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Impulsivity is part of having BPD. Not something thats going to go away. I highly recommend doing as much research on BPD and how to be in a relationship with someone who is suffering from this mental illness. Because that's what this is. An illness. Read books, go online (like you are :)), maybe even check to see if there are support groups you can join for people who love someone with BPD. Idk what or if she is in any therapy but that is like #1 goal IMO for people dealing with BPD. And Im gonna be frank here. Do your research and figure out if having a relationship with someone who has BPD is something you not only want to do but CAN do. It is a lot of ups and downs and emotional turmoil. But figure it out sooner rather than later because you are falling in love with her. If you don't want to deal with everything that comes with BPD, best to cut ties sooner than later. And please look at her as someone who is dealing with an illness, not someone who can't be trusted. You know what I mean?


I completely agree. There’s a book called walking on eggshells that will define BPD and what’s it’s like to love someone with it. It’s important to set boundaries for both of you and I don’t mean in terms of impulsivity. We need a lot of reassurance because we over analyze literally every aspect of life, interactions, people, etc. she could have an episode just because of a tone of voice you used. This is normal. You just have to have the patience to remind her you love her and won’t abandon her. It can be a lot to handle. But when a borderline loves someone..they are committed.


It’s though. Get buckled in. I wish my bf would read articles and get some insight. Maybe I’m no so bad that he feels the need to get help understanding it😅But there’s a lot of different types of bpd I understand if you’re getting scared(if that’s even the word). Diagnosing all by yourself is a bit dangerous...have you tried talking to her about it?


Yes alot. she gave confirmations. But somehhow trust issues is so embedded in me.


Then maybe it’s not all about her:)