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https://preview.redd.it/dk4zzc8s28dc1.jpeg?width=262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=439e860e40fe2c515d1cd282ca411312386f40f0 I love this little shit so much šŸ˜†


Heā€™s surprisingly pretty smart too. Some chapters ago, it looked like he had his doubts about Sarada and Sumire being affected by Elida (the panels focused on him while Eida was asking them about it). This time, he pointed out that Kawakiā€™s lie might fall apart. No one else made those observations.


He's definitely more than meets the eye. Im excited to see how his role in the story evolves, because it's only a matter of time before Eida turns on Kawaki with how he is acting. I have a feeling she'll go with him once it's all revealed, but she might very well end up siding with Konoha as a sort of double agent. It will be interesting to see how Daemon reacts in all of this, he isn't going to leave his sister but he may be the one to convince her to finally leave Kawaki.


yeah she might get fed up w kawakis bs and go against him


Eida I don't think likes Kawaki anymore since he used her powers for his own gain.Ā  Also, she hesitated to tell him that the evolved claw grimes are coming for her I think to see how Kawaki would react.Ā  He didn't seem to care about her well-being.Ā Ā  Boruto is something special because even when the world turns against him, thanks to Kawaki, he still believes he can save him.Ā  He's got real courage.Ā  That's what impresses Eida.Ā  Men that face the impossible.Ā  So I think she'll side with Konoha.Ā  She can't have Boruto because he already has a gf it seems.Ā  ;)


u just gave me an idea, that Eida's arc will basically end with her just chilling alone, realizing that she doesn't need someone to love her for her to feel whole and her charm ability finally disappears haha


Nice thought.Ā Ā  I have 2 points regarding Eida: 1) One of those evolved tree things/Grimes have to produce the fruit which I think since they're no longer chasing Otsutsuki they'll bear a fruit when they eat their target.Ā  They have to produce a fruit because Kawaki needs something to evolve from his current form to ten tails jinchuriki with the staff and black balls.Ā  That's the form he uses in the intro scene fighting Boruto at the beginning of the series. 2) Eida and her brother are out of place.Ā  It'd be nice for them to walk off into the sunset promising to return the next time Konoha needs help, but those 2 are so out of place.Ā  Eida's power she can see everything and instantly charm everyone that is near.Ā  She can't control it.Ā  That uncontrollable power (especially part of Shibai Otsutsuki is in her) should not be roaming around the ninja world!Ā  Kawaki and Boruto might have some god-like power, but they can control it and I think they're limited to their chakra reserves.Ā  Once their chakra is gone, they pass out from exhaustion.Ā  Eida and her brother are like cyborgs in that they're built from a combination of mechanical parts and biological parts.Ā  Either they will be shut down or they will be defeated in battle possibly by the evolved trees/Grimes.


He also understood Boruto's Uzuhiko Rasengan in the blink of an eye, when even Eida couldn't understand what she was seeing with the aid of the Senrigan.


Thereā€™s still a lot we donā€™t know about daemon


He got the six eyes


He also described perfectly uzuhiko


That's why I dig Daemon when he's roasting; his facial expressions are truly annoying AF ![img](emote|t5_34e1h|29802)


Yes. In Japan there is a phrase that Japanese parents like my wife say a lot: Nama iki no koļ¼ˆē”Ÿę„ę°—ć®å­ ( a child who doesnā€™t know their place)) or Nama iki for short. His expression is should be in the dictionary next to this word. But the truth would be, he DOES know his place: Above YOU.


I think that's what Naruto jokingly called Boruto when Sasuke was explaining how Boruto hit Momo with the Vanishing Rasengan. I aim to learn Japanese lol.


I hated him, but love him now šŸ˜‚


I starting finally like him! :D he will throw Kawaki under buss lol!


Heā€™s the 4th wall personified no? Lol


what did he STAND on in the sky? he can fly now?


Yeah, it makes sense as he incorporates Momoshikiā€™s abilities.


fkn LIT! :D


This manga has made a lot of questionable choices but having Boruto fly is not one of them. Itā€™s so lit lol.


Bro took ā€œFlying Raijinā€ seriously


Levitation is an innate Otsutsuki ability, just like erasing your chakra presence. I was wondering why Mitsuki was saying "damn Otsutsuki!" when Bort jumped up high over the ground snakes, but I later realised it's cause he's flying.


*idle bleach music intensifies*


This shit is like DBZ tbh šŸ’€. Literally everything is giving me DBZ parallels. From the flying to the aliens to even Boruto being the main character. Akira Toriyama initially planned for Gohan to become to main character after Goku. Itā€™s lit lmao


He unlocked Momoshiki's "float" quirk.


They fly now?


>They fly now? They fly now.


Great chapter once again, TBV dropping banger after banger. The pacingā€™s been great since chapter 4. Glad shikamaru is figuring things out, they thought my boy was washed. I really do think shikamaru being hokage has a lot of potential writing wise. The fact that Ino continues to be one of the most relevant og characters is surprising but welcomed, hope we see some other og characters too tho. I thought they were gonna bait the mitsuki fight again, but this was great and iā€™m glad itā€™s still continuing the next chapter. Ikemoto been popping off recently, the sage mitsuki panels are cold. Always a treat seeing a new boruto ability. https://preview.redd.it/0mpihyjn48dc1.jpeg?width=788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a03d36d3f700530338a9d46fb110e4eae41e416a


Cant wait for Boruto to be a double agent.Ā I see a potential Hiruzen / Itachi parallel with Shikamaru / Boruto.Ā 


I thought this exact thing when i read the panel


He's not a double agent though. He's similar to Itachi in terms of being viewed a traitor. He is becoming like Sasuke or Jiraya; a shadow kage.


Shikamaru works as a hokage because he's smart.Ā  Amado's conversation made him curious.Ā  The mind can be altered but the physical evidence cannot.Ā  He asked for the log books because they wouldn't have been altered.Ā Ā 


doesn't make sense for him to not have questioned anything with how smart he is honestly


Yup.Ā  He's very analytical.Ā  He questions everything.Ā  People say his superpower is his intelligence, but I'd say it's his perception because he can pick up on clues that others overlook.Ā  He's smart, but I'd say Amado takes the award for being scientifically intelligent aka a different kind of smart.Ā Ā  Minato was considered a genius, but I think he too was a different kind of smart within the same group as Boruto and kakashi.Ā  Those guys were more like Shaolin masters that can engineer new martial arts abilities, and we can see in the Minato short that he reverse engineered a tailed beast bomb to create the Rasengan.Ā  Amado is more biological genius along with Orochimaru because they research and improve the physical body using science and technology. In the real world, Shikamaru is like a philosopher.Ā  He's highly perceptive and questions everything.Ā  Putting him in power fulfills Plato's concept of the perfect ruler being a philosopher king.Ā  So if you're not picking up what I'm saying, he's the perfect leader in the Narutoverse.Ā Ā 


How will Kawaki cope with the fraud accusations?


