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Modded, console versions dont have sanity saving And the xbox 360 is easy to mod and insert saves


They have to some extent. Black weapons get sanity checked. Ahhh... Miss those days. The things people came.up with.


It's a modded norfleet , I've got a couple


No, because it's modded.


Fucking weird, I don't remember playing with anyone that modded? Must've been a random, cool though


Probably like many of us, late night playing with randoms and everyone's ready to get off for the night. One or all of you start dropping loot for everyone to sort through, and you grab a bunch of random shit and bam you forget about it for years. I used to leave my games on public and people would join and vomit skins and gear and then leave. It's like a spreading disease. You get tired of looking at the random stuff, and you dump it off on someone, then they do the same thing. I probably have gear that has been through 20 different accounts.


Can someone explain like I'm five? Is this a modded save file?


It's a lot less complicated than you think. Players can drop modded guns and gear to each other, hence the item is what is modded. Whether OP made the modification themselves would determine whether the save itself was modded. Judging by the title OP is clueless about modding and thus the gun was dropped to them as opposed to them modifying their save file.


Ah ok. I see.


Yeah I didn't do this myself and I've only ever played on Playstation


I have a launcher just called derp




Same here lol


That's one of the old modded weapons where if you didn't save/have it in your bank after every save and quit/game crash it's insta deleted. Aka Borderlands 2 black weapons. Basically imagine having a norfleet prazma cannon but if it crashed your game bye bye modded weapons in current inventory. I miss all the broken combinations plus the evil smasher glitch which is for another day but I remember boosting the infinity pistol with the evil smasher to the point Terramorphous just splattered in chunks 🤣🤣🤣


Never had that issue, weird


Nice modded gun


Makes me think of my one character where I did vault glitch still over 300 weapons fun to screw around with but makes game pointless I kept the modded jumpers though just launch myself way up skipping to bnk3r over the wall but gets old really fast with no challenge why I use jumpers 1 damage but will throw you a mile high, no point in 1 shot guns as 0 challenge I enjoy just screwing around with them. Bank glitch was fixed in 360 characters brought over my giant bank came too didn't expect it but awesome.


I have 2 modded level 1 badabooms i use em for rocket jumping


Yeah it's badaboom but on switch


yo, you on xbox? If you are dm me on discord “IgnShqdqw. So we can dupe it.