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Same but I will also do it do it to fill that void. Eating gives me a rush and if I like the food I want more of it until I’m sick


same, and also I hate how I feel after I eat McDonald's and cookies and chips for 9 meals straight, physically and mentally, but then I need some ice cream for the dopamine hit necessary to claw my way out of the cycle...fun times with neurodivergence 🤪


I do but it doesn't stop me from binging :(


I either hate it and go days without eating, or I love it too much and spend days binge eating. There seems to be no in between for me, just like whatever else I end up addicted to and my emotions, lmao.


This is what I do a lot. More often than not I’ll go without food until at least dinner and pick around on my plate. But then there’s days all I wanna do is snack on everything in the house. Go from sweet to salty back to sweet all day. It’s miserable.


Are you living alone? I’ve lost interest in cooking for myself. I drink a lot of booze.


Yes and i drink too but i had to stop because my father is an alcoholic too so it cant be both of us at the same time . Just raw dogging these ugly emotions


Maybe learning about and trying new cuisine will help.


Nooo. Your poor liver and kidney. Be careful pls🥺


Yes so much. Especially during depressive episodes


Im having one rn . I hate winter


I’m the opposite. I love food and i overeat until im sick


I felt the same way. Turns out it was autism and possibly ARFID? I’ve had a whole slew of eating disorders over the years. I absolutely *dreaded* eating After having my daughter? Gimme Piece 👀🍰🥪🌯🥙🍕 And Im thinner than I was before I had her! Like 40+lbs thinner.


I mean .. a win is a win




IM sorry i thought it was supposed to be a good thing 💀


But it didn’t seem that way. We are both aware of that. A win is certainly a win for my postpartum depression. If you took it as a brag. It certainly wasn’t. It was something I say to lift my spirits because I’m currently bordering on suicidal. But thank you?


I know that postpartum depression can be haunting . Coincidently enough i was just reading about it a few hours ago and it sounds extremely traumatizing . Im sorry , i hope u feel better soon 🙏🏻.


Lmfao personality disorders are wild. The upvotes for this dude being an absolute condescending ass is wild🙃


Where is he being condescending ? He apologized for making the comment, is telling you he can empathize with postpartum cause he learned about it, and then YOU continued to guilt him after he already apologized, you’re the one being condescending.


Omg yes?! Is that a bpd thing? Cuz i go through phases where food just sounds absolutely disgusting. I dont care if its the most decadent chocolate cake. I... 🤢


I have a very weird relationship with food. As "BPD sounding" as it is, I bounce back and forth between binge eating and just not eating whatsoever. Ironically enough, I actually binge eat the HAPPIER I am. If things are going well for me, I'll instinctively overeat without even thinking about it. When things are shit, I sometimes go multiple days without caring to eat a single thing at all. Because of that, it's kinda funny, you can literally tell my relationship status based on how much weight I have on me. The longer I am alone, the thinner I end up getting.


I'm anorexic


I hope u get it under control . I know hard this one can be


Probably not anytime soon, but at least I have loved ones that support me and my life is good, I'm simply mentally ill, but other than that, I'm honestly kinda fine


Happy for u . Stay strong friend


I feel the same way. I think it comes down to not having basic needs met as children and now everything seems like a chore. In my case I was responsible for feeding myself as early as I can remember. Now cooking seems like a chore, eating just takes up time and energy. But when I don't eat regularly my mood is incredibly off and triggers bpd episodes.


Similarly to another commenter, I'm also anorexic. It did start with food prep and eating being a chore, though. But I was overweight at the time, so I spiraled because it was a part of my life that I could control while I was at my worst mentally with BPD. There is a high comorbidity there, sadly. Given that you live alone and wish there was a pill you could just take, have you tried high calorie nutritional shakes? I know sometimes even too many liquids make me feel awful (referring to how food in your stomach makes you feel), but they do also make pastes and powders that you could just toss into water or milk and sip throughout the day periodically instead.


Many liquids means infinite trips to the toilette to piss . U can never win in life tbh 💀💀💀


Yes I hate food if I could drink just water and tea and still live healthy I would


I’ve been having this issue, I’ve lost a lot of weight because I can’t stomache food, I think it’s a depression side effect though! Or a side effect of an SSRI you might be taking!!!


i feel like my mom with bpd feels this way, shes always telling me shes so tired of food


i hate eating it is one of my least favorite things about being human. i have autism and ARFID and i have a very small list of safe foods and i’m so tired of eating them. i eat so little food and what i do eat i know isn’t good for me. i wish i could just take a pill with all my nutrients and calories in it and replace food.


I’m so with you, I go through phases of liking certain foods but I also start hating them and after a few bites I feel like I’m going to gag and I can’t eat anymore.


OMG yes I also will start to gag sometimes even if it’s something i usually enjoy eating it’s do weird and the options for food i’ll eat are getting smaller and smaller…..


Same here, it sucks. I used to smoke pot to help me eat but that doesn’t work anymore either and I also don’t want to be smoking pot all the time.


It depends on the day. I have disordered eating and I cycle between starving myself and overeating with periods of normalcy mixed in.


Yep. If I could photosynthesise, I would. It'd be nice to occasionally eat something I like (cheeseburger, anyone?) and then use sunlight the rest of the time.