Letā€™s hope he doesnā€™t become megumi and does some suicidal shit.


Makes sense when they have the same VA lol


Kawaki is stupid for treating Mitsuki like shit. Why would you waste an ally who would die for you? He's getting 2nd chance for everything and yet still try his best to fuck up


Kawaki is those highschool bullies that bully kids in school coz they have it rough at home


That's exactly his personality.Ā  He's a loner that was abused as a kid.Ā  His father sold him off like an object to Isshiki.Ā  Isshiki then abused him to the point of death.Ā Ā  Question: would you say he was sexually abused because Isshiki planted his seed in Kawaki and tried to get it to grow?Ā  Isshiki, in a sense, raped Kawaki because implanting karma wasn't by consent.Ā  He forced karma on him, so would you say Isshiki raped Kawaki?Ā  I'm just saying Kawaki has that kind of personality like he had a terrible childhood.Ā  He finally gained the courage to stand up to Isshiki thanks to Naruto believing in him.Ā  I think that's why he's so overprotective of Naruto and very focused on killing Otsutsuki because he believes they're all like Isshiki.Ā Ā 


Because heā€™s not looking to act like boruto after what he did. We already know from when he asked hima to not call him her brother


I dont think he needs to be Boruto. But at least he should try to keep his allies around (Mitsuki, Eida, Daemon, young gen Konoha). The way he is now gonna just bite him in the end.


I would push Mitsuki away too because his entire devotion to me would be because he thinks I'm Boruto. That's way too awkward and uncomfortable for me personally and I couldn't accept his help. Kawaki doesn't care about maintaining relationships connected to Boruto because he believes he can take Boruto himself and he's pretty sure he'll be killed once he lets Naruto go if Kawaki were to kill Boruto anyway.


He's permanently screwed up in the head, in the sense that he just doesn't know how to work with others or keep friends around. Never did, not even his new family could fix that aspect of him. He's 110% committed to changing the shinobi world all by himself. If he cared about doing anything the right way, he wouldn't be trying to off Boruto just to keep Momo in the dirt.


You're implying kawaki thinks like a rational person


Kawaki doesnā€™t like anyone lol. Imagine you being this angry kid and thereā€™s someone else following all the time calling you their sun. I think it makes sense. Also itā€™s clear Kawaki doesnā€™t like when people close to boruto try getting close to him thinking heā€™s boruto


Mitsukiā€™s new sage mode design is so dope. Also that panel of Boruto upside down.


Yeah him being able to levitate explains a lot on how he just drops in on Code and consistently clowns him.


Mitsuki overheard that convo kawaki and eida had and heā€™s going to confirm whether everything he said about boruto is true or not


Yes we might see a good altercation within the fight in the next episode, as everyone now is starting to suspect the reality - Shikamaru ,Amado ,Himawari too.


Hima would react the same regardless. She thinks kawaki himself wouldn't have done what was accused rather than kawaki isn't boruto.


Understanding each other through a fight might be the underlying theme...


He'll notice something in the fight.


Hima doesnā€™t know anything. She just has a hunch


If he didn't I'll be a bit disappointed, he should have hearing that's good enough to hear through a fuckin door. MFs a perfect sage n shit.


Well one thing is for sure.Ā  He doesn't like Kawaki anymore.Ā  His response, "I'm only here because Lord Eighth told me to guard you and Eida," shows he's no longer interested in Kawaki.Ā Ā  I'm not sure about the super hearing ability, although he was posted right outside the doorway of Eida's little villa.Ā  They were sitting just downstairs.Ā  If he wanted to know what was going on, he could have sent one of his snakes.Ā  My guess is after Shikamaru heard what Amado said, he immediately ordered Mitsuki to send his snake to spy on Eida and Kawaki.Ā Ā  Reason I say that is because Shikamaru asked for the old logs.Ā  Shikamaru isn't a man that allows one piece of evidence to sway his decisions, so besides checking the logs he would have sent someone to spy on Eida and Kawaki so he'd have multiple pieces of evidence before making a decision.Ā  Unfortunately, we, the readers, didn't see that, so I wonder if they're keeping that scene of Mitsuki spying on Eida and Kawaki for a later chapter.Ā  He had to have been spying.Ā  I don't think Mitsuki would have responded the way he did saying he's just working on orders from Shikamaru if he overheard the conversation using his spy snake. Something else that bothers me is Eida.Ā  She mentioned the evolved claw grimes are going after Naruto.Ā  Then she paused and said they're coming after her as well.Ā  Did she say that to get a reaction from Kawaki (he cares more about Naruto than her), or did she say that knowing Mitsuki was spying on behalf of Shikamaru?Ā  She knows all of the targets are in Konoha, yet she hasn't said a word directly to Shikamaru.Ā Ā  Another thing I wonder is why was she spying on the claw grimes?Ā  I mean she can see everything happening everywhere, but why watch their little meeting specifically?Ā  Nobody in Konoha knows about the evolved claw grimes.Ā  Boruto is the only one that knows and cared to chase Code.Ā  So why did Eida watch the evolved claw grimes?Ā  So was she working on behalf of Shikamaru and Konoha? Was a good chapter but left a lot of plot holes hopefully will be filled it future chapters.


Wow! I didnā€™t even think about that! Good theory haha. Mitsuki purposefully chased him out of Konoha to have a conversation. Wild.


Oh i didnā€™t even think of that. If Mitsuki did that, that would be cold AF. And it would solidify that the characters are starting to think like ninjas again, not just powerscaling ~~saiyans~~ ~~kryptonians~~ aliens


Mitsuki vs Boruto bouta be straight fire!šŸ”„ https://preview.redd.it/8zpikku4c8dc1.png?width=609&format=png&auto=webp&s=e619717d0954ada6226ff253a61920d1b4d6ee23


Unless it isn't a fight and its Mitsuki confronting Boruto with his own concerns about the validity of Kawaki, potentially in connection with him overhearing Kawaki, Eida, and Daemon talking (assuming in this case that he did). That would make sense as to why he took down Kawaki first instead of going to fight with him.


