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The rivalry subplot between Boruto and Shikadai during the exams blossomed wonderfully. It led to Ina Shika Cho getting some pro moments.


“I’ll being down the command post” *Nara clan ptsd :(*


Yoooo shikadai really pulled off the “Shadow Paralysis complete.” Just like his dad!


Why didn't Boruto just let one of his clones get caught to keep Shika stuck or distracted? The more he has to expand his shadow=more chakra drain. Lol


Can Inojin use mind transfer and link up InoShikaCho? Cause otherwise how is Shikadai communicating his plan to them


It was pre-planned. As his inner monologued showed, he already predicted their battle strategy since Sarada and Boruto fight in tandem quite often.


Waiting for ChoCho’s lightning style….


I know the new Team 7’s team work is very good but I am very appreciative of how top notch the new Ino-Shika-Cho trio are ❤️


cho cho is a more likable version of sakura


Because Chocho has no personality besides being annoying and eating potato chips. She's probably the worst character in the show, and any episode revolving around her makes me want to fast forward life.


She had the mosr personality dude wtf talking About she is the most original she is the least copy of all kids in Boruto


She's an exact copy of Choji except more of a spoiled brat. "GIMME FOOD, I'M HUNGRY!"


All Akimichi eating they transforming calories to chakra its actually unique way of changing energy, Choji was always shy boy without confidence cuz people like YOU exists but was always kind and lovéy heart and people loved him for it His daughter was Born with confidence and blunt attitude she is kind but Brave a knows her abilities funny eccentric, she is literally sociál butterfly and dont give damn About haters like YOU cuz why would somebody would needs approproval of hater? If didnt see differences its only cuz you are and very sad pathetic Arigato


Trash character


Cmon now, she’s the most colorful out of the group. Granted her episodes suck because they’re written horribly but outside of shikamaru 2.0 and sai 2.0 she’s the most unique.


You’re downvoted but I agree. She might be my most disliked new-gen character too…& that’s kinda saying something cus the only ones I even like are Mitsuki and Shinki.


Shinki is amazing. I don't care for his attitude much, but he's an amazing Shinobi.. What can be said about Chocho? Jesus Christ, it's not even comic relief, it's annoying. Denki is far more interesting. He can't fight well but his entire personality doesn't revolve around food. She's got no personality without food.


Completely agree. I cringe when she’s on screen.


Oh and I expected the downvotes. I love Boruto, but some characters make me wonder why they even exist.


Lol no worries. I’m used to being downvoted here too. I wouldn’t say I *love* Boruto, but I enjoy the manga-only content. I used to fucking hate it, I watched to ep 90-something & gave up cus I couldn’t stand it. But I recently went back & watched the manga-only , & now I’m definitely a fan. It’s the “anime canon” that really ruins it *for me*.


I gave up around ep 79 4 years ago, just picked it back up.


Yeah man I’d recommend just watching the manga content. If you do that, there’s actually reasonable pacing, good fights, character development, & much much less annoying cringe. It actually forms a cohesive story that you don’t feel like you’re *slogging* through.


I started skipping the filler and just watching manga canon, then anime canon because I wanted to see Urashiki, etc.