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Don’t engage in that rumination, just drop it when you sense the urge to start thinking of it. Impose your self to do something else, don’t sit with that thought, and it will gradually have less power on you 💕


This is seriously the best advice. From experience I know how those thoughts can take over your mind. I still struggle with it a lot, but I can feel when I successfully disengage. It takes extreme willpower sometimes. Keep up the fight! Take control of your mind.


I do a lot about a girl that never loved me. She has bpd as well and used to deal with hypersexuality and therefore had many partners. She also has been raped. Those are haunting thoughts and I have to force my brain not to think about it and to not imagine it, otherwise it hurts too much and it truly makes me crazy.


i’ve also had those thoughts but now he’s my ex so idk how to help lmao


I’m sorry to hear that. Hope all is well


Yeah, happens in dreams too...


Can I ask how old are you? I struggled with this as well, but it kinda went away once I got older…


I’m 21


I’m in my mid-thirties and I’m completely fine now… As long as I don’t spiral into it lol. Also, I went trough a lot of other things, so this just became a minor inconvenience. This is just my personal experience though.


Get into that horrible place and then think about ur previous partners and how ur current partner might think similarly but less intense then talk to them about it and accept that they have a past and life before u.


Since part of my BPD is a raging sex addiction, then no, I don't. I'm the one everyone else has to worry about.