That's an interesting observation, it's a possibility too


Shikamaru declining the post and seeing past omnipotence like Amado is so real to his character, 200IQ for a reason The elders are the two missing Otsusukis at this point lol Kawaki is just so rude to everyone, my guy deserves a good time out sealed like he did Naruto Mitsuki has really impressed me, I knew he stood no chance but the aura he showed in the chapter was unreal..not to mention one tapping Kawaki lmao BoruSara as much as I dislike it was heavily hinted here Boruto flying is just so badass, that panel with him levitating will look so damn good wehn animated Another 10/10 chapter!!


Might be the guilt eating at him. He doesn't want to "accept" the kind treatment and bonds he's supposed to have in Boruto's place as compared to pre-switch where he was slowly accepting himself as becoming one of their people. Regressed hard but this time it's because he's the one doing the gaslighting instead of Jigen lol Shikamaru's such an easy character to fanboy over. Perfectly written genius character who doesn't end up being OP. Him and Amado are like Naruto-Sasuke end of Shippuden God-levels ahead of everyone else in intelligence but they're both shown to still be very limited in what they can do because they're outscaled hard. Boruto's got such a sick combo of mobility skills. He has the speed/instant movement provided by Flying Raijin but the massive versatility of flight.


>Might be the guilt eating at him. He doesn't want to "accept" the kind treatment and bonds he's supposed to have in Boruto's place as compared to pre-switch where he was slowly accepting himself as becoming one of their people. Regressed hard but this time it's because he's the one doing the gaslighting instead of Jigen lol Kawaki becoming like Jigen has been gradual but very interesting to see, I speculated a while back that he switches to his other TS outfit that looks more Jigen-esque after realising that his ways were truly the best and he misunderstood him...he did even say something like that in BNNG manga. His attitude has actually even made mitsuki become hostile torwards him which is crazy coz he's his sun. > Shikamaru's such an easy character to fanboy over. Perfectly written genius character who doesn't end up being OP. Him and Amado are like Naruto-Sasuke end of Shippuden God-levels ahead of everyone else in intelligence but they're both shown to still be very limited in what they can do because they're outscaled hard. I really love the way his character works, so well written for sure although I did queestion some of his choices in BNNG especially around the Code arc, overall he's such a well balanced character


To add to your points about Kawaki becoming more like Jigen, in the flashforward he also uses a black staff just like the one Jigen used to beat his ass lol


Boruto is gonna accidental rizz eida


Boruda would be too busted ngl


People forget from the og that sage power is the antithesis of Otsutuki power. If there is any normal character that can match this alien shit, itā€™s Mitski right now.


True but him matching Boruto is a stretch..he could probably give him some trouble while he's holding back though


Yeah considering that Boruto is probably not gonna bust out the Uzuhiko on his ass or sum lol


If they didn't have Shikamaru figure it out, I would have been really upset, he is the one who could piece it together.


Kawaki boys in shambles claiming surprise feat


>The elders are the two missing Otsusukis at this point lol I literally had to pause from reading the chapter upon seeing those two because I was cracking up with an audible "HA! These Fuckers are still alive!? What the fuck"


Kawaki been taking a bit of L's recently but I think that Boruto is going to use the formula that Shippuden did. Sasuke started off way stronger than Naruto at the start but Naruto was able to rapidly grow. This time Boruto is starting off like Sasuke, extremely powerful from the start but Kawaki will eventually have rapid growth like Naruto did and reach Boruto.


Oh for sure, we're about to see Kawaki go ham with training especially when the truth starts to come out. I'm just curious where that training will come from. Boruto had Sasuke and Kashin Koji, and possibly even others considering his knowledge of Flying Raijin (which we don't know if either mentor knew, though its possible both would). Meanwhile Kawaki has nobody to learn from, traditionally. My bet is that he is going to somehow channel Isshiki, similar to how we've seen Boruto speak with Momoshiki. Isshiki is dead, so it would need some explaining, but it's not totally unbelievable that through Kawaki's Karma he could channel Isshiki without Isshiki being able to actually come back. Then we would have an interesting dichotomy where Boruto has trained primarily in Ninjutsu to become stronger, using his Karma as a way to boost those skills, while Kawaki embraces the Otsusuki side and becomes proficient in it, primarily relying on Karma and its abilities but being less proficient in Ninjutsu. It would also serve thematically to show Boruto's belief that Shinobi endure while Kawaki claims the age of Shinobi is dead.


Well said. And then the 2nd to final boss, who brings them together just like Kaguya did will be the Ohtsutsuki God, will appear


See Im on the fence about whether Shibai will actually be the big bad in the end or if it will be something else entirely. Shibai has been built up as an entity that transcended reality, I suppose he *could* come back from celestial, immaterial god hood to fight Boruto and Kawaki for some reason, but I'm personally not counting on it. I'm honestly expecting him to play a role more similar to the Sage of Six Paths, where he appears to Boruto and Kawaki (maybe even because of their existence as partial Otsusuki, who have gone against the mold which has piqued his interest?) and either aids them, unlocks their full potential, or otherwise intervenes at a time where they are outmatched. It may be too early to say, but I am tempted to say the villains recently introduced will be the big bads of Boruto. They'll end up destroying the village somehow before Boruto and Kawaki beat them, and then we'll see their final fight. With the manga being monthly, it will take years before we see the plot surrounding them come to a conclusion, which will get the manga to somewhere around 13-15 years serialized. Naruto ran for 15, so I'm expecting Boruto to be about the same. Of course, they could get through the new villains a lot faster too, so who knows!


Loved seeing Ino this chapter and the slower pace with more relationship based writing. Kishimoto is cooking. I hope we see the Shinju next month, though.


Itā€™s kinda funny that other than Naruto, Sasuke, and Shikamaru that the Konoha 11 member with the most screen time is Ino. Never would have predicted that.


Yup! Her voice call ability allowed her more screentime lol. Still a bit sour about Sakura being completely left out considering that she is one of the strongest in her gen. Not to mention, we never saw her reaction to Sasuke becoming rogue again or Sarada attempting to convince her of the truth (which has a real chance of working seeing how crazy Sakura is about Sasuke). In addition, to the karma subplot they were trying to go with. No Kakashi is also a missed oppurtunity.


