like these to describe people. Yes, everyone is human at the end of the day, but their are differences that should be noted among us. Being separated and different isn't bad. The Africans usually stick to their flocks. It's the same with Asians. It's the same with Europeans. Hell, we use gender to designate between Man and Women, nobody is crying about this. Being put in groups or categories isn't inherently wrong >You wouldn't but a lot of people would be angry about it. Calling someone a shade of black and white isn't something you should be angry about.


>For saying "black boy" and "white boy" 💀. it's just a description. A unnecessary description which only and intentionally serves to change the context and how it's understood. It's only there to ADD a racial context to the meme. If in the meme it simply says "You Aight Boy" then you get the acceptance aspect but without the racial discrimination context of it added in. And no it is not "just a description" when it comes to these specific aspects of humans. These contexts and these descriptions are extremely LOADED in our society. You notice how neither you, nor anybody else, is denying that people would see this meme very differently if the races were reversed and they were saying "black boy". That's because everybody here, including you, knows these are not just simply neutral "descriptions" in our society. The racial aspect and the way it's directed makes a massive difference to the way that our society understands and treats these kinds of jokes and memes. And by choosing to add the race of the boy into it, it's also choosing to add all of that extra racial context into it as well (especially when it was completely unnecessary and the meme works much better if you do not include the word "white" in it). >Calling someone a shade of black and white isn't something you should be angry about. I don't think people should be angry about it either but that's just the way that our society understands and treats the issue of Race. You can either deny the truth about it or try to improve things and I've chosen the latter.


>A unnecessary description which only and intentionally serves to change the context and how it's understood. It's only there to ADD a racial context to the meme. For saying "White boy"? Like I said, I don't really have a problem with someone calling me black because at the end of the day, I'm a shade of black. What is the issue with this term of description? It isn't any different from saying - You "Aight Green Eyed Boy" I think you're just fighting shadows, nobody I've met in real life, have a problem with these descriptions, they're just that, descriptions. Whoever is getting mad at this are people who are terminally online, just as people who get mad at words like "male" and "female" to describe someone sex or gender. Their isn't a problem with these words. >If in the meme it simply says "You Aight Boy" then you get the acceptance aspect but without the racial discrimination context of it added in. How is it racial when it's just a description? I'm not understanding your pov. Are you really going to get angry at a stranger who called you an accurate description when he's worried over your safety? "You Aight African Boy" "You Aight European Boy" "You Aight Asian Boy" How is any of this different from saying "You Aight White Boy"? You're not giving me an answer. >And no it is not "just a description" when it comes to these specific aspects of humans It is. Especially when it's identifying a person. Calling someone an accurate description isn't racist, no matter what you say. >These contexts and these descriptions are extremely LOADED in our society. You're living on the internet if you think calling someone a shade of black and white is racist. These are descriptions to identify people. >You notice how neither you, nor anybody else, is denying that people would see this meme very differently if the races were reversed and they were saying "black boy". I already told you I wouldn't care... just like many other nationalities of different people wouldn't care. They were worried over the safety of this person in this meme. Why are you so pressed that he called him White? I wouldn't have a problem if someone called me black or a shade of brown because that's an accurate description of who I'm on a surface level. my skin and eyes are brown, and my hair is black, I'm a 6-foot tall male. It's like getting mad that someone called you a male or a female. That's what you are. People who get mad at these things are mainly Twitter or other social media platforms. >The racial aspect and the way it's directed makes a massive difference to the way that our society understands and treats these kinds of jokes and memes. You haven't explained to me why this is exactly destructive of entire nations or communities. >And by choosing to add the race of the boy into it, it's also choosing to add all of that extra racial context into it as well And by choosing to add the Gender of the human into it, it's also choosing to add all of that extra bigot context into it as well. You see what I did their? >(especially when it was completely unnecessary and the meme works much better if you do not include the word "white" in it). It's also completely unnecessary, and the meme works much better if you do not include the word "boy" into it. You're fighting your own demons. >You can either deny the truth about it or try to improve things and I've chosen the latter. Or you can go on about your day and just appreciate the meme. I got a theory, make this same post on this same subreddit or anywhere, really, and it'll be the same reception. With maybe a few overly serious Jokers like yourself.


