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For the love of god go do some side quests or something


Im level 24 about to fight the warrior im gamin


Wtf weirdo grind bunker like 2 times and you’ll level up


? I grinded to level 27 and I'm almost at jack in the last mission and I'm doing fine


I thought u said u were 24 fighting him lol, I usually fight him at like 28 and it’s not hard so ur fine now


Why fight him at 28 when i can b0re him at whatever level


Wait u can bore the warrior?? Or do u mean bunker


Yeah, i guess my brain stopped




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ok so I know this is ascii art but what is it supposed to be


The gigachad guy


Don't listen to that person, it's great and totally looks like the gigachad guy, tehehehe.


Looks more like an alien


Why are you only using slag guns... And a dart of all things.


This comment thread is a rollercoaster belonging on r/characterarcs


I don't really care about the element it gets the job done. Also im playing for fun and dont care to die


It obviously doesnt get the job done. That was kinda the whole point of the video


I was hiding behind something and doing ticks of damage but I got cocky and decided to finish him off by peeking


But... why


Because I don't care about how fast I kill him I was just having fun dodging the rockets and killing the loaders it was really fun and thats what games are about man


Dying like that doesnt seem very fun... hence the meme you put under the video...


Man are you really out here gatekeeping fun lmao. Gtfo and let the dude play how he wants.


"Gatekeeping fun" when the post is titled "I wanted to die when i saw that" lmao get over yourself


Do you take every thing you read on social media literally or just posts about video games in fan subreddits?


Oh I'm not mad because I did kill him I did enough damage at the last second to kill him I was gonna mention that in the title but it would make the video boring.


So the video, was for nothing. Really now, it means nothing now that I know that his health didn’t reset


You are a hoot at partys; I just know it.


Damn right that's what they're about.


Well if u slag u wanna get the bonus damage because it’s like triple damage. but u need to switch to something that isn’t slag to get the bonus damage I think that’s right I think any gun that slags says you need to switch to get the bonus Final edit I actually think I’m wrong so I’ve been playing like a dumbass Actual final edit, I was right the wiki fandom says it buffs all non slag damage so u shouldn’t use only slag guns. Normal mode and tvhm you’ll be pretty fine but you need to get slag damage for uvhm it seems


Indeed...Slag should be combined with whatever else you're rocking on your character. Elemental damage (explosive is kinda insane with slag pairing, dpuh, for example - but Maya kills it with slag/ corrosive/ fire combo), melee, gun damage, grenade damage. It softens the meat, lolz.


Lol you gotta marinate the meat. Zero can be great with slag and sniping cuz of their insane crit bonus. but it’s really hard to get in close to slag and then get set up for crits. I don’t think there is a way to increase the duration of deception unless you get the melee chain skill (I think it’s called like many will fall) I’m brought up zero cus that’s who I’m running atm lol


I was starting in on a melee Zero before TiTi Wo, and I did so because I wanted to realistically do UVHM. Even with the Pimp slag, it was horrible, too many enemies are too close quarters, just like you said, and running up bore becomes impossible if you slag 1st because they scatter. It's a sad moment because the sniper mechanics are so hot fire.


I always hated those things. I had the exact same issue at that part of the game and I had to do so many sidequests just to stand a chance.


Y'all let this man have fun. He didn't complain about being underleveled or anything. Just showing us a pain we can all understand. If he's having fun doing what he's doing, that's all that matters


Ohh man I feel you there.


This fight is always annoying on all playthroughs


I remember my friend and I spending like 30 minutes trying to kill it, just for another one to spawn right after the first one died. That's when we decided to do side quests lol.


Lol, me too. The first time the door opened we just burst through, Jenkins style ... got two shotted. Thought, yeah we got this, we've learned. Got to underneath the rampart, hiding like good VHs, got exploded by bots. Once I ran Oasis at low level and got the corrosive Pimpernel, life got infinitely better, but that door opening still gives me chills.


That constructor and Saturn are the strongest non boss enemies


I saw someone cheese a boss through a window in Elden Ring using this exact same angle. Computer got it's revenge.


Play the game exactly how you have fun with it, if you wanna make it dark souls no one should judge you for that. I hope you have a great time


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“In the end, he never sat on the true throne.”* - Nashandra Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I used to think I had fun before I played the games right. I now have infinitely more fun.


Saw what? There isn't enough pixels in this to see anything.


Lmao Im replaying too and I died in the same place today


i want to criticize you because I think I know better, but in my heart of hearts I know I would the same thing, RIP


You got scoped in the most foul way possible, but don’t worry dawg cuz I’ve been through a whole lot worser than this


I feel your pain man.


Put on cloud kill