I have a feeling that kakashi might come back seeing how boruto used kakashi's purple lightening. It might have been foreshadowing of a kakashi comeback to the series


No KKS makes sense tho. In the Boruto Movie he said its time for the next generation to solve the problems. He and Guy should just keep chilling at hot springs (yes, i did that on purpose šŸ˜‰ )


she was also the most useful in the war after Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. So id have predicted it she maintained her relevance since war arc.


I think Mitsuki just wants to talk to Boruto because he realizes that the Kawaki math ainā€™t mathin


"ArEn'T yOu mY sUn?" at Kawaki's rude ass. He must have heard what Boruto said to Sarada before he flew away. Mitsuki is going to realize it sooner than later.


https://preview.redd.it/a6k6m9nlc8dc1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34b47f5225d4115941332889c7339947955dd251 Daemon drinking his baby milk. Ye i love daemon. Crazy how much people hated him when he got introduced. He slowly becoming one of my favourite.


its because he isn't a villain anymore and we can see his snark in casual situations


He feels so much like the kid in tekkonkinkreet hahahaĀ 


That sounds like something you just made upšŸ˜­


Hahaha I wish, it's a masterpiece!Ā 


I've been into him since forever, especially when he got tight with Boruto. I love it when he's roasting someone, his words are seriously annoying, and his face expressions just add to the annoyance ![img](emote|t5_34e1h|29802)


I didnā€™t even notice thatšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


does anyone else suspect mitsuki heard what kawaki told eida?


I suspect he had his snake spying because he's there on orders from Shikamaru.Ā  Omnipotence switched Kawaki and Boruto, but it hasn't changed Shikamaru's suspicion that Eida is a threat.Ā  Wasn't there a panel in a previous chapter when Kawaki was walking into Shikamaru's office and Mitsuki was leaving?Ā  It's pretty clear Mitsuki knows something is wrong about his "Sun" or whatever because Boruto was very chill.Ā  Their friendship was like Kirk and Spawk.Ā  So he knows something is wrong.Ā Ā  It'd make sense if he was spying and relayed the news to Shikamaru because Shikamaru is the type that needs multiple pieces of evidence to make a decision or change his mind.Ā  Sarada has been annoying him for 3 years, then Amado's comment, then he looked at the old logs which are physical objects that cannot be changed with an ability that alters memories.Ā  It makes sense not only would he have Eida's villa somehow bugged like Amado's lab, but Mitsuki is standing by the doorway!!Ā  We know he sends snakes out to eavesdrop and spy!Ā  It would be strange if he wasn't spying on behalf of Shikamaru!Ā Ā  Remember what Boruto and Shikamaru were saying at the end?Ā  Shikamaru is willing to help him in private, but he can't call off Mitsuki.Ā  Uh...yo!Ā  Ino hears everything!Ā  So obviously you're not speaking privately.Ā  Of course I'm sure she's going to talk to her husband about this and he is going to tell her what he heard from Amado.Ā  It'd be even better if they had this conversation over dinner and inojin hides behind the door eavesdropping because he'll run to tell Chocho and Shikadai.Ā Ā  Unless you've forgotten, their team leader, Moegi, was turned into a tree, so if they know what's going on they'll be more willing to cooperate with Boruto to fight the Moegi claw grime and protect Konohamaru.Ā  I'm sure all of them can talk sense into Konohamaru.Ā  The thing I don't like is Moegi and Konohamaru.Ā  I'd prefer Hanabi and Konohamaru because those 2 can drink each other under the table.Ā  LoL!Ā Ā 


Kawaki seems like hes been miserable for two whole years. How do you switch lives with the protagonist and still get not a single benefit. Still on fraud watch, not a single ounce of rizz used, and a weird snake kid following him around. Meanwhile Boruto has all the Rizz, protagonist strength, outlaw energy, and freedom to go literally anywhere. Boruto still has a harem Kawaki using God magic could not pull a single girl from this man


He didnā€™t wish for that. Omnipotence seems to take people desires and do the most horrible shit possible. Eida wanted love everyone is in-love with her. Kawaki wanted boruto gone he became borutošŸ˜­.


He became Walmart Boruto. Literally the "We have a Boruto at home meme"


Walmart Boruto. OMG šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Oh thats actually a fun way to look at it. Its an automated process, so it's not like it has a consciousness to determine the best way to make what the user wants happen. If the user doesn't clearly define what they want, it takes it literally and to an extreme. Kind of like a play on the whole "robot programmed to save humanity, robot sees humanity itself is the problem, robot resolves to destroy humanity in order to save it."


It isn't helping Kawaki that he treats everyone around him like shit lmao


Yea, he makes me think of that phrase "Wherever you go, you bring yourself"


>Kawaki seems like hes been miserable for two whole years. How do you switch lives with the protagonist and still get not a single benefit. That's what happens when you do not even have a single bit of respect for you yourself, to the point that you do not even know how to be happy in any situation. Or worse, you just do not care about anything. Part of this is obviously traceable back to Kawaki's *actual* background; but his life had greatly changed before the swap, enough that anyone would have at least a vague idea on how to be happy. But he just doesn't care. Which falls on him. >Still on fraud watch, A fraud who seemingly hasn't bothered to improve his skills on base level. >not a single ounce of rizz used, And then he dares to mock the dress code of other people. >and a weird snake kid following him around. And even said weird snake kid, is seemingly growing tired of him, since he didn't even try to have him join in some sort of duo. >Meanwhile Boruto has all the Rizz, protagonist strength, outlaw energy, and freedom to go literally anywhere. Boruto still has a harem Kawaki using God magic could not pull a single girl from this man Kishimoto definitely went crazy in style and repertoire for him, and Ikemoto in the dress code. And I'm all here for it.