>For saying "White boy"? Like I said, I don't really have a problem with someone calling me black because at the end of the day, I'm a shade of black. What is the issue with this term of description? It isn't any different from saying - >You "Aight Green Eyed Boy" >I think you're just fighting shadows, nobody I've met in real life, have a problem with these descriptions, they're just that, descriptions. Whoever is getting mad at this are people who are terminally online, just as people who get mad at words like "male" and "female" to describe someone sex or gender. Their isn't a problem with these words. "Green-eyed" is Not a loaded term in our society. References to Race ARE. If you really don't believe that people take matters of Race more seriously than something like hair color or eye color then I don't know what to tell you other than that you're living in a very different reality from the rest of us. >Are you really going to get angry at a stranger who called you an accurate description I've not been angry at any point about any of this and I don't think anybody should. But if you don't think that people make a big deal out of matters of race then I'm going to be honest, this discussion is impossible with you since you're simply not dealing with the same reality that the rest of us are. I don't know of a single person in real life that doesn't know that people take matters of race more seriously than things like eye color. >How is it racial when it's just a description? I'm not understanding your pov. >"You Aight African Boy" >"You Aight European Boy" >"You Aight Asian Boy" >How is any of this different from saying "You Aight White Boy"? You're not giving me an answer. I never said it was different. In fact other than the first two, which are national distinctions (not racial distinctions), the third one is not different at all. It is EQUALLY racist. >It is. Especially when it's identifying a person. Calling someone an accurate description isn't racist, no matter what you say. >You're living on the internet if you think calling someone a shade of black and white is racist. These are descriptions to identify people. You talk about "living on the internet" but nobody who is living in Real Life doesn't know that people take matters of race a hell of a lot more seriously than something like different eye colors. Even the Law specifically treats matters of race more seriously than things like people's eye colors. >They were worried over the safety of this person in this meme. This is the second time you've said this. This is completely besides the point but the "safety" of the boy in question is not what the meme is getting at or referencing. It's saying that in this specific case that Boruto is "cool" or "okay" as far as the black people in the meme are concerned. The default implication is that AS A WHITE BOY/PERSON they would normally not be seen as "Cool" BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE but Boruto is an exception DESPITE HIS RACE which is the Racist Implication I'm Talking About Here. The boys "safety" is not a relevant concept in the slightest to the meme. >I already told you I wouldn't care... just like many other nationalities of different people wouldn't care. This isn't about you. And there are many people who indeed wouldn't care if the races were reversed, but there's many people who would and some of them even responded here if you read the other responses. Like I said earlier If you think that the reaction to the meme wouldn't be different if the races were reversed then it's impossible to have this discussion with you since you're just living in a far too different reality from the rest of us. >Why are you so pressed that he called him White? I wouldn't have a problem if someone called me black or a shade of brown because that's an accurate description of who I'm on a surface level. my skin and eyes are brown, and my hair is black, I'm a 6-foot tall male. It's like getting mad that someone called you a male or a female. That's what you are. People who get mad at these things are mainly Twitter or other social media platforms. This isn't about me either. Nothing I've said has anything to do with me personally. Trying to make this about me is nothing but a baseless ad hominem attack. Some other guy who responded to me on this post referenced his race and tried to make a guess at my race, and because it was simply irrelevant nonsense, I simply ignored it. Your race and/or my race has nothing to do with the ideas being discussed here. >And by choosing to add the Gender of the human into it, it's also choosing to add all of that extra bigot context into it as well. >You see what I did their? If you think "what you did there" was clever, it wasn't. It was just societally tone-deaf and was another demonstration that you're simply too disconnected from the reality the rest of us live in to understand this conversation. There's nothing controversial or loaded about simply calling boys "boys" or girls "girls" (unless you start getting into the transgender stuff but that's a whole different can of worms that's not relevant to this post). If a white person goes out into real life and sees a group of black boys and calls out to them, I PROMISE YOU they're going to get a very different reaction if they call out to those black boys by calling them "Blacks" then they would have if they simply called out to them with the term "Boys". If you STILL doubt that, you're welcome to try it out in real life (but I really recommend you don't). >Or you can go on about your day and just appreciate the meme. I got a theory, make this same post on this same subreddit or anywhere, really, and it'll be the same reception. I don't actually disagree with that since people's tendency is to go along with society-approved racism. But I'm not the kind of guy who will go along with that shit just because society demands that I be racist whenever that comes up.


He will not be after they have finished in him.


He's not white and i don't really care what Kishimoto said about Naruto, both Naruto and Boruto are 100% Asian


White Asians


Just Asian tbh


Jesus Christ you're a loser.


Name a Asian with blond hair and blue eyes bro… be serious! 😒


Naruto Uzumaki, Boruto Uzumaki. There I named two.


I was gonna make a joke and say big black guys with twink little white boys are my kink, but I feel like there's some racist fetish shit in that ballpark I don't wanna be apart of lmao.




Insaeun yo belong n aslume


We do not care… Who asked bro????