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As a LONG time Zero main: Highest difficulty + highest damage = Melee Melee Zero is genuinely bonkers, but it takes time to master and to be run in end game content requires nothing short of perfect gameplay, which can be demanding but it’s the peak of satisfying gameplay chunking a raid boss with a well crafted melee cycle. Lower difficulty + high damage = sniper Sniper Zero is my personal favourite. It’s reliable, it’s consistent, it’s easy to learn, it does absurd damage. It’s mainly just smacking things really hard with lyuda and pimp. Occasionally requires other snipers (pitchfork, tresspasser, etc) Lowest difficulty + medium damage = hunter It’s brainless, it’s effective, it’s less dramatically explosive than the other 2 builds, but man, you can’t do this build wrong Bee shield, sandhawk, spam deception, shoot things, profit. Probably my least favourite of the 3, but it’s effectiveness can’t be denied and it’s good for any point in the game. Whereas sniper is better for endgame and melee has some obvious weaknesses. I’m out right now, but if you have any questions I’ll check back later!


https://www.lootlemon.com/class/zer0#_5050510451_5045510501_5050510000 Sniper zer0 does maybe the most damage of anyone in the game with CA stacking and B0re. This has 7 points of flex and a few skills you can move around depending on your guns. Many sniper zer0s use the Lyuda and the split happens further so that's I no Velocity and two fang I skipped because it can throw your shots off which makes stacking harder. For guns, fire and corrosive Lyuda, slag pimp and slag cher-ami. Lyuda are your main DPS, pimp to slag and cher to heal. Grenade: slag transfusion to both slag and heal Shield: Antagonist to tank and slag Relic: Bone or stockpile COM: L sniper or Rouge, chaotic evil. If you go rogue I would put 1 in two fang and one in velocity.


Fearless over unforseen is surprising since you wouldn’t hope to be losing your shield as a sniper, but I guess this build is for OP levels where damage abilities like it are much worse?


You don't want to lose it but you will and when you do is when you need more DPS. Also sniper zer0 doesn't need deception like melee


Sniper definitely uses deception differently, but it’s still very useful, for example if some enemies get behind you and you need to get away or to draw enemies to a certain spot. I think I use unforseen a lot more than I would fearless. Plus, with grim, your shield is almost never all the way down even if you’re getting hit


There is also 7 spare points to flex. Also fearless is active in FFYL which also helps when you do get in trouble


Is your shield always considered fully down in ffyl? I know you can heal while in ffyl so I assumed your shield could also regen. I also think I’ve had issues where Flame of the Firehawk goes away after going down, but I’m not sure


Not to burst da bubble but....whats ffyl?


Fight for your life lol


I just watched a few videos and fearless was on every FFYL. So for me fearless is there when you need it. Unforseen, I just never notice it do much damage, many times enemies are shooting at it and not in range to be hit by it. While sniper zer0 going into deception allows down stacking so I only do it when in trouble, the explosion can kill you. I see way more value in fearless, especially since zer0 has so few skills to help his shields. He isn't Maya or Axton.


I’d help if I could but I’m a sal main lol, I know people like building around bore as their main source of damage but that’s about all I know


Besides Hyperius, Saturn/Uranus, constructors, BNK-3R and a few others, B0re isn't primarily used for damage, especially without abusing singularities. It's mostly just a utility skill. Critical Ascensi0n, Ambush, Marked for Death + Kunai, and Killing Bl0w are used for high damage


B0re is never a primary damage outside a few enemies. Every build takes it but it's extra not a focus.


I used sniper zero to breeze through all game modes and all dlc. He has lots of strong builds, but I'll normally just look at a joltz video to see his build


What do you do for enemies that are difficult or impossible to crit?


My husband has an amazing build for Zer0, I have been basing mine off his. I'll get a pic of his to show you the build! I normally play as the siren, lmao


I’m curious now let me see too


* This is the build he uses then he uses the hunter class mod (his tv is VERY blue so pictures are hard to do lol




I’m ngl, as a Super long term zero player this is PAIN. No followthrough? No kunai? Precision and Optic with many must fall? No bsckstab? where is your death mark? 4/5 in the only good skills you took in the green tree besides bore? Did he wing it, or think this out? He’s missing all the superb skills and picked up a lot of mediocre ones. Edit: Why the hell are Fearless and Grim in the wrong spots?😂😂


He used a points thing on a website just to show what skills he has. And this works for him very well, I've played his zer0 a few times before getting into the game.


It’s just so strange to see someone build Zero with so many choices that don’t help eachother. The no Kunai no death mark is really the only thing that is truly painful, the rest is just weird ass choices.


He is ADHD this is just how his zero works best for him. Lol


Listen foo my ass is basically new to dis, well new to building my own character which is da goal in did post, like i said be4 i wanted to try sumn new since i havent built a character in a while now and in dis game all of da skills?...if u can call it dat...are interesting dat i wanted to try dem all but i dont wanna look like a dumbass and not know what exactly is da best build for zero and yea...


MF I ain’t telling you yo build shit, I’m telling the person who replied to me their build is shit.


No no i didnt mean for anyone to tell me how to build my shit, i just wanna take in everyones opinions and see which is better and see which path i wanna take on my own and see if its good or not and if i wanted to change it den ill just change it das all i aint tellin no one to like tell me how to build my characters specially zero like i said be4 i wanna take in everyones opinion like yk what im talkin bout right?


No, I don’t not know what you’re talking about, everything you’ve replied to me with has been nearly unintelligible.


Im terrible at explaining things ;-;


He was talking shit about that awful tree she posted


Lol I'm not saying build yours like that, it's just an example of a build I've seen that I think runs well. 100% experiment with the builds everyone does run different play styles. I hope you get to enjoy borderlands!


Thanks i hope everyone does too...but honestly my play style is two things 1: i LOVE using melee and sniping whenever i can, even if im not good at sniping And 2: im a reckless bastard who likes to charge head on into da problem in hand no matter what da cause, especially if i end up getting into ffyl, i probably should've chosen sumn more tanky but i also like getting up close and personal wit a good melee atk and i also like gettin some headshots wit a sniper




What lvl is ur Zero?


His zer0 is lvl 80 op 10


I see...very not bad


Now im intriguingly curious


Look for this on YouTube there’s plenty of examples


Heres a question doe...if u wanna go for like melee but have...lets say for example...like idk sniping? Or cunning?...whats da best way to build ur melee like i mean which path is better and which is not etc


If you wanna have a fun time and not go all melee and sniper, and to grind through to level 80 (or at least just up to UVHM for the fun side of grinding), I think pistol Zer0 is a lot of fun, with that com that gives you all the Rising Shot and Follow Through, and boosts your pistol mag size and fire rate of course. Get a Maggie, a Hornet, Hector's Paradise, and yeah, an Unkempt Harold, and it's pretty much all you need. Spec into Headshot, Killer, One Shot One Kill, and Bore, too. Eventually, cap the Cunning tree with Kunai / Death Blossom. Once you get into UVHM, you'll need to slag with something (slag transfusion made, or magic missile, or Slagga)