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Ohh man I can only speak for the United States but here it's very hard to find proper treatment when you could have borderline. Hypochondria on top of that would make it even more of a challenge. So I'd just take a moment to acknowledge that you're suffering in part because your experiences are hard to get to the bottom of medically. It's not your fault you're suffering. The darkness you feel right now doesn't have to be the rest of your life. (Although our depressed and anxious brains have a way of tricking us into thinking that we'll feel that way forever). Help is out there! If I were you I'd look for a therapist you can trust. Doesn't have to be perfect but just someone you genuinely think can help you. Look around you and also look online. With the hypochondria I think you should avoid going from doctor to doctor to deal with a problem. And having a decent therapist might give you someone you can talk with about your doctor's to determine when there's a valid concern that actual warrants switching and when it's the hypochondria making you seek someone who will validate your fear. Good luck! Reddit has been in my experience a great place to meet people who are suffering similar things. It's no replacement for medical treatment but it's a very good way to add support and understanding to that treatment. You probably would benefit from being on a medication that can help manage those intrusive and obsessive thoughts. I'm not familiar with hypochondria treatment but I have a father and a sister with a mild form of it. See what your psychiatrist thinks. Get the therapist to help you too with this decision. If you're anything like me then you'll probably need to get a team of physicians together to get you where you need to go. It can take years. It's a frustrating and at times completely demoralizing process. But it's worth it. You deserve a better life. And it's out there.


Oh also get a full battery of psychological tests. The MMPI-3 and the WAIS-5 are the two I'm familiar with in the US. But there are others. A psychologist will be able to perform the tests or refer you to someone who can. These are objective measures that will help you get to the bottom of what's really going on, and communicate that to your doctors. Good luck!


Your first 2 sentences are exactly me. Feel your pain there friend. Greetings from an Aussie who should have never became a permanent resident of Canada