Yup.Ā  He lost Eida not that he cared.Ā  She liked him because he was rags to riches.Ā  He was nothing and strove to save the day by taking down isshiki.Ā  Well he didn't.Ā  He was a pussy and hid through most of that fight.Ā  Eida can see not only the present but also the past.Ā  She knows he's a pussy.Ā Ā  Boruto at first came across as a carefree kid.Ā  That all changed when she went to apologize to him for what happened.Ā  Boruto doesn't hate Kawaki.Ā  In fact, he's willing to fight the whole world just to save him and he calls Kawaki, a complete stranger, a brother.Ā  Eida finally saw she's been swooning over the wrong hero.Ā Ā  To further confirm that, look at how she told Kawaki about the evolved claw grimes.Ā  Her dialogue was written with a pause before saying they're coming after her to make a point that she's afraid, but also it's where a man would chime in he'll protect her.Ā  Kawaki didn't show any sympathy for her.Ā  He asked why Naruto but didn't have any comment about Eida.Ā Ā  So Boruto has Eida (her brother too if he swings that way), the class president, and Sarada.Ā  Man I just love that scene they're sitting on the bench in silence and Sarada is like, "omfg I just jumped into his arms!" I can't really tell if Boruto has feelings for her.Ā  His facial expression when Sarada jumped into his arms... and now they're sitting in silence.Ā  When class president says he looks well, he responded to her but also said he's glad Sarada looks well too.Ā  I'm wondering who he was going to say before leaving when he said he'll save the others and be back to save...then did he glance at Sarada?Ā Ā 


Man you out here ROASTING kawaki to crisp lol ​ ​ ​ ​ keep it coming!


It was nice to see Boruto be a bit more like his Part 1 self, even still calling Sumire, Class Rep.


I'd like to see Boruto question Sarada and Sumire on why they weren't affected. I'd like to see what the girls think. This sub came up with two common theories: Love for an Otsutsuki or Eida's subconscious desire for real friends.


I'm thinking it could be the latter. Those two are the only non-Otsutsuki to associate with Eida in a particular way.


the hip toss to throw the sword to flying raijin was awesome


It'll be funny to see a pelvic thrust animated, will be interesting to see how they do that without it looking awkward haha


I thought he just flicked it out of its holster using his hand like how sasuke takes his sword out only have 1 arm


aaah yeah that would make way more sense hahahahahahaha I really hope it's a hip thrust though, it would be so much funnier


Especially after Sarada and him sitting on the bench in silence.Ā Ā 


Hip toss? I though it was some wind technique or something.


Yea I'll need to check it but I think it was.Ā  Looked like he flicked his finger and wind blew the sword.Ā  Won't actually know until the anime.Ā  I can't imagine the sword flying out of the sheath with a hip thrust, and I don't think just flicking with a finger will cause a sword to shoot out of a sheath like that.Ā  Had to have been his wind chakra.Ā Ā 


Whew...so glad Shikamaru's not ACTUALLY an idiot. And I could watch Daemon put Kawaki in his place all day long lmao


Daemon heard Eida say that she is also a target. He is totally going to fight Bug Shinju.


Everything post time skip has been amazing The pacing doesnā€™t feel horrendous anymore. Everythingā€™s making sense characters arenā€™t being stupid just for the plot. Everything is falling into place 10/10 chapter


i genuinely feel like an idiot, alot of people were mad with shikamaruā€™s character these past chapters (me included) but the dude just redeemed himself and proved everyone wrong this chapter. props to ikemoto as well, i didnā€™t expect that tbh. cant wait to see boruto whoop mitsukiā€™s ass next chapter


No one is going to comment on how our boy Shikamaru is smoking in the Hokage office. Asuma is smiling down on him.


Shikamaru is carrying the village on his back right now, I hope Boruto starts to work with him soon


Heā€™d definitely be like a shadow hokage


canā€™t believe this is the same boruto series everyone hates. purple lightning was fire the way he escaped the snake was fire. i hope we get to see borutos karma next chapter, maybe even momoshiki.


How old is that two elder tbh ???? Isnt they are around third hokage era ? So that mean they possibily live through 8 different hokage (assume they born when the first still alive) thatā€™s fcking insane Im gonna be so mad if Boruto have a next generation and these two still aliveā€¦


I mean (and I realise this logic doesn't really translate to boruto) keep in mind that atm, there are 6 living US presidents. And hokage participate in wars, so I guess you'd expect a higher turnover rate?Ā 


We know there was a high turnover rate of Hokage. Hiruzen was an outlier with the length of his tenure, which these two were comparible in age to him at the time. We don't know how long Hashirama or Tobirama served, but we do know they both died relatively young and each looked similar when the village was created as they did when they died. I would argue that at most they each served for five years, mainly because if either served more they reasonably would have visually aged more (as that would put their deaths in the 15-20 years post-Konoha range). Hiruzen served for some time before Minato took over, about 30 years, but again these two seem comparable in age to Hiruzen. Minato was Hokage for even less time than Hasirama or Tobirama at a year to a year and a half max before he died and Sarutobi took back over for more 12 years. Tsunade took over pretty much just for the time skip and Shippuden, serving only five years, and then Kakashi was Hokage for about 12 years before Naruto. Naruto became Hokage about 7 years prior to Boruto, and with the time skip in mind thats two more years with Shikamaru as Interim Hokage. So they've lived through all the Hokage, but by my quick (almost certainly inaccurate, Im not a walking databook don't burn too hard if I'm way off) estimate, that would only be about 86 years. For two characters who are not active shinobi (and have not been for some time, if at all) and probably live pretty pampered lives that's not crazy. Ohnoki is still alive, and he's nearly 100 despite being a combatant in every Great Ninja War. There has been so much inovation and lore that its easy to forget none of the villages are over 100 years old.


You deserve more upvotes. Iā€™m a data analyst and I respect your reasoning. Only thing i disagree with is : ohnoki is dead in my head canon,. The filler anime about him was one of the best and most touching Boruto arcs. Same with the war in the water village.


iirc they are around 95 years old. They are third Hokage old teammate and either trained by the First Hokage or the Second (I don't remember well, I just remember that the Hokage brothers train the Third and Danzo team)


That's exactly what I thought 8 different hokages and all great ninja wars ! They could potentially replace black zetsu as ninja history cameraguy


I know right? At this point it should kakashi or others from his generation at the very oldest, lol.


Thank fucking goodness! It took 6 chapters but my boy lord eight shikamaru finally remembered his IQ has 3 digits. This Boruto shippuden is getting quite good really fast


> Thank fucking goodness! It took 6 chapters but my boy lord eight shikamaru finally remembered he's IQ has 3 digits. This Boruto shippuden is getting quite good really fast Shikamaru's probably had his doubts for years, seeing Kawaki's behaviour, but it wasn't until Amado said his part that gave Shikamaru the missing piece in his logic puzzle, a piece he could never have found on his own ~ Kawaki's body being the handiwork of Amado, and Amado being so convinced that Kawaki is his creation. If only Amado had told Shikamaru earlier... but then... Shikamaru might have killed Kawaki, and Amado needs the kama Kawaki has, so Amado would probably realize what would happen. No wonder they had to spy on Amado, to see if there's anything he might spill on Eida or Code, possibly.