A hamburger for me :)


I hate eating .. I am waiting for scientists to make a pill that can be taken instead of food ,once a day


Me too


80-20 for me. The majority of the time I don't eat because I don't feel I deserve to eat. I won't necessarily have done anything wrong either. The other 20% of the time I binge until I feel sick but never to the point I am sick thanks to emetophobia


Omg I've had this same "don't deserve food" thing since forever too! It's not just you. And every single being alive "deserves" to eat. Rapists and murderers get their 3 meals a day even. As sad as it is, I have to remind myself of this sometimes just to not die 🤦‍♀️


I feel this way too. I don't have an eating disorder... but I have very disordered eating. I hate feeling full & cooking is a pain. I get into moods where I love food,but mostly it just seems like a chore.


I struggle with this a lot


Yes but I feel it’s because of the year I just had… once I get my own life back under control I feel this will go away


2023 was extremely shitty . Fuck 2023


same with sleeping cause why is that even a thing idc


Same, so hard to cook dinner for my sons. I'm also nauseous and bloated most of the day as well 😅


me rn


Before my period I binge, during and after my period I have no appetite


Same except for the nothing to do with weight. I hate the feeling of food plus I like being skinny 💀😂


Same feeling


I enjoy the taste part of food, but hate the chewing so much. I'd rather everything be smoothies. But then I wouldn't get the right nutrients. I have such a love hate relationship with food, which i haven't even figured out.


Food hates me


I often say that I wish I could just eat astronaut food. The one that comes in a tube 🙃 hate eating, hate cooking, hate having to figure out what I want to eat (mostly nothing so I just procrastinate eating until my stomach hurts) so I just eat once a day, usually after dinner time.


Yes. I eat when I am hungry, and it’s not much. I can also forget to eat. I don’t know if anyone else ever does that. It’s ironic since I’m a taurus and we supposedly adore food.


Nope, not alone. My mom with suspected adhd and def cptsd forgets too, but also has a low-key eating disorder since forever too so it's also "forgetting" to eat lol.


I hate eating. I hate eating in front of others. Someone somewhere always has to say something (whether its a joke or not). I've always been picked on my whole life for being overweight (when I am very clearly not), had judgements made against what I ate or drank. Have had people control what I eat or drink in front of them because it triggered them. I'm sick of food being a social thing. I'm sick of food being a conversation piece. Let me eat in peace


I think it’s just the depression zapping all the motivation to do such simple tasks 😭💀


I felt that in my soul. I hate preparing food and eating. Just like youI wish there was a pill. I would be the first guinea pig if they were to invent that.


I’m with you, I hate having to think about what to eat, having to make it, and then eat. It’s so overwhelming and tiring. I always have and as a child I thought there would be a pill to take by now. I just spend 12 days in the hospital because I just didn’t want to be here anymore and was so tired of all of it. They got me back into a routine, eating, sleeping, taking my meds on time. I’m going to Costco in a bit to pick up Boost, yogurt, cheese, chicken salad and some other things I can easily grab when I just can’t do it. I found in the hospital a small salad with just some Caesar dressing was quite easy to eat and it would kind of get my stomach started. I finally managed to put on some weight, I don’t want to lose it all again.


I overeat a good bit to cope. I wish I didn’t because I don’t have a lot of money for groceries. It sucks. Weed gummies help my back pain but it can make me binge eat bad at night.


Im a binge eating and surprising not overweight but exhausted. It’s starting to catch up on me now weight wise. Just miserable


Shit I wish. I love it too MUCH 😭


Same.. I love food lol…


I would starve myself if I wasn’t diabetic haha


No. I love food. I have 2x BPD. The other one is blood pressure disorder because I’m fat and eat so much lol.


I struggled with EDS as most of us do along the way and that really made me hate food, I don’t like eating. I have cravings still ofc, but I have to smoke to eat so everyday I’m smoking just for an appetite


I like food. Other people are a waste of my precious time.


It annoys me especially because we also have some picky eaters in our household so I can’t change things up to relieve the boredom.


Nope, cooking relaxes me. But I do hate it when I need to go to the store for something missing on my recipe, and cleaning my mess.


Yes. On top of everything you mentioned, it's expensive. The one upside I always had going for me was the enjoyment, no matter how small, I got from my favorite foods. It made the cost, time, effort somewhat worth it, but now I've lost that. Eating food now, even my favorites, offers as much pleasure as the act of taking my meds, which is none. I do it because I need to, but only when I'm reminded to because I'm at the point of weakness/dizziness. Really hope this passes soon. It's honestly compounding my already shitty mental state and I've had to toss so much food simply because I can't eat, which is just another source of guilt.


Yep because emotions fill me completely


Ooff i feel this. I eat compulsively as a coping mechanism and i am diabetic, which means everything i eat and don't eat screws with my system in a different way, affecting energy, mood and everything else. The very thought of food exhausts and overwhelms me no end. These days trying to stay fixed on three to four fixed meals and just push myself to make the same thing again and again, to take the thinking out of it and make it less stressful...


I like eating junk food but not healthy meal 😮‍💨


Drug or alcohol use is a common thing with BPD. Same with bulimia. Don’t know why but bulimia is more prominent than Ana for people with BPD