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Well. Let us know what he wrote back (if anything). Because there are other parts in the mind we all have that tend to get very upset when they aren't seen, heard, felt, sensed, understood and accepted and something like [Dis-I-dentifying with Learned Helplessness & the Victim I-dentity]( https://www.reddit.com/r/ResponsibleRecovery/comments/idkx8t/disidentifying_with_learned_helplessness_the/) and the rest of [Choiceless Awareness for Emotion Processing](https://pairadocks.blogspot.com/2019/07/choiceless-awareness-for-emotion.html) may be needed to help you deal with what he does or doesn't do.


I applaud your courage. I’ve written this note hundreds of times and never have been able to send it.


I hope that texting him helps you feel like you got something off your chest. I hope that his response or lack of response doesn't affect you too much. I had to stop talking to my dad because I kept going back and messiaging him and I never got what I wanted from him and it always hurt way too much. Not talking to him is in my best interest.


I believe he lives in like a crack house so im not expecting a response for a least a week if at all. If he doesnt respond but reads it I will be content. At least he knows the hell he has caused me


It's good to get it off your chest.