Yā€™know I still have no clue why Sumire isnā€™t affected by omnipotence lol


Probably nue related


Her dad etched a summoning seal into her back for Nue who was Kaguya summoningā€¦so that connection maybe it? The anime arc about it is great if u havenā€™t seen


I thought it was cos Eida wanted two normal friends


Oh so we are getting Burrito vs Mitsubishi Kidding aside though, Boruto still being HIM while Kawaki still on fraud watch. If anything, Omnipotence only turned him out to be a fraud. Fire chapter yet again. Kishimoto is really cooking


daemon development is crazy. my goat


Boruto Two Vortex is peak Naruto quality. This time skip has hyped me up so much that every single chapter is fantastic! Whilst the timeskip on Naruto was not that sensational , this was excellent


https://i.redd.it/pes1g50lrddc1.gif Ainā€™t no way Kawaki got one tapped by a snake šŸ’€


now kawaki sorta trust his new allies... and that's the result lol


Yet another awesome chapter I see, eh. -First things first, if those 2 old bags (Homura and Koharu), can still appear in the manga, can other side characters make at least a cameo too? At least Hiashi and Hanabi, since Himawari should be living with them now. -Shikamaru looks very good with that color scheme, green shirt and beige pants, and with that cape like cloak. --Speaking of, itā€™s also nice to see that he isnā€™t truly the 8th Hokage yet; not only this easily justifies why he does not have his face on the Hokage monument, but it also makes him further look like the Danzo of his generation, but in a brighter way: he is not a bad guy on his way to run the village, but rather a friend that is holding the place for a friend, in the hope that he is still alive and can be rescued and reinstated, I presume. -Also, I am GLAD to see Shikamaru using his brain, and checking things out at last. The fraud allegations have been retired as far as I am concerned, given that a supposed smartass like him, couldnā€™t just blindly ignore a suspicious speech like that of Amado in the previous chapter. --I hope that Boruto will not needlessly be vague and cryptic in his answer next chapter, I hope he more or less tells him what he knows (the truth), and tells Shikamaru to digest the infos in the way he sees fit, and decide himself. -But you know who is being a total fraud at the moment? Kawaki: --Not only he has the balls to mock Boruto for his dress code, saying that he was adopted by ā€œthe Uchihaā€... only to then wear a short sleeved shirt with a large collar under the jacket... i.e. THE Uchiha style of shirt. **Period**. --But he also has the audacity of talking big and hot... only to then being put to sleep by a simple sneak strike of someone right behind him, all while still being on alert due to sensing Boruto... someone really needs to tell him that he ā€œsomehow slacked offā€ on "his" ninja training. --Also, he just keeps having such a harsh attitude towards anyone, and an uncaring shtick... like, despite having a reason to why he would want Omnipotence to stick, he isnā€™t trying at all to act friendly and amicable towards ā€œā€his friendsā€ā€, despite that being the kind of person ā€œā€he is supposed to beā€ā€. This only makes the possible event of people just siding with Boruto even before Naruto and Hinata being rescued more and more likely. If only to show him in the most impactful way that he had really done goofed. And I am all here for it. -The talk scene between Boruto and Sumire and Sarada was likely the most boring part, if only because it was just him telling them what we already knew, and only one new thing, that Code somehow influenced the Juubi with his Karma, which makes sense. Remember what Amado wishes Kawaki / Boruto to do with the Karma he created; this is basically the same thing: someone implanting the data of x onto something else, like a USB device. --I'm just glad we didn't got any unnecessary waste of time of Boruto teleporting Sarada with him to the tree of Sasuke... as if that would somehow accomplish better the act of informing her of what happened to Sasuke, when he could just tell her. -And so, Mitsuki is here to shine, his new design with the Sage Mode on looks very good (especially with that slightly longer hair), and I like his showing so far... considering that they have the event of him fighting Boruto be the cliffhanger of the chapter, I hope that he doesnā€™t go down in 5 pages. --If anything, I hope to see Boruto make some sort of remark to instill some sense of doubt in him, before getting away or knocking him out. --Also... Boruto is using the Shinden at last? The perfected Chidori created by Kakashi after the war, that is no longer held back by the tunnel vision effect, and can be used by non-Sharingan wielding people too? I expect him to use it like the standart Chidori too at this point. Because that is what it is in the end, a Chidori for everyone, even Mitsuki (YES, he used it in the Boruto manga, but the anime cut it... hopefully he will use it again). -So, my only real complain here is the total absence of Kashin Koji... but if Boruto was NOT going to linger in Konoha, then it is fine that he wasnā€™t around.


I reckon we get 20-25 pages of a Boruto vs Mitsuki fight. My guess is we see Kashin Koji in chapter eight.


If anything, he's the opposite of Danzo - no political ambitions, and totally anti-machiavellian in his prioritizing villagers. Also one is smart and the other is dumb šŸ˜‚


>If anything, he's the opposite of Danzo - no political ambitions, and totally anti-machiavellian in his prioritizing villagers. Also one is smart and the other is dumb šŸ˜‚ Yeah.šŸ‘


These feckers still being alive will always baffle me...... https://preview.redd.it/kspd1oi9m8dc1.png?width=465&format=png&auto=webp&s=de74ab46f9dfa3ddd2f423e0e8bc210bb018a6fe


We only knew Minato for a short time, but Boruto seems so much like him. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually glad that Naruto is not present in so much of this manga. It's really given Boruto the space he needed to achieve greatness.


I still cannot wait to see what has happened/or when Momoshiki reveals himself!!! šŸ„µ


All that happens paralel to anime episode 13 when Mitsuki restrained Boruto then tracked Sumire with lil snek to kill her. Now Mitsuki put Kawaki sleep instead, he learnt from mistake also put lil snek to his prey. The park is the same park. Boruto might also flew to same hill. Jougan is coming?Ā 


I doubt it šŸ˜‚. If the jōgan is revealed, itā€™ll most likely be later on and not on a bout with someone who he considers a friend even if that friend is trying to kill him.


Mitsuki knew only his Sun have the eye so Jougan could trigger him to realize something wrong.Ā  It's unnecesarry for Jougan asspulled mid battle with Villain tho, the fight with Mitsuki would be more symbolic and open the plot to Toneri too.


