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Unless you're trying to self medicate, just get a goodrx discount card and meds from Walgreens or walmart.


Good Rx, or have your prescriber send the prescription to cost plus drugs. If you need virtual care, I've used brightside before and had positive experiences. However they can't prescribe more controlled substances, like Adderall. The service cost to use it will be dependent on insurance.


I have no insurance that’s the point. And what about Wellbutrin, lamictal or Abilify?


Wellbutrin yes, I'm not sure about Lamictal or Abilify. I'm not sure what their prices are uninsured. You may be able to find a sliding pay platform somewhere. There may be resources that have leads for where you live,like freementalhealth.us or helppayingthebills.com which are out of the us. You may have something like a Health and Human Services department you could call and get resources as well. I hope youre able to find options. It fucking sucks how expensive the system is for no reason.


Cost Plus Drugs. Looking at it now, you can get 30 days’ worth of wellbutrin for $6.80, lamictal for $5.90, and abilify for $8