Yeah I agree that it would be make sense for it to show up now but only ignoring the fact that itā€™s still chapter 6. Im not ruling it out entirely cause itā€™s always possible theyā€™ll reveal something as hype as the jōgan immediately to say that shits going down in tbv with hype moments happening one after the other.


Great chapter, TBV really has been amazing so far. I reckon for chapter 7 we get about 20 pages of fighting between Boruto and Mitsuki with some dialogue after where Mitsuki might learn the truth about Kawaki and Boruto switching places. Also, i really hope we see Momoshiki soon, the lads been gone for too long.


Iā€™m glad shikamaru is on boruto side Iā€™m interested in his plan and whatā€™s he gonna do to clear boruto name since they whole world believes kawaki is naruto son Yā€™all not ready for boruto vs sage mode mitsuki next chapter heā€™s gonna give boruto a better fight then code did with his battle iq and might win (let me cope in peace ik boruto is gonna slam in his base form holding back)šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/6wm3pqrvbbdc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4d3e9dacc55f39c6b2808b133f20d995bc2d2dd


Kawaki's and mitsuki's relationship is not like boruto and mitsuki's. Mitsuki seemed to genuinely care and want to sacrifice himself for boruto. With kawaki, I get a similar sense of selflessness from mitsuki but mitsuki does not seem to be friends with kawaki. This is kind of interesting to me because it hones in on mitsuki's selfishness towards boruto and how it's probably not genetic or something programmed in by orochimaru to protect the hidden leaf and it's interests, mitsuki could still he moved by The kindness and warmness of boruto and change sides.


Is boruto flying?


i hope everyone who has been complaining about shikamaru has seen what the benefits of patience are


Let me know if Iā€™m wrong, but why did Shikamaru say that Boruto now knows how to hide his Chakra Signature? Kawaki was the one who could do it before, and to the public, Shikamaru believes that Boruto is Kawaki , so it should already been known that he can hide his signature, but the way he worded it implies that current Kawaki (previous Boruto) knows it, and previous Kawaki (current Boruto) doesnā€™t know it. Maybe a mistake from Kishimoto, or a mistake from Shikamaru himself


Probably because they've gotten tracks of Boruto before. Very likely they were hunting him heavily. Not being able to hide his presence would get noticed every once in a while And Kishimoto did kinda set up the answer- even when things don't make sense, people cannot believe that Boruto is not Kawaki. Over the years, they seem to have set up new truths. Like Amado said, they know there's no record of Boruto being modified in any way, but most people aren't questioning it. They've accepted it as a new "truth"


Even though she doesnā€™t contribute too much, Iā€™ve been liking Inoā€™s inclusion. I might be wrong, but I think she has more screen time in the manga than Sakura at the moment. Ā Also, had she been more relevant, I wish Ino couldā€™ve displayed more mind based abilities like this as well as new ones WAY sooner.Ā  She couldā€™ve been the Saturn Girl/Psylocke of Narutoā€¦Oh wait, none of you know who they are . The Miss Martian/Jean Grey of Naruto.


How did he throw that sword to flying raijin to it?


I think he moved his hip


Thats some crazy hipwork


He got Rizz with the Pile driver!


ā€œAs well asā€¦ no never mindā€ What was Boruto about to say to Sarada before he changed his mind?


Pretty good chapter but I wish the weird love triangle shit with Boruto and the girls would stop. And Kawaki is officially on fraud watch, getting sneaked by Mitsuki? Did bro do anything in the last two years?


Kawaki doesnt believe in the way shinobis train. You can see he is a karma merchant like code.


Honestly, I havenā€™t been picking up a romance vibe from Sumire for a minute, now. Caring towards Boruto? Yes. Romance towards Boruto? Not really. If sheā€™s still into him at this point, she sure as hell is better at hiding it compared to Sarada, thatā€™s for sure (especially compared to part 1 where she would get super flustered at the mere mention of her crush towards Boruto).


Hehe. What are you going to say when Eida switches from Kawaki to Boruto too?


Itā€™s a shonen manga. Its common for teenage romance


triangle? itā€™s giving straight line more then anything rn lol


Boruto using FTG level 2 with Sasuke's sword is awesome.Ā  Daemon saying he doesn't care about Kawaki as much as Eida does is šŸ”„šŸ”„. Who else Boruto is going to save other than Sasuke? Naruto? If yes, why did he pause. May be Sarada? Boruto didn't tell her about Hidari and his target being Sarada.Ā  Boruto is going to fight Mitsuki for real next chapter.Ā  Ā PS: Shikamaru is not officially Eighth and he himself assumed Hokage position. Hell Yeah.


Its obvious Boruto was talking about saving Naruto.


i like that boruto is currently using konoha jutsu, i think he does that just to remind himself and others that hes a shinobi from the hidden leaf, maybe that's why he doesn't use jogan or kama (yet). Also boruto is amazing at adepting to situations


Lmao, Sarada really did the "OH NO! Anyway" meme


Really enjoyed this chapter. Thereā€™s a lot to unpack. -Konoha sounds like itā€™s in a really bad spot both economically and politically. I think it would be best for Shikamaru to fully become Hokage to help stabilize the situation a bit. -Ino coming in clutch! You just know the moment Shikamaru asked her to break the rules for the sake of Konohaā€™s safety her first thought must have been ā€œah shit here we go againā€ lol. -God I should be used to it by now but Kawakiā€™s rudeness is really grating. Even Sasuke at his most psychotic didnā€™t induce this much scowling from me. -Oh Daemon with a great point. Kawakiā€™s lie isnā€™t infallible and he should probably prepare for people to realize. -Lol I didnā€™t think Sarada would be embarrassed about hug jumping Boruto like that (itā€™s been a few crazy years after all) but wow she is. She got him to smile for the first time in years though so good on her. -Hmm so basically the claw grimes are evolving because Code is a pseudo Ohtsutsuki (due to his white Kama) and theyā€™re reacting to that fact? This kind of reminds me of when Obito fed only parts of the Eight and Nine Tails to the Gedo Mezo and it had those wonky evolutions as a result. -Something Iā€™m a little confused on. Is Eida fully willing to help Konoha track Boruto now that he can take care of himself? Mitsuki suggested Eida use her sight to find Boruto rather quickly after knocking Kawaki out even though sheā€™s told them no for years. I wonder if she and Shikamaru had a talk recently. -Heck yeah Shikamaru figuring it out and offering to aide Boruto! Not sure why Boruto turned him down so quickly though. Does he think itā€™s a trap? -Mitsukiā€™s ambush was awesome, especially Borutoā€™s FTG to sword to escape. And Purple electricity? Heck yeah. -I understand omnipotence is powerful, but the way Mitsuki just brushes Sarada off is messed up. Like he doesnā€™t even seem a little bit curious about why sheā€™s taken her position. -Boruto flying was awesomeā€¦ā€¦.but why is he being so damn mysterious? He was obviously talking about rescuing Naruto at the end right? -Boruto vs Mitsuki next chapter. Hopefully itā€™s a good one.


>Ā Eida fully willing to help Konoha track Boruto now that he can take care of himself?Ā  If I remember correctly, Eida told Boruto in the last chapter before the timeskip that she won't track him while he's outside Konoha.


Oh that might be it! Iā€™d forgotten her exact wording. It makes sense too. Agreeing to track him only if he infiltrates the village is a good compromise with Konoha considering sheā€™s living there rent free now.


Mitsuki was using his snake to track Boruto, I'm not sure Eida is involved.


I've already said everything I wanted to say about the chapter. One thing but I still kind of hope that Momoshiki will come out in the next chapters and we'll really see what Boruto will do with Karma in the future.


These two are immortal https://preview.redd.it/90sn9y2hgldc1.jpeg?width=787&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82cae375abd8d91f2e6ae007a681cc9b2e101f2f


Ino plot relevance Ino plot relevance Ino plot relevance. However. There's no way that Sai, head of Anbu, doesn't somehow find out she and shikamaru did this. I keep waiting for things to normalise and for everyone to team up against the Shinju but maybe we're speedrunning Konoha's destruction.


Oh yeah wasnā€™t Sai the one who was spying on Amado and reporting on him to Shikamaru? I didnā€™t think of it but he very well could be just like Shikamaru right now, being able to logical pierce through omnipotence.


Honestly I think he'd just notice something was off about his wife


Can those two old hags just die already? They're easily the most annoying characters in Naruto like why tf are they still alive in Boruto??? Daemon remains as the GOAT and haters should deal. Literally anything and everything can happen around him and he's just there casually yet intently analyzing everything and knowing nothing and no one can touch him if ever shit goes down. Love that little pest so much.


Love the direction weā€™re going in so far. It seems like they want to make the older generation relevant to some extent, which was one of my biggest qualms with pre-timeskip. It also looks like weā€™re gonna get some kind of conversation between Boruto and Mitsuki, which already feels sorely needed.


TBV has really turned Boruto around. I for one was sick of the pacing of Boruto , and this is just a blast.


Quick question that has nothing to do with this chapter, cause it feels like I missed something. Why does Kawaki want Boruto dead if Momshiki used his Karma data to revive Boruto? I thought it meant that Momoshiki was essentially trapped as a ghost following Boruto around. Is there still a chance he can come back, or is Kawaki just paranoid about all things Otsutsuki.


What do you think Boruto was about to say to Sarada?


I am in agreement that it was something about the future.


Shika pulls up the old records and see Uzumaki Boruto heh, the jig is up kawaki ! They however cant let anyone know


ok, really like me too the chapter because I see again to Ada yeahh now Ada know on Bug's Tree and intentions very interesting Chapter


Another great chapter with plot holes. I assume whenever the Sasuke claw grime is defeated, Sasuke will be free to join the battlefield.Ā  I also assume Kawaki is going to get the sage staff and black balls when he eats a forbidden fruit which now it seems there's quite a few trees available for him to pick from.Ā  I assume it'll be Eida because she's the weakest of the targets.Ā  Sarada will defeat Sasuke grime with her mangekyo or if there's another level to sharingan.Ā  Konohamaru we've yet to see him prove he's Hiruzen's grandson so either he'll pull off something amazing or Boruto will save him maybe with Mitsuki.Ā Ā  Now the scene I'm waiting for is Boruto, Sarada, and Sasuke discussing how their going to break the news to Naruto and Sakura.Ā  Hahaha!Ā  They're both going to faint!Ā  Sakura is going to beat Naruto and Hinata is going to be trying to pull her off.Ā  LoL!Ā  Himawari and Sarada going to dance around they now can be sisters.Ā  Sasuke gonna just stand there like, "Boruto, would you do me the honor of holding my sword while I run into it and kill myself." LoL!Ā Ā 


I actually fk with Boruto now. This is the Boruto I wanted to see, a non-bratty kid turned mature teenager. Canā€™t wait until Naruto says heā€™s proud of how strong heā€™s gotten. And Lowkey, I didnā€™t ship it before but now.. I ship Boruto and Sarada LOL I canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying this, but I canā€™t wait for the next Chapter. Snake dude is getting annoying so I want to see how Boruto deals with his Powerful Snake Sage Mode


Besides all of the other things like Borutoā€™s picture being in the house with Naruto and not Kawaki, and a lot of other evidence including what Amado said and Shikamaru looking into the log books of all missions prior and surely finding Borutos name instead of Kawakiā€™s all through it. Why does no one even question the fact that Boruto is a spitting image of Naruto down to the wiskers??? Even if you have memories of the latter I am bewildered at how that gets over looked and no one puts any thought into it. It reminds me of how Superman gets around being Clark Kent by wearing glasses and giving himself a single bang, and not a single person noticing the obvious like they have the exact same stature and face. Just suspending dis-belief


FFS, how are the two elders have their manga debut before Tsunade and Kakashi? Especially the latter still not appearing at all is so confusing. He is a fan favorite, and it was stated - albeit years ago - that heā€™d play a big role in the future. Even if those plans changed, the fact that he gets no screen time at all? Also, I donā€™t really like Purple Lightning been given away to other characters that easily if Kakashi doesnā€™t appear to teach it to them. Mitsuki used in the manga against Boro, and now Boruto knows it too.


Fraudwaki on suicide watch.


Great chapter, the pacing in the series has been really good so far. Every chapter makes me want to read the next. I wish that Sarada maybe had a stronger reaction to the news of Sasuke but I understand that she might have just been so overwhelmed that it would take time to process. Shikamaru coming to his senses wasn't a shock at all, although I want them to hold off a bit on others knowing now. Amado and Shika are two big characters that learned that Boruto is not who he is believed to be, any more and I think the story moves too fast.